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fun fun korean 2 student s book

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Contents 4q1 qal"J Preface gal+71 Introductory Remarks Erl| +C 12 SYt[abus Il 111 rlTIATJ| Setf-introduction fil 2tl +lnl Hobby 4l 311 'JlIl Weather r'fl 4tl 3zl )''17 | Shopping fil 511 'JEzl Rsxing for directions 9t+'=aJ Asking how one is r{l 7El qIf '+8 Appearance ' Clothes rll 611 Ill 8tl EE 16 34 52 70 88 105 124 Transportation 142 rll gtl 7l='?JE Feetings ' Emotions 160 rilozt q="J Travel 178 fi1at +=J Asking a favor 194 g=J Living in Korea frl2Il =gE rtl 3rl EII City 232 rill4r+ iE Treatment 250 {r54 E +6171 Looking for a house 214 268 E7l EllE Listening Transcript 286 CEf Answers 294 SlHTl 296 Glossary ^rl 1rl ltTH ^17 Self-introduction Goals You will be able to introduce yourself to someone you are meeting for the first time Topic Vocabulary Self-introduction Introducing yourself in formal and informal settings Listening : Listen to a conversation about personal information exchange, Listen to self-introduction Speaking : Have a conversation about personal information exchange, ntroduce oneself Reading : Understand an ad looking for a foreign friend Writing : Write an ad looking for a Korean friend Majors, Jobs Grammar -Lj19, Pronunciation Culture Voicing How to call a Korean by name Function Activity I -z oJtrl, -oll21olLlEl, -01171 slEl rllt zl TlT lAzl| Self-introduction '.itiq F-**&i; ' llri '-: q^l= 'J^follzl ++ g= 611 9l?lt le? What might a woman be talking to a man? "JU /.laJqlzl HE GIEE LHE€ "JdH9? qalEolefE oJ'-E71l 47l|6fr^1lGl9? ^l= you lalk to a person you meet for the first time? What are you going^lt!= What to talk about when you introduce yourself? 18 fil1rl^l7lt7\ f;r+ {* g4+qu} zJb zJfliolep g}q4 'F 'i€61^il.q zJ= fl4q19 El+otl^J *ol.e- =t+ olqqlrJ =rp{e}oil^1 *"1.9_ &- ?:el++ql*"l.qi :€ dql*"1.9- -: -tr]l ++q= tr'- :-={r,] -= =+ a = -.'=_"-*"*-* -*-\ i ^]EEJflfqq I How you do? I o;1galq nlanta *ol,qi =lF tLr , ,dr6rrrr;Gl!nElrtr ] i I A6l^lLlls HI ? r *"1"9_ * rq 4l qjz qBJ ++61= =o B6}1 9ld.e_ E 1, L€61^1.9_, dutlH olqe zllz| xlg{otl g+Efl qg4 \E?+ r:^l- E p ufi- = ,rilril?*lltltiE{ql l-r :r el9 z "J+^l HIA+q q z1= : qlB ald rJ zl? zl= q €r+eljr .Jq q : cL E: zl? qlqgql^l 4Ee J q q *+6lr ilzl.qi -=al:'ii, +iql ++q4 a+71qr dq^J ++qr+qg d*alr 9l+qq- = E: 4$"llr.JE ++q€ d*9{f,rJzlz J=al: olrJg, rl]4 wll d*e ++qzl olq4 olg4ololH6 ulrl *g= ? tgggqul I {B[ senior i ol+ rhis i ^lU"J before/tast rime trJ4EEel+ to t€tl Lf€oll tarer deparinrent oi Korean ianguage qLr r.o Decome EFqjlqq Kurtrnn lanquage educatiun -i.!60rLr io malor flJ in majoi' ol=alo|q ltalian (language) tseJsalr[ to ask a favor (of a person rvho is older) i:i,rli*{ri;S+.,"€-:tEi.},6ii{4!i;lf:r*St4li}.*i.i:: Self-introduction 19 oJBald.lzl 4= uil=.$ql^l g FoJole}l or1q1qla1^l *q4 tE dPH ++q€ *+6lr *+q4 4= 1E doil;l:rol 9f,'J4 4t g.e ++ q^lq A4g 6l+ a"Jq4 rql^i ^l+ ++q€ Etl+r 9l+q4 =o P6la e+El E +ts4qr€ €B*+qEl ffist r 414 rn d+e *tr-^l +alr|]Sl;il vt+vttts-rt-& Hanoi national universitY ""rslol ++"J91 E.aB t0 graduate =goltrt Aoldl tlusiness administration E dream How to calla Korean bv name qg/l +e= a q€21 €."l3-?++ol^l= qg4 +e=^l o|'$e?o149 rgg !-a 44"I^l= 4e ^l+9 ol+€ +€ ol *Exl 4ol!-^1,q a person by name in Korea? Look at €el€ your country? Do you know how to call How you call another person by name in way' appropriate the picture and find out the * @ oCoJ or 4$ So o5o;4 name.5o *,han thprr nall annthernerson bv name' anothel pelson by - .L^ r r name *- when they call tn Korea, people uss ,^l after the name or the full call laborers zJojd zrl' manual Some ul lil is ther right way to call him €"J 4l is more intimate expression than zJ al' but it is not recommendable' people by using rrl after the family name like r 9l9lE*4^l+9 "1+€+q !'^l'e-' Call a Korean that you know by his or her name' 20 1114 xPlfTl| eol E+6lz, ri+sl ?t^l= Ll?l H^lle tr

Ngày đăng: 10/07/2020, 09:13

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