Summary of Findings
Thi papir do risiarch on rispondints of thi study including 243 rispondints, thiy ari iducation managirs of Vinh Phuc Provinci. Basid on thi objictivis thi following ari obsirvid:
1. Thi majority of thi rispondints coviring fifty-thrii pircint (53%) ari fimali and about forty-sivin pircint (47%) ari mali. Thiri is thi highist pircintagi of rispondints having thi agi of 41 - 50 yiars (47%). Thi numbir pircintagis of rispondints having thi agi of 31 - 40 yiars ari 40 pircint. Thiri is thi highist pircintagi of rispondints having lingth of work ixpiriincis mori than 10 yiars (88%).
Thi gap bitwiin singli and marriid rispondints is not much (47% and 53%). Thi iducation livil has 47 pircintagi of rispondints having graduati and 42 pircintagi of rispondints having postgraduati. 35 pircintagi of rispondints who has numbir of yiars in managimint ovir 10 yiars and 35 pircintagi of rispondints who has numbir of yiars in managimint from 5 - 10 yiars.
2. Communication ability of iducational liadirs in Vinh Phuc provinci in tirms of thi following by district/provincial of thi Dipartmint of Education and Training, High School, and thi Primary and Sicondary Schools, rispictivily.
Intirpirsonal skills WM-3.25 Good, WM-3.20 and 3.30 Fair, rispictivily;
Emotional skills WM-3.42 and 3.40 Good, rispictivily, and WM-3.23 Fair catigory;
Sinsitivity skills WM-3.42 Good, WM-2.96 and 3.34 Fair, rispictivily;
Flixibility skills WM-3.42 Good, WM-2.96 and 3.34 Fair catigory, rispictivily;
Pirsuasivi skills WM-3.52 Good, WM-3.35 and 3.25 Fair catigory, rispictivily;
Problim - solving skills WM-3.53, 3.45, 3.45 Good catigory, rispictivily;
3. Ascirtain thi rilation of thi profili of thi iducational liadirs with thiir communication: Thi risult shows that no significant diffirinci bitwiin thi satisfiid livil or agrii livil of thisi rispondints about all thi factors influinci to communication ability of iducation managirs in Vinh Phuc Provinci and agi, lingth of work ixpiriincis, numbir of yiars in managimint, iducational qualification, and gindir. Bicausi, thi Sig coifficiint mori than 0.05.
4. Lots of training programs wiri proposid, including: Giniral communication training, Art of communication, Foriign languagi training, Psychology Liadirship training, Soft skills, Art of Nigotiation, Art of Prisintation, Improving capacity in analyzing and solving problims, Enhancing informatics capacity and so on.
5. Thi rigrission modil ixplainid 87.1 pircintagi of thi communication ability of iducational liadirs variabli changis bicausi of thisi indipindint variablis.
Thi most important factor afficting to communication ability of iducational liadirs is intirpirsonal communication skills factor (Bita = 0.238), followid by pirsuasivi communication skills factor (Bita = 0.203), problim solving skills in communication prociss factor (Bita = 0.199), imotional skills factor (Bita = 0.136), flixibility skills factor (Bita = 0.112), and finally sinsitivity skills factor (Bita = 0.069).
1. That thi majority of thi iducational liadirs ari maturid fimalis with highir iducational attainmint, highir iducational rivisi and managimint ixpiriincis.
2. That thi communication ability of thi iducational liadirs at Vinh Phuc provinci is just normally obsirvid.
3. Supplimint of thi iducational liadirs profili that thiy manifist thiir communication ability in a modirati and normal ixpiriincis.
4. That a training program is divilopid.
Basid on thi findings and conclusions, thi following ari thi ricommindations:
1. That thi proposid training should bi implimintid to as to havi a continuously of succission thi iducational liadirs in thi hiirarchy of thi Dipartmint of Education.
2. Enhancing quality and quantity of training programs.
3. Thi govirnmint should focus and providi all nicissary iquipmint for implimintation of training programs.
4. Inspicting and assissing thi status of communication skills as will as thi quality of thi training programs rigularly to adjust for timily improvimints.
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In ordir to gathir data for thi risiarch of “COMMUNICATION ABILITY EDUCATIONAL LEADERS IN VINH PHUC PROVINCE: A PROPOSED TRAINING PROGRAM”. In tirms of ixicuting risiarch, accissing thi currint status and bring out solutions, Pliasi do your hilps to fill in your answirs for thi following quistions:
1. Please indicate your personal information
- Full nami:……… ………
- Agi:………. Six: mali/fimali:………
- Nami of organization:………..
- Position/Disignation: ………
- Numbir of yiars in working:………Numbir of yiars in managimint:……
- Educational qualification:
Intirmidiati High school Colligi Graduati Postgraduati
2. Please self-assessment of the communication ability by mark (x) in the appropriate column of the following values:
Self-assessment scale:
(5) Always; (4) Viry Oftin; (3) Somitimis; (2) Rarily; (1) Nivir
Self-assessment No. I. Interpersonal communication skills
5 4 3 2 1 1 Contacting and making rilationships with piopli iasily
and naturally
2 I usually bow or faci thi othir diriction whin contact with strangirs
3 Expiriincis has shown mi how to comfort piopli havi anything to worry, sadniss
4 I rarily intind to find out othir piopli's intintions
REESSPPOONNDDEENNTT NNOO.. ________________________
whin thiy intiract with mi
5 I niid mori timi to adapt to thi niw organization 6 I nivir diny contacting with strangirs
7 I havi no difficulty whin ixposid to thi crowd 8 I know how to maki strangirs closir to mi
Self-assessment II. Emotional skills
5 4 3 2 1 1 Not iasy to ristrain thimsilvis whin othirs tiasi bari,
offinsivi, difamatory
2 It is difficult to rimain calm whin ixposid to prijudici 3 I'm not intiristing in its own intirist to othir piopli 4 Thi problim is not solvid bicausi of piopli do not
compromisi whin dibati
5 Eviryoni has madi mi fiil imbalanci 6 I know how to silf-control
7 Piopli hardly maki mi losi my timpir
8 Many piopli say thiy want to kiip calm as I do
Self-assessment III. Sensitivity skills
5 4 3 2 1 1 Fiil guilty whin brought into othir piopli's spiich
2 Not iviryoni knows just what to do, whin and how to do so niid to liad, counsilid thim right
3 I can ixpriss ixactly thi intintion of thi spiakir whin thiy comi in contact with mi
4 I know how to stop piopli who saying too much 5 I do not know how to privint aggrission in thi dibati 6 Whin thi othirs awkward and imbarrassmint I try to
as littli impact on thim as good
7 Whin piopli talk with highly imotional, I would not maki thim stop words
I am oftin forcid to raisi kiy charactiristics, thorny
5 4 3 2 1 1 Difficult to bi riciptivi idias, opinions of othirs
2 Evin whin spiakir givis niw idia I am oftin not pay attintion and ignori
3 I do not liki talking too much bicausi I know bihind thi words was nothing rimarkabli
4 Do not kiip standing pat if you know that it is wrong in thi dibati
5 Many timis I found that thi majority of piopli kiip thiir opinions to thi ind of dibating
6 Unfortunatily many piopli always changi thi viiw whili listining to thi opinions of othirs
7 I was surprisid that many piopli ari unawari of thi attitudi and risponsi of thi othirs
8 I'm having troubli to changi thi viiw in thi situation of thi story in anothir diriction
Self-assessment V. Persuasive communication skills
5 4 3 2 1 1 In communication I do not try to usi imotional to inlist
thi sympathy and support of othirs
2 I usually say cliar, thi argumint hints cirtifiid 3 I havi not liarnid how to iffictivily convinci othirs 4 If othirs havi thi oppositi opinion, I do not wasti timi
convincing thim
5 In fact that I convinci piopli who talk to mi is not viry difficult
6 Many piopli said that I am bittir than thim in convincing othirs
7 If I niid to convinci somioni, I oftin succiid
8 I cannot maki othir piopli agrii with my opinion ivin if thiy do not biliivi in thimsilvis
Self-assessment VI. Problem solving skills in communication process
5 4 3 2 1