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Giáo án tiếng anh 11 cả năm

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Lesson plan of English 11 1 Writing date: Period 1 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP READING  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to guess meaning in context.  Lexical items: unselfishness, constancy, be loyal to, sympathy, enthusiasm, suspicion.  Skills: Reading, Speaking  Teaching aids: textbook, pictures PROCEDURE Teacher 's activities Students’ activities I. PRE-READING *Warm-up (5’) Brainstorming -Ask Ss to give the adjectives describing features of a good friend. Generous sincere *Lead-in: I know that we have a lot of friends in our lives. Today, we’ll know more about friendship through reading the text. *Teaching vocabulary(12’) 1. unselfishness (n) -> (example) 2. constancy (n.) -> (translation): su kien dinh 3. be loyal to = be faithful to 4. sympathy (n.) -> (definition): the feeling of being sorry for sb, showing that you care about sb’s problems. 5. enthusiasm (n.) -> (example) 6. suspicion (n.) A: friendly B: happy C: suspicious Ex: He always helps people without thinking of his own benefit. What characteristics can you say about him? Ex: The news is greeted with enthusiasm.  What does “enthusiasm” mean in Vietnamese? ->What’s the noun of “ suspicious”? *Checking vocabulary: What & Where (3’) II. WHILE-READING: (15’) Task 1: (3’aTask 2: (4’) Finding the main idea of the whole passage. (Task 2, p.14) +Ask Ss to work in groups of 4 or 5. Task 3: (8’) Answering the questions. (Task 3, p.15) Read the passage quickly & tick the words in Warmer appearing in the passage + Expected answer: B. Conditions of the true friendship. *Expected answer: friend Lesson plan of English 11 2 +Divide class into 2 groups A & B +Group A answer the first questions, group B answers the rest. (Pair work) +Closed pairs- Open pairs. + T’s feedback. 1…. 2. … 3. … 4. …….5. … III. POST-READING (8’) *Discussing the question “Why do we need to have friends?” + In groups of 4, ask Ss to tell what a friend can do for you: + in your studies. + when you are in need. IV. HOME WORK (2’) -Do Task 1, p.14. -Prepare Period 3 – Speaking. PERIOD 2 UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP SPEAKING * Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe physical characteristics, using adjectives. * Lexical items: crooked, hospitable, generous, quick-witted. * Skills: speaking, listening. * Teaching aids: pictures, role cards. PROCEDURE Teacher ‘s activities Students’ activities I. PRE-SPEAKING: * Warm-up: Matching the adjectives from the box with the parts of the body they can be used to describe. Short Broad straight tallish sleek Pointed Oval tall shortish round snub Crooked Short large wide shoulder- length Wrinkled Glossy flat wavy long Dyed Parts of the body Adjectives Face Lesson plan of English 11 3 Nose Hair Forehead Height  Call Ss to fill in the words on the charts. T’s feedback. * Teaching vocabulary 1. crooked (adj.): (picture) 2. hospitable (adj.): welcoming gueSs/ visitors friendly 3. generous (adj.): (translation) 4. quick-witted (adj.): intelligent II. WHILE-SPEAKING: Task 1: (Using the chart in the warm-up activity ) Task 2: Call some groups to report their results to the class In groups of 4, ask students to describe some people in the picture given by the teacher, using the words in the chart. In groups of 4, Ss discuss and choose the characteristics they think the most important, and give their reasons III. POST-SPEAKING: Interview  Make role cards and deliver to students (see textbook)  Before students start, ask them to agree upon the basic profile of the friend. - his/ her name - date of birth - his/ her physical characteristics - his/ her hobbies - his/ her personalities Pair work:  Ss can use suggestions given to ask and answer, using the following cue cards.  - why he/ she is interested in Math - how much time he/ she spends on Math - what makes him/ her a good friend - what made him/ her successful - what he/ she does in his/ her free time IV. HOMEWORK (2’) PERIOD 3 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP LISTENING * Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will understand the content of the lesson and be able to decide on true or false statements & listen and take notes. * Lexical items: sense of humor * Skills: listening, writing & speaking * Teaching aids: tape scripts, handouts & cassette player. Lesson plan of English 11 4 PROCEDURE Teacher ‘s activities Students’ activities I. PRE-LISTENING:(12’) *Warm-up: -Divide class into 2 groups A & B. *Teaching vocabulary: - sense of humor: -> (photo of Mr. Bean) ->He has good sense of humor. *True/ False prediction: -Deliver handouts -A Student in group A will describe some physical characteristics of a student in his/her group. -Group B has to guess who the student is. - In pairs, Ss predict if the following sentences are true or false (See Task 1, p.18) II. WHILE- LISTENING (20’) Task 1: True/False statements. (8’) -Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice & check their exercises in prediction activity. -T’s feedback. Task 2: Fill in the table. (12’) -Deliver handouts (See textbook, p.18) -T’s feedback. -Keys: *Lan’s talk: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F -*Long’s talk: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.T Ss to listen the tape again to find out the information & fill in the table. How and where they met What they like about their friends Lan - They used to live in the same residential area in Hanoi. - Lan went on a holiday to Do Son and Ha went there to visit her. - Ha’s very friendly and helpful. - Ha’s sociable. She’s got many friends in Do Son and she introduced Lan around. Long - They met in college. - Minh played the guitar, Long was a singer. - They worked together. - Minh has a sense of humor. - Minh likes to go to plays and movies. - Minh is a good listener. - Minh is friendly and helpful. IV. POST-LISTENING.(11’) Ss talk to each other about their best friends + how & where they met. + what they like about their friends. V. HOMEWORK.(2’) - Write a short passage about your best friend. Teaching date: /09/2007 Lesson plan of English 11 5 PERIOD 4 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP WRITING *Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + make an outline of the ideas to describe a friend. + write a paragraph describing a friend’s characters with supporting details for each character. *Skills: Writing *Teaching aids: textbook, posters. PROCEDURE Teacher ‘s activities Students’ activities I. WARM-UP: (6’) Noughts & crosses. 1. friendly 2. cheerful 3. pleasant 4. modest 5. active 6. hardworking 7. studious 8. responsible 9. selfish Key: 1-d 2-g 3-c 4-i 5-f 6-a 7-h 8-e 9-b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In 2 groups, Ss in turn choose numbers & match the adjective under the number with a suitable example (on a chart) describing emotions and actions as ideas development for that adj. a. My mother gets up at 6 every day and never stops working until dinner- time. b. Minh never wants to share anything with us. Whenever I ask him for help, the only answer I get is “Why do I have to do it for you?” c. It’s nice to be around with Tam for his polite and friendly manner. d. He’s very close to us. Though he’s our teacher, he treats us almost like his friends. e. I like working with Lan. She always tries her best to finish her part of the work. f. She is a lively person who engages in almost all the community activities. g. I love spending time with Linh and seeing her broad smiles. h. My friend spends a lot of time learning. She is one of the best students in our class. i. Trust him. He doesn’t say more than what he has thought or done. II. PRE-WRITING (6’) *Brainstorming: Where/ When first met Physical characteristics Personalities -Ss work in pairs. -For column one, think of the possible places and situations in which you may have met your best friend. Write down as many of them as possible. -For column 2, think of the most Lesson plan of English 11 6 Teaching date: /09/2007 PERIOD 5 UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP LANGUAGE FOCUS *Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + pronounce the two sounds /dz/ & /t…/ correctly. +know how to use to-infinitive or bare infinitive. *Lexical items: *Skills: Speaking, listening& writing *Teaching aids: Handouts, textbook. PROCEDURE -in school extra- activities -at a football match -high forehead -very tall - good-natured -quick-witted III. WHILE-WRITING 1. Making outline. (10’) -While Ss are writing, T. goes around the class to see how well Ss work and whether they need some help. -Ask 2 groups to write their outlines on the board. -T’s feedback. 2 Writing (15’) -In groups of 4, Ss write a paragraph about a friend on a poster. -While Ss are writing, T. goes round to see if anyone needs help. VI. POST-WRITING (7’) -Ask 4 groups to show their posters on the board. -T’s feedback. V. HOMEWORK (1’) outstanding physical characteristics of your friend and write them down in this column. -For column 3, think of the personalities of your friend that you like most about him/her. -Ss to make an outline of a paragraph describing a friend, use the information they’ve just discussed in brainstorming activity. -Ss work in groups of 4 -Ss to give remark. -Ask Ss to write the paragraph into their notebooks. I. PRONUNCIATION (12’) *Warm-up: -Divide class into 2 groups A & B. -SS write on the board as many words having the sounds /d…/ & /t…/ as possible in 3 minutes. Group A Group B /d…/ /t…/ /d…/ /t…/ I’m happy…you. Lesson plan of English 11 7 *Practice: -T. reads the words & Ss repeat them in chorus. -Call some Ss to pronounce the words. -T. reads sentence S (See textbook) & Ss underline the words containing the sounds /t…/ & /d…/. -T’s feedback. -T. reads sentence by sentence & Ss repeat. -T corrects if there’re some mistakes. II. GRAMMAR. 1. Infinitive with “to”. (10’) -T. shows some books and ask: -> What do you read books for? ->Expected answer: * We read books to get information. -Use pictures of two happy faces & ask Ss to complete the sentence. T: Who can complete the boy’s sentence? S: I’m happy to meet you. * Practice: - Ask Ss to put the words in the correct order to make complete sentences with infinitive with to - Ss work individually. - Have some Ss write their sentences on the board. - The other Ss correct the mistakes. 2. Infinitive without to: (10’) *Practice: -T’s feedback. 3. Free-practice: (10’) Jam Children chair orange church … - Ss to give the form: Noun/pron. + to-infinitive Adjective - Ss to match the words in column A with those in B to make meaningful sentences. A B 1. I saw a dog a. sing a romantic song 2. I heard you b. bite the crying boy 3. They made me c. clean their ten bicycles - Ss to give the form of the sentences above. Verb + Object + bare-infinitive - Ss to give some other verbs which can be used the same way as “see”, “ hear”, and “make” - Expected answers: watch, let, feel, notice -Ss. To rewrite sentences, using the words in brackets.(textbook, p.21) - Ss to exchange the exercise and correct them. -In pairs, each student tells his/her partner the first time she/he met his/her closet friend. Ex: - I was glad to meet her. - I thought she was a very interesting person to make friend with. Lesson plan of English 11 8 Teaching date: /09/2007 PERIOD 6: UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES READING Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - learn some vocabulary about personal experiences - understand the passage - to use the vocabulary to tell about their own personal experiences Lexical items: idol (n); glance (v); sneaky (adj); embarrassing (adj); make a fuss (exp) Skills: reading, speaking, listening, writing Teaching aids: pictures, handouts, textbook. PROCEDURE Teacher ‘s activities Students’ activities I. PRE-READING: 1. Warm up: (pair work) (5’) - T: prepares /sticks 6 pictures on the B.B - lead-in: Have you involved in the situation in which you don’t know what to do? 2. Teaching voc: (10) - idol (n): (example): thần tượng Ex: Who’s your favorite singer Hong Nhung Hong Nhung is your idol. -glance (v) (miming): liếc mắt - sneaky (a) (situation): lén lút  What would you do if you couldn’t do your test? Copy  What’s your attitude? Be afraid of the T. and look sneaky. - embarrassing (adj) (synonym ) = confusing (adj): bối rối - make a fuss (exp) (over/about) (explanation): làm ầm ĩ. S.o complains noisily about s.t she/he doesn’t like. 3. Checking voc: (handout) (3’) Ss to discuss what’s happening in each picture and then asks Ss to predict the order of 6 pictures Gap- filling (Task 1 / p.24) (individuals) Key: 1. glanced 2. making a fuss 3. embarrassing 4. idol -5.sneaky II. WHILE-READING: 1. Activity 1 (5’) (group work) Put the pictures of the events (on the board) in the order that they happen in the story.(correct the prediction in warmer ) -Ss read the passage silently in 3 mins. Keys: 1.d – 2.b – 3.f – 4. e – 5.a - 6.c Activity 2 Multiple choice (5’). 1. The writer’s most embarrassing experience happened when she was A. a teacher Individuals V. HOMEWORK (3’) -Ss to write some sentences about their friends, using infinitive with/ without to. Lesson plan of English 11 9 B. a junior high school student C. a senior school student. 2. She wished to have a like the one of her pop idol. A. a red dress B. a red floppy cotton hat C. a pair of red shoes 3. She bought it with the money A. her father gave her B she picked on the street C. She took from a school boy’s bag 3. Activity 3 (Task 3/ p. 24) Comprehension questions (pair work ) -Ss read the passage again and answer the following questions 1. Why did her father give her some money on her birthday? 2. What did she see in the boy’s bag? 3. Why did she decide to take the money from the boy’s bag without saying anything about it? III. POST-READING: (7’) Discuss the question: What would you do if you were the writer? IV. RESERVED-ACTIVITY: Keys: 1. So that she could buy the hat for herself 2. A wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones her father had given her before. 3. Because she didn’t like to make a fuss. (Group work ) Expected answers: - say nothing / keep as a secret. -try meet the boy and give the money back Ss tell about their embarrassing experiences. V. HOMEWORK: (3’) - Prepare for speaking -Write about their own experiences. Teaching date: /09/2007 Period 7: UNIT 2 PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Speaking *Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to talk about past experiences and how they affected one’s life. *Lexical items: native speaker; affect (v); turtle (n) *Skills: speaking; listening; writing; reading. *Teaching aids: textbooks; pictures; handouts. PROCEDURE Teacher ‘s activities Students’ activities I. PRE-SPEAKING 1. Warm-up: (5ms) Hangman Teacher asks Ss to think of a word containing 10 letters, you can guess 2 letters first: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 2. Lead-in: (2ms) _ asks Teacher Ss: .Have you ever had an interesting experience? 3. Teaching vocabulary: (2ms) Key words: EXPERIENCE Lesson plan of English 11 10 - native speaker (n) (situation) người bản xứ Ex: Mary comes from England. She speaks English as a native speaker - (to) affect (v) (example) ảnh hưởng Ex: Smoking is harmful to our health. It means smoking ……….badly our health. → affects - turtle (n) (picture) con rùa 4. Checking vocabulary: (3ms) R.O.R II. WHILE-SPEAKING: (15 ms) 1. Activity 1: (5 ms) (Task 1, textbook, P.25) 2. Activity 2: (10 ms) Teacher asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs Teacher calls some pairs to perform the dialogue in front of the class. Teacher sticks a poster with the completed dialogue Teacher asks Ss to pay attention to the tense of the verb <Simple past > Key answers: 1_d; 2_c; 3_ a; 4_ b; 5_ e Ss put the conversation in the correct order by numbering the expressions (Task 2, textbook, P.26 ) Key answers: 1_b; 2_ d; 3_ h; 4_ a; 5_ e; 6_ g; 7_ c; 8_ f Ss to pay attention to the questions: Have you ever …… ? How did it happen? When did it happen? How did the experience affect you? III. POST- SPEAKING: (13ms) Ask Ss to use the questions above to talk about their own past experiences, using the cues in task 1 IV. HOMEWORK: (2ms) Write down your own dialogue in the exercise Teaching date: /09/2007 PERIOD 8 UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES LISTENING * Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss can learn some vocabulary about a fire. * Lexical items: memorable (a), scream (v), gas stove (n) escape (v), terrified (a), replace (v), embrace (v), protect (v) * Teaching aids: picture, cassette, chart, handouts PROCEDURE Teacher ‘s activities Students’ activities I. PRE - LISTENING:  Warm - up: (5’) (group work): Describing the picture (p27 - textbook).  Lead - in (2’) - Have you involved in or seen a fire? - What did you do then? - How did you feel?  Vocabulary (10’): - memorable (a) = unforgettable (a) (synonym): đáng ghi nhớ Ss look at the picture and say what is happening in it.  Checking vocabulary (5’) (individual) Gap - filling 1. A good pair of shoes will ………. your feet [...]... past perfect correctly Skills: writing, speaking, listening, reading Teaching aids: textbook, handouts, chart, pictures, etc 16 PERIOD 11  9.a has kept c are keeping 10.a to creep c creep 11. a have found c had found 12.a starting c to start Lesson plan of English 11 PROCEDURE Teacher ‘s activities Students’ activities I/ WARMER: 5’ T gives an exercise: RIGHT (R) or WRONG (w) 1/ I was making a cake... 1 opening, 2 smoking, 3 not to talk, 4 to have, 5 becoming, 6 to try, 7 making, 8 to be, 9 talking, 10 to pay, Lesson plan of English 11 10 Do you have any money .for this book? (pay) 11 I don’t know why he avoided .me (meet) 12 He enjoyed .breakfast with us (have) 11 meeting, 12 having - T asks Ss to do the exercise - T gives comments and correction 1 “Yes, I did drive too fast through the town”,... _ a lovely spring morning, the sun (10 shine) _ and the birds (11 sing) , happy that the winter (12 be) _ over 1.a to decide b decides c deciding d decide 2.a have started b had started c start d was starting 3.a leave b leaves c leaving d to leave 4.a wears 15 Noughts and Crosses b wear Lesson plan of English 11 leave) _ with two elephants carrying our luggage It’s a hot day but...Lesson plan of English 11 - Terrified (a) sợ hãi (example) Most people feel terrified when they see snakes - Scream (v): (explanation) la thất thanh, la hét What do people often do when they see something terrible? - Replace (v) (mining): thay thế - Gas stove (n) (drawing) - Embrace (v)... She got away without even a minor burn 3 Activity 3 (5’) Individual (Task 3 textbook P28) III POST - LISTENING (5’) (textbook P28) Discussion Christina says that family is more important 11 Lesson plan of English 11 than things Do you agree or disagree with her? Why? Exchange your ideas with a partner IV HOME - WORK (3’) Write down your idea (Post - listening) in the notebook Teaching date: /09/2007... It is kind / good of you to help … - On behalf of … I’m writing to thank you for… - I would like to express my thanks to you for … - I would like to offer my sincerest Lesson plan of English 11 Teaching date: /11/ 2007 PERIOD 23 UNIT 4 – VOLUNTEER WORK LANGUAGE FOCUS (1) ▪ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, SS will be able to - know how to use gerund / present participle of the verbs - do all the... intention of moving to York.(gerund) Lan is going fishing this afternoon.(pp) 35 Lesson plan of English 11 - toe (n): (picture)furious (adj) (synonym) What's another word for "very angry"? prevent s.o from doing st: (translation) diary (n) (gap-fill) I am very interested in seeing the program "Vang Anh' s " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember II PRACTICE 1 Task 1(page 54) (9m) 2... to find tigers in the afternoon because they (7 sleep) in the heat of the day Then, in the distance, we (8 see) a tiger and everyone of us (9 keep) quiet We (10 creep) nearer and (11 find) a dead dear, still breathing This is the tiger’ lunch! Suddenly we (12 start) _ to feel very frightened c wearing d weared 5.a is trying b try c has tried d was trying 6.a to climb b climbing... ago, when I was on holiday,… 3 How it happened: (various details) 4 Who was involved: 5 How it affected you: It made me 13 embarrassed/frightened…; It changes my outlook on life… Lesson plan of English 11 - T has Ss give some kinds of experiences (such as a funny experience, frightening experience, an embarrassing experience.) before their own outline T has 2 Ss write their own outline of the main points... 1/ Play football - do homework Group work 2/ Cook the meal - watch T.V 3/ Go shopping - do housework 4/ Have dinner - go to the cinema - Ss to make sentences, using the three 17 Lesson plan of English 11 structures above IV/ HOMEWORK: 2’ T asks Ss to make 6 sentences, using the three structures above Teaching date: /10/2007 PERIOD 13 UNIT 3: A PARTY READING Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will . đáng ghi nhớ Ss look at the picture and say what is happening in it.  Checking vocabulary (5’) (individual) Gap - filling 1. A good pair of shoes will ………. your feet Lesson plan of English 11 11 -. your feet Lesson plan of English 11 11 - Terrified (a) sợ hãi (example) Most people feel terrified when they see snakes - Scream (v): (explanation) la thất thanh, la hét. What do people often do. leave b. leaves c. leaving d. to leave 4.a. wears b. wear Lesson plan of English 11 16 Teaching date: /09/2007 PERIOD 11 UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES LANGUAGE FOCUS (2)  Objectives: By the end of

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