The Beverage Market is one of the most developing industry. In addition, Nonalcoholic beverage industry is in the part of overheating. According to BMI report, the growth of revenue will reach 8.2% and the growth of sales will be 6.3% from 2014 to 2016. Furthermore, the demand of keeping people’s life healthy by using natural product in their daily meal increased quickly. This is the reason for the company to invent a new product, “Vita juice”, which will appear in the beginning of 2016 with the concept to make it easier for people to do something good for themselves. Vita companies is a new company in the beverage market. Vita is established with the mission to show that the firm care about peoples health and about the environment, help more people get more fruit into their diet. Mission statement A mission to help make it easier for people to do something good for themselves. We make the best nutritious, natural, delicious, and fresh drinks that lead to your better life. Business’s core competencies The company will bring the new flavor juice into canned drink with the new ingredient Acelora cherries, which has nutrition content higher than the other fruit cherries, especially the content of vitamin C higher more 30 times than orange.
Analysis report
Student name: VÕ HOÀNG THÁI BẢO
On- time submission Late submission
Individual assignment Group assignment
• Group members: DƯƠNG HOÀNG LAN ANH
I. Introduction………
II. SWOT Analysis………
III. Macro-Environment Analysis……….
IV. Segmentation Strategy………
V. Positioning Strategy………
VI. Marketing mix (4Ps)………
VII. Conclusion………
VIII. References………
Trang 4Executive summary :
Trang 5I. Introduction:
The Beverage Market is one of the most developing industry In addition, Non-alcoholicbeverage industry is in the part of overheating According to BMI report, the growth ofrevenue will reach 8.2% and the growth of sales will be 6.3% from 2014 to 2016
Furthermore, the demand of keeping people’s life healthy by using natural product intheir daily meal increased quickly This is the reason for the company to invent a newproduct, “Vita juice”, which will appear in the beginning of 2016 with the concept tomake it easier for people to do something good for themselves
Vita companies is a new company in the beverage market Vita is established with themission to show that the firm care about people's health and about the environment,help more people get more fruit into their diet
Mission statement
A mission to help make it easier for people to do something good for themselves Wemake the best nutritious, natural, delicious, and fresh drinks that lead to your better life
Business’s core competencies
The company will bring the new flavor juice into canned drink with the new ingredientAcelora cherries, which has nutrition content higher than the other fruit cherries,especially the content of vitamin C higher more 30 times than orange
One year goals
The company tries to achieve:
- Consolidate the distribution
- The brand name is recognized in the customer’s mind
- Built a strong relationship and create more value to get the customer’s loyalty
- Awareness increases 10%
- Revenue of new product will be reached 20 billion VND / year
- Its annual output reaches 1.893.940 products / year
II. SWOT Analysis:
Trang 6Strengths: Weakness:
- A strong finance resources =>
invest to develop the production
technology and marketing of the
- The ingredients will be selected
under Gap standard by Process
research and development
scientists => remain the best
- The firm has the most advanced
production line today
- Hard to achieve awareness and widen the coverage because a start-up company lack forces
- Hard to compete with the other product of the competitors
- Do not have a distribution channel
- The Beverage Market is developing
in recent years => potential market
for the company to enter
- The demand of using healthy
product is increasing nowadays =>
willing to pay and adapted new
- The people tend to spend more of
their income
- Population’s growth rapid => the
increase in market size
- We are new entrepreneur so it can
be difficult to compete with big competitors that hold big market share
- The pressure from wholesalers and retailers to agree distribute the product
- The customers do not have belief ofthe product
- The development of beverage market is increasing => more competitors in the future
- The changing in the weather, especially storm and flood => effected to the quality of the product
With the demand of using healthy product is increasing nowadays, the company decide
to bring a new product to solve this customer’s need Besides, the company will beensure against the treats of weather is changing, which affect the quality of the product.The company needs to exploit the strengths in order increase awareness in thecustomer’s mind The company will invest more in marketing and build distributionchannels
III. Macro-Environment Analysis:
Trang 7During 2015 Vietnam population is projected to increased by 986 363 people and reach
92 655 796 in the beginning of 2016
Source: United Nations Statistics Division
Vietnam population density is 276.8 people per square kilometer as of November 2015.The growth rate of population is increase to 1% from 2014 to 2015
Source: United Nations Statistics Division
In absolute figures (estimation):
• 23,096,114 young people under 15 years old ( 12,093,032 males / 11,003,082females)
Trang 8• 63,496,666 persons between 15 and 64 years old ( 31,689,206 males /31,808,377 females)
• 5,076,653 persons above 64 years old ( 1,945,225 males / 3,130,511 females)
Source: United Nations Statistics Division
According to GSO, Vietnam has more than 24 million households, including family sizesmall (2-4 people) are the most common (almost 65%), while very few households withmore than 7 people The number of single - parents families accounted for a smallproportion (8%) but have tended to increase since 2010
Trang 9As BMI’s forecast:
• The spending rate of F&B will keep rising from 2015 to 2018
• Concoction with no alcohol will be increased highest in the beverage market inVietnam from 2014
• The Vietnamese packed food would increase 24.2% of output and 48.7% ofsales
Although the effect of western’s culture like modern life style, the consumers still careabout the healthy, food safety and its origins So, they change from using freshingredient to packed food Therefore, a strongly investment in this industry increasesthe sales
Consumer Price Index CPI in Vietnam reported by the General Statistics Office ofVietnam showed that Vietnam CPI in July 2015 reached to 159.65, which is the highest
in the last 2 years Our target customers is the young adults from 20-40 years old
having stable incomes
Picture 3.2 CPI Vietnam in 9 months in 2015 - Source:
So the rise in CPI means the people tend to spend more of their income
Besides, Vietnam GDP is lower than other developed countries but still has a healthygrowth rate It makes Vietnam economy become a newly industrializing economy wheremiddle class demands for new types of goods and services are growing
According to, the average income of people in Ho Chi Minh city is 2.5 timeshigher than other regions of the country, about 5.131 USD It makes Ho Chi Minh citybecame a good market for our services as people having higher income are willing topay more on their special occasions.
Trang 10Picture 3.3 GDP Vietnam from 1980 to 2010 Source:
In 2014, the revenue of produce and consumption companies in the beverage industryreached at 4.05 billion litters, an increased 2.7% in total
Current Prices Unit: 1000 VND
Table 3.1 The revenue of produced and consumption companies in the beverage industry
Source: General Statistics Office (GSO) (2013), Living Standards Survey of
households in 2012.
BMI’s forecast, the consumption of non-alcohol drink will be increase 2.7 billion litters in
2017, corresponding to an average growth rate of 7%/year At the same time, therevenue of beverage also expected average growth rate increase to 14.2%/year,towards milestones set at 137.000 billion in 2017
The price always effect on consumer’s behavior, compete with price is in short term.However, according to Nielsen’s research, consumers intend to care more about thequality of product, especially the healthy problem As the result, researching newproduct with constituent advance healthy is best way to win the market
Trang 113. Sociocultural environment:
Firstly, according to latest research from W&S Company:
• The consumers consumed juice or milk juice achieved 62.0%, which is higherthan consuming carbonated drink (60.6%)
• In Ho Chi Minh City, almost the consumer drinks juice one time/per day whichoccupied for 26.1% in the total items
Picture 3.4 The level of using juice according to accommodation Source:
Trang 12Picture 3.5 The level of using juice according to gender Source: Vinaresearch
Along with the research about the behavior of consuming juice of Vinaresearch, 100%respondents agreed that fruit is one of the important foods to help the eater get a fithealthy body
Picture 3.6 The percentage of the reason choose to drink juice Source: Vinaresearch
Besides, they chose juice for 3 reasons: the taste of different kind of fruit, slaking theirthirst, adding more vitamins for body Juice is usually drunk with friend and family Notonly to have fun with, but also a healthy drink for body
Trang 13Picture 3.7 The number of ways of drinking juice Source: Vinaresearch
Secondly, because of the development of life and cuisine, the citizens intend to bebusier and eat more prepared food However, customers concentrate more on foodsafety and origins Not only needing some products which have enough nutrition for thebody, but also efficient and convenient to save time
Picture 3.8 The percentage of level of concern on health Source: Vinaresearch
As the result, the distribution systems will be made most efficiently and quickly in order
to let the product easier to buy So Vita juice will be available in:
• Big supermarkets like: Big C, Maximark, Coop Mart, Metro,…
• Convenient stores such as: Circle K, B’s mart, Family mart
• Big companies and dealers in big cities like Ha Noi, Da Nang, Hai Phong, HCMcity, Can Tho
Finally, Vietnam is a country of tropical climate and agriculture, which has a lot offertilize soil, experienced farmers in planting and several of fruit However, no onehaven’t explored and developed it usefully Therefore, the company will cooperate withfarmers to help evolve theirs skills and income, which would give them a better life
The company will bring the best Vita juice in order to prevent illness by a good nutrition
in the daily diet With two sizes bottle for family and individual, this will give customersmore choices with an affordable price
Trang 144. Natural environment:
The production is significantly affected by the quality and quantity of the main
ingredient-Acelora The natural disasters contain potential hidden danger to result of
crops An illustration of this is storm and flood could cause waterlogged roots, sweet
reduction and fruit fall In addition, plant diseases and fertilizer use might decide
Acelora’s efficiency and safety level such as: bedbug and sprayed with pesticides
As a consequence, the quality of Vita juice will be affected by these factors and the
employees would not be paid in the proper time since ingredient and product do not
meet the requirement
The technology is increasingly developed and widely applied The current application in
beverage industry is developing production processes improved packaging:
• ACEROLA will be plant under GAP standard (a standard for good agricultural
practice during the production)
• ACEROLA will be chosen and was picked by the Process research and
development scientist, then these plant will be transported to the factory and put
into production with a close process
• The bottle of Vita juice can be recyclable and reduce 30% CO2 emisssions than
PET bottles
Nowadays, online marketing becomes important way to the company to take a lot of
advantages According to Google, Vietnamese has spent 5-6 hours per day to access to
Internet since 2010, as twice as the hours they spent watching TV, and only 1.5 hours
for newspaper and magazine The forecasting about the trending communication
worldwide show online marketing strongly compete with others
IV. Segmentation Strategy:
Segmentation Segmentation 1 Segmentation 2 Segmentation 3
Geographic term Ho Chi Minh city Ho Chi Minh city Ho Chi Minh city
Demograp Age From 12 to 18 aged From 19 to 24 aged From 25 to 45 aged
Trang 15like Buy juice drink or be bought by
Busy person, this group begins to care about themselves or the future Young personality, more entertainment, modern and generous Easy to spending
A busy women and take care of the
family The one have decided about household spending and the one have
a stable income Understand clearly benefits of juice and having a demand for using healthy product but do not have enough time for homemade Sensitive with price and quality
The target customer of Vita juice is married women, who aged from 25 to 45 year old
Because in Vietnamese culture, housewives are the one who have taken care of whole
family and have decided about household spending Those women are the one have
the clearly knowledge of benefits of drinking juice for living better
V. Positioning Strategy:
Trang 17VI. Marketing mix (4Ps):
1. Product strategy
Trang 181.1 Product’s attributes:
1.1.1 Product quality:
Vita Juice is totally made by fresh Acerola juice with no insecticide Acerola are harvested from some places, which have the best quality of Acerolas in Vietnam Moreover, Vita companies don’t use preservative to keep the natural taste and safety for users The product will provide vitamin A and others nutrition is as twice as orange.
1.1.2 Product features:
Picture 6.1 Nutrition facts of Vita juice.
Vita’s Company not only wanted to give customers a drink to quench their thirst, but also
to bring a drink for customer’s health The Vita juice has a wonderful nutrition and function:
• The amount of vitamin C in this fruit is more 30 times than orange
• Vitamin A and others nutrition is as twice as orange
• Vita also help to anti-aging, enhance the immune systems
• Dietary fiber of Vita help to reduce digest problems
• Adjust blood pressure
• Control Blood Glucose Level (BLG)
• Support weight loss
• Acelora cherries helps prevent flu and cold
• Immune stimulant and strengthens the defenses against germs and viruses
Trang 19• Acelora cherries contains vitamins and minerals in order to enhances skin and hair
1.2.1 Symbol
Picture 6.2 Logo of Vita juice bottle.
The logo Vita juice with the main color is green, which is symbolizes balance and richness It also represents the youthful and extremely beneficial to health The green of glass, the green of field, everything comes from nature
Trang 20Package: 6 bottles/block, etc
Size: 180ml for individual and 1l for family
1.4 Label
Picture 6.3 The design of Vita bottle Picture 6.4 The label of Vita’s bottle
Trang 21The background label of Vita juice is white to highlight color of Acerola juice Vita juice uses bright color such as: green, red, oranges to represent the youthful and extremely beneficial to health It also has Acerola cherries to show Vita juice is made from fresh and the best fruit
2. Price strategy
Number 1 juice cam 8000vnđ/ 500ml 16vnđ/ ml TriO 3500vnđ/ 200ml 18vnđ/ ml Vita 6000vnđ/ 180ml 33vnđ/ ml Minute maid 7000vnđ/ 330ml 21vnđ/ml Twister 7000vnđ/ 320ml 22vnđ/ ml Vfresh 6000vnđ/ 200ml 30vnđ/ ml
The price strategy of the company is valuation on competitor, Vfresh, which is based on the comparison between the 180ml bottle.
The Acelora juice has two-sized bottle: