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Giáo trình tiếng anh chuyên ngành kinh tế xây dựng

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Giáo trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Xây dựng được biên soạn với mục đích cung cấp tài liệu chuyên ngành hẹp về xây dựng cho sinh viên bao gồm 10 bài đề cập tới các lĩnh vực trong ngành xây dựng như xây dựng dân dụng, các loại nhà xây dựng , kết cấu, móng, vật liệu xây dựng, cơ học đất.

Trờng đại học phơng đông Khoa kiến trúc công trình Giáo trình Tiếng anh chuyên ngành KINH T XY DNG Lu hnh ni b H Ni 2011 LI NểI U Nh biết ting Anh chuyờn ngnh quan trọng việc tiếp cận với khoa học kỹ thuật đại giới xu toàn cầu hóa hội nhập quốc tế nh Giáo trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Xây dựng đợc biên soạn với mục đích cung cấp tài liệu chuyên ngành hẹp xây dựng cho sinh viên bao gồm 10 đề cập tới lĩnh vực ngành xây dựng nh xây dựng dân dụng, loại nhà xây dựng , kết cấu, móng, vật liệu xây dựng, học đất Tp giáo trình ny cung cấp cho sinh viên vốn từ vựng xây dựng, mẫu câu ngữ pháp , phần phát triển kỹ giúp em sau học xong sử dụng giao tiếp, trình công tác Trong trình biên soạn không tránh khỏi thiếu sót rt mong c s úng gúp ý kin ca cỏc em giỏo trỡnh ngy cng phự hp hn, hu ớch hn cho vic s dng Ting Anh nh mt cụng c c lc cụng vic v hc tip v chuyờn mụn Xin chõn thnh cỏm n GS Nguyn Ti, Ch nhim Khoa Kiến trúc Công trình to mi iu kin h tr vic biờn son Ngi biờn son Nguyn Th nh Tuyt CONTENTS UNIT TITLE PAGE Unit What is civil engineering ? Unit Participants in the construction process Unit Building materials and types of construction 12 Unit Properties of concrete 17 Unit Site labour 22 Unit Foundations 27 Unit Structure 35 Unit Building Materials in the hot climate zone 41 Unit Loads 47 Unit 10 Site Investigations and Soil Mechanics 50 Exercises for revision 54 References 63 UNIT WHAT IS CIVIL ENGINEERING? The term Civil Engineering originally came into use to distinguish from military engineering, Civil engineering dealt with permanent structures for civilian use, whereas military engineering dealt with temporary structures for military use A more appropriate definition of civil engineering is that it deals with the design and construction that are intended to be stationary In practice, this definition includes buildings and houses, dams, tunnels, bridges, canals, sanitation systems, and the stationary parts of transportation systems highways, airports, port facilities, and roadbeds for railroads Civil engineering offers a particular challenge because almost every structure or system that is designed and built by civil engineers is unique One structure rarely duplicates another exactly Even when structures seem to be identical, site requirements or other factors generally result in modifications Large structures like dams, bridges, or tunnels may differ substantially from previous structures The civil engineer must therefore always be ready and willing to meet new challenges Within the field of civil engineering itself, there are subdivisions: structural engineering, which deals with permanent structures; hydraulic engineering, which is concerned with systems involving the flow and control of water or other fluids; and sanitary or environmental engineering, which involves the study of water supply, purification, and sewer systems Obviously, many of these specialties overlap A water supply system, for example, may involve dams and other structures as well as the flow and storage of water In a nuclear power plant, civil engineers are responsible for the design and construction of the plant itself, as well as the protective shielding around the nuclear reactor In the project of this kind, the engineer is a member of a team that is often headed by a system engineer who coordinates the contribution of all members of the team Because teamwork is necessary in so many engineering projects, nowadays, an important qualification for engineers is the ability to work successfully with other people ( Source : Lờ Th Hoi Thao v cỏc cng s, English of civil engineering, tõm bi dng cỏn b, B Xõy Dng , 1997 ) VOCABULARY temporary /'temprri/ (a): tm thi appropriate /'proupriet/ (a): thớch hp structure /'strkt/ (n): kt cu; structural /'strktrl/ (a) dam /dổm/ (n): p nc sanitation /,sổni'tein/ (n): s ci thin, iu kin v sinh roadbed /'roudbed/ (n): nn ng challenge /'tổlind/ (n): s thỏch thc unique /ju:'ni:k/ (a): nht duplicate /'dju:plikeit/ (v): li, lm thnh bn, nhõn ụi identical /ai'dentkl/ (a): ging ht substantial /sb'stổnl/ (a): ln lao, quan trng, thc t willing /wili/(a): t nguyn, sn lũng subdivision /'sbdi,vin/ (n): s phõn nh, phõn nhỏnh, b phn hydraulic /hai'dr:lik/(a): thu lc, chy bng sc nc environment /in'vairnmnt/ (n): mụi trng purify /'pjurifai/ (v): lc, lm sch sewer /'sju/ or /su:/ (n): cng rónh overlap /'ouvlổp/ (v): gi lờn nhau, chng chộo obviously (adv): rừ rng, hin nhiờn result in /ri'zlt in/ (v): gõy nờn, cú tỏc ng ti, a ti kt qu nuclear reactor /'nju:kli ri:'ổkt/ (n): lũ phn ng nguyờn t shielding /i:ldi/(n): tm, lp che chn specialties /'spelti/ (n): ngnh chuyờn mụn modification /,modifi'kein/ (n): s thay i, s sa i military engineering /'militri en'nr/ (n): xõy dng quõn s purification /,pjurifi'kein/ (n): s lm sch, lc sch distinguish /distigwi/ (v): phõn bit originally /'ridnli/(adv): ngun gc, ban u storage /'st:rid/(n): s lu tr,d tr PRACTICE I Comprehension questions: In what way civil engineering and military engineering differ? What stationary structures does civil engineering deal with? Why is civil engineering said to offer a particular challenge? Why must the civil engineers be ready and willing to meet new challenges? What is civil engineering sub-divided into? Do these branches of civil engineering work independently? What are civil engineers responsibilities in a nuclear power plant? What is the role of a system engineer? What is one of qualifications engineers should have nowadays? 10.Why is it an important qualification? II GRAMMAR Look at examples in the following boxes: Civil engineering deals with/ is concerned with / Permanent structures involves for civilian use Now, complete these sentences in the same way: a Structural engineering b Hydraulic engineering c Sanitary or environmental engineering d A water supply system e Civil engineering in a nuclear power plant Write questions for these answers without referring to the text a .? - The design and construction that are intended to be stationary b ? - It includes buildings and houses, dams, bridges, etc c ? - Because large structures like dams, bridges or tunnels may differ substantially from previous structures d ? - Structural engineering, hydraulic engineering and environmental engineering e ? - No, it doesnt It deals with permanent structures f .? - It is also called sanitary engineering g ? - The design and construction of the plant itself h .? - A system engineer i .? - Teamwork j .? - The ability to work successfully with other people UNIT PARTICIPANTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS When an architect receives a commission for a building, he meets the client and discusses his requirements After visiting the site, the architect draws up preliminary plans and, together with a rough estimate of the cost, submits them to the client for his approval If the client suggests changes, the architect incorporates them into the final design which shows the exact dimension of every part of the building At this stage, several building contractors are invited to bid for the job of constructing the building When they submit their tenders or prices, the architect assists his client in selecting the best one and helps him to draw up a contract between the client and the contractor Work now starts on the building As construction proceeds, the architect makes periodic inspections to make sure that the building is being constructed according to his plans and that the materials specified in the contract are being used During the building period, the client pays the bills from the contractor Subsequently, the contractor completes the building and the client occupies it For six months after completion there is a period known as the defects liability period During this period, the contractor must correct any defects that appear in the fabric of the building Finally, when all the defects have been corrected, the client takes full possession of the building (Source: JAMES CUMMING English for Science and Technology-Architecture and building construction, , NXB Xõy Dng, 2008.) Vocabulary approve (v) : ng ý, chp thun dimension (n) : kớch thc building contractor (n) : nh thu xõy dng proceed (v) : tin hnh, tin trin specify (v) : ch, nh rừ client (n) : khỏch hng (bờn A) defects liability period : giai on sa cỏc thiu sút (giai on bo hnh) draw up (v) : phỏc tho, bn v preliminary(adj) : s b, bc u a rough estimate of the cost : bn d toỏn s b submit (v) : np, trỡnh incorporate (v) : phi hp, kt hp bid (v,n) : u thu, s b thu select (v) : chn la periodic (adj) : nh k, theo chu k defect (n) : li, h hng fabric (n) : khung nh, cu trỳc, c cu subsequently (adj) : sau ú COMPREHENSION CHECK A Find a word or an expression in the passage which means: To be given the job of designing a building To offer to a client for his consideration To combine into a whole To offer to some work at a certain price a) for a building appoints an architect To look at the building work in detail at regular intervals Named or described exactly gives architect, his b) An visits c) interval of time after the building has been finished during which the contractor is responsible for correcting any faults in it approves e) To have complete ownership of the building B Questions draws up d) f) them into the finaladesign What doessuggests an architect to have the final design for building? changes CONTRACTOR Who are invited to bid for the job of constructing the building? Who helps the client to choose the best contractor? chooses a contractor assits his client in submits tender What does the architect when the construction proceeds? selecting a g) What is the clients task during the building period? a contract the When does the clientsigns occupy thewith building? i) helps client h) the j) signs a contract with When does he take full possession of the building? SKILLS DEVELOPMENT starts work on k) Reading and writing Exercises Complete this flow diagram Use the information from the main text pays m) CLIENT from contractor submits l) to client p) the building o) the building makes n) ARCHITECT makes sure that the building is completed according to the contract 10 r) .of the building corrects defects in the building during the q) But between the agent and the navvy there are many other men organize the work a who b.which c.whose d.where Tradesmen in civil engineering or building is the name to masons, bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers and mechanical fitters a sent b gave c give d given Navvies and digging which are essential to most foundation work a.the work b the concrete c the concreting d.job Foundations are the first work after and site clearance a the demolition b demolish c concrete d job Navvies are usually the first men on a building site a employ b given c employing d employed 10 Navvies the concreting and digging are essential to most foundation work a which b who c whose d where EXERCISE Choose the best option a, b, c, or d and then translate the sentences into Vietnamese In modern building construction foundations are usually a.reinforced b concrete c of concrete d prestressed Foundations down to a layer of earth or rock strong enough a must be b must c be d must be carried The nature of the ground has to a be studied b studied c studying d study The weight it can safely carry has to be calculated a.care b most carefully c.carelessly d careful For if too great a load is applied the ground , or settle, causing the building to crack a sink b sink s c is sinking 57 d will sink A special Act of Parliament was passed any more buildings or excavations in that area a to restrict b restrict c restricting d.to leave In some countries the special stresses caused must also be allowed for a earthquakes b by earthquakes c storm d by wind Rock, coarse sand, and gravels normally provide a support b.weak support c.tension d good support But finer soils, such as clay, may present problems a consideration b.small c considerable d large 10 The clay subsoil of London, for example, is one of the factors that the height and size of building there a is limit b limit c limits d.prevent EXERCISE Choose the best option a, b, c, or d and then translate the sentences into Vietnamese The main type of concrete are independent strip, raft, and pile a foundation b.column c foundations d pier Independent foundations are used to support piers unevenly spaced and unequally loaded a which are b which c which is columns or d that is are used when a row of columns is so closely spaced that independent foundation would nearly meet a Strip b Strip foundations c foundations d Raft A raft foundation is often suitable in very a hard ground b.weak sand c solid ground d soft ground Piles are used to take the weight of a building when it is dig down to a solid layer of earth a impossible b possible c possible to d impossible to 58 A structure is the part of a building that its weight a carries b carry c.bear d.support We should also remember that anything built is a structures b a structure c elements d.unit A structure may be a dwelling house, or a pyramid , the statue of Christ on the Andes a in Russia b.in Brazil c in Egypt d on Egypt The building as a whole is designed by a.an engineer b a doctor c a teacher d an architect 10 For the typical multi-story structure in a city, whether it is to be used for offices or dwellings, the most important member which the engineer designs is a foundation b the floors c the roof d the floor EXERCISE Choose the best option a, b, c, or d and then translate the sentences into Vietnamese 1.The floor repeats all the way up the building, and it has the greatest effect on of the building a the live load b the load c the dead load d.weigh These floors are generally of reinforced or a concrete b prestressed concrete c steel d.wood Because they fire better than steel or wood, an important consideration for a tall building a resists b resistance c fight d resist There are two main types, the and the hollow-tiled (or ribbed) floor a solid floor b thin floor c thick floor d soft floor Vine bamboo and palm fronds are used in the warm-humid zones a to buildings b for buildings c building d construct Because these materials are , not store heat, and allow the free passage of air 59 a thick b heavy c light d thin However, they have a short life span a relative b.considerable c.big d relatively Because they deteriorate rapidly termite attack a due to b because c according d due c hot d heat They are also highly a.burn b combustible 10 Both hardwoods and are found in most tropical and subtropical areas with the exception of the hot dry zones a woods b.timber c softwoods d.concrete EXERCISE Choose the best option a, b, c, or d and then translate the sentences into Vietnamese Extremes of climatic conditions cause changes producing cracks, splits and warping a.size b dimension c dimensional d thin Earth is one of the most widely used traditional building materials in a wet lands b dry lands c hot lands d hot-dry-lands Earth is used not only for walls for roofs a too b but also c.but d also Rooms built of mud are cooler in hot climates than those of any other material a relative b more c much d rather Mud bricks are brittle and not withstand well a tensive b.compressive c.cut d tension Concrete and reinforced concrete are widely used the nontemperate zones a throughout b through c.whole d all 60 Concrete is most frequently used for the structure, and floor slabs of buildings a.walls b foundations c.windows d.door Care must when using concrete for walls and roofs a take b.took c be taken d taken Salts in aggregates and water can cause of the reinforcement and subsequent spalling of the concrete cover a corrosive b corrode c.weakness d corrosion 10 The rapid evaporation and can result in low strength, cracking and high permeability a shortage of water b water c extra water d sand REFERENCES JAMES CUMMING, English for Science and Technology- Architecture and Building Construction, Longman, 1985 Roy Chudley revised by Roger Greeno, Construction Technology, Longman, 2002 VI TH QUC KHNH v cỏc cng s - Ting Anh chuyờn ngnh Kin trỳc, Xõy dng, Quy hoch v K thut Xõy dng ụ th, NXB Xõy dng, 2002 JAMES CUMMING- Ting Anh Kin trỳc v Xõy dng, dch: HU THNH, NXB Xõy dng, 1999 Lờ Th Hoi Thao v cỏc cng s , English of civil engineering, Trung tõm bi dng cỏn b, B Xõy Dng, 1997 Nguyễn Minh Hiệp, scientific English for Architecture Students, Viet nam national university at Ho Chi Minh city, college of Architecture 61 EXERCISE 10 Choose the best option a, b, c, or d and then translate the sentences into Vietnamese a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d 62 10 a b c d EXERCISE 10 Choose the best option a, b, c, or d and then translate the sentences into Vietnamese a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d 63 a b c d a b c d a b c d 10 REFERENCES JAMES CUMMING, English for Science and Technology- Architecture and Building Construction, Longman, 1985 Roy Chudley revised by Roger Greeno, Construction Technology, Longman, 2002 VI TH QUC KHNH v cỏc cng s - Ting Anh chuyờn ngnh Kin trỳc, Xõy dng, Quy hoch v K thut Xõy dng ụ th, NXB Xõy dng, 2002 64 10.JAMES CUMMING- Ting Anh Kin trỳc v Xõy dng, dch: HU THNH, NXB Xõy dng, 1999 11 Lờ Th Hoi Thao v cỏc cng s, English of civil engineering, Trung tõm bi dng cỏn b, B Xõy Dng, 1997 12 Nguyễn Minh Hiệp scientific English for Architecture Students, Viet nam national university at Ho Chi Minh city, college of Architecture Suffix able e.g : liable, suitable Can you give the explanation for these words: a b c d e f g h acceptable agreeable recognizable reliable unforgettable unmistakable responsible detachable V Vocabulary exercise Which word is the odd one out? a b c d e vine, bamboo, palm, frond, flower found, built, taken, manufactured cement, sand, brick, water, sized stone roof, wall, foundation, floor, concrete limestone, chalk, clay, sand Exercise 2: Look and read: gravel (n) : si pit (adj) : h, h o fine (n) : mn, thanh, mnh clay (n) : t sột 65 subsoil (n) : tng t bờn di factor (n) : yu t, nhõn t pier (n) : tr cu, cc múng tr space (v) : t cỏch nhau, cỏch Exercise Prefix non : who or which is not e.g : non-temperate Match a line on the left with a line on the right Who does not live in not inflammable a non-fiction not belong to b non-union literature basel on fact c non-stop d non-flammable fail or neglect to pay e non-payment without stop f non-resident 66 Reading and writing Exercise 1: Look and read Some examples of structural systems are: The post-and-lintel structure consists of three upright posts and two horizontal lintels The posts the lintels which the roof The lintels span a distance of meter Materials used for post-and-lintel structures include stone and timber Now make similar statements about the loadbearing wall and joists structure, steel skeleton structure and steel frame structure Exercise 2: Read this The post-and-lintel structure, in the diagram above, is composed of straight members The vertical and horizontal members which are used to make the structure are called posts and lintels respectively The posts are spaced at meter centers They are made up of blocks Both the posts and the lintels are made of stone Now write a similar description of the loadbearing wall and joist structure Exercise 3: Comprehension questions Look at the diagrams in Exercise and answer these questions: a b c d e f What the stanchions carry? What the floor beams support? What does the steel frame consist of? What is the arch made up of? At what centers are the steel frames spaced? What are the horizontal members which connect steel frames together called? g h i j What distance does the vault span? What is the span of the arch? What is the stone in the center of the arch called? Give some examples of materials used for arcuated and framed structures Sections through two typical reinforced concrete floors a) Solid reinforced concrete floor, showing main steel (below) and distribution steel (above) b) Hollow tile (or ribbed) reinforced concrete floor (no distribution steel is possible) c) (Source: JOHN S COTT, Civil Engineering, Longman, 1975) d) (Source: M J TOMLINSON, Foundation Design and Construction, Pitman Britain, 1980) VOCABULARY: load (n) : ti trng dead load (n) : ti trng tnh, ti trng c nh live load (n) : ti trng ng, hot ti wind load (n) : ti trng giú loaded (adj) : chu ti pillar (n) : ct one-pilar pagoda (n) : chựa mt ct concrete pillar (n) : ct bờ tụng impose on (v) : ố nng, bt chu ng distribute (v) : phõn b distribution (n) effect (n) : tỏc ng, nh hng effective (a) : cú nh hng arise arose arisen (v) : ny sinh store (v) : cha, ng storage (n) : s tớch tr volume (n) : khi, lng the volume of snow : tuyt machinery (n) : mỏy múc running machinery : mỏy múc ang hot ng represent (v) : i din, tng trng vibration (n) : s rung vibrate (v) : rung likely (adj & adv) : cú th, cú v thớch hp the vibration of the running machinery is likely to cause: s rung cú th cú mỏy múc gõy nờn warehouse (n) : nh kho, kho form (v) : to nờn, hỡnh thnh proportion (n) : s cõn xng; t l architectural proportion : s cõn xng kin trỳc direct proportion : tớnh t l thun inverse proportion : tớnh t l nghch to be in proportion to : cõn xng vi to be out of proportion to: khụng cõn xng vi stack (v) : chng cht, xp ng stack (n) : ng, ng smoke stack : ng khúi vent stack : ng thụng hi base on (v) : da vo, cn c vo appropriate for/to (a) : thớch hp, tng thớch accordingly (adv) : phự hp theo accordance (n) : s phự hp according as (conj) = in proportion as : tu theo according to (prep) : tu theo, theo nh pressure (n) : ỏp lc, ỏp sut pressure on foundation : ỏp lc trờn nn air pressure : ỏp sut khụng khớ windward (adj & adv) : v hng giú windward (n) : hng giú suction (n) : sc hỳt suck (v) : hỳt leeward (adj & adv) : khut giú leeward (n) : hng khut giú in other words (conj) : núi mt cỏch khỏc tendency (n) : khuynh hng tend (v) : cú khuynh hng exert (v) : dựng (sc mnh) exertion (n) pitched (a) : dc pitch (n) : dc, bc rng low-pitched (a) : dc thp, thoai thoi steep (a) : dc ng flat (a) : bng phng air steam (n) : hi nc khụng khớ force (v) : gõy ỏp lc, thỳc y, buc the air steam is forced up and over the roof: hi nc khụng khớ b y t di lờn trờn v qua mỏi nh force (n) : lc, sc the force of the wind : sc giú pull off (v) :kộo bt ra, nh bt lờn overturn (v) : lt , nho lift off (v) : nhc bng lờn, bc lờn securely (adv) : an ton, chc chn, bo m secure (adj & v) security (n) anchor (v) : gi cht, th neo anchor (n) : cỏi m neo rounded (adj) : c lm trũn li a rounded surface : mt cong a flat surface : mt phng Trờng đại học phơng đông Khoa kiến trúc công trình Giáo trình Tiếng anh chuyên ngành XY DNG H ni,2011 [...]... (Source: By JAMES CUMMING English for Science and Technology Architecture and Building Construction, NXB Xây Dựng, 1999.) Vocabulary building component : cấu kiện công trình 12 block (n) : khối material (n) : vật liệu, chất liệu mass construction (n) : xây dựng khối rod materials : vật liệu dạng thanh sheet materials (n) : vật liệu dạng tấm consider (v) : xem xét compressive strength : cường độ chịu... (v) : lắp, lắp ghép framed structure (n) : kết cấu dạng khung planar construction (n) : xây dựng tấm phẳng mass construction (n) : xây dựng khối property (n) : đặc tính, tính chất space-divider (n) : tường, vách ngăn way (n) : cách, phương thức làm structural support : đỡ kết cấu structural load : tải trọng công trình COMPREHENSION CHECK A Which paragraph discusses: • Planar construction • frame construction... Construction and planning, NXB Xây Dựng, 2002) VOCABULARY navvy (n) : thợ to be bound to do sth : buộc phải làm gì supervise (v) : giám sát thi công supervisor (n) : người giám sát thi công supervision (n) : sự giám sát clerk (n) : người theo dõi tiến độ civil engineering inspector : người giám sát kỹ thuật, thanh tra kỹ thuật resident engineer : người giám sát các công trình trong vùng, bên A dig (v)... engineer : người giám sát các công trình trong vùng, bên A dig (v) : đào smoothly (adv) : trôi chảy foreman (n) : đốc công trademan (n) : thợ công trình ganger (n) : đội trưởng to be in charge of : phụ trách chính mason (n) : thợ xây, nề, đá bricklayer (n) : thợ xây carpenter (n) : thợ mộc plasterer (n) : thợ trát tường mechanical fitter (n) : thợ lắp ráp thiết bị, máy móc gain (v) : đạt được boyhood (n)... withdrawn and can be used again (Source: By Vi Thi Quoc Khánh, English for Architecture, Construction and planning, NXB Xây Dựng, 2002 and figures by Roy Chudley revised by Roger Greeno, Construction Technology, Longman 2002) VOCABULARY gravel (n) : sỏi pit (adj) : hố, hố đào fine (n) : mịn, thanh, mảnh clay (n) : đất sét subsoil (n) : tầng đất cái factor (n) : yếu tố, nhân tố pier (n) : trụ cầu, cọc móng... holes are carefully planned beforehand (Source: By Vi Thi Quoc Khánh, English for Architecture, Construction and planning, NXB Xây Dựng, 2002 and figures by Roy Chudley revised by Roger Greeno, Construction Technology, Longman 2002) VOCABULARY structure (n) : kết cấu, cấu trúc, công trình dam (n) : đập ngăn nước beaver (n) : con hải ly densely (adv) : dày đặc, rậm rạp populate (v) : ở, cư trú, đưa đến ở,

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2016, 17:38

Xem thêm: Giáo trình tiếng anh chuyên ngành kinh tế xây dựng


Mục lục

    willing /´wiliη/(a): tự nguyện, sẵn lòng

    hydraulic /hai'drɔ:lik/(a): thuỷ lực, chạy bằng sức nước

    shielding /ʃi:ldiŋ/(n): tấm, lớp che chắn

    military engineering /'militəri enʤɪ'nɪərɪŋ/ (n): xây dựng quân sự

    purification /,pjuərifi'keiʃn/ (n): sự làm sạch, lọc sạch

    distinguish /dis´tiηgwiʃ/ (v): phân biệt

    2. Make sentences about four other properties of materials from these tables:


