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ĐỀ THI THỬ VÀO LỚP 10 NĂM HỌC 2010 - 2011 TRƯỜNG BỒI DƯỢ NG VĂN HÓA 218 LÝ TỰ TRỌNG, Q.1 ĐT : 38 243 243 Điểm thi Thời gian làm : 150 phút Chữ ký giám thò : Chữ ký giám khảo: Họ tên học sinh: . Ngày sinh : . Đò a gia đì nh: . . Lớp : . Số báo danh : Phòng thi: . Part one Pronunciation (5pts) Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from that of the others 1. A. rough B. though C. tough 2. A. danger B. singer C. manager Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others D. enough D. merger 3. A. considerate B. photographer C. community D. circumstance 4. A. opposite B. geography C. geometry D. endanger 5. A. environment B. electricity C. population C. ecotourism Part two Multiple choice Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c, d) that best completes the sentence (15 pts) 1. Watching TV is among the most common . leisure activities A. home based B. based home C. home-basing D. home-based 2. Can I give you ? A. a little advice B. a few advices C. few advices D. little advice 3. I have always wanted to visit London, of England A. is the capital B. which the capital is C. that is the capital D. the capital 4. There are no short a profession athlete A. cut to become B. cuts to become C. cuts to becoming D. cuts becoming 5. Walking around a museum all day really . all of us ……….………… A. puts/off B. wears/out C. goes/off D. uses/up 6. The success of a shared holiday depends you share with it A. of who B. on whom C. on that D. of whose 7. The class is mainly of Italian and French student A. consisted B. comprised C. included D. contained 8. I those trousers for a larger size A. exchanged B. took C. returned D. replaced 9. The from the first round will go into the quarter final A. winners B. nominees C. qualifiers D. champions 10. Beethoven, .music you have just listened to, was one of the world‟s famous composers A. who‟s B. whose C. that‟s D. of whom 11. If your computer ., it suddenly stops working. You reboot the computer to make it start working again. A. crashes B. freezes C. is iced D. is frozen 12. Whales to be the most intelligent animals in the ocean A. are told B. are said C. were reported D. have considered 13. It is clear that many of the Earth's resources are . A. run out B. exhaustible C. worn out D. consumed 14. We need to cut down on our fuel . by having fewer cars on the road A. usage B. burning up C. exhaustion D. consumption 15. When we heard she'd got the job, we all went off for a . drink A. celebratory B. particular C. cheerful D. successful 16. Greenpeace works to awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today. A. advertise B. support C. promote D. appoint 17. did he suspect that she was a liar A. At no time B. Once or twice C. On account D. No chance 18. It's no fun . on Saturdays. A. to work B. to have to work C. having to work D. have to working 19. I was a little taken . .at the directness of the question A. aback B. about C. away D. off 20. Whales are danger because of the increase in pollution A. on B. in C. at D. with 21. Changing the environment has resulted . serious consequences A. about B. for C. in D. from 22. The town turned from a small seaside resort … a major commercial centre when oil was discovered A. to B. into C. off D. towards 23. You should make sure there are no cracks the pipes A. on B. towards C. above D. in 24. We had no phone then, we would have rung the police. A. otherwise B. unless C. if not D. or so 25. . that Viet Nam is a safe destination for the new millennium A. There is believed B. People are believed D. It‟s believed C. They are believed 26. Mary as well as her parents . know what to now A. isn‟t B. hasn‟t C. doesn‟t D. don‟t 27. She's come some amazing scheme to double her income A. in for B. up with C. up against D. down with 28. The teacher the rules to the children A. explained B. said C. discussed D. told 29. The company is making a large profit , but in the meantime they are doing …….to the environment A. many damages B. lots of damages C. a lot of damage D. plenty damage 30. hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza A. Although B. However C. Besides D. Moreover Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting (5 pts) 31. The island is very busy during the dry season.A huge amount of tourists come to this place every year. A B C D 32. There is a severe famine in Somalia , and thousands of people are dying A B 33. The threat of being dismissed A B from hungry. C D not worry me any more because I have started my own business. C D 34. Their free trip, which they won on a television game show, include four days in London and a week in Paris. A B C D 35. We educate our children as well as we can, because an educational population is the key to future. A B C D 36. It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to doing things such as cooking, gardening…. A B C D 37. Cowboys in the western movies of Hollywood often wore jeans so it became very popular with young people A B C D 38. All of us have visited to the Temple of Literature several times A B C D 39. The National Folk Museum is one of the most interesting places in Liverpool and it lies in a pretty countryside A B C 40. Sorry about the noise. The road is mending now. We try hard to finish it by noon A B C D D Part three Word form Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence(10 pts) 1. Building should be specially designed, so they can be used by the (ABLE) 2. He won the World Championship for the third year (SUCCEED) 3. I can‟t imagine his ever . to such a proposition (AGREE) 4. Why don‟t we stop at a restaurant for a Chinese ? (TAKE) 5. To our surprise, she appeared and took control of the meeting (ANNOUNCE) 6. It is hoped the earth will be a happy planet where human beings, animals and plants peacefully . (EXIST) 7. All . and fittings are included in the house price (FIX) 8. The recent famine in these parts has caused the of thousands of people (PLACE) 9. The proposal was a from the beginning because there was no possibility of funding (START) 10. Two new roads are being built to increase to the town centre (ACCESS) Put the words given in the correct blanks Use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage (10 pts) assist, hope, equip, ordinary, lonely, friend, poison, reason, freeze, try John Shaw will shortly be setting off on a 50,000 km run, which will make him the first person to perform the (1)……………… act of running all the way around the world if he succeeds His timetable includes the (2)………….Russian winter and the burning African summer. And he has no back-up team for (3)……………. He will be running alone, carrying all his (4)……………… on his back “My biggest fear is not the physical challenge, but (5)……………” Mr. Shaw said. “I‟m as sociable as anyone and I‟m very (6)………… that I will form many (7)…………… on the way ”On a (8)…………… 2,000 km run under the blazing heat of the African sun, he came across wild baboons and (9)…………………snakes, but he proved that a target of 60 kilometers a day was (10)……………….”I have made up my mind to it and I will. Running is my life”, he said Part four Cloze test Choose the word or phrase ( A , B, C Or D) that best fits the blank space in the passage (10 pts) I find great (1)… and usefulness from reading This is a hobby which (2)….a double purpose: While we are (3)… our time usefully we also at the same time gain knowledge and (4)….Reading novels is said to be a royal hobby because of its nobility The advantages of reading novels (5)… from hobby are too numerous to narrate here It keeps us calm and gives us no time to think of other (6)…pursuits By reading books during our free hours as mentioned earlier, we are gaining two things at a time As for me, I love books and (7)….use of all my free hours by reading them In the long run, I will have gained much but lost nothing Some people think that this hobby entails (8)….Well, there are many public libraries in towns We can join these as members at a nominal fee, and we will be in a position to get the book required for reading The disadvantages derived from a hobby are very few as compared to the advantages Some people may argue that a hobby is a waste of time and money This argument will not hold (9)….Finally, it is said that a man‟s position is known by the company he keeps So (10)………said that a man‟s position and status can be gauged from the hobby he undertakes 1. A. fascinate B. fascinating C. fascinatingly D. fascination 2. A serves B. carries out C. supplies D. intends 3. A. occupied B. occupy C. occupying D. occupies 4. A. experience B. foolishness C. wisdom D. understanding 5. A. gains B. take C. derived D. develop 6. A. useless B. careless C. worthless D. harmless 7. A. catch B. take C. make D. 8. A. expensive B. expensively C. expenses D. in expensive 9. A. air B. truth C. force D. water 10. A. it has said B. it said C. it can be D. it ought to be Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word (10 pts) Although coal, gas, and oil are safe to use in the short term , they present a long-term threat to the environment All three types of fossil (1)……… produce carbon dioxide in far great quantities than (2)…… can use The carbon dioxide then accumulates in the atmosphere and may even increase the earth‟s „heat load‟ and lead to global (3)…. in temperature Thus, contrary to popular belief, the use of coal, gas, and oil is not as safe as was originally thought. Furthermore, all three fossil fuels are non-renewable forms of energy Wind power is a pollution- (4)…… source of renewable energy but it can not be used in many parts of the world where there is (5)……. wind It is also impossible to use wind power efficiently at present Solar power is renewable, it does not cause pollution and it does not add to the earth‟s heat load. Unfortunately, solar power is not (6)……equally and in some areas, it is difficult to collect and (7)……. Solar power also requires expensive (8)……… Finally, nuclear power provides a very efficient and renewable power (9)……. However, not only is there a great danger of leaks or accidents but there is also the problem of the (10)……. of radioactive waste Part five Reading comprehension (5 pts) V.Tiwary and M.Solomon were both involved in the music business and often helped arrange music performances at a local hospital One night, a nurse came to them and explained that some patients were too sick to come to the lounge where the performance was being held She asked whether one of the performers could a song or two in a patient‟s room “It was a magical moment,” recalls Tiwary ”The one-to-one interaction between the musician and the people in the hospital had a very powerful effect ” Solomon and Tiwary were aware that studies have shown that music helps in relieving pain, but this firsthand experience gave them real proof of the benefits. So they designed a plan that would bring performers to the hospital to go from room to room and perform for any patient who wanted to hear them They named it Musicians on Call (MOC) MOC‟s mission is to use music and entertainment to complement the medical treatment and to improve the quality of life for patients. Solomon and Tiwary used their connections to the business to raise money Many people donated several rows of tickets to be sold online Britney Spears and many other benevolent people have also supported the cause For the patients, just listening to music can be comforting “The air changes in the room” says Solomon” It has nothing to with how you look, who you are, who wrote the song…if you can make music, you can brighten the patients‟ faces ” 1. Musicians on Call are musicians who A. are on-line B. perform on patient‟s request C. often call the patients D. work as volunteers 2. Solomon and Tiwary arrange for performers . A. to be benevolent B. to treat patients‟ pain C. to be on-line D. to entertain patients 3. Britney Spears is . A. one of those who contribute money to this organization B. one of the performers who entertain patients in hospitals C. the only generous persons who supports the cause D. one who sells tickets on-line 4. Patients in hospital . when performers bring music to them A. laugh a lot B. look cheerful C. feel confident D. ask for good music 5. Sick people in hospitals . A. only listen to beautiful pieces of music B. feel comfortable whether the musicians come or not C. are not very demanding D. want to be entertained by well-known musicians Part six Sentence transformation (30 pts) 1. My children can‟t get into the habit of studying every night My children can’t get used . 2. It was a waste of time writing that letter You needn’t 3. As soon as I got home, I realized I had left my bags in the shop It was not 4. Carol was so bored that she couldn‟t stop crying Such was . 5. He wouldn‟t accept my suggestion until I pointed out the alternatives Only 6. “Many thanks for what you did” said Peter Peter expressed 7. As far as I know, he‟s still working in London To the best 8. Their chances of success are small It’s not 9. Carol‟s mother constantly supported her, so she achieved her ambition If it 10. Remote villages don‟t have a regular bus service any more No longer TRƯỜNG BỒI DƯỢ NG VĂN HÓA THI THỬ VÀO LỚP 10 NĂM HỌC 2010 – 2011 218 LÝ TỰ TRỌNG, Q.1, ĐT : 38 243 243 ĐÁP ÁN MÔN ANH VĂN (HỆ CHUYÊN) Part one Pronunciation (5pts) Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from that of the others 1. B. 2.B. 3.D. 4.A. 5.A. Part two Multiple choice Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c, d) that best completes the sentence (15 pts) 1.D. 2.A. 3.D. 4.C. 5.B. 6.B. 7.B. 8.A. 9.C. 10. B. 11.A. 12.B. 13.B. 14.D. 15.A. 16.C. 17.A. 18.C. 19.A. 20.B. 21.C. 22.B. 23.D. 24.A. 25.D. 26.C. 27. B. 28.A. 29.C. 30.B. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting (5 pts) 31.B. 32.D 33.C 34.C 35.C 36.C 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.B Part three Word form Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence (10 pts) 1. Building should be specially designed, so they can be used by the disabled (ABLE) 2. He won the World Championship for the third successive year (SUCCEED) .I can‟t imagine his ever agreeing to such a proposition (AGREE) . Why don‟t we stop at a restaurant for a Chinese takeaway ? (TAKE) 5.To our surprise, she appeared unannounced and took control of the meeting (ANNOUNCE) 6. It is hoped the earth will be a happy planet where human beings, animals and plants peacefully co-exist (EXIST) 7. All fixtures and fittings are included in the house price (FIX) 8. The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement. of thousands of people (PLACE) 9. The proposal was a non-starter from the beginning because there was no possibility of funding (START) 10. Two new roads are being built to increase accessibility to the town centre (ACCESS) Put the words given in the correct blanks Use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage (10 pts) assist, hope, equip, ordinary, lonely, friend, poison, reason, freeze, try John Shaw will shortly be setting off on a 50,000 km run, which will make him the first person to perform the extraordinary act of running all the way around the world if he succeeds.His timetable includes the freezing Russian winter and the burning African summer. And he has no back-up team for assistance He will be running alone, carrying all his equipment on his back “My biggest fear is not the physical challenge, but 5loneliness” Mr. Shaw said. “I‟m as sociable as anyone and I‟m very hopeful that I will form many friendships on the way ”On a trial 2,000 km run under the blazing heat of the African sun, he came across wild baboons and poisonous snakes, but he proved that a target of 60 kilometers a day was 10 reasonable ”I have made up my mind to it and I will. Running is my life”, he said Part four Cloze test Choose the word or phrase ( A ,B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the passage (10 pts) 1. D. 2.A. 3.C. 4.C. 5.C. 6.A. 7.C. 8.C. .D. 10.C. Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word (10 pts) Although coal, gas, and oil are safe to use in the short term , they present a long-term threat to the environment All three types of fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide in far great quantities than plants can use The carbon dioxide then accumulates in the atmosphere and may even increase the earth‟s „heat load‟ and lead to global rises.in temperature Thus, contrary to popular belief, the use of coal, gas, and oil is not as safe as was originally thought. Furthermore, all three fossil fuels are non-renewable forms of energy Wind power is a pollution- free source of renewable energy but it can not be used in many parts of the world where there is insufficient wind It is also impossible to use wind power efficiently at present Solar power is renewable, it does not cause pollution and it does not add to the earth‟s heat load. Unfortunately, solar power is not distributed equally and in some areas, it is difficult to collect and store Solar power also requires expensive equipment Finally, nuclear power provides a very efficient and renewable power source However, not only is there a great danger of leaks or accidents but there is also the problem of the 10 disposal of radioactive waste Part five Reading comprehension (5 pts) 1. B. 2.D. 3. A. B. C. Part six Sentence transformation (30 pts) 1. My children can‟t get into the habit of studying every night  My children can’t get used to studying every night 2. It was a waste of time writing that letter  You needn’t have written that letter 3. As soon as I got home, I realized I had left my bags in the shop  It was not until I got home that I realized I had left my bags in the shop 4. Carol was so bored that she couldn‟t stop crying Such was her boredom that she couldn’t stop crying 5. He wouldn‟t accept my suggestion until I pointed out the alternatives  Only … when I pointed out the alternatives would he accept my suggestion 6. “Many thanks for what you did” said Peter  Peter expressed … his gratitude for what I had done 7.As far as I know, he‟s still working in London  To the best of my knowledge, he’s still working in London 8.Their chances of success are small  It’s not likely that they will succeed 9.Carol‟s mother constantly supported her, so she achieved her ambition  If it hadn’t been for Carol’s mother’s constant support, she would never have achieved her ambition 10. Remote villages don‟t have a regular bus service any more  No longer remote villages have a regular bus service ĐÁP ÁN MÔN ANH (hệ Chuyên) THI THỬ VÀO LỚP 10 - 10/11 LƯU HÀNH NỘI BỘ CHẾ BẢN TẠI 40MĐC, Q.1 TRUONG BOI DUONG VAN HOA 218 LY TU TRONG Q1 DT 38 243 243 DE THI THU VAO LOP 10 nam hoc 2010-2011 Mon Thi ANH VAN (he chuyen) Thoi gian lam bai : 150 phut Part one Pronunciation (5pts) Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from that of the others A rough B. though C. tough D. enough A danger B. singer C. manager D. merger Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others A considerate B. photographer C. community D. circumstance A opposite B geography C. geometry D. endanger A environment B electricity C population C disapproval Part two Multiple choice Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c, d) that best completes the sentence (15 pts) Watching TV is among the most common ……….leisure activities A home based B based home C home-basing D home-based Can I give you………………………….?. A. a little advice B. a few advices C. few advices D. little advice Lack of funds prevented him … with his studies A to continue B. with continuing C. continue D. from continuing I have always wanted to visit London, …………………………of England A. is the capital B. which the capital is C. that is the capital D. the capital There are no short ……….………a profession athlete A cut to become B cuts to become C cuts to becoming D cuts becoming Walking around a museum all day really ………. all of us ………… A puts/off B wears/out C goes/off D uses/up The success of a shared holiday depends …………….you share with it A of who B on whom C on that D of whose The class is ………………… mainly of Italian and French student A consisted B. comprised C included D. contained I ………………… those trousers for a larger size A exchanged B. took C. returned D. replaced The ……………….from the first round will go into the quarter final A winners B. nominees C. qualifiers D champions 10 Beethoven, ………music you have just listened to, was one of the world‟s famous composers A who‟s B. whose C. that‟s D of whom 11 If your computer…, it suddenly stops working. You reboot the computer to make it start working again. A crashes B. freezes C. is iced D is frozen 12 Whales …………… .to be the most intelligent animals in the ocean A are told B are said C. were reported D have considered 13 It is clear that many of the Earth's resources are ………………………… A run out B. exhaustible C worn out D consumed 14 We need to cut down on our fuel ………………… by having fewer cars on the road A usage B. burning up C. exhaustion D. consumption 15 When we heard she'd got the job, we all went off for a ………… drink A celebratory B particular C cheerful D. successful 16 Greenpeace works to ………………….awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today. A advertise B. support C. promote D. appoint 17 ……………………did he suspect that she was a liar A. At no time B. Once or twice C On account D No chance 18 It's no fun ……………………… …on Saturdays. A to work B. to have to work C having to work D have to working 19 I was a little taken ……………….at the directness of the question A aback B. about C away D off 20 Whales are ………………danger because of the increase in pollution A on B. in C. at D. with 21 Changing the environment has resulted ……………… serious consequences A about B for C in D from 22 The town turned from a small seaside resort … a major commercial centre when oil was discovered A to B. into C. off D. towards 23 You should make sure there are no cracks …………… .the pipes A. on B towards C above D in 24 We had no phone then, ………….we would have rung the police. A otherwise B unless C. if not D. or so 25 …………….that Viet Nam is a safe destination for the new millennium A There is believed B People are believed C They are believed D It‟s believed 26 Mary as well as her parents ………………… know what to now A isn‟t B hasn‟t C doesn‟t D don‟t 27 She's come ………………some amazing scheme to double her income A in for B up with C up against D down with 28 The teacher ………………………the rules to the children A explained B said C discussed D told 29 The company is making a large profit , but in the meantime they are doing …….to the environment A many damages B lots of damages C. a lot of damage D plenty damage 30 ……………hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza A Although B However C. Besides D. Moreover Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting (5 pts) 31 The island is very busy during the dry season.A huge amount of tourists come to this place every year. A B C D 32 There is a severe famine in Somalia , and thousands of people are dying from hungry. A B C D 33 The threat of being dismissed not worry me any more because I have started my own business. A B C D 34 Their free trip, which they won on a television game show, include four days in London and a week in Paris. A B C D 35 We educate our children as well as we can, because an educational population is the key to future. A B C D 36 It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to doing things such as cooking, gardening…. A B C D 37 Cowboys in the western movies of Hollywood often wore jeans so it became very popular with young people A B C D 38 All of us have visited to the Temple of Literature several times A B C D 39 The National Folk Museum is one of the most interesting places in Liverpool and it lies in a pretty countryside A B C D 40 Sorry about the noise. The road is mending now. We try hard to finish it by noon A B C D Part three Word form Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence (10 pts) Building should be specially designed, so they can be used by the disabled (ABLE) He won the World Championship for the third successive year (SUCCEED) I can‟t imagine his ever agreeing to such a proposition (AGREE) Why don‟t we stop at a restaurant for a Chinese takeaway ? (TAKE) To our surprise, she appeared unannounced and took control of the meeting (ANNOUNCE) It is hoped the earth will be a happy planet where human beings, animals and plants peacefully co-exist (EXIST) All fixtures and fittings are included in the house price (FIX) The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement. of thousands of people (PLACE) The proposal was a non-starter from the beginning because there was no possibility of funding (START) 10 Two new roads are being built to increase accessibility to the town centre (ACCESS) Put the words given in the correct blanks Use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage (10 pts) assist, hope, equip, ordinary, lonely, friend, poison, reason, freeze, try John Shaw will shortly be setting off on a 50,000 km run, which will make him the first person to perform the extraordinary act of running all the way around the world if he succeeds.His timetable includes the freezing Russian winter and the burning African summer. And he has no back-up team for assistance He will be running alone, carrying all his equipment on his back “My biggest fear is not the physical challenge, but loneliness ” Mr. Shaw said. “I‟m as sociable as anyone and I‟m very hopeful that I will form many friendships on the way ”On a trial 2,000 km run under the blazing heat of the African sun, he came across wild baboons and poisonous snakes, but he proved that a target of 60 kilometers a day was 10 reasonable ”I have made up my mind to it and I will. Running is my life”, he said Part four Cloze test Choose the word or phrase ( a ,b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in the passage (10 pts) I find great 1… and usefulness from reading This is a hobby which 2….a double purpose: while we are 3… our time usefully we also at the same time gain knowledge and 4….Reading novels is said to be a royal hobby because of its nobility The advantages 5… from hobby are too numerous to narrate here It keeps us calm and gives us no time to think of other 6…pursuits By reading books during our free hours as mentioned earlier, we are gaining two things at one time As for me, I love reading books and 7….use of all my free hours by reading them In the long run, I will have gained much but lost nothing Some people think that this hobby entails 8….Well, there are many public libraries in towns We can join these as members at a nominal fee, and we will be in a position to get the book we wanted The disadvantages derived from a hobby are very few as compared to the advantages Some people may argue that a hobby is a waste of time and money This argument will not hold 9….Finally, it is said that a man‟s position can be measured by the company he keeps So 10………said that a man‟s position and status can be gauged from the hobby he undertakes A fascinate B fascinating C fascinatingly D fascination A serves B carries out C supplies D intends A occupied B occupy C occupying D occupies A experience B foolishness C wisdom D intelligence A gains B take C derived D develop A useless B careless C worthless D harmless A catch B take C make D A expensive B expensively C expenses D in A air B truth C force D water 10 A it has said B it also said C. it can also be D it ought to be Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word (10 pts) Although coal, gas, and oil are safe to use in the short term , they present a long-term threat to the environment All three types of fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide in far great quantities than plants can use The carbon dioxide then accumulates in the atmosphere and may even increase the earth‟s „heat load‟ and lead to global rises.in temperature Thus, contrary to popular belief, the use of coal, gas, and oil is not as safe as was originally thought. Furthermore, all three fossil fuels are non-renewable forms of energy Wind power is a pollution- free source of renewable energy but it can not be used in many parts of the world where there is insufficient wind It is also impossible to use wind power efficiently at present Solar power is renewable, it does not cause pollution and it does not add to the earth‟s heat load. Unfortunately, solar power is not distributed equally and in some areas, it is difficult to collect and store Solar power also requires expensive equipment Finally, nuclear power provides a very efficient and renewable power source However, not only is there a great danger of leaks or accidents but there is also the problem of the 10 disposal of radioactive waste Part five Reading comprehension (5 pts) V.Tiwary and M.Solomon were both involved in the music business and often helped arrange music performances at a local hospital One night, a nurse came to them and explained that some patients were too sick to come to the lounge where the performance was being held She asked whether one of the performers could a song or two in a patient‟s room “It was a magical moment,” recalls Tiwary ”The one-to-one interaction between the musician and the people in the hospital had a very powerful effect ” Solomon and Tiwary were aware that studies have shown that music helps in relieving pain, but this firsthand experience gave them real proof of the benefits. So they designed a plan that would bring performers to the hospital to go from room to room and perform for any patient who wanted to hear them They named it Musicians on Call (MOC) MOC‟s mission is „to use music and entertainment to complement the medical treatment and to improve the quality of life for patients‟ Solomon and Tiwary used their connections to the business to raise money Many people donated several rows of tickets to be sold online Britney Spears and many other benevolent people have also supported the cause For the patients, just listening to music can be comforting “The air changes in the room” says Solomon” It has nothing to with how you look, who you are, who wrote the song…if you can make music, you can brighten the patients‟ faces ” Musicians on Call are musicians who ………………………. a. are on-line c. often call the patients b. perform on patient‟s request d. work as volunteers Solomon and Tiwary arrange for performers ……………………………… a. to be benevolent c. to be on-line b. to treat patients‟ pain d. to entertain patients 3. Britney Spears is …………………………………………………… a. one of those who contribute money to this organization b. one of the performers who entertain patients in hospitals c. the only generous persons who supports the cause d. one who sells tickets on-line Patients in hospital ………… when performers bring music to them a. laugh a lot b. look cheerful b. feel confident d. ask for good music Sick people in hospitals ……………………………………………………. a. only listen to beautiful pieces of music b. feel comfortable whether the musicians come or not c. are not very demanding d. want to be entertained by well-known musicians Part six Sentence transformation (30 pts) My children can‟t get into the habit of studying every night My children can’t get used studying every night It was a waste of time writing that letter You needn’t have written that letter As soon as I got home, I realized I had left my bags in the shop It was not until I got home that I realized I had left my bags in the shop Carol was so bored that she couldn‟t stop crying Such was her boredom that she couldn‟t stop crying He wouldn‟t accept my suggestion until I pointed out the alternatives Only … when I pointed out the alternatives would he accept my suggestion “Many thanks for what you did” said Peter Peter expressed … his gratitude for what I had done As far as I know, he‟s still working in London To the best of my knowledge, he‟s still working in London Their chances of success are small It’s not likely that they will succeed Carol‟s mother constantly supported her, so she achieved her ambition If it hadn‟t been for Carol‟s mother‟s constant support, she would never have achieved her ambition 10 Remote villages don‟t have a regular bus service any more No longer remote villages have a regular bus service . . DƯỢNG VĂN HÓA 218 LÝ TỰ TRỌNG, Q.1 ĐT : 38 243 243 ĐỀ THI THỬ VÀO LỚP 10 NĂM HỌC 2010 - 2011 Thời gian làm bài : 150 phút Điểm bài thi Chữ ký của giám thò: Chữ ký của. (hệ Chuyên) THI THỬ VÀO LỚP 10 - 10/11 LƯU HÀNH NỘI BỘ CHẾ BẢN TẠI 40MĐC, Q.1 TRUONG BOI DUONG VAN HOA DE THI THU VAO LOP 10 nam hoc 2010-2011 218 LY TU TRONG Q1 Mon Thi ANH VAN (he. my free hours by reading them In the long run, I will have gained much but lost nothing Some people think that this hobby entails (8)….Well, there are many public libraries in towns We can join

Ngày đăng: 25/09/2015, 05:03

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