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Period: 37 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read I-Objectives: After lesson sts will be able to understand about the environment problemss nowadays. II-Language content: 1, Vocabolary:dump, dynamite 2, Grammar: conditional sentences: If… III-Teaching aids: pictures, tape, IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s adsent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 2- Checking up the old lesson: - No check 10' 3- Getting started: I- Getting started - Hangs picure on the board. - Look at the board. - Require sts find out the words. *Newwords: - dump (n):nơi chứa - deforestation (n): sự phá rừng - dynamite :chất nổ - pesticide: thuốc sâu - spoil: làm hại - Have sts to read the newwords. - achieve:(v) đạt được - Students matching the names in column A with tasks in column B. - Read the newwords. - Call sts to read your result. * Discuss with the partner. - Read aloud a- air pollution b- spraying pesticide c- garbage dump d- water pollution e- deforestation f- dynamite fishing 27' 4) While: ( Listen and read) - why do the writers of this book show - Answer us these pictures? They want us to know that our environment is being polluted and we should do smth to save it. - Riquire sts listen to te tape ( turn on the tape). - Listen and read to find out - What does Mr Brown want to happen to the beach? - What each of them is going to do - Guides sts to do ex(a) - Read individual - Call sts to read the sentences (a) 1, group 1 + f 2, …… 2 + e 3, …… 3 + b 4, Mr Jone + a - Correct 5, Mrs Smith + c 6, Mr Brown + d - Have sts to answer part (b) (b) Answer: If you …, I’ll… ( conditional sentences Type1) - Listen to the teacher - Explain: …. 1, The peaker is Mr Brown 2, The listeners are the volunteer conversationists. 3, They’re on the beach. 4, They’re going to clean the beach 5, If they work hard today, They’ll make the beach clean and beautiful again soon. 4' 5) Post : - What should you do to keep our - discussion in group environment clean and green? - Don’t throw waster in the public. - Plant more trees 2' 6) Homework: - Do ex 1 - Prepare the next lesson Period: 38 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 2: Speak + Listen I-Objectives: After lesson sts will be able to develop the speaking skill: try to persuade someone to do something. Develop listening skill: catch the main information. II-Language content: 1, Vocabolary:raw sewage, pump, drop, oil spill 2, Grammar: The passive III-Teaching aids: Pictures, books, tape,cassette. IV- Teaching method. Communicative. V-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s adsent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up the old lesson: - Call sts to read the text and answer the questions. - Read and answer 3) Warm up: - What are people doing to the environment? - Require sts to discuss. 4) Presentation: *) Pre- speaking: - Discuss + throwing trash onto the water + Polluting the air with smoke + making the water, the land polluted + destroying the forests I) Speak: - Have sts to repeat persuade other people to do things. Ex: - I think you should … - why don’t you…? - won’t you…? - Explain - It would be better if you… * Newwords: - Gives the words - dissolve: làm tan - directly : trực tiếp - Guide sts to read the newwords. - harm: làm hại - prevent: ngăn ngừa - Read the newwords. *) While- speaking: - Guide sts to practice. - Requires sts practice in groups a) Try to persuade your partne to do the following things to protect the environment. - Correct the sentences. Ex: S1: I think it would be better if we use banana’s leaves instead of pape or plastic bags to wrap food. S2: Why? how come? S1: Because… - Have sts to ask and answer b) Find possible answers to the question naire. - Ex: Reduce water pollution? S1: How can we reduce water pollution? S2: I think you should not throwtrash onto the water. S1: Why? *) Post- speaking: S2: Because… - Practice in pairs. - Requires sts to pratice in groups.(c) - Practice in groups. *) Pre- listening: II- Listen: - What pollutes our oceans? - What do we do when our oceans are - Answer pollution? *) While- listening: - Turn on the tape(2 times) * Complete the notes - Require sts to read the notes - Listen to the tape - Turn on the tape again - Listen - Have sts to fill in the notes and then complete the answer with a partner. - Fill in - Compare with a partner - Read the notes - Read - Turn on the tape again - Listen and check - Gives the correct - Listen and write down Secondly: Garbage is… Thirdly: ….come from ship at sea Next: Wast materials come from… *) Post- listening: Finally: Oil is washed from the land. - Guide sts play a game “ Chain game” S1: - Divide the class to four goups to S2: summary the content of the listening. S3: “How the ocean is polluted?” S4: 5) Consolidation: - Repeat the content of the lesson - Listen 6) Homework: - Do again - Prepare the next lesson Period: 39 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson3: Read I- Objectives: After lesson sts will be able to practice the reading skill; understand the content of the poem and know how to protect the environment. II-Language content : 1, Vocabolary: stream, foam ,mass, bubbles, hedge, (to) minimize, flow. 2, Grammar: The future tense III-Teaching aids: pictures, tape, cassette. IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s adsent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up the old lesson: - No check 5' 3) Warm up: Ask some questions - Answer the questions Have you ever been to park? Are there any garbage bins in the park? Are all people aware of protecting the park? What do they often do? 35' 4) Presentation: *) Pre- reading: - Have the sts to reads the poem and find out the newwords. - Read * Newwords: - stream:(n) dòng suối - foam: bọt nước - mass: khối - bubbles: bong bóng - hedge: hàng dào cây - to minimize: (làm) giàm thiểu - Guide sts to read the newwords. - flow: dòng chảy - Read the words *) While- reading: a) Match each word in A to an appropriate explanation in B - Have sts to read the poem and guess then compare with a partner. - Match and compare - Call sts to read the answer - Read the answer aloud - Correct 1-c ; 2- g ; 3- f ; 4- e ; 5- d ; 6- a ; 7- b. b) Answer - Have sts to read the poem again and then practice in pairs. - One ask and one answer. - Correct the answer 1- The world will and up like a second junk- yard. 2- The mother thinks other folk pollute the environment but not her and her son. 3- …. * Post- reading: - Call sts to practice in groups( answer the question 6) - Discussion( practice in groups) - What we could do in our school/ house to minimize the pollution? + Put the bins around the school yard + Pick up the rubbish + should not litter/ spit on the ground… 2' 5) Consolidation: - Repeat the content of the lesson. - Listen 1' 6) Homework: - Do ex - Read the poem - Prepare the next lesson Period: 40 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 4: Write I- Objectives: After lesson sts will be able to develop the writing skill; they can write a complaint letter. II-Language content: 1, Vocabolary: sface, local authorities, prohibit, fine heavily. 2, Grammar: III-Teaching aids: papers, pens IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s adsent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 6' 2) Checking up the old lesson: - Call sts to read the poem and answer the questions. - Read and answer 3) Warm up: - Introduces the parts of letter - A complaint letter has five sections 35' 4) Presentation: *) Pre- writing: - Have sts to read the letter and ordering. a) The five sections of the letter are not in the right order. - Call sts to read the answer - Read - Correct - Ask the questions + What does Mr Nhat complaint about? - Answer + What problems does he mention? + What does he suggest? b) Write Explain Ask: - Answer 1. What do you complain about? -> They way people catch fish 2. What problem do you want to mention? -> Fish and other animals have died 3. What suggestions do you want to make? -> Prohibiting and finding heavily anyone catching fish in this way. * While- writing: - Require sts to write a complain - Write a complaint letter. letter. - Compare the letter with a partner. - Compare - Call sts to read the letter. - Read the letter - Correct - Give a letter - Listen and write *Post- writing: - Repeat the content of a complaint letter. - Listen 2' 5) Homework: - Do ex - Write a letter again - Prepare the next lesson Period: 41 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 5: Language focus I- Objectives: After lesson sts will be able to review the words and the structures. II-Language content: + Adjectives and adverbs + Adverb clauses of reason + Conditional sentence type 1 III-Teaching aids: miniboard IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s adsent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up the old lesson: - No check 3' 3) Warm up: - Introduces the structures in this lesson. - Listen 35' 4) Presentation: - Complete the sentences. 1- Change the adjectives into adverds. - Change the answer with each other. Then use the adverrbs to complete the sentences. - Guide sts to practice in pairs - Practice - Call sts to read the sentences. - Read the sentences - Give the answer a, extremly b, slowly c, sadly d, happily e, well - Have sts to look at the pictures and example(a) 2- …use Because,as or since - Look at the pictures - Explain - Read the example(a) - Notice: Using of “because/as/since” - Listen to the teacher - Call sts to read the sentences. - Make up the sentences - Correct b, I have a broken led because / as sinc I feel over while I was playing basketball. c,… d,… Explain : Adj + that clause 3- Complete the dialogues. - Listen - Require sts to read the example and then practice in pairs. - Read the example - Practice in pairs - Correct a, … b, …excited that I can go to Dalat this time c,…sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday. d,…disappointed that you did not phone me. e,… 4- Match each half- sentences - Explains the conditional sentences type 1 - Listen - Have sts to read the ex and then practice in pairs. - Read example - Call sts to read the sentences - Correct 1- e ; 2- a ; 3- c ; 4- d ; 5- b - Have sts to make up from a to e - Make up - Compare with each other - Compare - Call sts to read the sentences - Read - Correct 3' 5) Consolidation: - Repeat the content of the lesson - Listen 2' 6) Homework: -Do ex again - Prepare the next lesson Period: 42 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 1: Getting started + listen and read I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to understand the dialogue and about the ways to save energy. II-Language content: - Vocabulary:water bill, enormous, plumber, crack, dripping faucet. - Structure: suggest + V- ing. III-Teaching aids: tape, picture. IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s adsent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up the old lesson: - No check 6' 3) Warm up: ( getting started) - Hang the pictures I- Getting started: - Listen and answer - Is the TV on? Who's watching TV? Should we turn the TV off? - We should: - What should we do to save energy? + Turn off the rights (before…) - Call sts to answer + Turning off the TV (when you don't watch it) - Correct 35' 4) Presentation: II- Listen and read: - Introduces the content of the lesson. Now, listen and find out who are talk in the conversation. Where are they now? - Listen - Turn on the tape. - Listen and find out the newwords. - Give the newwords * Newwords: [...]... country won the 199 8 Tiger Cup? 2 Which animal was chsen to be the logo of Sea Game 2003? 5) Homework: ( Singapore) ( Buffalo) - Do these part again - Prepare the next lesson Period: 56 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 3:Read I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get more information about the natural disasters in the world II- Language content:... again - Do ex 3 - Prepare the next lesson Period: 44 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY LESSON 3: READ I- Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to develope reading skill about how to save energy II- Language content: - Vocabulary: luxuries, consumer, effectively, bulb, scheme, category, innovation - Structures: - suggest + V-ing Why don't we …? Shall we…? III-Teaching... teaching: UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY LESSON 4: WRITE I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to develop writing skill about a speech II- Language content: - Structure: …….not only……….but also……… III-Teaching aids: tape, picture,text book IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s absent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 6' 2) Checking up the old lesson:... teaching: UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get the information about weather from the weather forecast II- Language content: - Vocabulary: turn up, expect, thunderstorm, just in case, trust - Grammar: III-Teaching aids: pictures,text book IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: - Good... lesson, sts will be able to develope speaking skill and listening skill - They can be make suggestions about how to save energy - They can catch information about solar energy II- Language content: - Vocabulary: solar energy, nuclear power, install - Structure: - suggest + V-ing Why don't we …? Shall we…? III-Teaching aids: tape, picture IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s 2' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s... the next lesson Period: 57 Date of planning: Date of teaching: UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 4: Write I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a story II- Language content: - Vocabulary: behave, shelter, all of sudden III-Teaching aids: pictures, text book IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s absent today? - Answer - What’s the... sts will be able to know the name and activities of the celebration in VN and some countries on the world II- Language content: - Vocabulary: occur, pasover, slavery - Structure: Relative pronoun : Who/ Which III-Teaching aids: tape, picture,text book IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 1' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s absent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up the old... and memories of children about their father on the Father's Day in the USA and in Australia II- Language content: - Vocabulary:hug, generous, considerate, sense of humor, distinguish, terrific - Structure: Relative pronoun III-Teaching aids: tape, picture,text book IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 1' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s absent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 4' 2) Checking... I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to write a letter to a friend/ penpal to share their ideas II- Language content: - Vocabulary: enhance, have a day off, support, nationwide III-Teaching aids: tape, picture,text book IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: - Good morning 6' - Who’s absent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up the old lesson:... be able to use relative clauses and use though/ although/ even though to combine sentences II- Language content: - Vocabulary: compose, satisfy, bureau, predict, keyboard - Grammar:- Relative clauses - Adverb clauses of concession III-Teaching aids: picture,text book IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 3' 1- Oganization: - Good morning - Who’s absent today? - Answer - What’s the date today? 2) Checking . develop writing skill about a speech. II- Language content: - Structure: …….not only……….but also……… III-Teaching aids: tape, picture,text book. IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: -. will be able to develop the writing skill; they can write a complaint letter. II- Language content: 1, Vocabolary: sface, local authorities, prohibit, fine heavily. 2, Grammar: III-Teaching aids:. structures. II- Language content: + Adjectives and adverbs + Adverb clauses of reason + Conditional sentence type 1 III-Teaching aids: miniboard IV-Procedures: T Teacher’s Students’ 2' 1- Oganization: -

Ngày đăng: 23/05/2015, 21:00

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