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Boost writing 2 student s book

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Sports Leisureand Writing cards Write your ownfor special invitation and Proteet our Planet Sclence Natureand Writing a topic or issueabout Plan anessay aboutprotecting ourplanet.. Revie

Trang 2

and Associat€d Companies throughout the world.

O Pearson Education Asla Limited 2007

All rights res€rved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a relrieval system, or transmitted in any form

or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the p or lwitlen permission of the Publishers.

Firsr p ublished 2007

Reprinted 2007 (thr€e times)

Produced byPearson Education Asla Limited, Hong Kong


ISBN-13: 978-962-00-5882-0

ISBN - l0: 962-00-5882-8

Publisher: Simon Campbell

Project Editor: Howard Cheung

Editor: ceorge Wells

Designersr lunko Funal.j, Annie Chan

Illustrator Balic Choy

Audio Production: David Pope and Sky Productions

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I would like to dedicate the Boost! writing books to h,ro very close colleagues: Dean Stafford and Yannick O'Neill We have sharcd many experiences and ideas about teaching wdting skills over the years, but your specialist knowledge and enthusiasm for this aspect of leaning and communication have always been an inspiration to me Thanks mightilyl Iason R€nshaw

The Publishers would also like to thankthe following teachers fortheir suggestions and comments on dris course:

Tara Cameron, Rosanne Cerello, NancyChan, Chang Li Ping, Ioy Chao, Iessie Chen,Iosephine Chen, ChiangYing-hsueh, Claire Cho, Cindy Chuang, Linda Chuang, chueh Shiu-wen, Mark de Boer, Mieko Hayashrda, Diana Ho, Ldu Hsu,

Eunice Iung, Hye Ri Krm, Jake Kmball, Iosie Lai, Ca rol Lee, Elaine Lee, Melody t,ee, Peggy Li, Esther Lim,

Moon leongLim, Jasmjn Lin, Martin Lin, Catheflne Littlehale Oki, Linda Liu, Tammy Liu, Goldie Luk, Ma Li-ling,

Chizuko Matsushita, Geordie Mccarry Yasuyo Mito, Eunice lzumi Miyashita, Mari Na-kamura, Yannick O'Neill,

Coco Pan, Hannah Park, Kar€n Peng, Zanne Schultz, Kaj Schwermea MiYeon Shin, Giant Shu, Dean Stafford, Hlunju Suh, TanYung hui, Devon Thagard,lohn and Charlie van Goch, Annie Wang, Wang Shuiing, Wu Lien cbun, SabrinaWu, Yeh Shihfen Tom Yeh Laura Yoshida and Yunii Yun

Trang 3


four-level series of skills books for iunior EFL leomers The series

topics thqt develop students' criticql thinking qnd exominqtion

techniques It follows an integroted skills opprooch with eoch of

the skills brought together qt the end of eqch unit

The twelve core units in Boost! Writing 2 follow o cleqr ond

fun The writing skills build ond progress ocross the four levels of

Boost! Writing qnd qre correloted to the next generqtion of tests

of English

You wi[ nnd the following in Boost! Writing 2:

levels to full-length passqges

o Activities thot provide on opportunity to creote q wide vo ety

of text tt?es (essoys, Ietters, emoils, etc,)


Trang 4

Unit Topic

Each unit has an age-appropriate andcross-curricular topic

Students will find the topic directly relates to theirown lives and study

be engaged and motivated to learn

Before You Write

Samples of good and bad writing are presented with

a noticing task

Students will

o learn to distinguish between good and bad writing

discover the writing skill for themselves

without the need for long explanations

Writing Skill

A very simple introduction of the targetedunit skill is provided

Students will be introduced to the writingskill in a clear and

understandable way

Audio GD

The CD at the back of the book provides audio support for all reading passages plus the audio for the Integration listening tasks.


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Trang 5

Writing Practice

Practice based around a writing model is followed

by more personalized writing practice

Students will

develop the skills needed for accurate and

effective writing through model-based practice

a be able to follow guidance to write their own



After every t!!o core units

there is a review which

consolidates the writing

skills already studied.

Siudents will


Students will produce writing passages based on readingand speaking/listening inputs

develop language skills needed for the nextgeneration of integrated tests of English.

Trang 6

Evaluation p 8

My \{eekenil

At the Circus

Culture andPeople


at the circus

p 1 3

p 1 9

Par$r time! Sports Leisureand

Writing cards Write your ownfor special invitation and

Proteet our Planet Sclence Natureand Writing a topic or issueabout

Plan anessay aboutprotecting ourplanet

Write your ownriddles

Culture andPeople

Writing bodyparagraphs

Writepara9rapnsdescribingse.asons in yourcrty

Review 3

Trang 7

Arounil the Worlil

An lnteresting Place

Geographyand History


, Write a travelwnt|no aooul

weoDaoe aDout D Jvexctflno ' otaces a crry you Know

Review 4

Writing anessay todescribe aplace

Writing factsand opinions

Writing aconclusion

Responding toonline anicles

Write an essay about


an Inrereslnq place.

p 47

Write facts andooinions aboutHarry Potter P 4Yactors, '

Write aboutyour opinion ofcomic books

p 5 3

p 5 7


0 ) 9

a D o u r a n o n n e article.

Write and edit

an essay about p.63dinosaurs

Arts andEntertainment

Science and Technology

Science andNature

Trang 9

i J

Why is MoDdy s emoil

Add words to lvlondy's

kitchen ls prefty and very kind Brother

was there' too

l s y o u n g e r t h a n a n c l l i k e s v i d e o g a m e s l s v e r y

n o l s V

F r i e n d d o e s n ' t l i k e H o u s e i s v e r y b i qN/la n dY

Trang 10

l J s i n g p r o n o u n s

Personal pronouns (he/him, she/hen l/me, you/you, they/them, we/us, it/ it) show who is

doing what [to who] Possessive pronouns lhis, her, my, your, ther", tu., /ts] show who somethingbelongs to

kites looked so pretty tlying in the skyl

fovo tefqther toldwqs trying to sleeplwent to the pqrk to fly kites

could qlmost notstoyed up o long time too!

( 1 0 ) ( 1 1 )

s e e ( 1 3 )But then (1s)couldn't 9et (17)

were so high up, (r2)

( 1 4 )

out ogoin becouse (r8)tqil wqs cought on q tree bronch A boy in the pqrk helped (19)

On Sundoy ofternoon 1zz;

weekend (2s) wcrs I

Trang 11

Write a sentence about each picture using the correct pronouns and the words

g iven.

9 0 l f d e n d / h o u s e' t q o t n , - ' o h e r ' t e t t l h o t ^ '

Trang 12

Listen and complete the paragraph.

hod q greot weekend (2)

(s) mqde some fqntostic opple pie for (6) (7)

( 1 )

grqndmo ond grondpq's house (4)

cooking is olwoys so delicious (8)

(e) tquqht (10)

went to (3)grqndmo is q greot cook

grondpo likes boqrd gomes

how to ploy chess {11)

let me beotclm not sure

By us ng pronouns, you can

talk about the same person, thing, place or idea without repeat ng tne same nouns eveTy I Tn,A

Trang 13

At the Cireus

What can you see at the circus? Discuss your answers.

opening sentence

Circus Fun

' - ,u^,^ ,o ^^n ^mazinq acts to see There ere acrobats

:ffi;' ;;;';; llv iokes and doine runnv trick:r

A Some ctowns are realtY clever' TheY can do amazing tricks'

B Going to the circus can be a realtY fur and interesttng exPerience

c Sonetimes there are fire breathers and ice skaters' too'


Answer the question and follow the instruction.

Why is the introduction (opening sentence) you chose the

best wqy to stort this possqge?

2 Circle the topic sentence ofeoch pqrqgroph

Trang 14

Writing an introduction

In essays there are three basic parts: the introductron, body and conclusion The introductionstarts the writing and tells us what the writing is about lt can be one long sentence or a shortparagraph

whot is your fqvorit€ circus qct qnd why?

The ocrobots flying thrcugh the airore fontqstic

My fovodte circus oct is the breothing performonce It's omqzing!

fire-I went to the circus for the filst timewhen I wqs very young

Going to the circus con bevery expensive!

There ore clowns mokingsilly jokes qnd doing funnytdcks

I think the circus is populqr

omozing octs ondpeformonces


Trang 15

Write a short introduction and two topic sentences,

Whqt is the most exciting thing to see ot o circus?

Topic sentence 1:

Trang 16

Read the passage and choose the best introduction.


First people hove o chonce to see onimqls Mqybe

they hqve never seen these qnimols before

Circuses oflen hqve big elephants, fierce tigers,

monkeys, horses, dogs, lions ond even snokes

Second, the qnimols ore reqlly tolented The

elephonts con use their trunks to do tricks The

dogs con jump through hoops or wqlk oround like

people The monkeys cqn be even funnier thqn

the clowns!

A Going to the circus con be qreolly qmozing expedencebecouse of the onimols there

The best things qbout 9oin9 tothe circus qre the clowns qndocrobots

I think going to the circus isexpensive



- do naL Lake qood care of animale

- lied up and canL move

A Going to the circus is o goodwoy to spend your birthdoySmqll qnimols should not betied up or mqde to do tdcks.Circuses qre bod for onimolsond we ore not helpingqnimqls when we go to thecircus

Use the introductions you chose to complete the statements

The writer (Activity F) soys thot going to the circus

Howevet the speoker (Activity G) soys thqt circuses ore

Trang 17

({i} writ" a sentence about each picture using the words given.

Trang 18

f9, Choose the best introduction.

How con you leqrn obout interesting onimqls?


Topic sentence 1:

First, I con go to o noture pqrk

Topic sentence 2:

Second, I con wotch documentories on television

Write an introduction and two topic sentences

Whqt ore two countries in the world thot interest you?


Togic sentence l:

A we ore toking o schooltdp to q fqmous nqturepork next month

There qrc speciol people

to take cqre of the0nimols

There qre mony kinds ofinteresting onimols, ond

we cqn leorn more oboutthem in different woys


Tooic sentence 2:

Trang 19

llll"oi:n,o:! ond lrn so to hove

o porty r'd lke you t" iiin*.j

Iimei 4r3O p |nPloce: l/1y house,2 Crjeswell Street

1 Which cord wos sent first?

2 Whlch cord thonks somebody fbr o present?

3 Clrcle the pronouns on each cord

Also, thdnk you for my presen+

I reolly liked ii.

It wos o fonioslic ,



1 9

Trang 20

Writing cards for special events

Invitatlons show important information like the date, time and place of a party Afterthe partypeople send thank-you cards to saythey enjoyed the event.

It s perfectl / I? like you to come: / 3 p.m - 6 p.m /

I hod o reolly fun time Thqnk you somuch for being there Also, thonk youfor my present (4)

(s) _

It wqs lots offun (6)

Your father did q I

, greot ,ob Did he prcpqre qll the bolloons ond streomers by himself?

Trang 21

write your own cards.

Write on invitotion cord to your birthdoy pofiy

2 Write q thqnk-you cord to o friend who cqme to your porty

Remember to use pronoun5 to show who

is doing whatand who something belongs to

Trang 22

Use the first card in Activity E to

notes about their parties.

Trang 23

Protect Our Planet

Look at the brainstorm diagram and read the plan'

Whot ore some of the woys we con protect our plonet?

\ 'irotectlng our Planet

: 3 ' s t o p

g r e e n h o u s e I ' ' - : 1 q a s e s


-invent new recycle and , clean Power use thlngs I

a g a l n

Llse less coal

a n d o i l

plonet in many woys

Body paragraph 1: Stop greenhousegoses

Topic sentence: First of qll, we coomoke less greenhouse goses

lnvent new CleOn powerBody paragraph 2: Sove animalsTopic sentence: Second, we consove the onimals on the plonet

Trang 24

Writing about a topic or issue

Brainstorming is very quick thinking and note taking A plan is an o.ganized outline of the exactthrngs we want to wfite about Brainstorming and planning can help us to write clearly about atoprc or rssue

Complete the plan

Whqt qre some of the woys people con leqrn more qbout our plqnet?

importont People con do this in mony wqys.First of oll, people can yisit q museum There is o lot of useful informqtion there peoplecon see pictures ond qsk questions

Second, people con go out into the countryside They con see noturc with their own eyes.They con see the lond ond the onimols

Trang 25

Brainstorm and plan an essay and write it on a separate piece of paper.

Trang 26

Listen and complete the brainstorm diagram Complete the plan on your own.

How cqn learning English help children leqrn more qbout other cultures?

many books in

E n g l i s h

learn about their country

Learn Enolish - Learn about other cultures

kids in othercountries


obout other cultures

Trang 27

Write an email to your friend and invite him/her to your party.

say thank you


Trang 28

Brainstorm and plan an essay and write it on a separate piece of paper.

\4r'hqt ore some of the woys students con improve their English obility?

Topic senten(e;

Trang 29

o,rnner plofe In l6e waler,

rr moves like q sndke wh-"

q l i e J lrne o vegetoble o r plonl.

{:an you guess

jrtt -i,, li )l

: t ) , - - l

i t ) ' : ' ) ) ' r ' /

cdn Find this thing in ihe countryside Ifusuolly very big If you dre on it, you consee very far dnd heor lhe sound oFbirds You con feel ire wird on yo.rrFace You con oFten smell +reesond flowers, bui nedr the lop youmoy feel very cold

Trang 30

Writing descriptive sentences

To describe things well, use sentences that show how things look, sound, smell, taste or feel.You can use these patterns:

' lthing] + looklsl/sound[s]/eellsl/smellls]/tasrelsl + ladjective)

' [thing] + looktsysoundls]/eel{s)/smelllsl/tasrelsl + like + {anotherrhingl

Complete the sentences using words or phrases from the box.

flowers qnd fresh roin / solty / little qnts / qn elephont / big boxes /

quite scory / wet green rope / warm ond pleqsont / tiny

The seoweed looks like (1)

qnd it smells qnd the qir smells like (6)

He sounds like (3)

ond he looks (4)

From obove, the buildings look like

qround like (9)

Trang 31

Write a riddle for each picture.

Wha1; is it? You can lind thie

S A T E !

3 l

Trang 32

Listen and complete the riddles Then guess the answers,

Whqt is it?

You con find it in (1)

like (2) ond it con be very (3)

Trang 33

!, ,a (,,"' ihq ll1:i [.ri.|ilir i:]rnr

:-ri-ilnrcr-rt The sky isgroy oll

r o i n u Iond he(]r thun(ler

crowaled' too

boPPY ot this lime



1 Cifclc lhc inlfodlr.tion of lhc essoy.

\,Vhich detoils in thc pcucrglophs volr chosc sLLpport

Trang 34

W r i t i n g b o d y p a r a g r a p h s

In essays there are three basic parbs:the introduction, bodv and

come in the middle of an essay and give us the main nformation,

paragraphs support the big idea in the intnoducbion

conclusion Body paragraphsdetails and examples Body

@ aroor" and add details to support the topic sentence of each body paragraph.

Circle two ideas that don't belong

Chicogo in spring ond foll

I live in Chicogo in the United Stqtes Spring qnd foll

qrc speciql seqsons in my city

Fi$t, my city hos o wonderful sp ng It rqins o lot,

but the roin feels frcsh qnd cleon

Second, my city is o greot plqce to be in the foll The

leqves on the trces tum yellow, red qnd brown

- It's a greot time to moke qsnowman

- The pqrks in the city qre verygreen

- They fqll to the ground ondlook like colddul pieces ofpoper

- The wind feels nice qnd coolofter the hot summer months

- My fother,s cor sounds veryloud

- Spring mokes people hoppy,

so t cqn heqr o lot of peoDleloughing

Trang 35

Write paragraphs describing your city in winter and summer.

Trang 36

Choose the best paragraph to match the topic sentence.

I Iive in Cqlgory in Conado Winter is o

greot time to be in Cqlgoryl

For q stqrt, the weqther is fontostic

buzzing ond feel o worm breeze

B lt's very hot ond you sweot oll thetime It's o greot time to go to the


C The oir smells fresh Everything lookswhite qnd cleon It's olso very quiet.The fqlling snow is very speciql

Listen and complete the paragraph.

I live in Colgqry in Conodo Winter is the (1) time to be in Colgory!First, the weqther mokes me feel very sqd The oir is so cold you can't even feel your

12) ! Everything looks (3)

It often gets very (4) so it is (s)night The sound ofthe wind con moke you feel (6)

Use the information above to complete the statements

The wdter (Activity F) soys thot winter is


Howevel the speoker (Activity G) soys thot winter is

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2016, 21:33

