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fun fun korean 1 student s book

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Eq;rLF +t{ ot $ato-{rr! 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a Self-introdLc{icn Goats (Topic, the overatllessongoatsandcontents described we havethoroughty Culture)in the unit Grammar,Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Activity, Function, with the tessongoatsand contents so thatthe studentscanget acquainted priorto the lesson '- - I n t r o du c t i o n W e h a v es u g g e s t ead p i c t u r er e t a t i n gt o t h e u n i t ' st o p i ci n c l u d i nagf e w q u e s t i o nbse t o wT h r o u g ht h e p i c t u r ea n dt h e q u e s t i o n tsh, e s t u d e n t as r e ableto thinkaboutthe unit'stopicbeforehand and therefore, are ab[eto prepare for theirstudies x Tdltelilodr'tor g=;{*.*tri"R-rrar+: D i a l o g u& e Story Thissectionwil,tbe usedas a speechsample,in whichthe studentswilt u t t i m a t e l ,uys e a f t e r t h e c o m p t e t i o n o f t h i s u n i t W e h a v es u g g e s t e d d i a t o g u easn d s t o r y T h es t u d e n t sc a n c o n f i r mt h e l e s s o ng o a t so f t h e corresponding unitwithfurtherdetailsthroughtheexampie NewVocabutary By expl.aining the newwordsor the meaningof the expressions thatappear nextto the exampte, we havemadeit easierfor the students to understand thecontentofthedial.ogue andstory S p e a k i nP g ractice grammar,etc.in In thissection,the studentspracticeand reviewvocabutary orderto performandachieve theskiLts taidoutin thetopicof thecorresponding questions unit.Thepractice are not in the form of ordinary drittsbutare in the formof speaking chances sothatthestudents canfamitiarize thevocabutary and grammaroratty ' ' i * :',.+ I n t h i s s e c t i o nw , e h a v ei n c l u d e di n d e p t ho f t h e u s a g eo f p a r t i c u t a r andits meaning expression in casefurtherexptanation is needed Vocabutary W h e na n e w w o r d a p p e a r sw , e e x p t a i nt h e m e a n i n go f t h e n e w w o r d s immediatety at the time in orderto makeit easierfor the students to study practice, ln addition nextto thevocabutary thatthevocabutary to we suggest studybe categorized according to the meanings of theword[e.g., vocabutary for food/occupation) ':::it::::::' :itti'::u: €r

Ngày đăng: 10/07/2020, 09:13

