... lпtrоdчсtiоп: rhe first-year student experlence З2 Education lпtrоdчсtiоп: International student prize Buildings апd cities Work 50 lntroduction: Describing buiIdings lпtrоdчсtiоп: student volunteers 5а ... lE! Bridge to Pre -intermediate- lntermediate Вапd 5.5 to 4.5 lE! Bridge to Pre -intermediate- lntermediate Band 5.5 to 4,5 stчdепtъ Book Louis Harrison susan Hutchison NAT|oNAL ... second week of uпit t Ноmе / N year? the academic Y/ N Аrе some students from other countries? Y / N Аrе the host students new Y/ N students? too! here аrе mапу reasons to study here! AustraШa is
Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2015, 11:37
... classrooms and research and heartily welcome international students What attracts international students to higher education in the U.S.? International students are attracted to the availability of a large ... top students only, are very rare for international students Financial assistance from foundations, organizations, and the U.S government is also rarely awarded to international undergraduate students ... availability of financial aid; size (number of students and student- faculty ratio); diversity on campus (including the number of international students); availability of special programs such
Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2013, 01:19
Tài liệu Let''''s go Starter Student''''s Book (3rd edition) part 2 docx
... consists of a Student Book, an interleaved Teacher's Book a Workbook and a Cassette Additional components include a book of reproducible Teacher-Made Picture Cards, Wall Charts an Audio CD Student ... Ouch! I hurt my (knee)! Expressmg pain Pain 24 Rr Let's go! (Up!) OK! SImple commands Direction 25 Ww I can (walk) Expressing ability SImple verbs 26 Yy I can (swim) Expressing ability Simple ... Picture Cards, Wall Charts an Audio CD Student Cards and full-sized Teacher's Cards The Student Book, Teacher's Book and Wall Charts are also available in picture editions
Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 11:20