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SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION – LEVEL C 1C 1.Though the doctor has warned him, he keeps on smoking. In spite of 2.She preferred to stay at home rather than to go to the play. She preferred staying 3.He doesn't smoke, and his brother doesn't smoke, either Neither 4.She came to London to study English. She came , so that 5.Because she behaves badly, everybody hates her. Because of 6."Shall we post it, Sir?" he said. He asked 7."When it stops snowing, we must start digging ourselves out," I said. I said that 8.He found that it was impossible to study at home. He found 9.It was more expensive than I thought. I 10.I bought a book for Jane. I bought 2 C 1. The last time it rained was a fortnight ago. [nửa tháng] It 2. Your decision to get married before finishing your college studies surprised us. We were 3. The car was so rusty that it couldn/t be repaired. The car was too 4. He never has enough money. He's always 5. "You stole my best cassette, Amanda!" said William. William accused 6. Because of the rough sea, the ferry couldn't sail. [phà] The rough sea 7. Please check for damage before signing the delivery note. Don't 8. Roses don't grow in such poor ground. It is impossible 9. You car might break down on the rough mountain road, so take plenty of spare parts. [đồ phụ tùng thay thế] In case 10. I didnt expect you would be here. You were not 3 C He is said to have been in the French foreign legion. [lính viễn chinh Pháp] People During his childhood his family lived in Cornwall. His family He is thought to be the best doctor round here. It is He seemed to be living in the area. It seemed "Where is the staion car-park?" Mr Smith asked. Mr Smith asked That was a silly thing to say. What ! They travelled across India, and then flew on to Korea. After She cut the apple into quarters and gave each child a piece. The apple In spite of his age, Mr Benson runs seven miles before breakfast. Although There are two large restaurants in the art gallery. The art gallery The police started looking for him two months ago. For two months now How old do you think the house is? When do you think ? This holiday is so expensive; I don't think I can go. It is such He spoke so quickly that I couldn't understand what he said. He spoke too 4C I'm grateful that you looked after my mother so well. Thank you "Why didn't I get a computer before?" thought the office manager. The office manger wondered " You'd better not lend him any more money, Elizabeth," said John. John advised Elizabeth I started work for the company a year ago. I've been My suit needs to be cleaned before the interview. I must As my grandfather gets older, he wants to travel less. The older A house in that district will cost you at least $ 200,000. You won't be able to Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his illness. Alan's illness My parents let me go abroad alone for the first time last year. I was It was his incompetence which led to their capture. 5 C 1.Having nowhere else to go, I tried to sleep in the station waiting room. As 2. I'd love to be in a secluded beach in mexico. [biÇt lp] I wish 3. I only bought the dog because my children wanted a pet. If 4. I would love to live in Paris for a year. If only 5. Does he know enough French to work as a translator? Is his ? 6. I can't go to the cinema tonight because I do not have my car. The reason I 7. This furniture is so old that it's not worth keeping. This is 8. Handicapped people find shopping in supermarkets difficult. It's 9. Why don't you meet to discuss the pay offer? I suggest 10. Could you pass the salt, please? Would you mind ………………………………………………………………………………… 6 C Without this treatment the patient would have died If he Although he didn't speak Dutch, Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam. In spite of No one has lived in that house for years. That In s[ite of all our warnings, he left the camp without taking his rifle. [súng trường] Although Its a pity that you wrote that letter. I'd We must continue our efforts whether there are problems or not. Regardless The reason I came here was solely to try and improve conditions. [chỉ là] My sole purpose Less noise! the teacher told the boys. The teacher shouted In the event that nuclear weapons being used, we are all doomed. [tận số; chết] If it should [khó !] You should take two tablets every four hours. Two tablets should 7 C Its extremely difficult for us to make ends meet these days. [xoay xở cho qua ngày] We find They've been living here for seven years now. They moved Mrs Taylor does not like to live in that small house. Mrs Taylor wishes Mr Mills lost his job because he was late every day. If Mr Mills James spoke to his lawyer before he signed the contract. [hợp đồng] James didn't They travelled across India, and then flew on to Japan. After Youd better go to the doctor if youve got a pain in your back, Anna, Henry said. Henry suggested He never suspected that the money had been stolen. At no time [khó!] Because there was much dust in the mine, workers were ill. Because of This lecture bores me to tears. I am 8 C I expedt that he will get there by lunchtime. I expect him The last time I was in London was in 1972. I If I had known she was sick, I would have visited her. Had There is always trouble when he comes to visit us. Whenever Is this the only way to reach the city centre? Isn't there ? I have never seen such a mess in my life. [sự hổn độn, náo loạn] Never in Is it essential to meet your aunt at the station? Does your aunt ? Galileo is considered the father of modern astronomy. Galileo is regarded The last time it rained was a fortnight ago. It The value of pound sterling has fallen considerably in the oast week. There has [ khó!] 9 C Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them. They had such That dress has only the slightest mark on it. I can barely [ khó!] He insisted on a full apology. Nothing but He remembered, and so did she. He didn't My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band's decision to stop playing. The moment I only recognized him when he came into the light. Not until That rumour about the politician and the construction contract is absolutely false. There is One runner was too exhausted to complete the last lap of the race. One runner was so My mother was the most warm-hearted person I've ever known. I've They never made us do anything we didn't want to (do). We 10 C The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister. Had it no It is quite pointless to complain. [thiếu cơ sở] There is no How could I help, except to offer to lend her some money? Other We had to wait two hours for Donald. Donald kept It would not have been possible to solve that puzzle, even for a genius. That puzzle [ khó!] The students regretted that they had missed the lecture. The students regretted not If you missed the programme, you can't really judge. [phán đoán] Unless John and Mary moved to Edinburgh twenty years ago. It is She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard. However It was more of an argument than a discussion. It was not so [ khó!] 11 C "You damaged my bicycle, John!" said Margaret. Margaret accused It is one hundred years since the birth of D.H.Lawrence, the famous novelist. D.H.Lawrence John Speke failed to find the source of the Nile River. John Speke didn't succeed Maria didn't apply for the job in the library and he regrets it now. Maria wishes Helen wanted to know the name of Shirley's hairdresser's. Helen sais," Shirley, where Would you give this to the teacher, please? I hope One day it's possible that robots will do all our house-work. All our housework The University of Cambridge is going to award Professor Jones an honourary doctorate, I believe. Professor Jones is The government is going to cut its grant to postgraduate research students, apparently. Government grants Don't you agree that research biologists have carried out some amazing experiments recently? Some amazing experiments 12 C I had better get back to work. It's My father speaks very little French. My father speaks hardly The critics were very impressed by her peformance. Her performance made This is the best essay I have ever written. Never I assumed that she would learn how to take shorthand after this course. I took it I am terribly sorry. I thought you were a friend of Anna's. I took Although she was busy, she managed to find the time to proofread for me. Busy I would prefer you to do computer science. I'd rather He didnt get his visa until last Monday. It was They continue to say that I was to blame. [có lỗi] They persisted [ khăng khăng] 13 C Vietnamese coffee is considered to be one of the best in the world. Vietnamese coffee If you ask me well in advance, I'll be willing to work overtime. Provided you " I never used bad language," she said. She denied " What time does the manager come back?" the customer asked. The customer wanted You'd better not touch that switch. If I He said, " We must have a party to celebrate this." He said that " Must you go so soon?" I said. I As a student he had known great poverty. When " Why don't you apply for the job, Anne?" said Sue. Sue suggested Remind me to water the plants. Don't 14 C If it doesn't rain soon, millions pounds' worth of crops will be lost. Unless I didn't realise who he was until later. Only later If you want my advice, you would forget about buying a new house. If She asked John to repeat what he had said. "Please " The switch was too high for him to reach. He wasn't tall It's not worth living to make her change her mind. There's I get to work in twenty minutes. It It is necessary that this work be finished by Monday. [Subjunctive Mood] This work It's a pity I didn't take my doctor's advice. I wish The bread is so stale that we can't eat it. [ hẩm, cũ] 15 C Who does this bag belong to? Whose ? Never borrow money from friends, my father said. My father told me The accident happened because the train driver ignored a warning light. [lờ đi] If the train driver Paul said he would visit China the following year. Im qThe porter told us the train had left five minutes earlier. Im sorry but " She couldn't afford the Persian cat. The Persian cat The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. No animals run You must not smoke in here. Smoking "Would you like to come round for a drink?" he said. He "Don't swim out too far, boys," I said. 16 C " Go on, apply for the job," said Jack. Jack He asked all persons not travelling to go ashore. " Will ? " If the flood gets worse, we must leave the house," he said. He said that Somebody repaired her refrigerator last month. She The postman was bitten by our dog. Our dog We could find the way out because of the fog. The fog prevented He failed to win the race. He didn't I only realised what I had missed when they told me about it later. Only when There weren't nearly as many people there as I had expected. There were far When the Minister was asked about the strike, he declined to answer. On 17 C There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble. You Please don't say things like that. I wish The doctor advised me to rest. The doctor suggested They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left. Only after Their teacher is making them study hard. They are They were just as good as we had expected. They cetainly lived Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish. Much Cane head is cleared in court. [Tựa đề bài báo (ở dạng viết vắn tắt)] A headmaster Gunman kills 3 people in Bank Drawa.[u.s] A man Riddle of missing heiress solved. [u.s.] The police 18 C " Police attacked" says student leader. [u.s.] A student leader Storm grows over long hair in school. [u.s.] Parents and pupils are She admitted that she took the necklace. She admitted to The headmaster said some very reassuring things What Do you have good relationship with your boss? Are Do you have good relationship with your boss? Are Most students can work very hard when they feel like it. Nost students are capable I'm really sorry that I didn't invite her to the party. I really wish She didn't inherit anything under her uncle's will. [ theo di chúc của chú cô ấy] Her uncle didnt The only thing they didnt steal was the television. They stole 19 C It seems that no one predicted the correct result. No one They had been lost in the mountain for three days, but they looked strong and healthy. Even I'll find that man no matter how long it takes. However " You should have waited for us," the team leader said to John. The team leade criticised It's possible that he didn't get my letter. He might The last time it snowed here was six years ago. It The film star wore dark glasses so that no one would recognise him. The film star avoided I am amazed by the mistakes he made. What We weren't surprised by his success. It came .[Khó !] 'That's a lovely dress, Jean," said her mother. Jean's mother complimented [khen] 20 C We couldn't relax until all the guests had left. Only We couldn't find George anywhere. George was Customs officers are stopping more travellers than usual this week. An increased You will catch a cold if you don't keep your feet dry. Unless Mark is too young to get maried. Mark is not That factory is producing more and more pollution. More and more pollution He couldn't escape from the prison because it was very secure. [an toàn, kín] The prison Without his help we would all have died If it He forgot about his gun until he got home. Not until May I borrow your pen? Would you mind ? 21 C " I'd take a taxi if I were you," said Peter. Peter suggested My boyfriend is very short-tempered. [nóng tính] My boyfriend loses House prices have risen dramatically this year. Thee has This affair does not concern you. This affair is no You must submit articles for the magazine by June 18th. The final date Although Jimmy was the stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him. Despite his What a surprise to see you here! Fancy I don't intend to apologise to either of them. I have It was only when I left home that I realised how much my father meant to me. Not until q It was only when I left home that I realised how much my father meant to me. Not until 22 C The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended. Had it not You can use it as long as you like, and it won't wear out. No matter If the work is finished by lunchtime, you can go home. Get Although he was not guilty, they executed him. [x? t? hình] In spite of I certainly dont intend to reply to that rude letter from Edward. I have It cetainly wasn't me who took your car!" said Bob. Bob denied Mary told the police about the burglary. Mary reported We may not be able to give the concert. The concert. They had hardly left home than it started to rain. No sooner You can use my car, but have to keep it carefully. Provided 23 C You are both funny and witty. [thông minh, nhanh trí] Not only He behaved shamefully towards his wife. He treated The chances are a hundred to one against you. Its most (difficult for you to get the chances.) The rail workers do not intend to call off their strike. {hoãn ?ình công] The rail workers have no Mrs Scott is proud of her cooking. Mrs Scott prides Please dont drive so fast! Ann begged her boyfriend. Ann pleaded [năn nỉ, van nài] It was the goalkeeper that saved the match for us. If it hadn't (for the goal keeper we would have lost the game). I wasn't a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her job. It came (as no surprise to me that ) You can try to gte Tim to lend you his car but you won't succeed. There's no point Despite his ungainly air, he is remarkably agile. [ năng động, lanh lẹ] Although 24 C She is proud of being such a good cook. She prides My protests were ignored. Nobody I'm sure he took your briefcase by mistake. I'm sure he didn't Perhaps Brian went home early. Brian My father finds maps hard to follow. My father has I dislike it when people criticise me unfairly. I object The workers only called off the strike afer a new pay offer. Only after He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery. He received You can eat as much as you like for $ 5 at the new luch0-bar. There is no She wore a hearing-aid, even though she could hear the phone ring perfectly well. She wasn't so 25 C You will never meet anyone more generous than Mrs Jones. Mrs Jones is I'm certainly not going to give you any more money. I have no He'll settle down. Then his performance will improve. Once Athough Judy was severely disabled, she participated in many sports. Despite The instructions say you just add biling water to the soup powder. The soup powder People who have been abroad shouldn't criticise foreign customs. Nobody Simon hadn't expected that he would feel so weak after the operation. The operation left (Simon feeling weaker than he had expected). It's nobody's fault that the meeting was cancelled. Nobody I never intended to go to the meeting. I never had He never suspected that she was a witch. At no time (did he suspect ) 26 C Are they likely to pass Proficiency? Is there ? Whenever she went to Paris, she bought a new dress. She never Nobody is more anxious to help you than your mother. Your mother The farm labourer went to bed and at once felt asleep. The moment The noise next door didn't stop until after midnight It was not We could answer those two difficult questions. Those two We had never been so happy before. We were Do you have to bring that heavy suicase with you? Is it really ? They say Rembrandt painted this picture. Rembrandt His resemblance to his father is remarkable. He looks (remarkably like his father). If you want to see Professor Smith, Wednesday afternoon is a good time to find him in his office. Professor Smith is 27 C Unless we leave now we'll miss our ride home. We won't miss The computer will be available anytime but one o' clock. The computer will not Bruce didn't want to tell me the truth, but I found out anyway. Although Their chances of success are small. It is not It's thought that the accident was caused by human error. The accident is Under no circumstances should you phone the police. The last Although the play received good notices, not many people went to see it. Despite He said he was not guilty of stealing the car. He denied My father speaks very little English. My father speaks hardly I'm sorry that I asked her to stay. Now I wish 28 C They couldn't trace who had supplied the information in the first place. The source This is the most delicious cake I have ever tasted. I have [...]... she came No sooner Though she is intelligent, she is not the one we are looking for Intelligent though 31 C 1 The open-door policy has brought about a lot of radical changes [Thay đổi cấp tiến] Thanks to 2 We could not contact him because he gave us the wrong number If he 3 People have talked much but done little about it Much 4 The way she . the oast week. There has [ khó! ] 9 C Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them. They had such That dress has only the slightest mark on it. I can barely [ khó! ] He insisted on a full. admire his courage, I think he is foolish. Much Cane head is cleared in court. [Tựa đề bài báo (ở dạng viết vắn tắt)] A headmaster Gunman kills 3 people in Bank Drawa.[u.s] A man Riddle of. Anna, Henry said. Henry suggested He never suspected that the money had been stolen. At no time [khó! ] Because there was much dust in the mine, workers were ill. Because of This lecture bores

Ngày đăng: 05/08/2015, 23:04



