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tuyển tập 25 đề thi speaking gần đây

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Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS Tuyển tập đề speaking IELTS tháng 3-4 Đề số 1 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Let’s talk about your home. - Is it a house or an apartment you live in? - Can you describe it? - How long have you been living in this house/apartment? - Which room is your favourite? Why? Cue Card Talk about a job that is important in your country. Please say - What job is it? - Who can work in this job? - What skills are necessary for doing it? Discussion - Which type of holiday is your favourite? Why? - Do you think we must have more holidays? - What do you usually do on holidays? - Do you plan your holidays ahead? - Do you think it’s a good idea for everyone to go to university? Đề số 2 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - What do you do for a job? - Do you like your job? Why? Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS - Do you live in a house or an apartment? - Do you like it? Why? Cue Card 1 Talk about your friend whom you consider to be a good leader. Please say - Why do you think so? - What do other people say about him/her? - What skills are required to be a good leader? Discussion 1 - Who do you think is the leader in your family? - Do you think you can be a good leader? - Do you think it is good to be the leader of the family? - Normally in England women have a major role in their family. Do women in your country or family have the same role? - Do you think managers should involve employees in the decision-making process? - Do you think managers should get higher salaries than normal employees? Cue Card 2 Talk about a sport event that you watched live. Please say - What sport was it? - When did you watch it? - Why did you remember it? Discussion 2 - Is it the natural ability or training and experience that brings out the best in a sportsman? - Should athletes help people in need? - How different is playing sports as a hobby and being a professional sportsman? Đề số 3 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS - Do you work or study? - What do you do? - Do you like it? - What kind of advertisements do you usually see? - Did you ever buy any of the advertised products? Why? Cue Card Describe a good habit that your friend has, and that you would like to develop too. Please say - Who is you friend? - What habit is it? - Why do you want to develop it? Discussion - Do you think people should develop good habits when they are young? - Can children develop their habits? How? - Can a good habit that someone had as a child disappear when they grow up? Why? - What kind of effect can good childhood habits have on an adult? Đề số 4 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Do you live in an apartment or a house? - Do you like living there? - What is your favourite place there? Why? - Do you plan to live there for a long time? Cue Card Talk about a situation where you came across a stranger and helped him/her. Please say Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS - Describe the situation and how you helped. - When and where did it take place? - How did you feel after helping that stranger? Discussion - Let’s talk about volunteering jobs. - What do you think about volunteering in general? - What type of volunteering jobs do people usually adopt? - Why should people volunteer in your opinion? - What happens when you volunteer? Why? - Do you think it is beneficial to the volunteer? Why? Đề số 5 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Do you want to be a teacher? Why? Cue Card Talk about a book that you read recently. Please say - What was the book? - Why did you read it? - Would you recommend it to others? Discussion - What types of books do children read in your country? - How can we promote reading to children? - What are the reasons adults are reading? - What is the effect of technology on reading? - Can you compare reading with watching TV? Đề số 6 Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Do you find your job interesting? Why? - What will be the future changes in your field? - What activities do you like to do at weekends? - What did you do last weekend? - Who was there with you? - Do you mostly spend weekends on study or leisure? - What is your favourite part of the weekend? Why? - Lets talk about habits. - What do you do during your free time? - What books do you like to read? - Where is the best place to read at your home? Cue Card Talk about an advice that you gave to someone. Please say - What was the advice? - To whom did you give it? - How did the person react? Discussion - What do you think about a person who gives advice to others but never takes any advice given to him/her? - Who gives you advice at your work? - Are young people capable of giving a good advice? - Would you prefer to get an advice or to take a training course? - Are there communities or groups that offer advice in your hometown? - Who are the people in your community that give advice? Talk about some news you heard that made you happy. Please say - What was the news? - How did you hear about it? - Where and when did it happen? - Why did you feel happy after hearing it? Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS Đề số 7 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Where do you live? - Do you like it there? Why? - Do you think sleep is important? - Where do you like to sleep? - What do you think about an afternoon nap? - Do you like to read? - Where do you usually read? - Why do you prefer to read there? - Would you rather read alone or with other people? Why? Cue Card Describe an interesting thing that you learned from the Internet. Please say - What is it? - How did you find out about that? - Which website did you use? Discussion - What other things did you learn from the Internet? - Can you always trust the source of information on the Internet? - Do you think that society depends on the use of Internet nowadays? - Does it have an effect on businesses’ structure nowadays? - How useful is the Internet to you? - How do social networking sites affect our society today? Đề số 8 Interview Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Do you think your English is good? - What will you do after studying this language? - Do you like weekends? - What do you do usually at weekends? - Do you plan your weekends? - Do you like trees? - Have you ever planted a tree? Cue Card Describe a documentary or a movie that you enjoyed and would like to watch again. Please say - What movie is it? - Why did you like it so much? - Would you recommend it to others? Discussion - Do you think featuring famous artists is important for a movie’s success? - Do you think people in different stages of life will choose different types of movies? Why? - Do you think that older people like to watch movies of their generation more than modern ones? Đề số 9 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - What do you do? - Do you like your job? - Is it related to your future career? Why? - Tell me about a typical family in your country. Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS - How many hours do you sleep in a day? - Do you perform better when you sleep for an hour during the day? - Are you good at timekeeping? - How do you manage your time? - How did you learn to manage your time? Cue Card Describe an event in your childhood that you remember. Please say - What was the event? - How old were you then? - What did you do during the event? Discussion - What age a person becomes an adult in your country? - What do you think is the age a person can become totally independent? - Do you think roles of men and women are the same today as they were in the past? - What do you think children should learn? Why? - Should boys be treated the same way as girls? Đề số 10 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Where do you stay? - Is it a house or an apartment? - What do you like the most about your home? - What is your favourite room? - Do you like natural beauty? - Where do you go to enjoy nature? - How do you do it? Cue Card Talk about the biggest traffic jam that you have experienced. Please say Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS - Where and when was it? - What did you do during this time? - How did you feel about it later? Discussion - How can traffic jams be reduced in cities? - Will road extensions reduce traffic problems? - Can you tell me about some initiative by your local municipal authority to reduce traffic? - How can you persuade people to buy smaller cars? Đề số 11 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Where do you live? - Describe the home where you live. - How many rooms are there? - What is your favorite room? Why? - What is your favorite season? Why? - Describe the seasons in your country. Cue Card Describe your experience of purchasing an item from a store. Please say - What was the item? - What made your experience a good one? - How did you feel about it later? Discussion - What store was it? - Would you recommend it to friends or family members? Đề số 12 Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - What do you do for a job? - Do you find your work easy? Why? - Will you change your job in the future? Why? - What do you do at weekends? Why? - What did you do last weekend? Why? - Do you prefer to plan weekends ahead? Why? - What kind of TV programs do you watch in general? Why? - What TV shows do you expect to see more in the future? Why? - Do you think children will watch more TV programs in the future? Cue Card Describe a colourful place that you visited recently. Please say - What is this place? - Where and when was it? - Why did you go there? Discussion - Why is it a memorable place for you? - Did you take photos of this place? - What colour is popular in your country for home decoration? Why? - Is there any relation between the product’s colour and the commerce? Why? - Why do you think companies do not want the employees to wear bright clothes? Đề số 13 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Do you live in an apartment or a house? - Do you like living there? [...]... - Do you think governments should tax more big cars owners? - Do you think it might solve the problem? - What would you suggest to solve the problem? - Is there any relationship between traffic jams and pollution? Đề số 26 Part II/ Describe a colorful place - where it was - why you went there - what you did there and explain why you think this place was made so colourful Part III/ 1 Do you think men... Please say - Who is this person? - How did you meet him/her? - Explain why you want to be like him/her Discussion - What does your friend do? - Is it possible that an employer would let an employee take a leading role in their company? - In many companies managers’ salaries are higher compared to those of other employees Why? - Do you think these employees deserve higher wages? Why? Đề số 25 Interview -... businesses? - What do you think about globalisation and its effect on businesses? - Do you think that all smaller businesses will be replaced by bigger companies? Why? - Is computer knowledge important in order to be a good employee? Why? - Do you think some jobs will be replaced by the technology in the future? - What kind of jobs can’t be replaced? Why? Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS Đề số 21 Interview... read? - What do you think about reading before going to sleep? - Do you do it? Why? Cue Card Describe a family member that you would like to work with Please say - Who is he/she? - Have you worked with him/her in the past? - Explain what kind of work you would do together Discussion - Do you think there will be an opportunity for you to work together in the future? - What do you think about family business?... and admire Please say - Who is this person? - Why do you like him/her? - What did he/she do at a young age? - Explain what you learned from him/her Discussion - Do you think an old person can always give good advice to a teenager? - Is it better for an old person to live alone or with family? - Can old people teach their grandchildren? Why? - Is it right or wrong? Why? Đề số 14 Interview - What is your... say - Who is this person? - Why do you like him/her? - What did he/she do at a young age? - Explain what you learned from him/her Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS Discussion - Do you think an old person can always give good advice to a teenager? - Is it better for an old person to live alone or with family? - Can old people teach their grandchildren? Why? - Is it right or wrong? Why? Đề số 15 Interview... kindergarten or stay at home during their early years? - Do you agree that there should be competition at the work place? Why? - Do you think boys and girls can play together? - What do you think about a leader in a group of people? - What qualities does he/she need to possess? Đề số 16 Interview Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do... Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Do you watch TV? - What programs do you like to watch? - Did you ever buy something advertised on TV or online? - What do you think about street advertisements? Cue Card Describe a sportsperson with a good performance in sport events Please say Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS - Who is it? - Which... số 21 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Describe your house - How long have you been living in this house? - Are there many public holidays in your country? - Do you think that there should be more holidays in your country? - Which public holiday do you like the most? - What do you usually do on a holiday? - What is the best way... learn about themselves during long travels? Đề số 23 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where are you from? - Do you work or study? - Lets talk about your place Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS - Do you live in a house or an apartment? - What is your favourite room there? - What colour is it? - Do you like to wear bright-coloured clothing? - When you were younger did you like . Fanpage: How to learn TOEIC and IELTS Tuyển tập đề speaking IELTS tháng 3-4 Đề số 1 Interview - What is your full name? - Can I see your ID? - Where. Do you think we must have more holidays? - What do you usually do on holidays? - Do you plan your holidays ahead? - Do you think it’s a good idea for everyone to go to university? Đề số. do you think so? - What do other people say about him/her? - What skills are required to be a good leader? Discussion 1 - Who do you think is the leader in your family? - Do you think you

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2015, 15:11



