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  • Date of preparation: th, Jan 2015

  • Date of teaching: th, th, th, Jan, 2015

  • Classes: 10cb3, 10cb7, 10cb8

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PASSIVE VOICE Date of preparation: th, Jan 2015 Date of teaching: th, th, th, Jan, 2015 Classes: 10cb3, 10cb7, 10cb8 I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES - To help Ss practice more about passive voice exercises - To help Ss know the usage and structure of passive voice II.PROCEDURE IN CLASS: Stabilization: - Greets the class and checks the attendance - Has a short talk with the class Checking previous knowledge (none) Presentation of new material Teacher and Student’s activities Content -Asks Ss write down on Theory: notebook Form: -Presents the theory about -Active: subject + verb + object passive voice -Passive: subject + be + past participle + by-phrase -Ss listen to the teacher E.x: A: Picasso painted Guernica in 1937 S + V + O P: Guernica was painted by Picasso in 1937 S + V + Agent Tense Present simple Past simple Present continuous Active S+ V/V+s/es The clerk writes the report S+V-ed/V2 The clerk wrote the report S+ am/is/are +Ving The clerk is writing the report Past continuous S+was/were+V-ing The clerk was writing the report Present perfect S+ have/has +PP The clerk has written the report Past perfect S+had+PP The clerk had written the report Modal verbs S+will/can/must/may/should The clerk will/can/must/may/should write the report S+have to+V9(-to) The clerk has to write the report Have to Be going to S+be going to+V(-to) The clerk is going to write the report Passive S+am/is/are+PP The report is writt S +was/were+PP The report was wr S+am/is/are+bein The report is bein clerk S+was/were+bein The report was be clerk S+have/has+been The report has bee clerk S+had+been+PP The report had be clerk S+will+be The report will/ca be witten by the c S+have to+be+PP The report has to b clerk S+be going to+be The report is goin clerk Exercise 1: (20ms) T: - Asks Ss to the exercises - Instructions the way to - Calls some Ss go to the board and write down the correct answer -Corrects mistakes and gives feedback Ss: -Listen to the teacher -Work in pairs -Go to the board and write down Exercise 2: (10ms) T: - Asks Ss to the exercises - Instructions the way to - Calls some Ss go to the board and write down the correct answer -Corrects mistakes and gives feedback Ss: -Listen to the teacher -Work individually Exercise 1: Rewrite these sentences beginning with the words provided The manager always welcomes new employees New employees _ Janet's colleagues gave her a present when she retired Janet Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877 The phonograph _ Stephen Court has just invented an armchair which can play music An armchair _ Where will your company send you next year? Where will you During the recession, the firm was making people redundant almost everywhere During the recession, people Had a special messenger delivered the package before you got to the office? Had the package _ The students usually hold the concerts at the university The concerts _ The scientists are studying the problem carefully The problem _ 10 The police found two children in the forest Two children Expected answer: 1.New employees are always welcomed by the manger 2.Janet was given a present by her colleagues when she retired 3.The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877 4.An armchair which can play music has just been invented by Stephen Court 5.Where will you be sent by your company next year? 6.During the recession people were being made redundant by the film almost every week 7.Had the package been delivered by a special messenger before you got to the office 8.The concerts are usually held at the university by the students 9.The problem is being carefully studied by the scientists 10.Two children were found in the forest by the police Exercise 2: Choose the correct form of the verbs The world's oceans are so vast that they (1) can cope/ can be coped with the present levels of population However, little (2) is knowing/ is known about the long-term effects of such slow poisoning The most serious problem modern times is that man (3) is destroying/ is being destroyed the earth’s natural resources and transforming huge areas into wasteland As a result, it (4) is becoming/ is become extremely difficult to grow enough to feed the world's rapidly increasing population A way of protecting all the wildlife on the earth must also (5) being found/ be found as many species (6) have been/ are in danger of disappearing completely from the face of the earth The dangers, however (7) not confine/ are not confined solely to the land and sea The smoke in the atmosphere, for example, (8) is increasing/ has been increased so much that the amount of sunlight (9) has reduced/ has been reduced in many cities Man's whole environment (10) is changing/ is being changed in a -Go to the board and write down Exercise 3: (20ms) T: - Asks Ss to the exercises - Instructions the way to - Calls some Ss go to the board and write down the correct answer -Corrects mistakes and gives feedback Ss: -Listen to the teacher -Work in group of three -Go to the board and write down serious way Expected answer: 1.can cope 2.is known 3.is destroying 4.is becoming 5.be found 6.are 7.are not confined 8.is increasing 9.has been reduced 10.is being changed Exercise 3: Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence 'Would you like ……… lunch with us?' `Yes, I'd love to.' a have b to have c having d had 'Are you interested in scuba diving?' ……… `Very Undersea life is… a fascinated b fascinating c being fascinating d being fascinate 'Ms Jones, please type those letters before noon’ 'They've already ……… sir They're on your desk.' a typed b been typed c being typed d been being typed Both domestic and imported automobiles must ……… anti-pollution devices a equip with b be equipped with c equip by d be equipped 'Has the committee made its decision yet?' `Not yet They ……… the proposal.' a are still considering b are still being considered c are still considered d have been considered 'What a beautiful dress you're wearing!' Thank you It ……… especially for me by a French tailor.' a is made b has made c made d was made Last night a tornado swept through Rockville It ……… everything in its path a was destroy b was being destroyed c destroyed d had been destroyed In some areas, water ……… from the ground faster than nature can replenish the supply a is being taken b has been taking c is taking d has taken An announcement about the eight o'clock flight to Chicago a has been already made b has already made c has already been mad d already made 10 ……… during the storm a They were collapsed the fence b The fence was collapsed c They collapsed the fence d The fence collapsed 11 The new computer system ……… next month a is being installed by people b is be installed c is being installed d is been installed 12 The man ……… because medical help was not summoned A doctor immediately a was died/ should have been called b died/ should have called c is died/ should been called d died/ should have been 13 Today, many serious childhood diseases ……….by early immunization a are preventing b can prevent c prevent d can be prevented 14 Why did Tom keep making jokes, about me? I don't enjoy……… a be laughed at b to be laughed at c laughing at d being laughed at 15 Many reliable methods of storing information when computers arrived a tend forgotten b tend to forget c tend to be forgotten d tend being forgotten Expected answer: 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.d 9.c 10.d 11.c 12.d 13.d 14.d Exercise 4: Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct Erosion, which washes away valuable topsoil can prevent by planting A B C Exercise 6: (15ms) trees and grass T: D - Asks Ss to the exercises The first modern type of Printing press was invented with a German - Instructions the way to A B C - Calls some Ss go to the board Johannes Gutenberg, in 1439 and write down the correct D answer it is estimated that much of a teenager's time is spending chatting on -Corrects mistakes and gives the Internet feedback A B C D Ss: For several centuries no real changes made in the basic methods used -Listen to the teacher A B C D -Work in group for printing -Go to the board and write Hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico have been caused considerable down A B C Damage to coastal cities in Texas D Children oughtn't spend too much time playing computer games A B C D It's his wish that the money should to be given to charity A B C D Why not you try the cake I have just made? A B C D That pottery was found by an archaeologist while she was worked in this area A B C D 10 The children are only allowed watching television on the weekend A B C D Expected answer: 1.b can be prevented 2.c by a German 3.c spent 4.c were made b have caused b to spend 7.c be a why don’t 9.d was working 10 c to watch Exercise 5: (10ms) T: - Asks Ss to the exercises - Instructions the way to - Calls some Ss go to the board and write down the correct answer -Corrects mistakes and gives feedback Ss: -Listen to the teacher -Work individually -Go to the board and write down Exercise 6: (15ms) T: - Asks Ss to the exercises - Instructions the way to - Calls some Ss go to the board and write down the correct answer -Corrects mistakes and gives feedback Ss: -Listen to the teacher -Work in pairs -Go to the board and write down Exercise 5: Complete each blank with one of the following verbs Put the verbs in the present simple, active or passive deliver sort take send collect The letters (1) _ from the post box Then a postman (2) them to the post office At the post office, they (3) _ by a machine so that the stamps cannot (4) again Next they (5) _ carefully and put into bags before (6) to other post offices for further sorting Finally, a postman (7) the letters to the addresses shown on the envelopes Expected answer: 1.are collected 5.are sorted 2.takes 6.being sent 3.are stamped 7.deliver 4.be used Exercise 6: Put the verb into the correct form, simple present or simple past, active or passive 1.Newton’s father _ (die) at his birth He _(bring up) by his mother and grandmother 2.The water _(always/ filter) before it is mixed with the chemicals 3.His bike (steal) while he was having a drink in the café 4.The office ( always/ lock) when everybody has left 5.The guards _ (always/ lock) the office when everybody has left 6.Where (these photos/ take)? In Singapore? (you/take) them? 7.Why (Tan/ give up) his job? Didn’t he like it? 8.Why (Hung/ fire) from his job? Did he make a serious mistake? 9.Passports _ (usually/ check) at the airport 10.They (always/ check) your tickets before they let you in 11.The 2006 World Cup for soccer (play) in Germany 12.The English team (not play) very well in the 2006 World Cup 13.The mailman _ (normally deliver) the mail before 8.00 He’s never been late 14.My newspapers _ (usually/ deliver) before 6.00, so I can read them at breakfast Expected answer: 1.died-was brought up 8.was Hung fired 2.is always filtered 9.are usually checked 3.was stolen 10.always check 4.is always locked 11.was played 5.always lock 12.didn’t play 6.were these photos taken- did you take 13.normally delivers 7.did Tan give up his job 14.are usually delivered SELF-EVALUATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………

Ngày đăng: 26/08/2016, 09:53

