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Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School Date: Sep. 11 th – 8 th , 2008 Theme1 - FRIENDSHIP Class 11D E Week1 LESSON 1 : READING 1 Kí duyệt: Period 1 FRIENDSHIP I/ Aims a. Knowledge - To get familiar with read a British poem - To read about friendship. - To supply some quantities of friendship - To give opinions on “friendship” during one’s school year b. skills To practice reading, listening and speaking about friendship II/ Procedures Stages Activities Content Warm up What is your own idea of a good friend? T helps sts to review the words Reserved/ sociable Well-dressed/ casually dressed Punctual/ late Conservative/ enthusiastic Practical/ sympathetic Athletic/ skinny Attractive/ boring Sensitive/ indifferent BEFORE T shows a picture of some ss and introduce the text T asks and gives handouts to the sts Sts answer Sts talk to their partners T: What characteristics do you like from your friends? Most people have old school photos or address books that reminds them of their old friends Do you have one? Think for a minute or two about a friend you remember well but haven't seen for a long time. Tell another student - when you last saw him/her - what he/she was doing then - what he/she was like - where he/she is now. (Guess if you don't know.) if you would like to get in touch with him / her again. (Why? / Why not?) Reserved/ sociable Well-dressed/ casually dressed Punctual/ late Conservative/ enthusiastic Practical/ sympathetic Athletic/ skinny Attractive/ boring Sensitive/ indifferent Transitional sentence T says What’s your idea of friendship? Let’s read the text to see John’s opinions on friendship. John is an American eleventh grader. T gives some new words T reviews (exp.) no matter (v) lose – lost – lost  loser (n) (v) pack up (n) stuffed animal (n) (soccer) stuff (exp.) break out into tears : begin to cry 1 Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School Sts read the new words (exp.) through thick and thin: in spite of all the difficulties (v) cheat (off) (v) end up (n) detention : purnishment of being kept at school (v) empathize Work with new words Fill in the blanks with suitable words 1. Being scolded by his mother, the child ____________. 2. Those students were sent to the _________ room for their cheating at the exam. WHILE Sts read the text Sts read the text and answer the questions Match the grades with the opinions. Then write full sentences. Begin your sentences like this: In eighth grade, your idea of a good friend is someone who 1. Eighth 2. Ninth 3. Tenth a. let you copy his/her paper in an exam b. be on your side through good and bad times c. pack up toys and old stuff; empathize with you in bad time POST What is your own idea of friendship? HOMAEWORK Learn by heart the words Practice reading the text Prepare for the next class Stages Activities Content BEFORE sts match the word in column A with its definition in B t checks the answers a/ Match the word in column A with its definition in B 1. confide in sb 2. evolve 3. stick together 4. sociable 5. conservative 6. sensitive 7. stout 8. indifferent 9. guarantee a. develop naturally and gradually b. friendly, out going c. easy offended; easily hurt d. trust sb enough to tell secret to him e. remain friendly and loyal to one another f. opposed to great change g. rather fat h. assurance / promise i. have no interest T gives some new words Sts read the new words First in chorus (v) confide in sb: trust sb enough to tell secret to him (n) guarantee : assurance / promise (v) evolve : develop naturally and gradually (v) stick together : remain friendly and loyal to one another : gan bo (adj) sociable : friendly, out going 2 Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School The in individuals (adj) conservative : opposed to great change (adj) sensitive : easy offended; easily hurt: nhay cam (adj) stout : rather fat (adj) indifferent : have no interest Sts fill in the blanks with suitable words b/ Fill in the blanks with suitable words 1. Lack of interest is a _________ of failure. 2. He tried to _________ his parents that he had not taken part in a motorbike race. 3. To ___________ means to develop gradually St read the text and answer true false statements T and sts correct the mistakes and give explanations c/ Check (,/) whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to text B. Then correct the false sentences 1. ____ A close friend shares joy and sadness with us. 2. ____ Close friends don't need to share common interests. 3. ____ We can go out and choose a good friend easily. 4. ____ We often have satisfaction being with a close friend. 5. ____ An unsociable person may not have a close friend What’s your ideas of a best friend? Explain the proverb “A friend in need is a friend in deed.” Homework Practice reading the text Learn the new words Prepare listening – unit 1 Date: 10 th -15 th , 2007 Theme1 FRIENDSHIP Class: 11a5 Week: 2 LESSON 3 : listening Kí duyệt: Period: 3 FRIENDSHIP I/ Aims a. Knowledge - To review some quantities of best friends - To listen for physical characteristics and personalities - To give opinions on “friendship” during one’s school year b. skills To practice listening and speaking about friendship II/ Procedures Stages Activities Content Before WORK WITH NEW WORDS T asks sts to read the words and choose the five words that best describe them a) Read the list below and find five words which best describe you. Check ()the words and add more of your own. Then discuss your list with a partner athletic reserved fat Lazy practical 3 Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School enthusiastic stout romantic late skinny relaxed sensitive dynamic punctual While Sts listen to a letter from Jack, Sinh's pen pal, writing about Mai Tran, his new Vietnamese friend, living in Sacramento, California. Listen and check Sts compare the answers Sts and t checks the answers by playing the tape again b) You're going to listen to a letter from Jack, Sinh's pen pal, writing about Mai Tran, his new Vietnamese friend, living in Sacramento, California. Listen and check (what is true about Mai) 1. Reserved  sociable  2. Well-dressed  casually dressed  3. Punctual  late  4. Conservative  enthusiastic  5. Practical  sympathetic  6. Athletic  skinny  7. Attractive  boring  8. Sensitive  indifferent  Sts Listen again and answer the following questions Sts give the correct short answers c) Listen again and answer the following questions 1. On what occasion did Jack meet Mai Tran? 2. Where is Mai Tran going this summer? Post d) Work in pairs. Discuss what your decision would be if you were Jack and explain the reasons Date: 10 th -16 th , 2007 Theme 1: FRIENDSHIP Class: 11a5 Week: 2 LESSON 4: SPEAKING Kí duyệt: Period: 4 MAKING FRIENDS I/ Aims a. Knowledge - To supply the expressions that may be used to start a conversation in a multi-school party - To form some dialogues of making friends - To give sts “meeting and greeting customs” b. skills speaking II/ Procedures Stages Activities Content Warm-up Before T asks the sts to work in pairs a. Work in pairs. Check ( ) the expressions that you may use to start a conversation in a multi-school party  What are friends for?  Hi! My name's  Hello! Have we met before?  It's a great party, isn't it?  Hi! You look familiar. Have you been in Grape County 4 Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School School?  I don't think we've met. My name's Ali.  Haven't I seen you at Alice's party?  You're from Malaysia, aren't you? While Sts work in pairs. complete the dialogues; Take the role of Sinh and Susan Sts work in pairs. Take the role of Jack and Mai b. Work in pairs. Complete the dialogues. Then practice them 1 Sinh: (1) ___Sinh, by the way. Susan: And I'm Susan. Hi! Sinh: Hi! (2)____ one of these cheese biscuits. They're really tasty. Susan: Thanks. Mm! (3)___ good, (4) ____? (5) ____ something to drink? 2. Jack: (6)____ great music, (7) ____? Mai: Yes. It sounds good. Jack: (8)____ you somewhere before? At Sinh's, for instance? Mai: No. I've never been there. Jack: So (9) ____ Lan’s? Mai: No. I'm her cousin While T shows the expressions Sts act out a party situation in which they meet many young people that they haven’t known before. c. Work in groups. Act out a party situation in which you meet many young people that you haven't known before USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Introducing yourself - Hello! / Hi! I'm I'm from - My name's , by the way. - How do you do? I'm Nice to meet you Checking if you know someone - Well, I don't think we've met. My name's - Haven't I seen you at 's? - You're a friend of .'s, aren't you? Making offers - How about ? - Can I get you something to drink? / Could I get you a drink? - Would you like something to eat? Commenting on the situation - It's a great party, isn't it? - Isn't it a great / lovely party? - The music sounds great, doesn't it? Post Playing a game T shows the rules Sts throw a of thread at others. The st who catches the thread make and introduction the next sts will response and make another introduction. Homework Practice speaking again Prepare for the next lesson 5 Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School Date: 10 th-15th , 2007 Theme 1: FRIENDSHIP Class: 11a5 Week: 2 LESSON 5 Kí duyệt: Period: 5 WRITING A NARRATIVE I/ Aims a. Knowledge - To supply expressions of describing someone - To write a description of somebody b. Skills writing and reading II/ Procedures Stage s Activitie s Content befor e T gives the handouts so that the sts do it carefully Writing DESCRIBING PEOPLE A: WORD POWER Task 1: match the questions with information it conveys 1. What's he like? a. what he enjoys 2. What does he look like? b. general description 3. What does he like? c. physical description Task 2: put the words in the correct column describing personality or appearance confident generous patient ambitious a sense of humour shy boring easy-going Extrovert h lively supportive pretty overweight elderly smart well-built balding in his/her mid-thirties suntanned freckles shortish double chin glasses moustache scruffy plump curly Describing people Personality/qualities/character Appearance Confident, … Describing appearance - What's he like? Is she nice? Height Build Age tall, tallish, short, shortish, medium height frail, stocky, slim, thin, plump, fat, skinny, well- built young, elderly, middle- aged, teenager, in 20s, 30s, 40s Face Eyes Hair Clothes round, oval, square, with scares, wrinkles (nep nhan), freckles, sun- tanned, pale big round blue eyes, large, small, bright, narrow bald, straight, curly, black, wavy casual, scruffy bẩn thỉu, shabby(xoang xỉnh) , smart (thong minh, banh bao), tidy, messy 6 Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School Describing Character - What's he like? Is she nice? careful, hard- working, worried, cheerful, active, broadminded, curious, secretive aggressive, tough, careless, practical, sensible, independent, stupid, strong- minded, dull, boring, imaginative, ambitious, crafty, sensitive, gentle, naive generous, loyal, self- controlled, moody, trusting, modest, tolerant, friendly energetic, confident, selfish, shy, stubborn, reliable, clumsy, intelligent Describe Your Person His/her name is ______________. He/she is _____ years old. is _______________. (Nationality) speaks ___________. (Language) is from _______________. lives in _______________. is single / PACSed / married / divorced / widowed. has a boyfriend / a girlfriend. has ___ children / ___ daughter(s) and ___ son(s). likes ___________+ing. likes to ____________. doesn't like ___________+ing. doesn't like to ___________. What does he/she look like? He/she is tall / short. is fat / skinny. has long / short hair. has black / brown / red / blond (blonde / gray hair. is bald. has brown / blue / hazel / green eyes. wears glasses / contacts (kính sát tròng / braces.(=belt dây nịch) wears a hat / earrings / a necklace / a bracelet / a ring. has a mustache / a beard. has a piercing / a tattoo. What is she/he like? He/ she is … Date: , 2007 Theme1: FRIENDSHIP Class: 11a5 Week: 2 LESSON 5 Kí duyệt: Period: 6 WRITING A NARRATIVE I/ Aims Students learn how to write a narrative about people Lexical items: Words/ phrases used in a narrative about people: physical characteristics and characters. Structures: How could I ever forget…; The way he looked …: he has a way of criticizing …; etc. 7 Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School Teaching aids: Projector, handouts, a copy of sample writing to show on the screen. II/ Procedures Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up Put the following words in two columns headed “Positive” and “Negative” energetic amusing honest aggressive shy nervous clever atrractive boring cautious careless cruel intelligent disagreeable dishonest rude generous kind reckless vicious timid imbecile polite caring helpful good-natured quick-witted PRE-WRITING Asks sts to write about someone they like, trying to use some of the words in the list above. Individual work. 1._______ is one of the people I like the most. He/She is very 2.______ and 3.______, and he/she is rarely 4.______. Sometimes I get 5.______, but being with 6._____ always makes me feel 7.______. I am very lucky to have such a 8.______ friend. Asks sts to write about someone they don’t like, trying to use some of the words in the list above. I don’t like people who are 1.______ or provocative . They often make others feel 2.______ or 3.______. The worst thing about 4.______ people is that they usually get what they want. WHILE-WRITING WRITING TASK a) Asks sts to work in pairs and complete the passage with words from the box. Some words can be used more than once.(Writing, part a, page 20) Ask sts to read the passage again to list the missing information. 1. Where/when they met 2. Physical characteristics 2. Characters Asks sts whether they want to have a friend like Ss’ answers. Classwork. Positive Negative amusing attractive aggressive boring cautious clever careless cruel energetic generous disagreeable rude honest intelligent dishonest nervous kind polite reckless shy caring helpful vicious timid good-natured imbecile pushy quick-witted Sts’ answers may vary. Expected answers: 1. Bob 2. intelligent 3. amusing 4.boring 5. depresses 6. Bob/him 7.better/happy 8. good 1. aggressive/ pushy 2. shy 3.nervous 4. aggressive/ pushy Work in pairs and discuss. Expected answers: 1.tall 2.slim 3.short 4.appearance 5.controlled 6.smart 7.vicious 8.shy 9.timid 10.imbecile 11.imbecile 12.imbecile 13.terrified (‘crazy’is not used) Work in pairs, discuss and give answers class, fourth grade tall, slim, good-looking appearance self-controlled, smart, like playing tricks and 8 Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School Bin. Why or why not? WRITING TASK b) Ask sts to work in groups of four, discuss and number each sentence to show its order in the piece of writing.(Writing, part b, pp 20,21) Asks sts to read again the complete piece of writing and draw their attention to the topic sentence ”I met Trang at my cousin’s birthday party two years ago” and the last sentence to end the writing “ I must say that Trang is one of my best friends now.” Gives sts handouts of an incomplete writing and removed sentences and have them to “take these sentences home”to make a complete writing. Handout: A. Linh has been my best friend since we were in grade 8. B. We have shared our comon interest, playing badminton, and gotten along well with a group of top five through the previous year.C. At the beginning of this year, our group joined a relief activity in a southern province. D. She is a smart and decisive leader in tasks. E. At the same time, she is also a very helpful and cooperative person when she works with you. F. Whenever you have a problem, you can talk to her to seek her advice. G. I love and respect her for her helpfulness, kindness and cooperation. 1. She is an attractive girl with short hair and a cheerful face with dimples on both cheeks 2. Linh was our leader, and her decisions during the trip proved that our selection was right. 3. I have been her “client” for years. 4. I must say, so far, Linh has been my best friend. teasing, nice if in a good mood Say Yes or No, then explain Groupwork. Expected answers: 1. I met Trang at my cousin’s birthday party two years ago. 2. It was her cheerful face with the two dimples on her cheeks that attracted me at first sight. 3. She looked athletic in blue jeans and a T-shirt, and she danced beautifully at the party. 4. During the party, she was always surrounded by a cheerful and noisy crowd. 5. After the party, we met each other quite often because we shared a common interest – playing chess. 6. She was a decisive and smart player at the game. 7. Furthermore, she was an interesting playmate because she was able to help me improve my playing strategies. 8. Unfortunately, my family had to move to a big city. 9. However, we still keep in touch through e-mails. 10. I must say that Trang is one of my best friends now. Work in pairs and discuss where the removed sentences should go. Expected answer: A. Linh has been my best friend since we were in grade 8. 1. She is an attractive girl with short hair and a cheerful face with dimples on both cheeks.B. We have shared our common interest, playing badminton, and gotten along well with a group of top five through the previous years. C. At the beginning of this year, our group joined a relief activity in a southern province. 2. Linh was our leader, and her decisions during the trip proved that our selection was right. D. She is a smart and decisive leader in tasks. E. At the same time, she is also a very helpful and cooperative person when she works with you. F. Whenever you have a problem, you can talk to her to seek her advice. 3. I have been her “client” for years. 4. I must say, so far, Linh has been my best friend. G. I love and respect her for her 9 Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School WRITING TASK c) Asks sts to examine the above passages to write about one of their friends in the same way. Asks them to take notice of verb tenses when they narrate something and the way to describe a person. Provides them with some useful expressions they can use in their writings: We first met when we were on a school excursion to … We first met at a common friend’s birthday party. What I like most about him/her is his/her sense of humour./ that he/she is very friendly. One of my favourite things about him/her is … We’ve been through good times and bad times. We have a lot in common./ We share a lot of interests. It is him/her who I can share my joys and sorrows with. POST-WRITING Asks sts to swap their writings and do the checking. Chooses at random some of the sts’writings and correct them together with the sts. Shows a sample passage on the screen for the class to watch. Asks them to give remarks and asks what they can learn from the sample.(use of language, structures, idea development etc.) Sample passage: I met Mai at a social gathering some years ago. She is a friend of my friend’s. She stood in the room, among others, but looked very different from them. Her lovely and innocent face with rosy cheeks seemed to brighten the room. I was attracted by the way she smiled and laughed when she was talking with her friends. I came near to her and introduced myself. I still remember the lovely smile and the dimples on her cheeks when she greeted me. Her voice was so soft and sweet when she talked with you. We have been friends since that day, and up to now we have still gotten along well. She was also a very kind and charitable person in social work as I found out when we went on a number of charity trips together. Now she is studying in Australia, but we still keep contact through e-mail. Homework Asks sts to write about a person he/she admires the helpfulness, kindness and cooperation. Sts listen and follow T’s instructions. Do their writing task. (Individual work) Do as instructed. (Individual and class work). Look at the screen and read the passage carefully. Get ready to answer if asked. 10 [...]... AIMS • To checks sts understanding on what they have learned from unit 1-2 • To test sts’ reading skill 25 Class: 11a5 Kí duyệt: Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School II/ PROCEDURES - roll-call - giving papers - doing exercises III/ QUESTIONS Name: _11A 5 TEST 45 code 11- 11 1 I've got lots of _, but only a few are really good friends a close friends b acquaintances c neighbors d partners... (sing) and the buffalo boys (10) (play) their bamboo flutes but the traffic (11) (sound) noisily and people (12) (talk) and (13) (chat) I (14) (watch) people (15)(catch) fish on TV instead of my dad by the river Sometimes I (16)(feel) lost and nostalgic PREPARE NEW LESSON Theme 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE LESSON 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 Class: 11a5 Kí duyệt: MOODS CAC THE CUA DONG TU I/ Aims Knowledge - Sense Verbs... Reserved 6 Careless 7 Fearful = afraid/ scared/ apprehensive 8 Forgettable = unmemorable Theme 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE LESSON 4: SPEAKING Period: 11 TALKING ABOUT ACTIVITIES WITH SENSES I/ Aims Knowledge 1/ kinds of animals 2/ verbs of sensation/sense verbs 17 Class: 11a5 Kí duyệt: Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School 3/ special ability of animals II/ Procedures Stages Activities Content Sts close... time to the parties then report it Content Name Name What / whose party When What / did How / felt Others How did the writer feel after the party? Theme2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE LESSON 2: READING 2 Class: 11a5 Kí duyệt: PARTIES I/ Aims Knowledge - To scan for specific information - To help the sts to be able to recognise the activities related to senses - To reinforce the sts confidence skills Reading II/... how hard it was to _7 friends, and how _8 he felt compared to other people He _9 if he could ever change, as he had always been shy Other 10 people seemed to have managed to grow _11 _ it, so he also asked himself whether there was 15 Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School something wrong with him The longer this train of thoughts went on, the more _12 _ and sadder he... you done to overcome it? What do you think the man should do to overcome his shyness? Homework Prepare listening Date: 17th-22nd , 2007 Week: 3 Theme 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE LESSON 3: LISTENING Class: 11a5 Kí duyệt: AN EMBARRASSMENT Period: 10 I/ Aims Knowledge • Ss improve their listening skill, learning how people tell others their personal experiences • Ss learn some more words and expresions II/... School most Their writing should be between 130 – 150 words Write down on their notebooks and do this writing task at home Date: 17th-22nd , 2007 Week: 3 Theme 1: FRIENDSHIP LESSON 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS Class: 11a5 Kí duyệt: VERB FORM LINKING WORDS Period: 7 I/ Aims Knowledge - To supply descriptive adjectives - To review verb form - To work with linking words skills writing and reading II/ Procedures Word Study... How did you feel then? How did the experience affect you? Date: 24th-29th , 2007 Week: 4 Period: 12 Theme 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE LESSON 4: WRITNG 1 DESCRIBING PAST EXPERIENCE I/ Aims Knowledge 18 Class: 11a5 Kí duyệt: Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School How to talk about their experiences Ss know how to organize a letter and tell their friends about their past experience II/ Procedures Stages... remaining friends (exp) pay the bill (v) Solve – solution (n) (n) Pants = trousers Read the letter and fill in the blanks 1 funny 7 abroad 2 social 8 thanks 3 host 9 happened 4 mutual 10 carefully 5 together 11 embarrassed 6 dish 12 luckily Introduction Helpful expressions Introduction 1/ I believe that everyone has had their own experience My most unforgetable thing happened to me … 2/ Have you ever had an... do/see/hear/…? 4/ Who was involved/concerned? 5/ How did you feel then? 6/ Did it affect you the days later? Date: 24th-29th , 2007 Week: 4 Theme 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE LESSON 4: WRITING 2 Period: 13 Class: 11a5 Kí duyệt: DESCRIBING PAST EXPERIENCE I/ Aims Knowledge How to talk about their experiences Ss know how to organize a letter and tell their friends about their past experience II/ Procedures Stages . Quang Trung Specialized and Gifted High School Date: Sep. 11 th – 8 th , 2008 Theme1 - FRIENDSHIP Class 11D E Week1 LESSON 1 : READING 1 Kí duyệt: Period 1 FRIENDSHIP I/ Aims a experience? Date: 24 th -29 th , 2007 Theme 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Class: 11a5 Week: 4 LESSON 4: SPEAKING Kí duyệt: Period: 11 TALKING ABOUT ACTIVITIES WITH SENSES I/ Aims Knowledge 1/ kinds of. if you were Jack and explain the reasons Date: 10 th -16 th , 2007 Theme 1: FRIENDSHIP Class: 11a5 Week: 2 LESSON 4: SPEAKING Kí duyệt: Period: 4 MAKING FRIENDS I/ Aims a. Knowledge - To supply

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