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giáo án tiếng anh 12 dạy theo chuyên đề

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giáo án tiếng anh 12 dạy theo chuyên đề

PHẦN I PHONETICS – STRESS – TRỌNG ÂM Buổi - Bài RULES TO MARK STRESS – QUI TẮC ĐÁNH TRỌNG ÂM I Definitions: Phoneme: The smallest part of sound (vowel and consonant sounds) Âm tố - thành phần nhỏ âm (gồm nguyên âm phụ âm) Syllable: The sound made when one or clusters of phoneme are articulated Âm tiết – tiếng phát nhiều âm tố phát âm Stress: The degree of the loudness or prominence with which a sound ort a word is pronounced Độ lớn hay thống trị âm âm tiết chùm âm từ (có từ hai âm tiết trở lên) đọc, nói hay phát âm II Rules to mark stress: Di-syllable words: a Usually on the second syllable if it is a verb whose second syllable doesn’t contain the vowel sounds of /ә/, /I/, and /әu/, on the first syllable of the other words (trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ động từ - trừ âm tiết thứ chứa nguyên âm /ә/, /I/, /әu/, rơi vào âm tiết thứ từ loại lại) As: mother, ready, color, palace, student, teacher, tonight, afraid, people, money, enjoy, paper, begin, provide, summer, abroad, noisy, success, enter,… b Usually on the root syllables with words having suffixes or prefixes (đối với từ có mang tiền tố, hậu tố, trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết gốc) As: become, react, foretell, unpleasant, begin, failure, threaten, daily, treatment, ruler, unknown, builder, lately, quickly,… c Be careful with words with different word-class (đối với từ mà thân có nhiều chức từ vựng ta áp dụng qui tắc a) As Verb Other words Verb Other words Verb Other words rebel rebel record record conflict conflict progress progress export export permit permit suspect suspect conduct conduct PRACTICE EXERCISE - BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Find the one whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group A paper B tonight C lecture D story A money B army C afraid D people A enjoy B daughter C provide D decide A begin B pastime C finish D summer A abroad B noisy C hundred D quiet A passion B aspect C medium D success A exist B evolve C enjoy D enter A doctor B modern C corner D Chinese A complain B machine C music D instead 10 A writer B baker C builder D career 11 A provide B adopt C happen D inspire 12 A result B region C river D robot 13 A constant B basic C irate D obvious 14 A become B carry C appoint D invent 15 A engine B battle C career D rabies Exercise 1/30 We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money If it hadn’t been for my father’s money, we couldn’t have managed I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back  Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back It was Walter Raleigh who introduced potatoes and tobacco into England  The English owe the introduction of potatoes and tobacco to WR “If my members agree to that, I’ll be very surprised,” said the union delegate  The union delegate observed that he would be very surprised if his members agreed While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time Despite my strong disapproval of your behavior, I will help you this time I’m sorry I missed Professor Baker’s lecture Trang 1/36  I’m sorry not to have heard/attended Pro Baker’s lecture We may not be able to give the concert  The concert may have to be cancelled I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test It came as no surprise to me that Harry had failed his driving test - KẾT THÚC BUỔI - Buổi - Bài RULES TO MARK STRESS – QUI TẮC ĐÁNH TRỌNG ÂM Words with more than two syllable: a Usually on the 3rd syllables from the end (trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thư ba kể từ âm tiết cuối): As family, cinema, regular, singular, international, satisfactory, recognize, demonstrate, qualify, psychology, biologist, biology, democracy, responsibility… b Usually on the 2nd syllables from the end with words ending in “ian”, “ic”, “ience”, “ient”, “al”, “ial”, “ual”, “eous”, “ious”, “iar”, “ion”(đối với từ có tận liệt kê, trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết liền trước tận – thứ kể từ âm tiết cuối) As: physician, experience, expedient, parental, essential, habitual, courageous, delicious, familiar,… (Except for: Television) c Usually on the suffixes “ese”, “ee’, “eer”, “ier”, “ette”, “oo”, “esque” (đối với từ có tận liệt kê, trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết chứa tận này) As: Portuguese, refugee, employee, engineer, volunteer, adequate, picturesque, cigarette,… PRACTICE EXERCISE - BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Find the one whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group A interesting B surprising C amusing D successful A understand B engineer C benefit D Vietnamese A applicant B uniform C yesterday D employment A dangerous B parachute C popular D magazine A beautifully B intelligent C redundancy D discovery A comfortable B employment C important D surprising A variety B irrational C industrial D characterize A colorful B equality C dictionary D vegetable A elegant B regional C musical D important 10 A difference B suburban C internet D character 11 A beautiful B effective C favorite D popular 12 A attraction B government C borrowing D visit 13 A difficulty B individual C population D unemployment 14 A biology B redundancy C interviewer D comparative 15 A conversation B isolation C traditional D situation Notes: - Trên thực tế qui tắc bất biến cho việc xác định vị trí trọng âm từ - Việc xác định trọng âm cần thực cách phát âm, dựa nhiều vào kinh nghiệm - Những tập cung cấp tập có tần suất sử dụng lớn để soạn đề thi Exercise 2/30 John inflated the tyres of his bicycle (blew) John blew up the tyres of his bicycle We’d better leave them a note, because it’s possible they’ll arrive later (case) We’d better leave them a note in case they arrive later Before he came here he worked for Mr Smiths (previous) Before the came here, his previous boss/employer was Mr Smiths He speaks German extremely well (command) He has an excellent command of German His criticisms are quite unfair (justification) There is no justification for his criticisms I can’t understand why they are reluctant to sign the contract (baffled) I am baffled by their reluctance to sign the contract I always find chess problems like that quite impossible (defeat) Chess problems like that (always) defeat me! This must be kept secret (know) You mustn’t let anyone (else) know (this) I can’t afford a new dress, that old blue one will have to (make)  I can’t afford a new dress I’ll (have) to make with that old blue one Buổi - Bài PRONUNCIATION – ĐỌC PHIÊN ÂM - (ÔN TẬP) Trang 2/36 A NHỮNG QUI TẮC CƠ BẢN VỀ CÁCH PHÁT ÂM Để phát âm tiếng Anh tương đối chuẩn, nhà chuyên môn nghĩ hệ thống ký hiệu phiên âm, để người đọc dựa vào mà đọc cho dễ Phiên âm quốc tế hiệp hội Phiên âm Quốc Tế đặt gọi tắt I P A Bộ Giáo Dục Việt Nam dùng cách thức sách giáo khoa B BỘ KÝ HIỆU PHIÊN ÂM QUỐC TẾ I NGUYÊN ÂM (VOWELS) [i] âm có từ sit, hit [ɔ:] âm có từ floor, four [i:] âm có từ seat, leave [ʊ] âm có từ put [e] âm có từ bed, get [ʊ:] âm có từ blue [æ] âm có từ map, have, bank, back [ʌ] âm có từ but, cup [a:] âm có từ far, car, star [/∂/] âm có từ again, obey [ɔ] âm có từ not, hot [ɜ:/ ∂:] âm có từ fur Ghi chú: Dấu [:] ký hiệu cho ta biết từ phải đọc kéo dài Dấu [:] đặt sau nguyên âm nguyên âm phải đọc kéo dài II NGUYÊN ÂM ĐÔI (DIPH THONGS) [ei ] âm có từ : lake, play, place [ai ] âm có từ : five, hi, high [ɔi] âm có từ : boy [aʊ ] âm có từ : now, how [∂ʊ ] âm có từ : nose, so [i∂] âm có từ : near, hear [e∂] âm có từ : hair, pair [u∂] âm có từ : sure, poor III NGUYÊN ÂM BA (TRIPTHONGS) [ai∂] âm có từ : fire, hire [ei∂] âm có từ : player [au∂] âm có từ : flour, sour IV PHỤ ÂM (CONSONANTS) [ŋ]: âm có từ : long, song [h]: âm có từ : hat, hot [ð]: âm có từ : this, that, then [t]: âm có từ : tea, take [k]: âm có từ : cat, car [θ]: âm có từ : thanks, think [∂]: âm có từ : usual [∫]: âm có từ : should, sure [z]: âm có từ : zero [t∫]: âm có từ : change, chin [g]: âm có từ : game, get [d∂]: âm có từ : just [ju:]: âm có từ : tube, huge [r]: âm có từ : red, read [s ]: âm có từ : sorry, sing [l]: âm có từ : well, leader Chú ý: Những ký hiệu [w] [ju:] không coi phụ âm mà coi bán nguyên âm Có cách viết âm u: [u] [ʊ] Exercise 3/30 I only recognized him when he came into the light  Not until he came into the light did I recognize him That rumor about the politician and the construction contract is absolutely false  There is(absolutely) no truth in that rumor about the politician and the construction contract One runner was too exhausted to complete the last lap of the race  One runner was so exhausted (that) he couldn’t/was unable to complete the last lap of the race My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known  I’ve never known a more warm-hearted person than my mother (was) They never made us anything we didn’t want to  We were never made to anything we didn’t want to The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister Had it not been for the death of the PM the bill would have been passed/got through It is quite pointless to complain There’s no point in complaining - KẾT THÚC BUỔI - Buổi - Bài Trang 3/36 CÁCH PHÁT ÂM CỦA MỘT SỐ NGUYÊN ÂM VÀ PHỤ ÂM Nguyên âm “A” 1.1: A đọc [æ] Trong từ âm tiết, tận hay nhiều phụ âm Examples: Lad [læd]: trai Dam [dæm]: đập nước Fan [fæn]: quạt Map [mæp]: đồ * Trong âm tiết mang trọng âm từ nhiều âm tiết đứng trước PÂ Examples: Candle [`kændl]: nến Captain [`kæpt∂n]: đại uý, Calculate [`kækjuleit] : tính Unhappy [ʌn`hæpi]: bất hạnh 1.2: A đọc [ei] Trong từ âm tiết có tận là: A+ PÂ+ E Examples: Bate [beit] : giảm bớt Cane [kein] : gậy Late [leit] : muộn Fate [feit] : số phận * Trong tận ATE động từ Examples: To intimate [`intimeit]: cho hay To deliberate [`dilibreit]: tính kỹ * Trong âm tiết trước tận -ION -IAN Examples: Nation [‘nei∫∂n]: quốc gia Translation [træns`lei∫∂n] : dịch Preparation [prep∂`rei∫∂n] : chuẩn bị Asian [`ei∫∂n] : Người châu * Ngoại lệ: Companion [k∂m`pænj∂n] : bạn đồng hành Italian [i`tælj∂n] : Người Italia Librarian [lai`bre∂ri∂n] : thủ thư Vegetarian [ved∂i`te∂ri∂n] : Người ăn chay 1.3: A đoc [ɔ:] Trong từ âm tiết tận “LL” Examples: All [ɔ:ll] : tất Call [kɔ:ll] : goi điện Tall [tɔ:ll] : cao lớn Small [smɔ:ll]: nhỏ nhắn 1.4: A đọc [ɔ] (Ngoại lệ: way [wei] : đường Waste [weist] : lãng phí) * Trong âm tiết có trọng âm từ , từ âm tiết bắt đầu W Examples: Was [wɔz] : to be Want [wɔnt] : muốn Wash [wɔ∫] : tắm rửa Watch [wɔt∫] : xem 1.5: A đọc [a:] Tận R R+ PÂ âm tiết từ A trước R+ PÂ Examples: Bar [ba:] : chấn song Far [fa:] : xa xôi Star [sta:] : Barn [ba:n] :vựa thóc Harm [ha:m] : tổn hại Charm [t∫a:m]: quyến dũ Departure [di`pa:t∫∂] : khởi hành Half [ha:f] : nửa 1.6: A đọc [e∂] Trong số từ có tận ARE (* Ngoại lệ: are [a:]) Examples: Bare [be∂] : trơ trụi Care [ke∂] : cẩn then Dare [de∂] : dám Fare [fe∂] : tiền vé Ware [we∂] : hàng hoá Prepare [pri`pe∂]: chuẩn bị 1.7:A đọc [i] Trong tận - ATE tính từ Examples: Itimate [`intimit]: mật thiết Animate [`ænimit]: linh hoạt, sống động Delicate [`delikit]: tế nhị, mỏng mảnh * Trong tận - AGE danh từ âm tiết Examples: Village [`vilid∂]: làng quê Cottage [`kɔtid∂] : nhà tranh Shortage [`∫ɔ:tid∂]: tình trạng thiếu hụt Damage [`dæmid∂] : thiệt hại Courage [`kʌrid∂]: lòng can đảm Luggage [`lʌgid∂] : hành lý 1.8: A đọc [∂] Trong âm tiết trọng âm Examples: Aain [∂`gein] : lại, lần Balance [`bæl∂ns] :sự thăng Explanation [ekspl∂`nei∫∂n]: giảI thích Capacity [k∂`pæs∂ti] : lực Cách đọc nguyên âm “E” 2.1: E đọc [e] (Ngoaị lệ: Her [h∂:] : cô Term [t∂:m] : học kỳ) * Những từ âm tiết tận hay nhiều PÂ(trừ R).Hoặc âm tiết có trọng âm từ Examples: Bed [bed] : giường Get [get] : lấy, tóm Met [met] : gặp gỡ Them [ðem] : họ Debt [det] : nợ Send [send] : gửi Member [`memb∂] :thành viên November [no`vemb∂]: tháng 11 2.2: E đọc [i:] Khi đứng liền trước tận PÂ+ E từ be, she, he, me Examples: Cede [si:d] : nhượng Scene [si:n] : phong cảnh Complete [k∂mpli:t] : hoàn toàn Benzene [ben`zi:n] : chất benzen 2.3: E đọc [i] Trong tiền tố BE, DE, RE Examples: Begin [bi`gin]: bắt đầu Become [bi`kʌm] : trở thành Decide [di`said] : định Return [ri`t∂:n] : trở Trang 4/36 Remind [ri`maid] : gợi nhớ 2.3: E đọc [∂] Examples: Silent [`sail∂nt]: yên lặng Chicken [t∫ik∂n]: thịt gà Reorganize [ri`ɔ:g∂naiz] : tổ chức lại Open [`oup∂n] : mở Generous [`d∂en∂r∂s] : hào hiệp Exercise 4/30 You can’t possibly expect me to have supper ready by o’clock (question) There is no question of supper being ready by o’clock It is my opinion that there is no advantage in further discussion (see) As far as I can see, there is no advantage in further discussion Please excuse Jane’s poor typing She’s only been learning for a month (allowances) Please make allowances for Jane’s poor typing; she’s only been learning for a month There is no way that young man can achieve success in this test (bound) That young man is bound to fail in this test Although the dog appeared harmless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous (contrary) Contrary to (its) (harmless) appearance, the dog was in fact quite dangerous If Smith hadn’t broken his leg, he would have played football for England (represented) If Smith hadn’t broken his leg, he would have represented England This hotel is inaccessible in winter (possible) It’s not possible to get to/to reach this hotel in winter As far as I know he is still working in Bristol (knowledge) To (the best of) my knowledge, he is still working in Bristol KẾT THÚC BUỔI Buổi - Bài PRONUNCIATION – ĐỌC PHIÊN ÂM - (ÔN TẬP) Cách đọc “AI” 3.1: AI đọc [ei] * Khi AI đứng trước PÂ trừ R Examples: Mail [meil] : thư từ Sail [seil] : bơi thuyền Wait [weit] : chờ đợi Said [seid] : say Afraid [∂`freid]: e sợ Nail [neil] : móng 3.2: AI đọc [e∂]: * Khi đứng trước R Examples: Air [e∂] : không khí Fair [fe∂] : bình đẳng Hair [he∂] : tóc Pair [pe∂] : cặp đôi Chair [t∫e∂] : ghế tựa Cách đọc “AU” 4.1: AU đọc [ɔ:] * Trong hầu hết từ chứa AU Examples: Fault [fɔ:lt] : lỗi lầm Launch [lɔ:nt∫] : hạ thuỷ Audience [`ɔ:di∂ns]: khán giả Daughter [`dɔ:t∂] : gái 4.2: AU đọc [a:] Trong số từ mà ta phải ghi nhớ Examples: Aunt [a:nt] : cô, dì thím mợ Laugh [la:f] : cười Cách đọc “AW” * Tất từ chứa AW thường đọc [ɔ:] Examples: law [lɔ:] : luật pháp Draw [drɔ:] : kéo, lôi, vẽ Crawl [krɔ:l] : bò, bò lê Dawn [dɔ:n] : bình minh Cách đọc “AY” AY thường đọc [ei] hầu hết từ chứa AY Examples: Clay [klei] : đất sét Day [dei] : ngày Play [plei] : chơi, kịch Tray [trei] : khay Stay [stei] : lại Pay [pei] : trả * Ngoại lệ cần ghi nhớ: Quay [ki:] : bến cảng Mayor [me∂] : thị trưởng Papaya [p∂`pai∂] : đu đủ Cách đọc “EA” 7.1: EA đọc [e] Trong từ : Head [hed] : đầu, đầu não Bread [bred] : bánh mì Breath [breθ] : thở Breakfast [`brekf∂st]: bữa ăn sáng Steady [`stedi]: vững chắc, đều Jealous [`d∂el∂s] : ghen tuông Measure [`meʒ∂] : đo lường Leather [`leðә] :da thuộc Pleasure [`pleʒә]: niềm vui, niềm vinh hạnh 7.2: EA đọc [i:] Trong từ như: East [i:st] : phương đông Easy [i:zi] : dễ dàng Heat [hi:t] : sức nóng Beam [bi:m] : tia sáng Dream [dri:m] : giấc mơ Breathe [bri:ð] : thở, thổi nhẹ Creature [`kri:t∫ә]: tạo vật, người Trang 5/36 7.3: EA đọc [ә:] Trong từ như: Learn [lә:n] : học Earth [ә:θ] : trái đất Heard [hә:d] : khứ hear Earn [ә:n] : kiếm sống Pearl [pә:l] : viên ngọc 7.4: EA đọc [eә] Trong từ như: Bear [beә] : gấu Pear [peә] : lê Tear [teә] : xé rách Wear [weә] : mặc Swear [sweә] : thề 7.5: EA đọc [iә] Trong từ như: Tear [tiә]: nước mắt Clear [kliә] : rõ ràng Beard [biә:d] :râu 7.6: EA đọc [ei] Trong từ như: Great [greit]: vĩ đại, to lớn Break [breik] : làm vỡ Steak [steik] : lát mỏng Exercise 5/30 The workers only called off the strike after a new pay offer  Only after a new pay offer did the workers call off the strike He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery He received a sentence of six months for his part in the robbery You can eat as much as you like for 5$ at the new lunch-bar There is no limit/restriction to how much you eat at the new lunch-bar She wore a hearing-aid, even though she could hear the phone ring perfectly well She wasn’t so deaf/hard of hearing that she couldn’t hear the phone You will never meet anyone more generous than Mrs Jones Mrs Jones is the most generous person you will/could ever meet/ (be likely) to meet My parents let me go abroad alone for the first time last year  I was allowed to go abroad alone for the first time last year It was his incompetence which led to their capture  If he hadn’t been so incompetent they wouldn’t have been captured I’m certainly not going to give you any more money  I have no intention of giving you any more money KẾT THÚC BUỔI Buổi - Bài PRONUNCIATION – ĐỌC PHIÊN ÂM - (ÔN TẬP) Cách đọc “EE” 8.1: EE đọc [i:] Trong từ như: see [si:]: trông, they Free [fri:] : tự Heel [hi:l] : gót Cheese [t∫i:z] : phó mát Agree [ә`gri:] : đồng ý 8.2: EE đọc [iә] Khi EE đứng trước tận R từ Examples: Beer [biә] : bia rượu Cheer [t∫iә] : vui vẻ Deer [diә] : nai Career [kә`riә] : nghề nghiệp Cách đọc “EI” 9.1: EI đọc [i:] Trong từ như: Ceiling [`si:liη] : trần nhà Deceive [disi:v]: lừa đảo Receipt [ri`si:t] : giấy biên lai 9.2: EI đọc [ei] Trong từ như: Eight [eit] : số Weight [weit] : trọng lượng Freight [freit] : hàng hoá tàu Neighbour [`neibә]: hàng xóm * Trong từ như: Other [`aiðә] : cáI hay cáI Height [hait] : chiều cao 9.3: EI đọc [eә] Trong từ như:: Heir [eә] : người thừa kế Their [ðeә] : họ 9.4: EI đọc [e] Trong từ như:: Leisure [`leʒә] : nhàn rỗi Heifer [`hefә]: bò nái tơ 10 Cách đọc “EX” 10.1: EX đọc “eks” Khi EX âm tiết mang trọng âm: Examples: exercise [`eksәsaiz] : tập Excellent [`eksәlәnt]: tuyệt hảo 10.2: EX đọc “iks” * Khi EX âm tiết không mang trọng âm, đứng trước PÂ: Examples: Explain [iks`plein]: giảI thích Experience [iks`piәriәns] : kinh nghiệm Experiment [iks`perimәnt]: thí nghiệm Expensive [iks`pensiv] : đắt đỏ Trang 6/36 10.3: EX đọc “igz” EX âm tiết không mang trọng âm, đứng trước nguyên âm âm H câm Examples: Examine [ig`zæmin]: sát hạch, kiểm tra Existence [ig`zistәns]: hữu Exhibit [ig`zibit] : trưng bày, triển lãm Exhausted [ig`zɔ:stid] : kiệt sức 11 Cách đọc “EY” 11.1: EY đọc “ei” Trong từ như: They [ðei] : họ Prey [prei] :cầu nguyện Grey [grei] : xám Obey [∂`bei] : lời 11.2: EY đọc “i:” Trong từ như: Money [`mΛni:] : tiền Storey [`stɔri:] : tầng, lầu Key [ki:] : chìa khoá Exercise 6/30 I don’t think there will be any applicants for this post (likelihood) There is little/no likelihood that there will be applicants for this post It was difficult for Susan to believe the good news (hardly) Susan could hardly believe the good news You must make allowances for his inexperience (account) You must take his experience into account/ You must take account of his experience This contract is not binding until we both sign it (bound) Neither (one) of us is bound by this contract until we both sign it He wasn’t to blame for the accident (fault)  The accident was not his fault You shouldn’t take his help for granted (assume) You should /do not assume (that) he will help you KẾT THÚC BUỔI Buổi - Bài PHẦN II TENSES – ÔN TẬP VỀ NGỮ PHÁP I The simple present tense: The form (+) S + V (-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V (?) Do/ Does + S + V? The usage: - To denote actions that happened repeatedly (She never comes late) - To denote long lasting events.(We live in Concord street) - To denote a true fact (The earth moves around the Sun) The recognition: - now/ nowadays/ today/ this summer/… - always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ occasionally/… - the proof of constant truth Notes: - To denote a plan/ prediction/ timetables/… (The train leaves at 9.00) - The division of “be”, “have”, “can, may, must”,… II The present progressive tense: The form: (+) S + am/ are/ is + V-ING (-) S + am/ are/ is + not + V-ING (?) Am/ Are/ Is + S + V-ING? The usage: - To denote happening actions at the time of speaking (She is teaching Maths) - To denote the intention/ prediction/ plan/…(She is coming soon) The recognition: - now/ right now/ at present/ at this time/ at this moment/… - follow a command, request,… Notes: - The ING-forms ( getting, running, having, writing, dying, lying,…) - The omission of the verbs of awareness or sensation as: be/ see/ hear/ understand/ know/ like/ want/ glance/ feel/ think/ smell/ love/ hate/ realize/ seem/ remember/ forget/…( use the simple present instead ) III The present perfect tense: The form: (+) S + have/ has + P.P (P2) (-) S + haven’t/ hasn’t + P.P (P2) (?) Have/ Has + S + P.P (P2) The usage: - To denote actions that happened in the past but having results, relating, or still happening at present (We have lived here since 1990) - To denote actions that happened right before the time of speaking, using “just” (She has just come from New York) - To denote unfulfilled actions with “yet” (He hasn’t come yet) - To denote past actions; no certain time expression, using “already” (We have already seen that film) Trang 7/36 The recognition: - just = recently = lately - ever/ never (comments) - already/ yet/ since/ for/ so far/ until now/ up to now (present) Notes: - Past participles: (regular verbs adding “ed”./ irregular verbs “learn by heart”) - The differences between the present perfect and the simple past tense - The present perfect progressive is used to denote past actions “happening”, or “will happen The tense is often related to the verbs: live/ learn/ wait/ work/ study/… →“S + have/ has + been + V-ING” IV The simple past tense: The form: (pV = the past form of verbs) (+) S + Pv (-) S + didn’t + V (?) Did + S + V? The usage: - To denote a finished past action (We went to the park together) - To report past events, past habits, or long lasting action in the past (She did all the work yesterday./ We used to sit next to each other.) The recognition: - last week/ month/ year/… - yesterday/ ago/ in 1969/ in the past/… Notes: - The past form of the verbs: ( regular “V-ED”/ irregular (2nd column in the irregular verbs list)) - “ED” pronunciation /id/; /t/; /d/ V The past progressive tense: The form: (+) S + was/ were + V-ING (-) S + was/ were + not + V-ING (?) Was/ Were + S + V-ING? The usage: - To denote past happening actions (She was watching T.V at 8.00 last night) - To denote past interrupting actions (She was watching T.V when I came) The recognition: - at 8.00 last night/ at that time/ at that moment/… - time clause with “when”, “while = as” Notes: - actions that alternatively happened, use the simple past only (When I heard a knock at the door, I came to open it When I opened the door, I saw my mum.)- this is a timed action VI The past perfect tense: The form: (+) S + had + P.P (P2) (-) S + (hadn’t) + P.P (P2) (?) Had + S + P.P (P2)? The usage: - To denote past finished actions that happened and finished before a certain point of time or another past event (the past of the past tense) e.g: She had sold all the baskets before 9.00 yesterday She had sold all the baskets when we came there yesterday The recognition: - when-clause/ after/ before/ already/ since/ for/… - The past perfect progressive “S + had been + V-ING” VII The simple future tense: The form: (+) S + will/ shall + V (-) S + will/ shall + V (?) Will/ Shall + S + V? - “shall” is restrictedly used only for I/We with the formal senses - The negative forms “will not = won’t”, “shall not = shan’t” The usage: - To denote future actions (They will build more hospitals) - To denote future plan/ idea/ timetable/…(The car will start in-time) The recognition: - someday, tomorrow,…/ - next week/ month/ year/ Notes: “shan’t” is not used in conditional sentences./ “shall” is used as a suggestion/ invitation/… Exercise 7/30 Our hotel booking hasn’t been confirmed  We haven’t received confirmation of/about our hotel booking (yet) The sales man told me that my new car would be delivered next Wednesday  According to the salesman my new car would/will be delivered next Wednesday The Yeti has very rarely been seen at this altitude  There have been very few sightings of the Yeti at this altitude It’s not certain that Jones will get the job  It is open to question (as to) whether Jones will get the job Everyone started complaining the moment the announcement was made  No sooner had the announcement been made than everyone started complaining As I get older, I want to travel less  The older I get the less I want to travel A house in that district will cost you at least 100,000$ Trang 8/36  You won’t be able to buy/get a house in that district for less than/under $100.000 Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his illness  Alan’s illness was caused by/ due to/the result of his working too hard at the office KẾT THÚC BUỔI Buổi - Bài PHẦN II TENSES – ÔN TẬP VỀ NGỮ PHÁP VIII Various forms of the future tenses: The future progressive tense: 1.1 The form: (+) S + will be + V-ING (-) S + won’t be + V-ING (?) Will + S + be + V-ING? 1.2 The usage: - To denote timetables/ intentions/ plans/… using “at” e.g: She will be watching T.V at 8.00 tonight We will be staying at REX hotel at 5.00 next Sunday’s morning - To show the future happening actions with “when” Eg She will be sitting at the gate when we come tomorrow The future perfect tense: 2.1 The form: (+) S + will have + P.P (P2) (-) S + won’t have + P.P (P2) (?) Will + S + have + P.P? 2.2 The usage: - To denote planned actions with “by”, “by the time”, “by then” e.g: She will have finished the course by the next Friday/ by then - To show a future schedule-finished action e.g: The bridge will have been used by the next Autumn Other forms: a The simple present tense: To denote a timetable, or a plan… e.g: A: When does he leave? B: He leaves tonight b The present progressive: To denote an intention e.g: A: When are you leaving? B: I am leaving this afternoon c The “be + going to inf” form: To denote an intention or a near future action, an arrangement e.g: She is going to celebrate her 34th birthday They are going to get married NOTES: CHÚ Ý THE SEQUENCES OF TENSES Main clause Subordinate clause simple present tense./ - present perfect tense Simple present tense present progressive tense./ - simple future tense “be going to V” form./ - simple past tense (certain point of past time) simple past tense./ - past progressive tense past perfect tense./ - “would + V” form Simple past tense “be going to + V” past form./ - simple present tense (showing the truth) Present perfect tense Simple present tense Past perfect tense Simple past tense ADVERBIAL CLAUSES Main clause Adverbial clauses (of time) Present tenses Present tenses When/ whenever/ as/ while/ before/ after/ as soon as/… Past tenses Past tenses When/ while/ as/ till/ until/ just as/ since/… Future tenses Present tenses No sooner than/ hardly…when/ as long as/… - Exercise 8/30 Mr Bill managed to repair the garage roof only because his neighbor helped him (without) Without the help of his neighbor, Mr Bill would/could not/never have repaired the garage roof Nobody is infallible (mistakes) We all make mistakes/ Everyone makes mistakes/Everyone can make mistakes The last Olympic Games were held in Seoul (took) The last Olympic Games took place in Seoul He talked about nothing except the weather (sole) His sale topic/subject of conversation was the weather In the end, I felt I had been right to leave the club (regrets)  I had no regrets about/on/over leaving the club in the end It is stupid of you to refuse Richard’s offer of a loan (idiot) You are an idiot to refuse Richard’s offer of a loan Trang 9/36 The company has decided to replace this model (intention) It’s the company’s intention to replace this model In the next few years we’ll probably hear a lot more about environmental pollution (likely) We’re likely to hear a lot more about environmental pollution in the next few years KẾT THÚC BUỔI PHẦN III PHRASES VS CLAUSES – CỤM TỪ & MỆNH ĐỀ Buổi - Bài SUBORDINATE CLAUSES WITH CONJUNCTIONS – MĐ PHỤ VỚI LIÊN TỪ The implication: not only _, but also = not only , but _ as well Hoặc: Subject + not only + verb + but also + verb Lu ý: sau but also/ sau not only Eg He is not only handsome but also talented./ Beth plays not only the guitar but also the violin tinh từ tinh từ danh từ danh từ He writes not only correctly but also neatly./ Maria excels not only in mathematics but also in science Adv adv ngừ giới từ ngừ giới từ Paul Anka not only plays the piano but also composes music động từ động từ b As well as Eg subject + verb + as well as + verb Robert is talented as well as handsome./ Beth plays the guitar as well as the violin tinh từ tinh từ danh từ danh từ He writes correctly as well as neatly / Marta excels in mathematics as well as in science Adv adv ngừ giới từ ngừ iới từ Paul Anka plays the piano as well as composes music động từ động từ c Both and Eg Robert is both talented and handsome./ Beth plays both the guitar and the violin tinh từ tinh từ danh từ danh từ He writes both correctly and neatly./ Marta excels both in mathematics and in science Adv adv ngừ giới từ ngừ giới từ Paul Anka both plays the piano and composes music động từ động từ The norminal clause: Mệnh đề danh từ (tương ứng danh từ, làm S, C, O câu) a That – clauses: Theo sau động từ có ý giải thích với that, đảo lên đầu câu làm chủ ngữ Eg The reason she left was that she dissatisfied with her work = That she dissatisfied with her work was the reason she left b Wh – clauses: Đây hình thái mệnh đề danh từ phổ biến, thường theo sau ngoại động từ, ngoại động từ đa, đặc biệt cấu trúc câu gián tiếp Eg He didn’t know what to first They told them how to deal with the problem Ha asked where he was going She wanted to know what time the next train arrived c Whether/ if – clauses: Dùng với cấu trúc câu hỏi nghi vấn câu gián tiếp Eg She asked if I could answer the phone They wanted to know whether the train was any late Exercise 9/30 Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test  As long as you (can) keep/stay calm, you will/should/ought to pass your driving test Immediately after his appointment to the post, the new editor fell ill No sooner had he been/was he appointed to the post than the new editor fell ill The protest has been so vociferous that the committee has had to reconsider  There has been such a vociferous protest that the committee has had to reconsider You think that fat people are always jolly but you are wrong  Contrary to your belief/opinion, fat people are not always jolly My boss works better when he’s pressed for time  The less time my boss has, the better he works The patient recovered more rapidly than expected Trang 10/36 The country whose people were struggling against floods announced the situation of disasters yesterday d WHICH: Là đại từ quan hệ vật, dùng để thay cho danh từ vật, làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ mệnh đề quan hệ Eg The book which you liked was sold This is the bike which is my birthday present The house, which was on fire, was built long ago e THAT: Là đại từ quan hệ thay thế, dùng để thay cho đại từ quan hệ WHO, WHICH, làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ mệnh đề quan hệ, sử dụng câu chẻ Eg The book that you liked was sold This is the bike that I want to buy The one that told you I was out met me in the park./ The person that you wanted to see died days ago f WHEN: Là trạng từ quan hệ thời gian, có vai trò mệnh đề quan hệ trạng ngữ thời gian Eg The day when she left was rainy The time when we reunite is uncertain g WHERE: Là trạng từ quan hệ nơi chốn, có vai trò mệnh đề quan hệ trạng ngữ nơi chốn Eg This is the house where he lived in his childhood The place where we play football is a football ground h WHY: Là trạng từ quan hệ lí do, nguyên nhân, có vai trò mệnh đề quan hệ trạng ngữ nguyên nhân Eg The reason why she left was unknown That’s why we are worrying now Exercise 15/30 Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their second child Only when A and C (had) had their second child did they decide to move to a bigger house You’re under no obligation to accept their offer  You can please yourself/yourselves about whether you accept their offer or not Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life Martin’s poor health does not stop/prevent him from enjoying life The company presents a gold watch to each of its retiring employees Each of the company’s retiring employee is represented a gold watch The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect  But for his command of (the) local dialect we would have been jailed/put into jail The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the Atlantic The average depth of the Pacific (Ocean) is greater than that of the Atlantic My father finds maps hard to follow  My father has difficulty/difficulties in following the maps Under no circumstances should you phone the police  The last thing you should/must/ought to is to phone/phoning the police - KẾT THÚC BUỔI 20 Buổi 21 - Bài 10 RELATIVE CLAUSES – MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ Relative clauses: a Restrictive Relative Clauses: Đây loại mệnh đề cần thiết có mặt để câu có nghĩa, câu không đảm bảo ngữ nghĩa (Chủ từ chưa xác định) Eg The man who keeps the library is Mr Green (The man is Mr Green rõ, The man keeps the library không rõ ai) That is the book that I like best (là mà thích sách) b Non- Restrictive Relative Clauses: Đây loại mệnh đề không cần thiết có mặt mà câu có nghĩa, câu đảm bảo ngữ nghĩa tiền ngữ (chủ từ) xác định Loại mệnh đề thường cách mệnh đề dấu phảy, thường có tính từ hay đại từ định hay sở hữu như: this, that, these, those, his, my,… Trang 22/36 Eg That man, whom you saw yesterday, is Mr Pike This is Mrs Jones, who helped me last week./ Mary, whose sister I know, has won an Oscar Reduced clauses: a Present Participle Phrase: (V-ING phrases replace relative clauses) Có thể dùng ngữ danh động từ V-ING để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ động từ mệnh đề thể chủ động Eg The man who is sitting next to you is Mr Mike = The man sitting next to you is Mr Pike Do you know the boy who broke the window yesterday? = Do you know the boy breaking ….? b Past Participle Phrase: (V-ED phrases replace relative clauses) Có thể dùng ngữ tính từ V-ED để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ động từ mệnh đề thể bị động Eg The man who was arrested by the police is Mr Mike = The man arrested by the police is Mr Pike Do you know the boy who was punished by the headmaster yesterday? = Do you know the boy punished by the headmaster yesterday? c Infinitive Phrase: (to V phrases replace relative clauses) Có thể dùng ngữ động từ to V để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ trường hợp mệnh đề có chứa từ FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, LAST, ONLY dùng với cấu trúc “for O + to V”, số mệnh đề mang tính ràng buộc nhiệm vụ… Eg English is an important language which we have to master = English is an important language to master/ for us to master He is the only one who know the answer = He is the only one to know thư answer d Noun Phrase: : (Noun phrases replace relative clauses) Có thể dùng một cụm danh từ để thay cho mệnh đề quan hệ mệnh đề mang ngữ danh từ (thường nghề nghiệp) Eg Mr Ba, who is our new form teacher, is a B.A = Mr Ba, our new form teacher, is a B.A The man who is a new manager of the office is still young = The man - a new manager of the office - is still very young Exercise 16/30 People don’t want to buy cars with large engines any more (call)  There isn’t much call for cars with large engines Twenty years ago this region produced twice as much coal as it does now (halved)  Coal production/The coal produced in this region has (been) halved in the last 20 years The prime Minister is unlikely to call an early general election (likelihood)  There is little likelihood of the PM calling a(n) (early general) election Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us (beyond)  The story he told us is/was beyond belief The project received the unanimous approval of the committee (favour)  The whole committee was/were in favour of the project Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution (blame)  Scientists blame our pollution for the destruction of the forests His reactions are quite unpredictable (knows)  One never knows how he is going to/will/may/might react There are several categories of people who not have to pay the new tax (exempt)  There are several categories of people who are exempt from (paying) the new tax - KẾT THÚC BUỔI 21 Buổi 22 - Bài 11 CLEFT SENTENCES – CÂU CHẺ Subject focus: Nhấn mạnh tới chủ ngữ, chủ thể hành động đối tượng đề cập S + V → It be S that/ who V Eg Nam helped me a lot → It was Nam who helped me a lot The book tells us a romantic story → It is the book that tells us a romantic story Object focus: Nhấn mạnh tới tân ngữ, chủ thể nhận hay chịu tác động hành động S + V + O → It be O that/ whom S + V Eg She bought the dictionary → It was the dictionary that she bought We saw Mai at the party → It was Mai who we saw at the party Adverbials focus: Nhấn mạnh tới trạng ngữ, đề cập tới thời gian, nơi chốn, cách thức, phương pháp hành vi Trang 23/36 Eg S + V + A → It be A that S + V We first met in this park → It was in this park that we first met She left on a rainy day → It was on a rainy day that she left Exercise 17/30 The film star wore dark glasses so that no one would recognize him The film star avoided recognition/being recognized by wearing dark glasses I am amazed by the mistakes he makes What amazes me is/are the mistakes he makes We weren’t surprised by his success  It came as no surprise to us (to hear) (that) he was/had been successful “That’s a lovely new dress, Jean” said her mother  Jean’s mother complimented Jean on her lovely new dress We couldn’t relax until all the guests had gone home  Only after/when all the guests had gone home/could we relax/were we able to relax We couldn’t find George anywhere George was nowhere to be found Customs officials are stopping more travelers than usual this week An increased number of travelers is/are being stopped by customs officials this week She listens more sympathetically than anyone else I know  She is a more sympathetic listener than anyone else I know Exercise 18/30 The minister’s popularity suffered as a result of the scandal (effect)  The scandal had a bad/negative effect The teachers agreed to introduce the new methods (agreement)  There was (an) agreement among the teachers to introduce new methods Jenny didn’t feel like going to the party (mood)  Jenny wasn’t in the mood to go to the party/for (going to) the party The councilor answered every question frankly (frank)  The councilor gave frank answers to every question It is said that he has been to prison several times (reputed)  He is reputed to have been (sent) to prison Most stores will accept a credit card instead of cash (alternative)  Most stores will accept a credit card as an alternative to cash Our opinions on the subject are identical (difference)  There is (absolutely) no difference in/between our opinions on the subject Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme (disapproval)  Local residents expressed/voiced then disapproval of the new traffic scheme KẾT THÚC BUỔI 22 Buổi 23 - Bài 12 INDIRECT SPEECH – CÂU TRỰC TIẾP, GIÁN TIẾP definition: Eg He said “ I bought a new motorbike for myself yesterday” Eg He said he had bought a new motorbike for myself the day before Changes: a tenses DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECH simple present simple past present progressive past progressive present perfect (progressive) past perfect (progressive) simple past past perfect will /shall would / should can / may could / might b Others; this, these that, those here, over there there, over there Today that day Trang 24/36 Yesterday the day before the day before yesterday two days before Tomorrow the following day/ the next day the day after tomorrow in two days’ time next + thời gian (week, year ) the following + thời gian (week, year ) last + thời gian (week, year ) the previous + thời gian (week, year ) Time + ago Time + before/ the previous + Time Eg At breakfast this morning he said “ I will be very busy today” At breakfast this morning he said he would be very busy today Eg I’m leaving the day after tomorrow Jack said he was leaving tomorrow Jack said he was leaving today introductory verbs: bring, build, buy find, get, give make, offer, owe promise, read, sell cut, draw, feed, tell hand, leave, lend, write paint, pass, pay send, show, teach S + V + Od + for/ to + Oi S + verb + Oi + Od Eg Correct : They gave it to us./ Incorrect: They gave us it notes John gave the essay to his teacher John gave his teacher the essay The little boy brought some flowers for his grandmother The little boy brought his grandmother some flowers I fixed Maria a drink./ I fixed a drink for Maria He drew a picture for his mother./ He drew his mother a picture He lent his car to his bother./ He lent his brother his car We owe several thousand dollars to the bank./ We owe the bank several thousand dollars Exercise 19/30 No one has challenged his authority before This is the first time that) someone has challenged his authority “If Brian doesn’t train harder, I won’t select him for the team,” said the manager  The manager threatened not to select Brian (if he didn’t train harder/unless he trained harder) The hurricane blew the roof off the house  The house had its/the roof blown off by/in/during/because of the hurricane You’ll certainly meet lots of people in your new job  You are bound/sure/certain to meet lots of people I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting  Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without saying goodbye There aren’t many other books which explain this problem so well  In few other books would one see this problem so well- explained I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly  I object to people criticizing me unfairly Robert is sorry now that he didn’t accept the job  Robert now wishes(that) he had taken/accepted the job KẾT THÚC BUỔI 23 Buổi 24 - Bài 13 THE PASSIVE VOICE – CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG Công thức chung: be + P2 Changes: Eg I gave him a book hay I gave a book to him - to be made, to be made of/ This table is made of wood - to be made from/ - to be made out of: Eg This cake is made out of flour, egg, butter and sugar Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property each year Subject Trang 25/36 present complement  A great deal of property is destroyed by hurricanes each year singular subject be past participle The tornado destroyed thirty houses  Thirty houses were destroyed by the tornado Subject past complement plural subject be past participle The committee is considering several new proposals Subject present progressive complement  Several new proposals are being considered by the committee plural subject auxiliary be past participle The committee was considering several new proposals Subject past progressive complement  Several new proposals were being considered by the committee plural subject auxiliary be past participle The company has ordered some new equipment subject present perfect complement  Some new equipment has been ordered by the company Singular subject auxiliary be past participle The company had ordered some new equipment before the strike began subject past perfect complement Some new equipment had been ordered by the company before the strike began Singular subject auxiliary be past participle The manager should sign these contracts today Subject modal + verb complement  These contracts should be signed by the manager today Subject modal be past participle Somebody should have called the president this morning Subject modal + perfect complement  The president should have been called this morning Subject modal have be past participle Notes: Have/ get / make To have smb smth = to get smb to smth Eg Mary had John wash the car (John washed the car.) Mary got John to wash the car To have / get smth done Eg Mary got the car washed (The car was wash by somebody.) To want / like something done Eg - What you want done to - What you want done to your motorbike? - I’d like it repaired and cleaned/ I want it repaired and cleaned To make smb smth = to force smb to smth eg: The robber forced the teller to give him the money = The robber made the teller give him the money To make/ to cause O P.P eg: Working all night on Friday made me tired on Saturday The hurricane caused many water front houses damaged To make/ to cause O adj eg: Wearing flowers made her more beautiful To find/ to get O Adj/P.P eg: I found her quite interesting to talk to My sister found snakes frightening Exercise 20/30 If interest rates are cut, the economic situation may improve (reduction)  A reduction of/in interest rates may improve the economic situation The architect’s new design was heavily criticized (criticism)  There was a heavy criticism of the architect’s new design Very little money was raised by the charity appeal (response)  There was very little response to the charity appeal Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals (monopoly)  Our company has got (the/a) monopoly of/on/over the importation of these chemicals Trang 26/36 The coach’s tactics were directly responsible for the team’s defeat (consequence)  The team’s defeat was a/the direct consequence of the coach’s tactics We have no idea where he is (whereabouts)  We don’t know his whereabouts/His whereabouts is/are unknown to us The policeman acted quickly and averted an accident (prompt)  The prompt action of the policeman averted an accident This new record is certain to sell a lot of copies (doubt)  There is no doubt that this new record will sell a lot of copies KẾT THÚC BUỔI 24 PHẦN IV SENTENCE ELEMENTS – THÀNH TỐ CỦA CÂU (ÔN TẬP) Buổi 25 - Bài 14 SUBJECT (S): CHỦ NGỮ Definition: Gender to be the action doer or described or mentioned (là chủ thể hành động hay đối tượng miêu tả) Classification: a Subject pronouns: (đại từ nhân xưng chủ ngữ) First Person Second Person Third Person Singular form I You He, She, It Plural form We You They Eg He went abroad to study medicine They were killed in an accident b Nouns, or noun phrases: eg Love is a stage of feeling and can’t be recognized by senses Gain and loss go together c Gerunds: eg Fishing is his favourite pastime Getting good marks is not always difficult Clauses: eg What we really wish is to be at the cinema All she can say is that he is a liar Exercise 21/30 I am having a lot of trouble now because I host my passport last week  If I hadn’t lost my passport last week, I wouldn’t have been having so much trouble now When the police caught him, he was climbing over the garden wall The police caught him (as he was) climbing over the garden wall It’s sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year Sad though/as it is, unemployment is unlikely to go down this year It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk  Having nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk “Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house,” she said She flatly refused to sleep in that haunted house It wasn’t necessary for them to call for help after all They didn’t have/need to call for help after all You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs Jones  Nowhere will you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs Jones Exercise 22/30 I want to be left alone (disturbed)  I don’t want to be disturbed He took the company to court on the grounds of unfair dismissal (unfairly) We’re likely to be a little late, I’m afraid (every) There’s every likelihood/possibility (that) we’ll be late The Committee said they liked the first proposal best (preference) The committee expressed a preference for the first proposal I really must answer all these letters (get down) I really must get down to answering all these letters It’s not your fault (blame) Don’t blame yourself/You’re not to blame/ You mustn’t blame yourself People seem to be criticizing the police quite a lot nowadays (criticism) There’s quite a lot of criticism directed at the police nowadays In a nutshell, the man’s an idiot (bluntly Trang 27/36 Quite bluntly/To put it bluntly/Put bluntly/Putting it bluntly/Bluntly, the man’s an idiot KẾT THÚC BUỔI 25 Buổi 26 - Bài 16 COMPLEMENTS (C): BỔ NGỮ Definition: Element to be described or mentioned usually follows the verb to be or link verbs (là thành tố hoàn thành câu, thường theo sau “to be” link verbs) Classification: a Nouns, or noun phrases: eg She is a kind hearted lady They became the new employees b Gerunds: eg Her hobby is singing c Verbs: eg My dream is to become a teacher d Clauses: eg A full apology is what the boss wants now./ A smile is all he could and what he should Notes: Có loại bổ ngữ; bổ ngữ chủ ngữ (Cs) – She was exhausted – bổ ngữ tân ngữ (Co) – The long walk made us exhausted Exercise 23/30 She had hardly begun to speak before people started interrupting her  Hardly had she begun to speak before/when people started interrupting her It was a bit difficult to get into work this morning Getting into work this morning was a bit difficult We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful  Much to our regret, we have to/must inform you that your application hasn’t been successful He knows really everything there is to know about whales  There’s hardly anything he doesn’t know about whales If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for an concerned The sooner we (can) solve the problem, the better it will be for all concerned The demand was so great that they had to reprint the book immediately  So great was the demand that they had to reprint the book immediately I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing in this weather They can’t(possibly) have been playing in this weather “I didn’t steal the car,” he said, “I just borrowed it” He denied stealing/having stolen the car but admitted borrowing/having borrowed it Exercise 24/30 I’m dying to meet them (wait) I (just) can’t wait to meet them They lay on the beach the whole week sunbathing (spent) They spent the whole week lying on the beach sunbathing I seriously doubt whether this will work (doubts) I have serious doubts as to whether this will work He’s always found it very difficult to learn English (difficulties) He’s always had difficulties in learning English I have no intention of giving up now (intend) I don’t intend to give up now They’ve always been allowed to what they want (freedom) They’ve always had/been given/been allowed the freedom to whay they want This is quite a common occurrence (frequently) This (sort of) thing happens/occurs quite frequently Something told me to say exactly what I thought, but I didn’t (sorely) I was sorely tenpted to say exactly what I thought KẾT THÚC BUỔI 26 Buổi 27 - Bài 17 OBJECTS (O): TÂN NGỮ Definition: Gender to be described or mentioned usually follows ordinary verbs to show the direct or indirect goals that the verbs aim at (là thành tố hoàn thành câu, thường theo sau động từ thường hướng hay đối tượng động từ) Classification: a Object pronouns: (đại từ nhân xưng tân ngữ) First Person Second Person Third Person Trang 28/36 Singular form me you him, her, it Plural form us you them Eg We met him yesterday She made us a big cake b Nouns, or noun phrases: eg She gave me a blank look We sent endless letters to the manager c Gerunds: eg The man loved telling funny stories She was interested in going shopping on Sundays d Verbs: eg Jack wished to become an astronaut Kelvin loves to the crosswords e Clauses: eg We know how we should solve the problem She asked why we didn’t arrive on time Notes: Có loại bổ ngữ; bổ ngữ chủ ngữ (Cs) – She was exhausted – bổ ngữ tân ngữ (Co) – The long walk made us exhausted Exercise 25/30 I only made that terrible mistake because I wasn’t thinking If I had (only) been thinking, I wouldn’t have made that terrible mistake We had planned to visit grandmother, so we left early in the morning  We were planning to visit grandmother, so we left early in the morning Someone rang the alarm as soon as the burglars left the building No sooner had the burglars left the building than someone rang the alarm As television programmes become more popular, they seem to get worse The more popular TB programmers become, the worse they seem to get “I think the whole idea’s ridiculous,” he said  He dismissed the whole idea as (being) ridiculous The authorities will prosecute anyone they find trespassing on this land  Anyone found trespassing on this land will be prosecuted (by the authorities) I prefer going out for a meal to staying at home I’d rather go out for a meal than stay at home It would have been a super weekend if it hadn’t been for the weather  But for the weather, it would have been a super weekend Exercise 26/30 I was told the film would be very good (led) I was led to believe the film would be very good She apologized for having to go so early, and left (apologies) She made/offered her apologize and left early You have to register by 1st April at the latest (deadline) The deadline for registration si 1st Apr The refugees are in serious need of warm clothes (badly) The refugees badly need warm clothes I was mystified by the whole thing (baffling)  I found the whole thing baffling You don’t have to buy one if you don’t like it (obligation)  You’re under no obligation to buy one if you don’t like it If you promise not to laugh, I’ll show you our holiday snaps (long) As/Song long as you promise not to laugh, I’ll show you our holiday snaps How you think the present negotiations will turn out? (outcome) What you think the outcome of the present negotiations will be? KẾT THÚC BUỔI 27 Buổi 28 - Bài 18 ADVERBIALS (A): TRẠNG NGỮ Definition: Element to be used to denote the stages, manner, methods, or to indicate time, places, purposes, or others (được dùng để miêu tả trạng thái, cách thức, phương pháp, mức độ, hay dùng để thời gian, nơi chốn, mục đích,… hành động) Classification: b Adverbs: eg We often go to work by bus She danced marvelously c Adverbials: eg In the past, people used to live in a large family Clauses: eg When we came, they were fighting Billy tried hard in order that he could pass the exam Exercise 27/30 Trang 29/36 “You should have waited for us,” the team leader said to John The team leader criticized John for not waiting/having waited for them It’s possible that he didn’t get my letter  He might not have got my letter The last time it snowed here was six years ago  It last snowed here six years ago I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later Only when they told me about it later did I realize what I had missed There weren’t nearly as many people there as I had expected  There were far fewer people there than I had expected When the Minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment  On being asked about the strike, the Minister declined to comment There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble  You didn’t need to go to all that trouble Please don’t say things like that  I wish you wouldn’t say things like that Exercise 28/30 I’d like you to wait until they bring out a new model (rather) I’d rather you waited until they bring/brought out a new model We couldn’t find the cat anywhere (nowhere) The cat was nowhere to be found What finally ended the dispute was the fact that the union agreed to go to arbitration (agreement) What finally ended the dispute was the union’s agreement to go to arbitration He won’t let anyone else touch his records (objects) He objects to anyone else touching The fact that nobody said anything at the time surprised me (what) What surprised me was (the fact) that nobody said anything at the time The referee first blew the whistle 30 minutes into the game (playing) They had been playing for 30 minutes when the referee first blew his whistle I admitted it was my fault for burning the toast (blame) I admitted I was to blame for burning/having burnt the toast It’s becoming extremely expensive to maintain the museum (unkeep) The upkeep of the museum is becoming extremely expensive KẾT THÚC BUỔI 28 PHẦN V PARTS OF SPEECH – BỘ PHẬN NGÔN NGỮ (TỪ VỰNG) Buổi 29 - Bài 19 NOUNS (N): DANH TỪ Definition: To call out the names of things, objects, actions, or movements… (dùng để gọi tên vật, tượng) Functions: (chức năng) Subject (S)(chủ ngữ): Gender of a verb (A teacher usually works at school) Object (O)(tân ngữ): Follow verbs or prepositions (He buys some cakes for his birthday party) Complement (C)(bổ ngữ): Make the complementation (She was a famous singer) Compounds (Co)(danh từ ghép): summer holiday, birthday cakes,… Possessive cases (Pc)(dạng sở hữu cách): the boss’s car, his teacher’s remarks,… Noun phrases (Np)(cụm danh từ kết hợp tự do): Free words combination or compounds Plural forms: dạng thức biến đổi số nhiều 3.1 Adding “s” to almost count-nouns: thêm ‘s’ vào sau hầu hết danh từ, đọc /s/ /z/ a table tables a dog dogs an apple apples a student an orange orange an umbrella umbrella student s s s a house houses a cat cats an egg eggs 3.2 Adding “es” to the count-nouns that end in “s, ss, sh, ch, o, x” with /iz/ or /z/: thêm ‘es’ a bus buses a potato potatoes a class classes a dish dishes a box boxes a wish wishes a watch watches a tomato tomatoe a torch torches s 3.3 Adding “ies” to the count-nouns that end in “y” with its preceding consonants: them ‘ies’ Singular Plural Singular Plural a lorry lorries a lady ladies a story stories a baby babies Trang 30/36 3.4 Adding “ves” to the count-nouns that end in “f, fe”: đổi ‘f’, ‘fe’ thành ‘ves’ Singular plural Singular Plural a wife wives a leaf Leaves a knife knives a loaf Loaves 3.5 Irregular changes: dạng biến đổi bất qui tắc Singular Plural Singular plural Singular Plural a man men a louse lice a woman women a child children a medium medi an ox oxen a a tooth teeth a mouse mice a goose geese 3.6 Collective noun: crew, family, group, team,…(singular or plural form, either singular or plural verb) danh từ tổ hợp, coi số số nhiều, dùng động từ dạng số nhiều 3.7 Always plural form-nouns: tồn hình thức số nhiều clothes police breeches pants pyjamas trousers scissors pliers (kìm) binoculars glasses scales shears (kéo cắt cỏ) arms damages earnings goods greens (vegetable) outskirts savings pains (trouble, effort) spirits surroundings stairs valuables athletics ethics mathematics physics politics 3.8 Unchanged the names of creatures: deer, sheep, calf, cod, pike, plaice, salmon, squid, trout, turbot (these nouns can take either singular or plural verbs) hình thức số ít, nhiều không đổi 3.9 Plural form but singular verb-noun: news, mumps (bệnh sưng quai hàm), billiards, bowls – hình thức số nhiều sử dụng số Uncountable nouns: Danh từ không đếm 4.1 Substances: vật chất bread beer cloth coffee cream Ice sand wood wine pape r dust gin glass gold soap Stone water jam oil tea 4.2 Abstract nouns: danh từ không đếm advic beauty courag death experienc informatio suspicio e e e n n fear help hope horror knowledg mercy pity relie e f 4.3 Others: số danh từ khác baggage camping damage furniture luggage parking shopping work weather 4.4 Notes: Particular sense of uncountable nouns: số danh từ không đếm lại có mạo từ 4.4.1 a help: A great help to + O (He gave a great help to our family) 4.4.2 a relief: A relief to + V (That gave me a relief to continue my study) 4.4.3 a knowledge: A good/ bad knowledge of + N (Pete has got a good knowledge of history) 4.4.4 a dislike / dread / hatred / horror / love of + …(He had a great love for funny stories) 4.4.5 a mercy / pity / shame / wonder + that…(It’s a pity that I couldn’t come) 4.4.6 a fear/ fears; a hope/ hopes; a suspicion/ suspicions: We have a suspicion / suspicions that noone will agree to help Compound nouns: danh từ ghép 5.1 Noun-noun: Hanoi-capital; hall-door; hitch-hiker; kitchen-table; traffic light; winter clothes; 5.2 Noun-gerund: fruit-picking; weight-lifting; lorry-driving; bird-watching; coal-mining; surf5.3 Gerund-noun: waiting-list; landing card; driving board; dining room; driving license;… 5.4 Free combination: kết hợp tự - shop window; church bell; picture frame; garden gate; college library; gear level;… - city street; corner shop; country lane; … - summer holiday; spring flowers; Sunday paper; dawn chorus; November fog; … - steel door; stone wall; silk shirt;…/ - coffee cup; golf club; chess board; football ground;… - fish-farm; gold-mine; oil-rig; …/ - football match; beauty contest; pop music;… Suffixes: hậu tố dùng để tạo danh từ 6.1 er/ or/ ist/ ant/ ee/…: teacher, visitor, terrorist, vegetarian, applicant, employee,… Trang 31/36 6.2 ent/ ce/ ion/ ism/ ance/ age/…: government, difference, action, capitalism, assistance, marriage,… 6.3 hood/ dom/ ship/ ness/ iety/…: neighborhood, freedom, friendship, sadness, variety, 6.4 ility/ ing/ al/ our/ y/…: possibility, fishing, refusal, arrival, behavior, difficulty, KẾT THÚC BUỔI 29 Buổi 30 - Bài 20 VERBS (V): ĐỘNG TỪ Definition: To denote action, state, and be the most important part of sentences Classification: phân loại động từ 2.1 Auxiliary verbs: động từ trợ 2.1.1 Primary auxiliary verbs: be/ have/ (These verbs can either be auxiliaries or lexical verbs) 2.1.2 Modal verbs: can/ could/ may/ might/ must/ have to + base form/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ be going to + base form/ used to + base form/ ought to + base form/(These are sometimes functional verbs) 2.2 Lexical verbs: động từ mang nghĩa 2.2.1 Intensive verbs: verbs that show the state (She feels tired/ He is selfish) 2.2.2 Extensive verbs: verbs that show the affection (He gets angry/ They are helpful) 2.2.3 Intransitive verbs: verbs that can function as verb phrases and make sentences meaningful without any complementation e.g She cried (noisily) It rains/ is raining (hard/ heavily/ cats and dogs) 2.2.4 Transitive verbs: verbs that need complementation a Mono-transitive verbs: verbs that followed by one object (S+V+O) e.g She bought flowers Ann met her fiance’ yesterday b Di-transitive verbs: verbs that followed by both direct and indirect objects (S+V+O+O) e.g She bought me some sweets (= She bought some sweets for me) They gave me a big cake (=They gave a big cake to me) c Complex transitive verbs: follow the form “S + V + O + Co” e.g He made me angry d Affixations: phụ tố để tạo động từ 3.1 en: added to nouns or adjectives (mean make, or lead to ) e.g danger…….to endanger wide…… to widen rich……… to enrich courage……to encourage length……to lengthen broad …… to broaden 3.2 ize/ ise: added to nouns or adjectives (mean make, or develop, or specify) e.g modern……to modernize industrial….to industrialize minimum….to minimize maximum….to maximize capital…… to capitalize natural…… to naturalize Sentence models: 4.1 S + V-intrans They laugh/ The wind is blowing 4.2 S + V-monotrans + O He did his homework/ Harley carried an umbrella 4.3 S + V-in/ extensive + Cs He became famous/ They are nearly exhausted 4.4 S + V-intrans + A He went abroad/ She arrives late 4.5 S + V-ditrans + O + O She buys me presents/ That brings my father success 4.6 S + V-complex trans + O + C The story made me bored/ You drive me mad 4.7 S + V-intrans + A + A She went to school early Exercise 29/30 This is the best essay I have ever written  Never had I written such a good essay/a better essay than this I assumed that she would learn how to take shorthand after this course  I took it it for granted that she would learn I am terribly sorry; I thought you were a friend of Anna’s  I took you for a friend of Anna’s, I’m sorry Although she was busy, she managed to find the time to proofread for me Busy as/though she was, she I would prefer you to computer science  I’d rather you did computer science He didn’t get his visa until last Monday  It was not until last Monday that he got his visa They continued to say that I was to blame  They persisted in saying that I was to blame Vietnamese coffee is considered to be one of the best in the world  Vietnamese coffee is regarded as one of the best in the world If you ask me well in advance I’ll be willing to work over time  Provided you asked me well in advance, I’ll Trang 32/36 10 “I never used bad language,” she said  She denied using/having used bad language KẾT THÚC BUỔI 30 Buổi 31 - Bài 21 ADJECTIVES (ADJ): TÍNH TỪ Kinds (Classification): phân loại 1.1 Main kinds: phân loại a Demonstrative: this, that, those, these b Distributive: each, every, either, neither c Quantitative: some, any, no, little, few, many, much, numbers d Interrogative: which, what, whose e Possessive: my, your, his, her, our, its, their f Quality: clever, dry, fat, golden, heavy,… 1.2 Participles: phân từ a present: ING-form boring, interesting, exciting,…(for objects) b past: ED-form broken, tired, bored,…(for human-beings) c Notes: Present participles different from gerund e.g He was fishing./ His hobby is fishing Functions (Position): chức hay vị trí 2.1 Noun-subordinator: (bổ nghĩa cho danh từ) a new book, a kind lady, a large room,… 2.2 Verb-complementation: (bổ nghĩa cho động từ) Follow the certain verbs as be, become, seem appear, feel, get, grow (become), keep, look (appear), make, smell, sound, taste, turn,… But some verbs can take either an adjective or an adverb: Eg: - He looks calm (=He himself is calm) - He looks calmly at the angry crowd (= He shows no attitude to the angry crowd) Clauses: mệnh đề danh tính ngữ 3.1 That – clause: It is disappointed that he failed the exam./ It’s better that someone should tell him 3.2 find/ think/ believe + that it + adjs + to + V: I found that it is impossible to start now./ She thought that it was silly to ask him to stay 3.3 It be + adjs + (of O) + infinitives: a Character: brave, careless, cowardly (nhút nhát), cruel, generous, good, nice (=kind), mean, rude, selfish b Sense: clever, foolish, idiotic (ngu), intelligent, sensible (nhạy bén), silly, stupid,… 3.4 Pronoun + be + adjs + noun + infinitives: Using the above adjectives and: astonishing, curious, ridiculous (lố bịch), unreasonable, funny(=strange), odd (lập dị), pointless, useful, useless,… - That’s the amazing idea to show - It was an unreasonable result to accept 3.5 It’s + adjs + infinitives: advisable, inadvisable, better, best, desirable, essential, good, important, necessary, unnecessary, vital (tất yếu),… 3.6 It be + adjs + (for O) + infinitives: convenient, dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, possible, important, safe,… 3.7 S + be + adjs + infinitives : - Angry, delighted, dismayed, glad, happy, pleased, relieved, sorry, sad, … ( S + be + glad/ happy/ sorry/ sad/… + to say/ tell/ inform; Others adjs + to find/ learn/ hear/ see/…) - Able, unable, apt, inclined, liable, prone, prepared, quick, reluctant, slow, ready, willing, 3.8 Special cases: cấu trúc đặc biệt - Due: (time) >The race is due to start in minutes (sắp xảy ra) - Due to: a result of >The accident was due to his carelessness.(vì, bởi) - Owing to: because of >owing to his carelessness, we had an accident (bởi vì, bởi) - Certain/ sure + to V= opinion >He is sure to take legal action (chắc – suy đoán) - Certain/ sure that + (clause) = opinion >I am certain that the price will be higher - Certain/ sure/ confident of + N/G: He was sure of entering the haunted house.(quyêt tâm) - Bound + to V= obligation > We were bound to leave - Afraid/ ashamed of + N/G: She was afraid of being left alone - Sorry for/ about + N/G: Tom felt sorry for making so many mistakes - Afraid/ ashamed/ sorry + to V: I’m sorry to tell you that bad news - Anxious about = worried He was anxious about going in the dark alone - Anxious for O to V = wish He was anxious for you to go in the dark alone - Anxious that + (clause) We are anxious that we couldn’t come - Fortunate/ lucky that +(clause) = It’s a good thing…It was lucky that we weren’t late Trang 33/36 S + be fortunate/ lucky to V She was lucky to have such an interesting book Possible/ probable/ likely + future = perhaps It’s possible that man will live longer Aware/ conscious of N/G We should be aware of protecting our nature Aware/ conscious + that +(clause) She was conscious that she would be late Suffixes: 4.1 able/ ible/ ish/ ed/ ing/ ful/ less/…: talkable, visible, whitish, bored, amusing, careful, hopeless,… 4.2 y/ ly/ en/ ese/ ous/ al/ ive/…: wealthy, manly, golden, Chinese, poisonous, logical, effective,… 4.3 ade/ ate/ ent/ wide/ ic/ ist/…: adequate, humanate, dependent, worldwide, domestic, communist,… 4.4 like/ style/ type/…: childlike, Roman-type, German-style,… 4.5 Nationality: a an: American, Venezuelan, German, Mexican, African,… b ese: Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Sudanese, Lebanese,… c i: Pakistani, Iraqi, Israeli, Yemeni, Saudi,… d ian: Argentinean, Australian, Brazilian, Italian,… e ish: English, Polish, Turkish, Danish, Finnish,… f others: Czech, French, Dutch, Swiss, Greek, Thai,… - KẾT THÚC BUỔI 31 Buổi 32 - Bài 22 ADVERBS (ADV) TRẠNG TỪ Kinds (Classification): phân loại 1.1 Adv of manner: bravely/ haP.Pily/ quickly/ well/ …( She sings marvelously/ He worked very hard) 1.2 Adv of place: by/ down/ near/ here/ there/ … (Here comes the police) 1.3 Adv of time: now/ soon/ still/ today/ yet/…(We are going to Hanoi today/ He will return soon) 1.4 Adv of frequency: always/ once/ twice/…(We never eat dog-meat/ She once became the leader) 1.5 Adv of sentence: certainly/ definitely/ luckily/ ( He was certainly the liar.) 1.6 Adv of degree: fairly/ hardly/ rather/ quite/ too/ …( Hardly did we see anything) 1.7 Adv of interrogative: when/ where/ why/… (When did you go?/ Where is she now?) 1.8 Adv of relative: when/ where/ why (He came when we were watching T.V) Same form with adjectives: tính từ trạng từ có chung hình thức back deep* direct* early enough little straight far fast hard* high* ill near* well just* kindly late* left wrong* most* right* long low much* more* short* till pretty Note: Adv* can either have “ly” or not, but differences in meanings Positions (Functions): vị trí hay chức 3.1 Adv of manner: trạng từ thể cách Follow verbs: eg: He danced gracefully Before pres or follow objects in “V + pre + O”: eg: He looked at me carefully Follow Subject: eg: He suspiciously tasted the soup At the beginning or end: eg: Carefully he checks the suitcase He checks the suitcase carefully 3.2 Adv of time: trạng từ thời gian At the beginning or end of sentences: afterwards/ eventually/ lately/ now/ recently/ at once/ since/ till/ eg: He will returns soon Today we will learn lesson two Always at the end: before*/ early/ immediately*/ late (Adv* as conjunctions at the beginning) eg: He went to the church immediately Immediately, he went to the church Follow verbs or “V + O”: yet/ still eg: He still lives in the suburb of the city Split: just eg: He has just left the house 3.3 Adv of place: 3.3.1 At the beginning or end: away/ everywhere/ nowhere/ somewhere/ here /there/ eg: Nowhere could we find him English is spoken everywhere 3.3.2 Administration: here/ there eg: He lives here/ She hasn’t gone there 3.4 Adv of frequency: 3.4.1 always/ continually/ frequently/ often/ once/ twice/ periodically/ repeatedly/ sometimes/ usually eg: She usually walks to school 3.4.2 Restricted (inversion): hardly ever/ never/ rarely/ scarcely ever/ seldom eg: Never will she eat this kind of food 3.5 Inversion cases: trường hợp đảo ngữ Trang 34/36 hardly…ever never nowhere only then/ when hardly…when no sooner…than on no account scarcely ever in no circumstances not only only by scarcely…when neither…nor not till only in this way seldom/ so Notes: Eg hardly/ rarely/ seldom/ never/ only… + auxiliary + subject + verb Never have so many people been unemployed as today (so many people have never been unemployed as today.) Hardly had he fallen asleep when he began to dream of far-away lands (He had hardly fallen asleep when he dream of far-away lands.) Rarely have we seen such an effective actor as he has proven (we have rarely seen such an effective actor as he has proven.) Seldom does the class let out early Only by hard work will we be able to accomplish this great task (We will be able to accomplish this great task only by hard work.) or IN/ UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES : In / under no circumstances should you lend him the money ON NO ACCOUNT: Eg On no account must this switch be toughed SO + ADJ + AUXILIARY + S + V + THAT So difficult did she get a job that she had to stay home for a year So sure of this were the owners that they provided lifeboats for only 950 of its possible 3,500 passengers ONLY IN THIS WAY : Eg Only in this way could you solve the problem NAGATIVE, , NOR + AUXILIARY + S + V Eg He didn’t have any money, nor did he know anybody from whom he could borrow Exercise 30/30 He failed his exam because he missed classes so often (consequence) As a consequence of missing classes so often, he failed his exam Send me a postcard as soon as you arrive (minute)  Send me a postcard the minute you arrive You don’t have to it if you don’t want to (obligation) You’re under no obligation to it if you don’t want to I tried as hard as I could but I still failed my driving tests (however) However hard I tried, I didn’t pass my driving tests I felt that it had been a big mistake to give up that job (regretted) I regretted ever having given up that job Strangers are not to be let in (account) On no account are strangers to be/must strangers be let in He joined the army as soon as he had finished school (sooner) No sooner had he finished school than he joined the army If it weren’t for the weather, I would enjoy working here so much (but) But for the weather, I would enjoy working here so much It rained torrentially all day yesterday, which really depressed me (got) The torrential rain all day yesterday really got me down 10 I wrote this book because I want to help students with their writing (view) I wrote this book with a view to helping students with their writing KẾT THÚC BUỔI 32 Buổi 33 - Bài 23 ÔN TẬP TỔNG HỢP EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: STATEMENTS) Nam said “I am told to be at school before o’clock” Thomas said “All the students will have a meeting next week” She said “My parents are very proud of my good marks” The teacher said “All the homework must be done carefully” Her father said to her “You can go to the movie with your friend” She said “I may visit my parents in summer” The teacher said “We can collect old book for the poor students” She said “I don’t buy this book” Trang 35/36 The boys said “We have to try our best to win the match” 10 Her classmate said “Ha is the most intelligent girl in our class” EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: YES/NO QUESTIONS) “Do you enjoy reading?” Mike asked Peter “Do you like sports?” Hang asked Nam “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?” She asked Nam “Are there some oranges in the fridge?” She asked her mom “Will it rain tomorrow morning?” He asked his friend “Did you go to Hue three years ago?” Tam asked Peter “Are Tam and Hoa late for class?” Tuan asked Lan She said to me “Can you speak Chinese?” “Will you be here for five days?” Tam asked Thu 10 “Were you reading this book at o’clock last Sunday?” She asked Ba EXERCISES (REPORTED SPEECH: WH-QUESTIONS) “Where does your father work?” The teacher asked me “How many people are there in your family?” She asked John Tam’s friend asked him “How long will you stay in England?” “What time does the film begin?” She asked her mom The teacher said to Lien “What‘s your hobby?” “How you go to the airport?” His friend asked him “How much does this dress cost?” Ann asked her mother Mary asked David “How often you wash your clothes?” “When will your father leave Vietnam for the USA?” Phong asked Thu 10 “How many books the students need?” The librarian asked my teacher KẾT THÚC GIAI ĐOẠN HỌC HÈ TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO CƠ BẢN Bộ Sách Giáo Khoa Tiếng Anh THPT English Vietnamese Dictionary Chuẩn Kiến Thức Kĩ Năng môn Tiếng Anh Giới thiệu đề ôn thi ĐH-CĐ 2013 Phân Phối chương trình tiếng Anh THPT 10 Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Thực Hành A Practical English Grammar 11 Tài liệu Ngữ Âm học – ĐHNN-ĐHQG Hà Nội Tài liệu Ngữ pháp học – ĐHNN-ĐHQG Hà Nội 12 30 Bộ đề ôn thi ĐH-CĐ Vĩnh Bá Bài soạn ôn thi ĐH-CĐ 2007-2014 13 22 Bộ đề ôn thi ĐH-CĐ Hà Bích Hường Các văn hướng dẫn chương trình 14 Các tài liệu khác Duyệt Lãnh đạo Lập Thạch, tháng năm 2014 Giáo viên soạn Đỗ Văn Bình Trang 36/36 [...]... Sách Giáo Khoa Tiếng Anh THPT 8 English Vietnamese Dictionary 2 Chuẩn Kiến Thức Kĩ Năng môn Tiếng Anh 9 Giới thiệu bộ đề ôn thi ĐH-CĐ 2013 3 Phân Phối chương trình tiếng Anh THPT 10 Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh Thực Hành 4 A Practical English Grammar 11 Tài liệu Ngữ Âm học – ĐHNN-ĐHQG Hà Nội 5 Tài liệu Ngữ pháp học – ĐHNN-ĐHQG Hà Nội 12 30 Bộ đề ôn thi ĐH-CĐ Vĩnh Bá 6 Bài soạn ôn thi ĐH-CĐ 2007-2014 13 22 Bộ đề. .. số mệnh đề mang tính ràng buộc nhiệm vụ… Eg English is an important language which we have to master = English is an important language to master/ for us to master He is the only one who know the answer = He is the only one to know thư answer d Noun Phrase: : (Noun phrases replace relative clauses) Có thể dùng một hoặc một cụm danh từ để thay thế cho mệnh đề quan hệ nếu mệnh đề đó mang ngữ danh từ (thường... THÚC BUỔI 15 Buổi 16 - Bài 7 Trang 16/36 COMPARISON – SO SÁNH 1 Các cấp so sánh thông dụng với tính từ và trạng từ: (so sánh bằng, hơn, hơn nhất) 1.1 Positive degree: so sánh bằng as + adjs + as Eg: - She is as tall as my wife - Peter was as hard-working as I was (me) 1.2 Comparative degree: so sánh hơn 1.2.1 Monosyllable-adjectives: với tính từ đơn âm tiết adjs-ER + than Eg:... ngữ danh động từ V-ING để thay thế cho mệnh đề quan hệ nếu động từ chính của mệnh đề đó ở thể chủ động Eg The man who is sitting next to you is Mr Mike = The man sitting next to you is Mr Pike Do you know the boy who broke the window yesterday? = Do you know the boy breaking ….? b Past Participle Phrase: (V-ED phrases replace relative clauses) Có thể dùng một ngữ tính từ V-ED để thay thế cho mệnh đề. .. that + S+ verb She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her danh từ số nhiều They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one danh từ số nhiều Perry has had such bad luck that he’s decided not to gamble danh từ không đếm được This is such difficult homework that I will never finish it danh từ không đếm được 4 Khác Eg It has been such a long time since I’ve seen him... để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người, làm tân ngữ của mệnh đề quan hệ Eg That’s the one whom we need to contact The person whom you wanted to see died days ago The one to whom he wanted to talk was out Mr Ba, from whom we got news, was escaped yesterday c WHOSE: Là tính từ quan hệ chỉ người, dùng để thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu, kết hợp với một danh từ, làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ của mệnh đề quan hệ Eg This... từ quan hệ chỉ vật, dùng để thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật, làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ của mệnh đề quan hệ Eg The book which you liked was sold This is the bike which is my birthday present The house, which was on fire, was built long ago e THAT: Là đại từ quan hệ thay thế, dùng để thay thế cho các đại từ quan hệ như WHO, WHICH, làm chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ của mệnh đề quan hệ, ngoài ra còn được sử dụng trong... trò là mệnh đề quan hệ trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian Eg The day when she left was rainy The time when we reunite is uncertain g WHERE: Là trạng từ quan hệ chỉ nơi chốn, có vai trò là mệnh đề quan hệ trạng ngữ chỉ nơi chốn Eg This is the house where he lived in his childhood The place where we play football is a football ground h WHY: Là trạng từ quan hệ chỉ lí do, nguyên nhân, có vai trò là mệnh đề quan hệ... book that I like best (là cuốn mà tôi thích trong vô vàn cuốn sách) b Non- Restrictive Relative Clauses: Đây là loại mệnh đề không cần thiết có mặt mà câu vẫn có nghĩa, nếu không có nó câu vẫn đảm bảo về ngữ nghĩa vì tiền ngữ (chủ từ) đã xác định Loại mệnh đề này thường cách mệnh đề chính bằng các dấu phảy, hoặc thường có các tính từ hay đại từ chỉ định hay sở hữu như: this, that, these, those, his,... childhood KẾT THÚC BUỔI 12 Buổi 13 - Bài 4 CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN – CONDITIONAL SENTENCES I CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN CƠ BẢN – MAIN FORMS: (gồm 3 loại) 1 CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 1: (CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1- REAL CONDITION) a form: If S – V(hiện tại), S will V = S will V if S – V(hiện tại) Trang 12/ 36 b usage: - kết quả ở mệnh đề kết quả có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hay tương

Ngày đăng: 13/09/2016, 12:17

