He goes to school every morning.. He does not go to school every morning.. *The pesent simple tense is used to express habits, hobbies, repeated actions, customs, ability, the truths, th
Trang 1The present simple tense.
Affirmtive: S + V(s/es) ( + O + )
Eg: They live in Ha giang
She often gets up early
He goes to school every morning
Negative: S + do/does + not + V ( + O + )
( do + not = don’t does + not = doesn’t)
Eg: They do not live in Ha giang
He does not go to school every morning
Interreogative: Do/ Does + S + V (+ O + ) ?
Eg: Do you like football ?
Does she go to bed early ?
Question: Wh_ + do/ does + S + V (+ O + ) ?
Eg : where does he live ?
How do you go to school ?
Spelling notes.
-Verbs ending in ss, sh, ch, x, o add es, instead of s alone, to form the third person singular:
Eg: Kiss kisses
Go goes
When y foolows a consonant we change y into i and add es
Eg: carry carries
copy copies
But verbs ending in y following a vowel obey the usual rule
Eg: Say says
‘s’ is pronunced as /s/ when the verbs ending in ( voiceless) /f/, /k/, /p/, /t/
(/h/ , /θ/ =?)) but not /s/, /ʃ/,/tʃ/
‘s’ is pronunced as /z/ when the verbs ending in voiced sounds but not /z/, /ʒ/, / dʒ/
‘s’ is pronunced as /iz/ when the verbs ending in /z/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/, /s/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/
Main Usages.
*The pesent simple tense is used to express habits, hobbies, repeated actions, customs, ability, the truths, the facts
Eg: - They often go to the church on sundays
- I like ice- cream
- The sun rises in the east
*The pesent simple tense is often used with adverbs or adverb phrases such as: always, never, occasionaly, often, sometimes, usaully, every week,
Eg: - How often do you wash your hair ?
Trang 2*The pesent simple tense is often used with time clauses( expressing routine or
habitual actions When and Whenever are particularly useful)
Eg: - When you open the doors a light goes on
- As soon as he earns money he spends it all
- When it stops raining we’ll go out
*The pesent simple tense is used, cheifly with the verb Say, when we are asking
about or quoting froms books, notices or very recently recieved letters
Eg: - What does the book say ? It says, “ cook very slowly”
* It can be used in Newspaper headlines
* It can be used for dramatic narrative This is particularly useful when
describing the action of a play, opera, and is often used by radio commentators
at sport events, public functions
Eg: - When the curtain rises, Juliet is writing at her desk Suddenly the window opens an a masked man enters
* It is used in conditional sentences, type 1
Eg: - If I see her I ‘ll ask her