Tài liệu tham khảo |
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Criteria for classification of clinical osteoarthritis. J. "Rheurrụ |
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Viabiỉỉty of chondroscopy as a means of cartỉlageassessment." Ann Rheum. Dis. "1995; 54."Ệ |
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sw. What, if any, are the indỉcations for arthroscopicdebridement ofthe osteoarthritic kneel |
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Cỉỉnical assessment of osteoarthrỉtỉs of the knee. Ann Rheum Dis 49:768-770,1990 |
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ể" Arthroscopic treatment in thepresence of osteoarthrỉtis oỷthe knee. Orthop Trans 14."Ẽ |
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Relationship betweenarthroscopic evidence of cartiỉage cỉamage and radiographic evidence gradirig ofjoint space narrowing in earỉy osteoarthritỉc of the knee (1991 )"Ể |
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The surgical treatment of degenerative arthritis of the kneejoỉnt |
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Compartment directed physical examination of thecan predỉct artỉcular cartỉỉage abnormaỉities disclosed by needle arthroscopy |
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Arthroscopic lavage ofosteoarthritỉc knees |
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Kalasinski LA. 1990 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Osteoarthritis: deũnitions and criteriâ |
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Arthroscopic-asslsted alỉograữ anteriorcruciate ligament reconstruction in patients with sỵmptomatic arthrosis |
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Arthroscopic manãgement of thedegenerative knèe |
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The etiology of chondromalâcia patellae |
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Quantỉtative QVãluation of Joint space with in"emorotibial Osteoarthritis;comparision of three radiographlc views. "Osteoarthritis cartilage 1998; 6:252-59"64.Rand JA |
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Tiêu đề: |
Sỵnovi"Ệ"aJmembrane inũammẵtion and cytokine production in patients with earlyOsteoarthritis |