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Translating english economic news

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HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY CODE: 08 FACULTY OF ENGLISH GRADUATION THESIS B.A DEGREE IN ENGLISH STUDIES TRANSLATING ENGLISH ECONOMIC NEWS Supervisor : Vũ Tuấn Anh, M.A Name of student : Đặng Tiến Lực Date of birth : 24/11/1993 Class : K18-A1 (2011-2015) HANOI – 2015 DECLARATION Title: TRANSLATING ENGLISH ECONOMIC NEWS I certify that no part of the above report has been copied or reproduced by me from at the report is originally written by me under strict guidance of my supervisor Hanoi, 30th April, 2015 Student Supervisor Đặng Tiến Lực Vũ Tuấn Anh Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) Graduation paper Translating English Economic News ACKNOWLEDGMENTS At this stage of research accomplishment, I would like hereby to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Mr Vu Tuan Anh, M.A My teacher did enormously helpful advice, enlightening guidance and encouragement, which are the most precious things and indispensable for the accomplishment of this study In addition, I am greatly indebted to Management Board of Faculty of English- Hanoi Open University, for their invaluable suggestions and best conditions for me and other students to complete our study I am also very grateful to all the teachers for their interesting and useful lectures, which have built in me a firm foundation with immense ideas for the fulfillment of this paper My sincere words of thanks also go to Ms Trang at the Library for providing me an abundant source of primary data which help me complete my research In particular, my special thanks to my family and my friends who have in one way or the other supported me during the thesis completion Finally, I would like to take full responsibility for this paper and lay sole claim to any of its shortcomings or imperfections Hanoi, 30th April, 2015 Student Đặng Tiến Lực Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) Graduation paper Translating English Economic News TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims and objectives of the study Scope of the study Methods of the study Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 1 Theoretical Background 1.1.1 Definitions of Translation 1.1.2 The importance of translation 1.1.3 Utility of translation 1.2 Features of translation 1.2.1 Translation process 1.2.2 The quality of the translation 1.2.3 Criteria for a good translation Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) Graduation paper Translating English Economic News 1.3 Types of translation 10 1.3.1 Word-for-word translation: 10 1.3.2 Literal translation 11 1.3.3 Faithful translation 11 1.3.4 Semantic translation: 12 1.3.5 Adaptation: 14 1.3.6 Free translation: 15 1.3.7 Idiomatic translation: 16 1.3.8 Communicative translation: 16 1.4 Translation skills for translators 18 1.4.1 Reading comprehension skills 19 1.4.2 Researching skills 20 1.4.3 Analytical skills 21 1.4.4 Composing skills 22 CHAPTER IMPLICATIONS IN TRANSLATING ECONOMIC NEWS 24 2.1 Overview on news 24 2.2 Languages style of economic new 25 2.3 Implications in translating economic text 29 2.3.1 Background preparation 29 2.3.2 Quantitative and qualitative analysis 30 2.3.3 Organizational collocation 31 2.3.4 Socio – linguistic analysis 31 Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) Graduation paper Translating English Economic News 2.4 Key rule 33 2.4.1 Some methodological implications 33 2.4.2 Rules 35 CHAPTER 3: SEVERAL DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS IN TRANSLATING ECONOMIC NEWS 38 3.1 Difficulties 38 3.1.1 General introduction 38 3.1.2 Difficulties 39 3.2 Solutions 48 3.2.1 Dealing with words 48 3.2.2 Dealing with idioms 52 3.2.3 Dealing with Voices 55 3.2.4 Dealing with Tense 56 3.2.5 Dealing with Relative clauses 57 3.3 Terminology 58 PART C: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 61 REFERENCES 63 Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale No one can deny the importance of language in the process of conveying information Language plays an essential role in people’s life and social development In recent years, together with the development of technology, especially Internet, there has been an increasing need for getting information from English mass media, including newspaper and online newspaper The role of English is more and more asserted, especially in the booming age of information and technology English can be considered as the prevailing language by the way it dominates every domain and maybe the only language that truly links the whole world together Therefore, studying English is a good way to contact with the huge world and approach a boundless source of information To survive on this economic developing era, we ought to master English as a demand of job's requirements Today, when every country from the world overcomes consequences of economic crisis and has a problem with a big amount of unemployment, every person needs to push his career forward However, just knowing English is not enough Sometimes, the fact that a person can speak, listen and read English does not mean he or she understands it carefully One more problem that we have to face here is the necessary of translating skills As Viet Nam has been one of the members of World Trade Organization, it has more and more requirements for Vietnamese especially students to have expert translation skills to meet the demand of integration into the huge world economy and to exchange our culture with other friendly countries Culture constitutes another major problem that faces translators A bad model of Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) translated pieces of literature may give misconceptions about the original Translating will not only transfer the features of the language translated but also its cultural characteristics There are many sentences that have got non-equivalent at word level As a result, to preserve the meaning, the form must be changed if necessary This is also a crucial point as it may happen in translation practice that a meaning which is expressed by a single word in one language may require a phrase or even a clause to be expressed in the target language All in all, as a student, I would like to share some ways to translate English economic news into Vietnamese clearly and accurately Aims and objectives of the study The study is expected to provide Vietnamese learners with the approaches of translating English economic news and some ways to help Vietnamese learners of English overcome the difficulties in translating economic news Therefore, being a student of English, I would like to present the most efficient techniques of translating from English into Vietnamese The aims of the paper are: - To investigate some basic information related to translation - To show the problems for translators and readers when they translate - To equip some basic ways to translators and readers when translating economics news - To give translators and readers some techniques to correct the mistakes Scope of the study For reasons of space and time, the thesis cannot cover the whole aspects of translating economic news Therefore, some issues have been raised as followed: Some methodologies of translating economic news and some Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) problems and solutions for each case Methods of the study Making an insight into the concepts of translation, analyzing and proving them are my typical methods Apart from these, I would like to suggest some techniques to translate from English into Vietnamese effectively There are a lot of books, materials, economic newspaper; documents such as International Investment Review, Economic Times, etc will be referenced Design of the study To achieve the above aims, my thesis has been divided into three parts: Part A is introduction, which introduces my reasons and aims to write the paper This part also includes the scope, method, design and aim of the study In part B, the main part of the study named Development; the content of the subject as well as its types, definitions, the necessity, features and processes, etc have been presented This part consists of three chapters: Chapter I: Literature Review Chapter II: Implications in translating economic news Chapter III: Several difficulties and solutions in translating economic news Part C, called Conclusion, I briefly summary the content that I have presented in above parts Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 1 Theoretical Background 1.1.1 Definitions of Translation Some things in life are not easy and leaning a language is one of them Translating from one language to another is yet another No wonder translation is highly – integrated skill It builds on not only language competency but also sound background knowledge and sensitiveness Thus, what is translation? It is still a question in need of research It is a difficult and complex field Below are some opinions on concept of translation: Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language, the closed nature equivalent of the source language message, first in term of meaning and second in term of type (Nida & Taber 1974:12) Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (source language – SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language – TL) (Catford 1995:20) Translation is a procedure which leads from a written SL text to an optimally equivalent TL text, and which requires the syntactic, semantic, stylistic, and text pragmatic comprehension by the translator of the original text (Wilss 1982a: 112) Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) Translation by explanation There is some resistance to this strategy in Vietnam, as many translators prefer to create now Vietnamese words rather than borrow English words However, this strategy can be useful when dealing concepts or ideas that a new to Vietnam, culture - specific items, and popper names of contracts that are widely known by their English names E.g1 In amendment of the 1997 Law, the National Assembly has also adopted regulations on investment in export processing zones, which has later been turned into official legal provisions, and has followed a new form of investment: BOT, BOO Projects on investment in export processing zones in terms of state management and financial preferential treatment policy The words "BOT, BOO" have been in common use in Vietnam for some time now, they are often used without any accompanying explanation, which is not advisable Whenever a loan word is used, it is best to offer an explanation either in parentheses or a footnote Quốc hội bổ sung vào Luật đầu tư quy định đầu tư khu chế xuất, thức ‘ Luật hóa’ hoạt động đầu tư vào khu chế xuất Việt nam, đồng thời bổ sung thêm hình thức đầu tư mới, hợp đồng xây dựng-kinh doanh-chuyển giao (Build - Operate - Transfer) hợp đồng xây dựng-kinh doanh-sở hữu (Build - Operate - Own) Các dự án xây dựng vào khu chế xuất đầu tư theo hình thức BOT hưởng quy chế đặc biệt mặt quản lý nhà nước lẫn sách ưu đãi tài E.g2 The Vietnamese Government stipulated special licenses and import quotas as regards sensitive items: tobacco, automobiles and motorbikes, Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 50 radio receivers and TV, and CKD recorder chips Compared with before, this list is shorter Chính phủ Việt Nam quy định phải có giấy phép đặc biệt hạn nghạch nhập cho mặt hang gọi nhạy cảm như: thuốc sợi, xe hơi, xe gắn máy, Ti-vi linh kiện máy ghi âm dạng CKD So với quy định trước đây, danh sách ngắn Translation by paraphrase Experienced translators say that the good way to have a version that is quite different from the source language one is translating words by words It is believed that translating words by words can make the version identical to its source Example: Shares of Nomura Holdings fell percent Monday following a decision by the troubles lender Resona Holdings to sell Y55 billion, or $ 468 million, worth of shares that it owns in Japan's largest brokerage Most of people don't understand clearly "it" refers to Nomura Holdings or Resona Holdings In this case, "it" refers to Resona Holsings Giá cổ phiếu công ty cổ phần Nomura giảm 5% vào hôm thứ Hai sau công ty cổ phần môi giới chứng khoán lớn Nhật gặp khó khăn Resona đưa định bán số lượng cổ phiếu trị giá 55 tỷ Yên Nhật tương đương 468 triệu Đô la Translation by omission Though some translators may reject this strategy as too drastic, it is sometimes appropriate to omit words or phrases that are not essential to the meaning or impact of the text This is especially true for words that would Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 51 require lengthy explanations, awkward paraphrases, or literal and unnatural translations, which would interrupt the flow of the text and could distract the reader from the overall meaning E.g Since 2001, the dollar has fallen by 33% against the euro and by 15% against the Japanese yen Currency traders around the globe will scrutinize every word from Boca Raton, looking for to stem the dollar's decline Many businessmen will be holding their breaths as well In this example, the subject "currency traders" and "many businessmen" have the same predicate As a result, we can translate by omitting the predicate of the second sentence Từ năm 2001, Đồng Đô la giảm 33% so với đồng euro 15% so với đồng Yên Nhật Các nhà kinh doanh ngoại tệ giới nhiều thương gia khác chờ đợi thông tin từ phủ để hạn chế mức giảm đồng Đô la 3.2.2 Dealing with idioms Idioms is not originally an English word It is one of the many that have come into the language from Greek “Idiom” means “one of a kind” and indicates that a phrase is being use with a special meaning that can be very difficult to the literal meaning Idioms are often used by both journals and politicians as shorrt hand way of expressing opinion or conveying readymade evaluation Eg: The Us auto industry cracking up They have already laid off five thousand people (www.onlineforenglish.com) Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 52 Idiom “lay off”: to terminate workers due to financial difficulties or lack of jobs Idiom: “crack up” means to lose control physically and mentally This idiom used in the example to show that the US auto industry cannot control themselves Nền công nghiệp ô tô Mỹ bị phá sản, năm nghìn người bị việc Eg: President Bush had shot himself in the foot with his promise so the other party used this against him in the 1992 election (Daily Mail) Idioms “shoot oneself in the foot” means you or say something stupid which causes problems for you Tổng thống Bush tự hại với lời cam kết trước không tăng thuế ông, đảng đối lập dùng lời cam kết để chống lại ông bầu cử năm 1992 With such idiom, it does not take time to translate However, it is easier to find a Vietnamese idiom with a similar meaning but is expressed differently For example: One-stop service: Chính sách cửa Give and take: Có có lại Pick and choose: Kén cá chọn canh To be in red: cháy túi, nợ nần Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 53 To go bankrupt: Phá sản Some idiomatic expressions are culture - bound, they cannot be translated exactly In search for idiomatic equivalence when doing translation, we should concentrate on expression and the transfer from one culture to another Here, the translator must deal with problems that lie beyond the dictionary That is, problems that can be solved merely by translating the surface meaning Because of cultural orientation in language, a direct translation of the source language may lead to nonsense The golden rule here is to translate the idioms culturally, not literally E.g Retail investors are finally investing in stocks again after being scared away by the three -year bear market In Vietnamese, when we compare an inactive person with any animal, we say "as slow as snail" On the contrary, in English, it is "bear" When we compare an active person with any animal, we say "as quick as" On the contrary, in English, it is "bull" E.g 1: Các nhà đầu tư chứng khoán lại đầu tư vào thị trường chứng khoán sau bị phen hết hồn thị trường chứng khoán ba năm ỳ ạch After all, translation is not an easy job as ones often think but a really difficult, complicated and trouble - someone since translators have to deal with not only words themselves but the differences in culture of the two countries as well Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 54 3.2.3 Dealing with Voices Differ from Vietnamese news, in English news passive voice is used with high frequency because it gives more information in fewer words and makes the news more attract However, Vietnamese translators have been taught to avoid the unnescessary use of passive voice in the Vietnamese version of a translation task Eg: - Vietnam’s industrial production was estimated at 50.6 trillion VND ($3 billion) last month, down 4.4% over the same period last year according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment (The Vietnam nation) Theo Bộ Kế hoạch Đầu tư, tháng trước sản xuất công nghiệp Việt Nam ước tính đạt 50,6 tỷ đồng (khoảng triệu đô la Mỹ), giảm 4,4% so với kỳ năm ngoái - The event, organised by the Government of Viet Nam in coordination with the European Union and the United States, drew the participation of agriculture and health ministers from more than 100 countries and representatives from many international organisation and institutions (VNS) Chính phủ Việt Nam phối hợp với Liên minh châu Âu Hoa Kỳ tổ chức kiện, thu hút tham gia trưởng nông nghiệp y tế từ 100 quốc gia đại biểu nhiều tổ chức quốc tế Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 55 Translators should always keep in mind that the use of passive voice in English is quite common while in Vietnamese the active voice is much preferred 3.2.4 Dealing with Tenses Although there are tenses in English: past, present and future, in Vietnamese we not have any tense We only use equivalences in tense when translate from English into Vietnamese There is no difference between the past simple and past perfect, future simple and future continuous or even between future simple and “be going to”, etc in Vietnamese Hence, a feature when translating news from English into Vietnamese is to add “đã” for the past, “đang” for the present and “sẽ” for the future In some case, however, those words need not to exist if they are unnecessary Eg: - Many foreign-invested kindergartens that enrol mostly Vietnamese children in HCM City are not following curricula approved by Viet Nam's Ministry of Education and Training (VNS April 2st 2014) Nhiều trường mầm non có vốn đầu tư nước chủ yếu tuyển sinh trẻ em Việt Nam TP Hồ Chí Minh không theo chương trình giảng dạy Bộ Giáo dục Đào tạo Việt Nam - Sacombank has received an official license from Lao’s central bank to establish a branch in Vientiane later this year (Vietnam Investment Review, November 2nd 2012) Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 56 Ngân hàng Thương Mại cổ phần Sài Gòn Thương Tín (Sacombank) nhận giấy phép thức ngân hàng trung ương Lào để thành lập chi nhánh Viên Chăn vào cuối năm - Economist are predicting that millions of workers will be unemployed as the economies of Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia contract this year while the Phillipines and Indonesia grow at sharply reduced level (The Global Edition of New York Times, March 1st 2013) Các nhà kinh tế dự đoán hàng triệu công nhân bị việc nề kinh tế Thái Lan, Xin-ga-po Ma-lai-xi-a co lại kinh tế Phi-lip-pin In-do-ne-xi-a giảm mạnh 3.2.5 Dealing with Relative clauses Relative clauses was used a lots in English - Vietnamese translation Some relative pronoun words such as: “who, whom, which, that, when and where” when translated some equivalent words “cái mà, người mà, thứ mà, mà, nơi mà” scarely was used, they can be ommitted Because if translating those words into Vietnamese, the sentences can be disagreed, made the reader cannot understand the meanings of the sentences Eg: - Compared with its yearly pre-tax profit target of VND400 billion, the VND91 billion that the Orient Commercial Joint Stock Bank (OCB) earned in the first three months was low, said general director Tran Van Vinh (VNS April, 26th 2013) Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 57 Hiển thị chữ viết theo ngữ hệ La-tinh Ông Trần Văn Vinh Tổng giám đốc ngân hàng Thương Mại Cổ Phần Phương Đông (OCB) cho biết so với mục tiêu đạt 400 tỷ đồng Việt Nam lợi nhuận trước thuế hàng năm, doanh thu 91 tỷ đồng mà Ngân hàng thu ba tháng thấp - Inflation in April of under a quarter of a per cent in both of the nation's leading cities helped ease investor worries about high inflation which could have forced the State Bank of Viet Nam to further tighten monetary policy, Hang said (VNS April, 26th 2012) Bà Hằng cho biết lạm phát tháng tư 0,25% hai thành phố lớn nước giúp nhà đầu tư giảm bớt lo lắng tình trạng lạm phát cao, điều khiến Ngân hàng Nhà nước Việt Nam tiếp tục thắt chặt sách tiền tệ 3.3 TERMINOLOGY "All scientists are linguistics to some extent They are responsible for devising a consistent terminology, a skeleton language to talk about these subjects - matter Philologist and philosopher of speech are in peculiar position of having to evolve a special language to talk about language" This quotation makes clear one of the essential characteristics of a term, its highly conventional character A term is generally very easy coined and easily accepted; and now coinages as easily replace out - dated one Terms therefore are rather transitory by nature, though they may remain in the languages as relics of a former stage in the development of a particular branch of science Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 58 Terms are generally associated with a definite branch of science and therefore with a series of other terms belonging to that particular branch of science Terms know no isolation; they always come in clusters, either in a text on the subject to which they belong, or in spend dictionaries which, unlike general dictionaries, make a careful selection of all terms Taken all together, these cluster of term form the nomenclature, or system of names, for the object of study of any particular branch of science Terms are mostly and predominantly used in special words dealing with the notions of some branch of science Therefore it may be said that they belong to the scientific style But their use is not confined to this style They may as well appear in other style - in news -paper style, in publicistic style, in the belles' letters style and practically in all other existing styles But their function in this case changes They no longer fulfill their basic function of bearing an exact reference to a given notion or concept The function of terms, if encountered in other style, in either to indicate the technical peculiarities of the subject deal with, or a character whose language would naturally contain special words and expressions? Such terms as "loans", "rate of interest", and the phrase "to secure for money" are widely known financial terms which to the majority of the English and American reading public need no explanation The terms used here not bear and special meaning Moreover, if they are not understood they may to some extent be neglected But in some cases, it is difficult for translators to use the correct words to express the terms to target language E.g.1 "Later the settlement of bad -debts would be based on auctioning the debt, price bidding, arrangements amongst investors or stake- holders who Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 59 want to purchase the SOE's non-performing loans for capital contribution or business cooperation" When looking up in the dictionary, we can find at least eight meanings such: xấu, tồi, dở, ác, bất lương…… However, the word "bad debts" in economic news is translated "mất khả toán" or "it is impossible to pay money for someone" The noun "performing" has several meanings: to implement, to act, to execute, to display If we isolate this word from the phrase, it is difficult to translate it It is a term in economic field In this case, "non - performing loans" has the same meaning with "bad debts" (nợ khó đòi) E.g2 The current -account deficit is a direct arithmetical reflection of insufficient domestic saving In particular, America needs to prune its government budget deficit In this example, current- account deficit is one of the terms in economic field It is "thâm hụt tài khoản vãng lai" These terms are rather difficult As a result, I listed some popular terms help readers understand more easily and clearly Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 60 PART C: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS In general, economy is an indispensable in the country Developed countries, developing countries or underdeveloped one depends on its economy In the globalization process, economy affects other activities in such fields as politics, security, co-operation and stability in the world It is useful for anyone who wants to know economic situations, economic policies of developed countries The role of language is to interpret the world for us The word symbols and grammar of a language organize the world for us Language is not only a tool for communicating and expressing human thought, but also a place restoring culture, customs of each community Since its beginning, translation has not ceased to play its indispensable role of transferring message across languages and cultural barriers Although the practice of translation is honored for its noble task, huge efforts are needed to improve the quality of translations Thus, the study on translation as the transformation of a written text in one language to that in another language has been carried out long before the formation of this paper and undoubtedly will be continued even after What I attempt to in this paper is to contribute my humble study to that great research work by giving suggestions in English - Vietnamese translation, which is very close to my everyday learning and work This is to show translators, especially would be translation professionals, the potential traps they may get caught in when rendering English texts into Vietnamese in terms of linguistic and culture Translation is a complicated procedure It is obvious that translation requires accuracy, transparency and must convey the full thoughts, ideas Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 61 written in the text However, A turn- of - the - century Russian translator said; (L.G Kelly) "Translation is like a woman, if she is beautiful, she is not faithful; if she is faithful, she is not beautiful" I hope you will ignore the blatant sexism in the statement and instead see one of the kernels of the truth in translation Translators must strike a balance between fidelity to the source text and readability in the target language We have all seen material that is so obviously translated as to sound awkward in our native language, and in some cases as to bear enough hallmarks of the source language as to be readily identifiable as coming from it The best translation is the one that no one recognizes as a translation In other words, the document should read as though it were written in the target language originally This implies, by extension, that the translator's time and effort are transparent, and the translator ends up being invisible In other words, you your best work when no one realizes you have done anything I have tried to finish my paper As my research work has to be accomplished in a family short time, mistakes, therefore, are inevitable I would like to receive criticism from teachers and friends to perfect it Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 62 REFERENCES English materials Bell, R.T (1998) Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice London and New York: Longman Catford, I (1995) Linguistic Theory of Translation CUP Calderaro, Lic Denis C (1998) "Considerations on Teaching Translation" Translation Journal, Vol No 3, July 1988 (On-line) Christopher (1992) Business Idiom International, Prentice Hall Duff, A (1989) Translation, Oxford University Press Enani M (2002) Literary Translation : Theory and Practice Longman Garcia Y (1982; 1989) Grammar and Translation Theory OUP Green, J (1984), the Dictionary of Contemporary Harris, P (2005) Translation Benjamins 10 Holmes J S (1988) Translated Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies Amsterdam, Rodopi 11 Neubert, A Translation studies and Applied Linguistics AILA Review 12 Newmark, P Communicative and Semantic Translation OUP 1977 13 Nida; Engene; Taber, Charles The Theory and Practice of Translation, CUP 1982 14 Osimo, P.(2000) Translation and Culture Benjamins 15 Sager, Juan C (1997) The Translator’s Dialogue Benjamins 16 Stuart C (1980) Translation into Second Language Longman 17 Tanke; Slype, G (1976) Better Translation for Better Communication, Oxford Pergamon Press 18 The Oxford Advanced Leamer's Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1995 Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 63 19 Touny, E G (2001) Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond Amsterdam: John Benjamins 20 Van Slype A (1979) Translation Course 21 Wills A (1982) The Science of Translation Cambridge University Press Vietnamese materials 22 Dang Xuan Thu & Bui Tien Bao, Interpreting and translation Book, NXB Giao Duc 2003 23 Đặng Trần Cường, Lectures on Lexicology, Hanoi Open University 24 Hoang Van Van, Translation Studies, Hanoi Open University 2002 25 Hoang Van Van, Introducing Discourse Analysis, Hanoi Open University 26 Pham Minh Cuong, M.A, Stylistics 2001 NXB Giao Duc 2003 Sources from Internet 27 http://www.itbtranslationco/faqs.html 28 http://vietnamnews.vnagency.com.vn 29 http://www.nytimes.com 30 http://vietnamnation.vn/ 31 http://www.thesaigontimes.vn/ Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 64 [...]... interesting to newspaper readers or news broadcast audiences" There are broad areas of definition of news: - News is a report of anything timely that interests a number of people The more people interest it the better the news is News is the difference between the world yesterday and the world today - News is what the well - trained reporter finds satisfaction in gathering and having published News is what... (2011-2015) 23 CHAPTER 2 IMPLICATIONS IN TRANSLATING ECONOMIC NEWS 2.1 OVERVIEW ON NEWS "What is News? " is really difficult question, not only for everyone who study journalism but also for those who learn about the world It is difficult question because there is not can be single, universal answer I would like to give the definition of the Webster about the News as "a report of a recent event; new... trained editor puts in his paper - News is surprise, an unexpected happening - News is the report or account of events or occurrences, brought to or coming to one as new information, new occurrences as a subject of report on talk - News = NEWS - North East West South - and information from these points and all points between Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 24 - News is something someone wants suppressed;... office to office, has element common to all conception of news To be news, an event must first be interesting to the public Second, and equally important, it must be new (to the public) The features of News - Time lines - Immediacy - Truthfully - Accuracy - Clarity - Fairness - Impact - Interest 2.2 LANGUAGES STYLE OF ECONOMIC NEW By the 19th century, newspaper language was recognized as a particular variety... the world can use Nowadays, English has been used as the universal language all over the world In our country, English play an indispensable role in the economic aspect Especially when Viet Nam has become member of World Trade Organization, the demand to have expert translation is necessary It is true that all of the contracts, emails, agreements, or conventions, etc, in English need to be translated... or people witness the even - Its function is pragmatic The writers don't want to give his/her own ideas - It makes news reliability Source of news Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 26 Most of the news is some words put under the headline: London, New York, Manila or at the end of the news: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg, International Herald Tribune E.g 1 Energy stocks weigh on European markets London: European... Abbreviations are often used in economic text because of economic reason E.g MSN was the most attractive stock for investors, as they saw a total net buying value of VND232.8 billion (US$10.9 million) for this code last week VIC's market value rose on Friday after its purchase of Vinatexmart, Vinatex's chain of textile and garment stores, was completed Terminology In economic news, terminology is used quite... really need it.” Most "reporting verb" is "say" because the writers want to give their objective point of view while translating As a result, the best "verb" meets its demand is "say" verb The appearance of direct speech is considered as an obliged element for the following reasons: - It makes newspaper more attractive The readers not only know writer's ideas but also other idea especially the speech of... Vietnam to upgrade the infrastructure, stabilize power supply, enhance the quality of the workforce and deal effectively with corruption by simplifying administrative procedures 2.3 IMPLICATIONS IN TRANSLATING ECONOMIC TEXT Garcia Yebra (1982) stated that a good translator must say all and nothing but what it elegant way Although it is necessary to recognize these guidelines, it is also evident that any... analytical, and composing skills This macro - skills include many sub - or macro - skills that need to be mastered Đặng Tiến Lực – K18A1 (2011-2015) 18 1.4.1 Reading comprehension skills While we are translating, we do not think of our activity as being broken down into phases After doing our first translation, many automatic mechanisms come into play conscious of our activity In order to think about

Ngày đăng: 24/06/2016, 21:23



