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    • 3.2.1. Flora diversity

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All of Ba Vi mountainous plant communities belong to the formation class of evergreen tropical monsoon forests, of which evergreen trees dominate, and grow well under tropical monsoon climate on different soil types.

TOPIC 3: ECOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY 3.1 PURPOSE, REQUIREMENTS AND METHODS OF FIELD STUDY 3.1.1 Purpose Practice the field study of ecology and biodiversity is a compulsory subject in order to consolidate and expand the knowledge students have learned In the study program, students have learned the subjects of biology, introduction to environmental science, ecology Field experience aims to consolidate the knowledge in a systematic way through study and learn about the very rich nature and diversity of our country through field study By observing and analyzing the organism is extremely diverse and abundant that we have encountered in the wild, Students will use methods that have guided to codify the resulting field data on their knowledge, and on the other hand they need to understand the close relationship of the biological world with the living conditions of the specific environment Field study aims to approach and apply proficiency the field research methods (observation skills, diary notes from the field, the survey data collection, analysis and synthesis of data in the field ) This is the most important targets, aiming to train the field skills for students from the very first day they contact with nature Students not only learn how to identify the species in the field, the practice of recording observations, collecting data, but also exercise the analytical skills, the failure logic, truthfulness, accuracy and meticulous as a basis for building scientific research style in the future Fieldwork practice the studying skill and spirit of scientists, uplifting endured hardships, overcoming difficulties, behavioral agility, endurance, a spirit of cooperation and discipline in work In nature, students and lecturers have to live in difficult conditions, lacking living facilities, unstable weather and sometimes lose the pathway in the forests or in the field so the real condition requires that students must have the spirit to endurance and overcome difficulties, agile, resourceful, and ready to overcome the obstacles in the natture This is an opportunity to evaluate disciplinary, seriousness, solidarity to help each other, teamwork skills as the basis for building the characteristic of scientists on field research of natural science and environment Field study enhance the love for nature and biodiversity, sense for protection and sustainable development of the environment, raise awareness and passion for this job in scientific research During the entire curriculum, this is the only course for field experience, so this is a rare opportunity for students to contact with nature, through which students can obtain the knowledge that they have learned from nature, and on the other hand this course increase love for the rich and beautiful nature of our country Loving nature and protecting the environment are undeniable acts of environmental scientists If students want to get it, they have to have the passion to learn, explore, analyze observations to understand the current status of environmental resources, nature and ecological biodiversity in research areas Students should build a good understanding about the task of learning, promote creativity, independent thinking in order to fulfill the task of learning and raise awareness in scientific research 3.1.2 Requirements and duties of students + Full and active participation for all time and line surveysin the field as well as analyzing research specimens collected in the field + Observe, take note all the information collected directly in the field Write field diary everyday by following each survey day, survey path, survey point + Study actively secondary literature research, interview experts, surrounding community and indigenous peoples as well as the systematical approach in integrated assessment + Be serious in study and research group work, promote creativity, spirit of cooperation in groups + Write a scientific report summarizing and evaluating training course, emphasize the independent research evaluation characteristics and recommend scientific ideas 3.1.3 Methods and scientific research skills students need to train and practice + Research method that study reference materials related to the field of study and research: the most basic method to understand comprehensively research issues those scientists has been published This is considered as the official document with the highest scientific value The following is the archived documents at the agency, organization, or local stations This kind of documents is for reference and they are very good for navigating the research In this textbook, many research results have been used and there are many valuable data to help students understand the knowledge before and during field experience Each student should study this textbook before going to the study area to have an overview about issues that they will study in the final report + Method in line survey and point survey (case studies): Skill of surveying by group: it is always applied in the field study, in order to avoid risks in the field and collect the information faster and more accurate, more objective Study by group is considered as specific skills of environmental science, and through this method, students will form independent thinking in the process of debate or making scientific ideas, learn how to share information, build more accurate research directions, train presentation skills, persuasive ability, cooperation ability, the ability to manage The number of groups will depend on the research topics and practice content Skill of setting survey line and survey point: it is the core methods of field research In the study the ecology and biodiversity this is seen as the success or failure of research results in scientific research Frequently, during the field survey, due to limited time, funds, and manpower so that scientists can not investigate the entire study area and it is not necessary to investigate the entire study area because nature often has repeated rule in its units, thus it is important to set the survey line and the survey point in the study area The survey line and the survey point should be the representatives of the entire ecological characteristics and biodiversity in the region Therefore survey line have to go through all ecosystems, biomes in the region but need not to be repeated so many times in the same study area Those survey lines and survey points are considered as "key" to determine the biodiversity and ecological characteristics throughout the study area Skills of taking note, observing and data collection: in this method students need to apply skills of observing, recording and writing by pen or writing by the field research tools such as cameras, recorder Observations are usually oriented towards species composition, habitats that contain species composition, the obvious comparison to see the law of their distribution throughout the habitats, then the conditions differences between ecological habitats create the diversity of ecosystems, the vegetation in the ecosystem These observations must be recorded immediately in the field diary Records usually describe the biological characteristics of the organism, the distribution rules, evaluations of their role in the environment, the ideas about phenomena or rules of study field Recorded data can be collected through field measurements and observation For example, the average number of individuals in ha, invasive plants, forest cover density, average trunk diameter, preliminary volume estimates of biomass Notes can also be a result of the community interviews, in scientific conference, the opinions of experts to create a basis for comments when writing scientific reports In the field experience time each student needs to have take-note skill to accumulate field knowledge, gather primary information objectively and honestly as the basis to develop field research experience to work after graduation + Method of data processing: the data collected in any form will be processed immediately in time of field experience or after finishing field experience The data is typically processed by different methods For the study of biodiversity and ecology, frequently the data is processed by statistical methods in Microsoft excel to know the number of species, species composition, the component structure of the system, universal life forms After statistical results are obtained, scientists often use this data to construct graphs showing the relationship or correlation rules in fluctuations of diversity biology After that scientists can feel easy to evaluate or give ideas for scientific solution of study issues Besides, students can use other professional software (MapInfo, Biodiversity, ArcGIS ) to handle data in the form of maps (in geographic information systems), the matrix method to evaluate the correlation of action and the level of impact + Building scientific reports: at the end of field experience course, each student must summarize the knowledge they have harvested, then process and write into a small newspaper or scientific journal called the final report Content of the report includes the following parts: Introduction Introduction of the necessity of research directions, research content (For example, analysis of differentiation of the diverse ecosystems of Ba Vi, analyzing diverse aquatic species Dam Long - Ba Vi and sustainable development ), place and time of the study, the purpose and requirements for the study, the concentrated area and the range of content of research report, the introduction of research team and which reference is group works, which is individual works Overview of study List the scientific works, the documents that were published or archive (if allowed) related to the content of research, and students have to evaluate the achievements, and limitations that need to study further to build the basis for their report content Students have to provides an overview of the study area (the natural conditions, socio-economic related research subjects) to draw the necessary issues for the research Study methods List and briefly describe the methods used in the content of their research, tools, equipment used, the survey line, the survey point, the geographical coordinates of the survey, the survey time One point to note is that the must specify the name of research method , as well as the author of the method proposed The method is sense decision to the study results, therefore students should presents research methods accurate, coherent and thorough as much as possible The study results In this part, students should analyze and evaluate the data collected during the study The scientific value is higher if the report analysis is more comprehensive, precise, and convincing This section dependent on objects, methods and limited research issues, should be explored and guidelines carefully before implementing Conclusions and recommendations Review summary of the research findings in the form of a conclusion on each issue, a conclusion usually about 70 – 100 words State the recommendations based on the outstanding issues in the conclusions References Must specify the references used to write scientific reports References are written according to the final thesis form of Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University 3.2 PLANT BIODIVERSITY Plant Biodiversity Ba Vi is interesting object of study and systematic Vietnam is one of the areas having the highest plant biodiver sity in the world The formation of the high biodiversity is determined by numerous ecological factors, such as geography, geology, topography, climatology, hydrology, pedology, and natural development history of biota Besides, the geographical location of Vietnam indicates the profound influences of the two highest biodiversity center in the globe, namely the Hymalaya and the Indonesia - Malaysia These are unique characteristics of the biodiversity of Vietnam, reflected in a lot of data on the biodiversity of flora and plant communities (vegetations) Located in the Vietnam biodiversity hotspot, Ba Vi not only represents the general biodiversity of Vietnam, but also holds its own identity which is hardly found in other areas in the country Many botanists therefore have concentrated on research, and then have published precious scientify data Some noticeable monographs are: - Flore générale de l'Indo-chine (General Flora of the Indochina), edited by H Lecomte (1907-1931) and then supplemented by additional volumes until 1952 - Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Vietnam (Flora of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam), comprising 28 published volumes (1960-1996), edited by A Aubréville - An Illustrated Flora of Vietnam, consisting of three volumes, edited by Pham Hoang Ho - Analyse aire-géographique et écologique de la flore du Vietnam Nord, edited by T Pocs, Acta Acad., 1965 - The vegetation of Ha Tay and basic characteristics of the flora of Ba Vi, by Tran Van Thuy, Le Chan Tran, Huynh Nhung and others (1994) - Other data surveyed and conducted by the authors of this book after many years of investigating and teaching on Ba Vi nature These above monographs and other publications about the flora of Ba Vi have given us a quite complete overview of the biodiversity of Ba Vi, in terms of both flora diversity and vegetation diversity 3.2.1 Flora diversity The flora of Ba Vi is a centre of species diversity in the flora of Vietnam A flora is an assemblage of all plant species in a particular region, living in every habitat According to traditional conventions, a flora is only made up by vascular plants because: These species play a dominant role in almost plant communities of different ecosystems (except some waterbodies and the Artic) - The study of vascular plants is much more comprehensive and detailed than that of algae and fungi phyla In line with this concept, in the administrative boundary of Vietnam with an area of around 33 million ha, it is recorded that the flora of Vietnam has about 11611 species classified in six vascular plant phyla, including Rhyniophyta (Psilotophyta), Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta, Pinophyta, and Magnoliophyta (Pham Hoang Ho, 2000) It is estimated that in each about 3000 there is one plant species appearing, while in an area of above 7300 of the Ba Vi National Park and its buffer zones, there are at least 1121 species having been identified, belonging to four plyla of vascular plant (Lycopodiophyta, Polypodiophyta, Pinophyta, Magnoliophyta), average of about appeared a species The above number of species shows that Ba Vì is one of the centres of plant species diversity in Vietnam in general and in Northern Vietnam in particular Table Area and species number in some national parks and over Vietnam - National park Number of Species Area (ha) Ba Vi Cat Tien Bidoup – Nui Ba Tam Dao Cuc Phuong Vietnam 121 610 468 200 800 11 611 300 70 548 64 800 36 883 22 200 33 000 000 (mainland) The above data show that although the area is only about 0.02% of the natural area of mainland Vietnam, the number of plant species inhabiting in Ba Vi reaches beyond 10% of the total number of species in Vietnam flora Moreover, Ba Vi has the species density which is much higher than those of other natural parks and reserves in the region The data also indicate that plant species number in each flora is similar to each other despite variance in area, and that there is only one centre of species diversity in Ba Vi (while other national parks could have many centres) Moreover, the particicularly high species density, contrary to neighboring areas, shows that the geographic isolation between the park and surrounding habitats are magnified by human impacts, and the core of the national park is the only centre of species diversity that needs to be conserved Characteristics of flora structure The flora of Ba Vi is made up by 1121 vascular plant species, grouped in 586 genera, 173 families, and phyla as shown in Table Table Taxa diversity of the flora of Ba Vi Phylum Vietnamese Scientific name name Ngành Lycopodiophyta Thông đất Ngành Polypodiophyta Dương xỉ Ngành Pinophyta Thông Ngành Ngọc Magnoliophyta lan Total Family Percentage Quantity (%) Genus Percentage Quantity (%) Species Percentage Quantity (%) 1.16 0.34 0.54 20 11.56 36 6.14 59 5.26 4.05 14 2.39 20 1.78 144 83.23 534 91.13 1036 92.42 173 100 586 100 1121 100 According to these statistics, we can see that the diversity of species, genera and families are only concentrated on two phyla, namely Polypodiophyta and Magnoliophyta, with the phylum Magnoliophyta always playing the absolute dominant role in the flora structure Lycopodiophyta is always the phylum having the smallest species richness, as well as on the lower status in the plant phylogenic tree The species diversity of the phylum Polypodiophyta clearly displays its role in the ecosystem of primary tropical forests that is less affected In comparison with its counterparts of other florae in the region, the native representatives of phylum Pinophyta are of great significance to the ecosystem; Ba Vi is one of a few sites in the country which are diverse in conifer species, with a total of 20 species in 14 genera of families Although many of them are planted ones, the natural gymnosperm species of Ba Vi are well-known, playing an important role in forest structure, for example Calocedrus macrolepsis Kurz, Podocarpus neriifolius D.Don… The correlation between the percentages of families, genera and species number in different phyla is displayed in Figure To denote the level of diversity and stability of a flora, people usually take into account the species-genus ratio (average species number of a genus), the genusfamily ratio (average number of genera per family), and the average number of species in a family The flora of Ba Vi has the average species-genus ratio of 1.9 (1.91 species/1 genus), the average genus-family ratio of 3.38 (3.38 genus per family), and the mean number of species per family is 6.47 Compared with their equivalents of general Vietnam flora (which are 4.4 species-genus, 8.4 genus per family and 37.9 species per family respectively), these coefficients are much lower; this is in accordance with the law of flora distribution and indicates that the flora of Ba Vi is one of components of the biodiversity of Vietnam flora Figure The correlation between taxa diversity rates of phyla in Ba Vi flora The flora of Ba Vi have the high ratio of the species number of class Magnoliopsida to those in the class Liliopsida, namely 5.4 times, while that ratio in the flora of Vietnam is only 3.2, in the flora of Cuc Phuong is 3.8 Maybe the result of surveys on Liliopsida is not sufficient and demanding additional investigations; however, these coefficients seem to be in conformity with De Candolle’s statement (quoted by Le Tran Chan 1999): “the proportion of monocots decreases while going from the Arctic to the equator” This corroborates the ecological nature of the tropical flora of Ba Vi Table The ratio between the species number in class Magnoliopsida and in class Liliopsida No Scientific name Vietnamese name Number of species Ratio Magnoliopsida Lớp Ngọc lan 875 5,4 Liliopsida Lớp Hành 161 In terms of the proportion of the 10 families with richest species composition: For any flora, the analysis of proportion of total species number in 10 richest families out of the total number of species is significant data to identify ecological nature and level of species diversity of the flora For florae that are less diverse in the frigid zones, the aggregate of species numbers of the 10 richest families always predominates, constituting more than 70% of the total number, while in a diverse flora in tropical zones, this rate never exceeds 50% Regarding Ba Vi’s flora, the ten richest families include Asteraceae, Fabaeceae, Euphorbiaceae, Poaceae, Rubiaceae, Lauraceae, Moraceae, Rutaceae, Annonaceae and Fagaceae These ten families have the total number of species being 411, accounting for 36.6% of the total species plant number of Ba Vi In comparison with that of the flora of Northern Vietnam, this proportion differs There are mutual families (Fabaeceae, Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Rubiaceae, Lauraceae, Fagaceae, Moraceae), while Annonaceae and Rutaceae not repeat Respecting the ten above families in the flora of Northern Vietnam, their aggregrate species number make up about 39.2% of the total (Pócs T.1965) This difference reflects the dissimilarity between two florae’s sizes; however, the data of both show that they are diverse tropical florae, as well as constituent parts of the tropical forest ecosystems which are less impacted The flora of Ba Vi is diverse in ecological adaptability, shown in life forms of its species Ecological adaptability of plants is understood as the diversity in life forms in order to adapt to the most adverse living conditions, to survive and repeat the life cycle To assess the ecological nature of the flora, we have to classify and assess life forms of plant species and their life-form spectra The first one who set up the classification of life forms was C Raunkiaerl; it is hence named Raunkiær's plant life forms Raunkiær's plant life forms were originally published in 1907 by the Danish plant ecologist Christen C Raunkiær It summarizes his insights into the way in which the location of the shoot apical meristem(s) that is (are) responsible for a plant's renewal growth reflects the prevailing conditions under which the plant grows and to which it is adapted In this diagram the plant parts that persist from year to year are shown in solid black, while those parts that typically fall off (leaves, flowers, fruits) or die back (leafy shoots, inflorescences) are shown in outline LEGEND Phanerophytes - Shoot apical meristems are borne more than 25 cm above the soil surface Examples of phaneropytes are thus all trees and a great many shrubs, including primarily tropical, arboreal monocots such as palms Mechanically dependant species (see below) that remain rooted in the soil, such as climbers, lianas, or vines, could be considered phanerophytes Arguably, however, mechanically dependant species that are not rooted at ground level, warrant a class of their own, i.e should be classified as epiphytes (see below) Erect Chamaephytes - Shoot apical meristems are borne less than 25 cm above the soil, and produce erect shoots and (or) inflorescences Prostrate Chamaephytes - Shoot apical meristems are borne less than 25 cm above the soil surface, and produce prostrate shoots and (or) inflorescences Hemicryptophytes - Shoot apical meristems are borne at or near soil level, as in biennial and perennial rosette plants, likeDaucus, Taraxacum, or Verbascum As indicated in the diagram, the above-ground portions of these plants die back, after flowering and (or) during adverse climatic conditions Cryptophytes - Geophyte with rhizome - Shoot apical meristems are borne below the soil level, at the tip of a more or less elongate underground stem, or rhizome These apical meristems may grow monopodially and produce lateral inflorescences that form the above-ground, photosynthetic portion of the plant (see note at left) Alternatively, the onset of flowering may cause the rhizome to become erect and finish off in a photosynthetic inflorescence In this case a lateral branch continues the (sympodial) growth of the rhizome 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Family Meropidae Merops viridis Nyctyomis atherioni Family Coraciidae Eurystomus oricnlalis Family Upupidae Upupa erops Order Piciformes Family Capitonidae Megalaima faiostricta Megalaima franklini Family Picidae Microptemus brachvurus Dinopum javanense Picus canus Order Passeriformes Family Alaudidae Alauda gulgula Family Hirundinidae Hirundo daurica japonica Family Motacillidae Anthus hodgsoni Anthus richardi Motacilla alba ocularis Motacilla cinerea Family Campephagidae Hemipus picatus Pericrocotus flameus elegans Pericrocotus ethologos Family Pycnonotidae Criniger pallidus henrici Hysipetes propinqus propinqus Hysipetes macclellandi smilis Pycnonotus siensis Pycnonotus jocosus Aegithina tiphia Family Lanidae Lanius schach Family Sturnidae Sturnus sinensis Sturnus nigricollis 130 71 Acridotheres cristalellus 72 Acridotheres fuscus Family Oriolidae 73 Oriolus chinensis Family Dicruridae 74 Dicrurus macroceus 75 Dicrurus annectans 76 Dicrurus aenea Family Irenidae 77 Chloropsis cochinchinensis 78 Irena puella Family Artamidae 79 Artamus fuscus Family Corvidae 80 Kitta chinensis 81 Crypsirina frontalis 82 Crypsirina temia Family Muscicapidae 83 Copsychus saularis 84 Enicurus schistaceus 85 Saxicola torquata 86 Monticola solitaria 87 Aturdus merula 88 Zoothera dauma aurea 89 Cochoa viridis 90 Garrulax chinensis 91 Garrulax leucolophus 92 Garrulax sannio 93 Garrulax canoras 94 Garrulax perspicillatus 95 Macronus gularis 96 Cettia canturians 97 Megalurus palustris 98 Phylloscopus Reptile STT Tên Khoa học I Bộ có vảy - Squamata Họ Tắc kè - Gekkonidae 131 Hemidactylus frenatus Gekko gekko Gekko japonicus Họ Nhông - Agamidae Calotes emma Draco maculatus Acanthosaura lepidogaster Physignathus concincinus Họ Thằn lằn bóng – Scincidae Eumeces tamdaoensis Mabuya longicaudata 10 Mabuya multifasciata 11 Tropidophorus baviensis Họ Thằn lằn thức – Lacertidae 12 Takydromus sexlineatus Họ kỳ đà – Varanidae 13 Varanus salvator Họ rắn giun – Typhlopidae 14 Typhlops sp Họ Rắn mống – Xenopeltidae 15 Xenopeltis unicolor Họ trăn – Boidae 16 Python molurus Họ Rắn hổ - Elapidae 17 Naja naja 132 18 Ophiophagus hannah 19 Bungarus fasciatus 20 bungarus multicinctus 10 Họ Rắn nước – Colubridae 21 Amphiesma stolata 22 Calamaria septentrionalis 23 Ptyas korros 24 Elaphe radiata 25 Rhabdophis subminiatus 26 Xenochrophis piscator 27 Ahaetulla prasina 28 Enhydris plumbea 11 Họ rắn lục – Viperidae 29 Trimeresurus albolabris Amphibian STT Tên khoa học I Bộ không đuôi – Anura Họ Cóc bùn – Pelobatidae Leptobrachium hasselti 2.Họ Cóc – Bufonidae Bufo melanostictus Bufo galeatus Họ Nhái bén – Hylidae 133 Hyla chinensis Họ Ếch nhái – Ranidae Rana rugolusa Rana guentheri Rana macrodactyla Rana limnocharis Rana microlineata 10 Rana livida 11 Ooeidozyga lima 12 Phrynoglossus laevis 13 Họ Nhái bầu - Microhylidae Microhyla heymonsi 14 Microhyla pulchra 15 Microhyla ornata 16 Microhyla butleri 17 Họ Ếch - Rhacophoridae Rhacophorus leucpmystax 18 Rhacophorus leporosus 19 Rhacophorus nigropalmatus 20 Rhacophorus schlegeli Insect STT Tên Latin Order Coleoptera Family Chrysomelidae 134 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Chiridopsis punctara indochinensis Chiridopsis owringii Chiridopsis scalaris Cassida (Taiwo ia) triangul indochinensis Cleoporus badiu Platycoiynus acmulus Platycoiynus bacboensis Trichochrysea tarsata Trichochrysea tarsata hirta hirta Lacoptera quadrimaculata Aspodomopha milia is Aspodomopha sanctae crusis Aspodomopha purcta Aspodomopha dorsata Aspodomopha fuscopunctata Family Meloiae Mylabris cichorii M.phalenata Epicauta badeni Epicauta gorhami Family Scarabivicdae Anomala viridis Catharsius molossus Family Cerambycidae Anoplophora chinensis macularia Family Lucanidae Aegus macleay Eurytraclullclus platimelus Family Scarabaeidae Lepidiota bimaculata Family Chrysomelidae Oides bipunctata Phyllocharis undulata Collasposoma metallica Order Lepidoptera Papi io me a eno Papi io me alcanor Papi pais Papi helenus Papi polites st chius Chilrsa clytia dissimilis Family Danaidae 135 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Danais similis Danais ple ippus Danais chrysippus Danais aglca Danais melaneiis Danais melissa Euploca alcathier Family Nymphalidae Cyrestis thvodimas Family Pieridae Eurema hecabe Apias albina Order Odonata Trithemis aurota Crocothemis servilia Orthetrum sebina Order Orthoptera Family Acrididae Acrida chinensis Catantops ceracris Family Tettigonidae Holochlora japonica Euconocephalus thunbergi Order Hemiptera Nezara Viriđula Leptocorisa varicsmis Tessaratoma papillosa Order Homoptera Family Cicadidae Rhihana mixta Platylomia Similis Cryptotympana japonensis Hyechys sanguinea Order Diptera Family Myscidae Mussa domestica Mussa sorbens Atherigona atripalpis Gymnodia tonitrui Bdellolarynx irrtans Graphomyia maculata Orthellia claripnensis Family Calliphoridae 136 66 Lucilia bazini 67 Lucilia cuprina 68 Chrysomyia megacephala Family Drosephiladae 69 DrosophiUa melanogaster 70 Culex tritaerhynchus 71 G vishnui 72 Anopheles minimus 73 Anopheles sinensis 74 Anopheles aconitus 75 Anopheles jeypetiensis 76 Armygeres durhami 77 Armygeres kuchingensis 78 Armygeres subalbatus Order Hymenoptera Family Scelionidae 79 Telenomus olynthus 80 Trissolcus vindicius 81 Gryo japonicus Family Apidae 82 Apis cerana Order Isoptera 83 Cryptotermes domesticus 84 Coptotermes cẹylonicus 85 Coptotermes dimorphus 86 Euhamitennes hamtus 137 BIBLIOGRAPHY Vietnamese Báo cáo tổng kết công tác quy hoạch, tổ chức quản lý hệ thống rừng đặc dụng, (1997) Bộ Khoa học, Công nghệ Môi Trường, 2002 Chương trình Nâng cao nhận thức Đa dạng Sinh học giai đoạn 2001-2010 Bộ Lâm nghiệp, (1971 – 1988) Cây gỗ rừng Việt Nam, Tập, 1-7 Nxb Nông nghiệp Hà Nội Bộ Nông nghiệp Phát triền Nông thôn Birdlife International in Indichina với hỗ trợ tài Đại sứ quán Vương Quốc Hà Lan, Hà Nội Ngân hàng Thế giới, 2004 Thông tin khu bảo vệ đề xuất Việt Nam, tập 1, miền Bắc Việt Nam Hà Nội Bộ Nông nghiệp Phát triền Nông thôn Birdlife International in Indichina với hỗ trợ tài Đại sứ quán Vương Quốc Hà Lan, Hà Nội Ngân hàng Thế giới, 2004 Thông tin khu bảo vệ đề xuất Việt Nam, tập 2, miền Nam Việt Nam Hà Nội Bộ Nông nghiệp Phát triền Nông thôn, Vụ KHCN chất lượng sản phẩm, 2000 Tên rừng Việt Nam Nxb Nông nghiệp, Hà Nội Bộ Y tế, 1978 Dược 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cyanobacteria at Ba Vi So far there’s been almost no systematic research about this issue at Ba Vi Therefore, the synthesis of the field is based on seperate studies of fresh water bodies like Dong Mo, Suoi Hai, Ba Che and publications about freshwater algae in Northern Vietnam and their possibility to distribute in waterbodies circulating here From the above data, at Ba Vi the most abundant... impacts – the ecological to form the Ba Vi vegetation Geographic location: Ba Vi National Park is limited in latitudes 20o55' – 21o07' N and longitudes 105o18' – 105o30' E, located in 5 districts: Ba Vi, Thach That, Quoc Oai (Hanoi), and Luong Son, Ky Son (Hoa Binh) It is 60 km from Hanoi along Highway 21A, 87 The north border is with the communes Ba Trai, Ba Vi, Tan Linh of Ba Vi district, Hanoi The south... seeds On the basis of data and specimens collected at Ba Vi, we identify the life form of each species, and have statistical table of percentages of life forms in the flora of Ba Vi, as follows: Table 4 Proportions of species number in various life forms in Ba Vi flora Life form A Phanerophytes Megaphanerophytes Mesophanerophytes Microphanerophytes Nanophanerophytes Epiphytes Liannes Herbaceous B Chamaephytes... and Diatioms (Bacillariophyta), can be recorded, in addition to the presence of cyanobacteria (Cyanobacteriophyta) Initial surveys at some sites at Ba Vi show that Green algae are mainly species in the genera Actinastrum, Pediastrum, Scenedesmus, Coelastrum belonging to the class Protococcophyceae Classes Conjugatophyceae and Volvocophyceae have the small number and low density Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)... For a integrated review of the relationship between Ba Vi flora with other flora, the analyses of their distribution area through geographical element spectra need to be done Based on the species collected and analyzed, the geographical element spectra of the flora of Ba Vi can be listed as follows: - Table 5 The geographical element spectrum of Ba Vì Geographical element I Endemic element 1 Tonkinese... important basis for assessing the biological diversity of vegetation Feature of biodiversity of Ba Vi vegetation The diversity of plant communities based on topography and elevation geography The distribution of flora and fauna depends on topographical and ecological characteristics such as climate, soils on different altitudinal zones At Ba Vi mountains, the differentiation of terrain and base... east border is with the communes Van Hoa, Yen Bai (Ba Vi), Yen Quang (Luong Son), Yen Binh, Yen Trung, Tien Xuan (Thach That), Dong Xuan (Quoc Oai) In the west of the park, it also share border with the communes Khanh Thuong, Minh Quang of Ba Vi district, Hanoi, and Phu Minh of Ky Son district, Hoa Binh Geology - Geomorphology: + Geological foundation of Ba Vi mountainous area has the following principal... elevation of 200-250m around the foot of Tan Vien and Hang Hum mounts at Ba Vi Upper subformation (P2 T1VN2): This subformation is made up by the rocks including xpilit stone blocks and anbitofa, basalt, porfirit… These rocks are distributed in a large area, including Tan Vien mountainous region which embraces Ba Vi, Hang Hum moutainous, Ba Vi range at the elevation of 400m and 600m Terrigenous sedimentary... sediments: distributed in the plains of the north, along the banks of Da and Red River +The topography of Ba Vi is kind of varied with the major types of terrain as follows: Medium mountains of erosion and denudation with altitude 1000m-1300m: Include the high peaks above 1000m and they belong to Ba Vi and Tan Vien Mountain The highest peak is Ba Vi with altitude of 1296m Most of the slopes on the steep... the water flow in the valley of Ba Vi Climate – Hydrology: + Climate Although Ba Vi fits in the tropical monsoon climate with cold winter, but the difference nature of the Ba Vi climate is shown clearly in compare with surrounding areas climate because rainfall increase with altitude, rainfall distribution and water evaporation mode, temperature is more stable Thus, Ba Vi climate is considered as the

Ngày đăng: 09/05/2016, 15:05

