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giao an english 8 ,unit 13

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English 8 Unit 13: Festivals Lesson 3 :Read I. Objectives :  By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to understand special things on Christmas festival. II. Language contents :  Vocabulary: decorate , custom, spread, throughout, greeting, carol, unsuitable, popular , professor, base on.  Structure: passive voice, report speech. III. Techniques:  Reading comprehension IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape ,cassette player. V. Procedures : Steps Contents and activities Drawing experiences Warm -up T: ask the Ss When is Christmas ? How do you prepare on Christmas ? Christmas tree Christmas carol Santa Claus card I. New words -T: teaches new words 1. Christmas card (n):(visual) 2. Christmas Carols (n): (explanation) 3. Santa Claus (n) :(explanation) 4. Patron saint (n) :(translation) 5. jolly = cheerful (ad) : Christm as (explanation) 6. professor (n):(explanation) 7. spread through: (translation) Grammar T: explains grammar Passive form: Ex: Christmas songs were performed for people in twin Report speech They said the song were unsuitable Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer -T: asks Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions • Do you celebrate Christmas? • What do you often do at Christmas? • What do you know about Christmas? - T: Introduces some new words - T: asks Ss to listen and practice • While – read Task 1 -T: asks Ss to read the passage silently in 5’ to get mean ideals -Ss: read silently -T: asks Ss to make group to complete the table -Ss: make group Special Origin Date Riga Mid-19 th century Christmas carols USA Task2 S + be(was, were)+V(pp) -T: asks Ss to read the passage again to answer the questions(work group) -Ss: read again and answer the questions a)The Christmas tree came to the USA 206 years ago b)He wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friend c)Christmas songs were first perform 800 years ago d)Clement Clark Moore wrote the poem e)Santa Clause is base on the description of Stain Nicolas • Post- read T: asks Ss some questions a)What do you often on Christmas day? b)Where was Christmas tree first appeared? -Ss answer the questions Homework. - Read, answer questions, translate the text - Do exercise 1 p76 in work book English 8 Unit 13: Festivals Lesson 2: Speak and Listen I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about some traditional festivals in the world. And compare how they prepare for the festivals/ holidays. II. Language contents : 1.Vocabulary : Pomegranate , Peach blossoms, Marigolds , Dried water melon seeds , Spring rolls 2.Structure :Simple present , near future . III. Techniques: communicate approach, 4 skills. II/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, cardboards, posters. IV/ Procedures: Steps Contents and activities Drawing experiences I. Warm up * Find things in common T: asks students to say 5 things they often prepare for Tet and write them down on a piece of paper. - T: divides class into 2 groups - Ss:choose one student randomly in one group, and ask him/ her to call out his/ her words while students in the other group check if there are any same words. Suggestions : - Decorate/ clean / paint the house/room/ the yard,… - Buy cakes / candy / drinks/ food/ fruits,… - Cook/ make cakes, - Get / buy new dress,… - Write / send New Year cards to friends, relatives II. Pre- speak and listen Pre-teach vocabulary I. New words: - T:elicits the vocabulary from Ss Pomegranate (n): quả lựu (picture ) Peach blossoms (n) : hoa đào (picture) Marigolds (n): hoa cúc (picture ) Melon seeds (n): hạt dưa (explanation ) Spring rolls (n): chả giò (translation) -T: teaches the new words - Ss: listen to the teacher and copy the words. - T:asks students to read the dialogue on page 123 and put the sentences in the correct order -T: Calls on some students to give their answers. - Ss: feed back and correct Answer key : A – F ; C – H , D – J , B – G , E – I While – Listening * Listen : 1. Gap fill prediction - T:sets the scene: “ The Robinson family is making preparations for Tet. They want to buy things to make it a traditional festival as Vietnamese people do . Mrs. Robinson - Go to Mrs. Nga’s to learn how to make Spring rolls Liz - Go to the market to buy candies and a packet of dried water melon seeds Post-speak and - T:asks Ss to copy the grid ( p.124) in their notebooks listen and fill in the gaps with the information taken from the statements above. - T: calls on some Ss to give their answer. Mr. Robinson - Go to the flower market to buy peach blo ssoms and a bunch of marigolds. Mrs. Robinson - Go to Mrs. Nga’s to learn how to make Spring rolls Liz - Go to the market to buy candies and a packet of dried water melon seeds * Homework: - Write your own dialogue in your note books -Do the exercises in the work book . (n): (explanation) 3. Santa Claus (n) :(explanation) 4. Patron saint (n) :(translation) 5. jolly = cheerful (ad) : Christm as (explanation) 6. professor (n):(explanation) 7. spread through: (translation) Grammar T:. first appeared? -Ss answer the questions Homework. - Read, answer questions, translate the text - Do exercise 1 p76 in work book English 8 Unit 13: Festivals Lesson 2: Speak and Listen I. Objectives: By. English 8 Unit 13: Festivals Lesson 3 :Read I. Objectives :  By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to understand special things on Christmas festival. II. Language contents

Ngày đăng: 30/05/2015, 12:00



