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Tổ chức hoạt động cặp trong các giờ học Tiếng Anh tại khối lớp 11 của trường THPT Phổ Yên – tỉnh Thái Nguyên = Organizing pairwork in the English lessons at Pho

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST- GRADUATE STUDIES -o0o VŨ THỊ KHÁNH VÂN ORGANIZING PAIRWORK IN THE ENGLISH LESSONS AT PHO YEN HIGH SCHOOL 11th GRADE, THAI NGUYEN PROVINCE Tổ chức hoạt động cặp học Tiếng Anh khối lớp 11 trường THPT Phổ Yên, tỉnh Thái Nguyên M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS FIELD: ENGLISH TEACHING METHODOLOGY CODE : 60140111 Hanoi, 2014 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST- GRADUATE STUDIES -o0o VŨ THỊ KHÁNH VÂN ORGANIZING PAIRWORK IN THE ENGLISH LESSONS AT PHO YEN HIGH SCHOOL 11th GRADE, THAI NGUYEN PROVINCE Tổ chức hoạt động cặp học Tiếng Anh khối lớp 11 trường THPT Phổ Yên, tỉnh Thái Nguyên M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS FIELD: ENGLISH TEACHING METHODOLOGY CODE : 60140111 SUPERVISOR : Assoc Prof Dr LÊ HÙNG TIẾN Hanoi, 2014 CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT -***** - I hereby certify that the thesis entitled Organizing pairwork in the English lessons at Pho Yen High School 11th grade, Thai Nguyen Province In the result of my own research for the Degree of Master of Arts at College of Foreign Languages, Hanoi National University, and that this thesis has not been submitted for any degree at any other university or institution wholly or partly Hanoi, August 2014 Vũ Thị Khánh Vân i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In completion of my thesis, I have received generous advice and help from many lecturers whose lectures are very practical and useful Firstly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Mr Lê Hùng Tiến Ph.D from Vietnam National University, Hanoi College of Foreign Language, for his close guidance, criticism, and his generous help in the process of completing my thesis My special thanks also go to all lecturers and the staff of the Department of Post Graduate Studies at Hanoi College of Foreign Language for their useful materials, guidance and enthusiasm during my course of study I really wish to thank all my colleagues and my students at Pho Yen High School- for their kind cooperation in giving valuable information Finally, I owe my deep thanks to my dear family, especially my husband, my sons who always stand by me with their consideration and encouragement Vũ Thị Khánh Vân ii ABSTRACT Learning language well depends on many factors such as personal characteristics, the structure of the native and target languages, opportunities to communicate with other people and with native speakers, etc For students at schools, these factors can only work well with the help of the teachers‟ using different techniques, and approaches in language teaching In communicative language teaching, students have more chances to practise in the target language through different classroom activities, among them pairwork and groupwork appear to be the most appropriate application This thesis was carried out to investigate the use of pairwork activities to develop speaking skills for the first year English students at Pho Yen High School Survey questionnaires for teachers and students were employed to find answers to these two questions The use of paiwork activities are also beneficial for both teachers and learners However, there were some problems such as student low proficiency and their passive way of learning styles, which prevent them from taking part in pairwork activities Teachers‟ lack of time and have to deal with large and multi-level classes in unqualified conditions hinder them a lot in implementing pairwork activities to teach four language skills By analyzing and comparing the results of students‟ and teachers‟ responses to questionnaire about pairwork activities, the author attempts to shed light on the effectiveness of these activities and how to best implement them In Pho Yen Upper Secondary School in Pho Yen district, Thai Nguyen province, pairwork is widely used in foreign language classes However, it seems that the use of these implemetation activities at Pho yen High School is not effective enough, therefore, focuses on pointing out how to organize pairwork in a more effective way so that it helps students find learning English a great fun and less demanding iii LIST OF CHARTS Chart 1: Students‟ and teachers‟ opinion about the main benefits of pairwork 19 Chart 2: Students‟ opinion about the useful for pairwork 20 Chart 3: Teachers‟ and students‟ opinions about the useful of pairwork 21 Chart 4: The important role when using pairwork 22 Chart 5: The factors effected about the success of pairwork 22 Chart 6: Students‟ and teachers‟ opinion about the appropriate time for PW 23 Chart 7: Students‟ frequently used activities of pairwork .23 Chart 8: How are teachers and students often create pairwork? 24 Chart 9: Teachers‟ responsibilities for successful pairworks 25 Chart 10: Teachers‟and students‟opinion about preparing materials for PW 26 iv TABLE OF CONTENT CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF CHARTS iv TABLE OF CONTENT v PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale of the study 2 Aims of the study Research questions Scope of the study Methods of the study Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Communicative approach to Language Teaching 1.1.1 What is meant by communication? 1.1.2 Communicative language teaching Nature of Communicative Language Teaching The techniques of Communicative Language Teaching 1.2 Definition of pairwork 1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of pairwork 1.3.1 Advantages of using pairwork activities 1.3.2 Disadvantages of using pairwork activities 1.4 How to organize pairwork 1.4.1 Preparation for pairwork 1.4.2 Steps in the classroom 10 Select the activity 10 prepare of materials 10 Size and selection of pair 10 Organize students within the pair 10 v Time of pairwork activity 11 Share pairwork with the whole class 11 1.4.3 Steps of organizing pairwork 11 Pre activities 11 While activities 12 Post activities 12 1.5 Difficulties in organizing pairwork and suggested solutions 13 1.5.1 Difficulties 13 Space 13 Instruction 13 1.5.2 Solutions 13 1.6 Previous studies related to organizing pairwork 14 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 15 2.1 Research setting 15 2.1.1 An overview of Pho Yen High School 15 2.1.2 The students 16 2.1.3 The teachers 16 2.2 Methodology 17 2.2.1 The participants 17 2.2.2 Data collection instruments 17 Questionnaires 17 Class observations 17 2.2.3 Data collection procedures 18 2.2.4 Data analysis 18 Results from questionnaires 19 Teachers’ and students’ opinions about benefits of pairwork 19 Teachers’ and students’ judgements about the use of pairwork activities in English classes 21 Teachers’ and students’ desires to learn English via pairwork Activities 22 Data analysis from class observations 26 Examples of pairwork 27 vi CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS, DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 30 3.1 Major findings 30 3.1.1 The way the teachers at Pho Yen High School use pairwork 30 Steps of organizing pairwork 30 The materials used in organizing pairwork 31 Teachers’ difficulties 32 Lack of knowledge of pairwork 32 Habits of old teaching methods 32 Unefficient preparation 32 Students’ difficulties 32 Passive learning style 32 Low level of English language proficiency 33 Learners’ fear of making mistakes 33 Object factors 33 Large-sized lasses 33 Lack of reference and teaching aids 33 3.2 Recommendations 33 PART C: CONCLUSION 35 Summary of the findings 35 Concluding remarks 36 Limitations of the study 37 Suggestions for further study 38 REFERENCES 39 APPENDIX I APPENDIX V APPENDIX X APPENDIX XIV APPENDIX XVIII APPENDIX XX vii PART A: INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the rationale, aims, scope, research questions, research methods and design of the study Rationale “Better English, more opportunities” has become a target for lots of students in recent years English is a useful means they need for their future career since it equips them with linguistic, social and cultural knowledge and provides them with access to the modern world in the era of informatics and technology It is used as the official language in many powerful and developed countries Additionally, it is also considered as the means of communication in a number of aspects such as business, education, science, and so on Therefore, English teaching and learning play an important role in social developing policies in a large number of countries throughout the world English, nowadays, is widely taught in Vietnam, from primary school to university, including English centers throughout the country People learn English for their work or for their higher study However, the results of the English courses are not very good Vietnamese teachers of English have not known how to apply the teaching method in effective ways They are lack of knowledge, teaching aid, time, and money to teach four language skills: listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills and writing skills Like many teachers in the schools of Vietnam, teachers of English at Pho Yen upper secondary school face the same problem: students‟ inactive participation in learning activities in the classroom In fact, there are a variety of reasons for this poor participation, and therefore using appropriate techniques and methods for teaching English effectively to students at Pho Yen upper secondary school requires a teachers‟ enthusiasm and commitment This led me the choice of the study “Organizing pair work in the English lessons at Pho Yen High School 11th grade, Thai Nguyen Province” with the hope of contributing to improve the teaching and learning English in Yen High School at your school ? teaching c It is a good activity to be 33,3 d It is neither good nor bad 0 e Its usefulness is not clear 0 f It has no use 0 applied Teachers’ judgements about the use of pairwork activities in English classes 0 you think is Appropriate 83,3 pair work at your Not very appropriate 16,7 school ? Not appropriate at all 0 Other options 0 a.Teaching experience 50 which effect most b The age of the teacher 16,7 on the success of c The language proficiency of the 16,7 16,7 e The hardship of the students 66,7 f The cooperation of the students 100 g The language proficiency of the How appropriate Very appropriate 83,3 0 0 think it is an 10 minutes per period 33.3 appropriate time 15 minutes per period 50 for pair work ? 16.7 The factors a pair work teacher are… ? d The teacher‟s ability of organizing students h Other options Teachers’ desires to learn English via pairwork activities What you minutes per period More than 15 minutes period XI Other options Which activities Speaking 100 66.7 Reading 50 Listening 50 Other options 0 16,7 create pair work b Students from different tables 16,7 ? 50 0 e Students in different rows 0 f Good students with good ones 0 16,6 h Other options 0 To use pair work a Have awareness of the work 50 successfully in a b Good preparation 100 83,3 66,7 e Control the work 50 f Create the competitive sense 16,7 g Other option 0 you often Writing work in pairs ? How you a Students at the same tables c Students sitting next to each other d Students sitting far from each other Weak students with the weak ones g Good students with the weak ones secondary school, c Make the work suitable to the the teacher has students to… d Give clear instruction with examples How you a Use the information given in the XII 100 often prepare textbook materials for pair b Use the same topics as in the work in classes ? 66,7 16,7 33,3 33,3 0 your textbook but not the same copies c Take an extract or information from another reference books d Self- Design e Collaborate with your colleagues or get their opinions f Other option XIII APPENDIX : Questionnaires Table : The result of the language learning survey No Questions Options Number of Percent % students Teachers’ opinions about benefits of pair work What are the main To make students more 6,7 To make the class more 56 46,7 To help the learning process 54 45 To help the teaching process 0 To kill the time 2,5 Other options 0,8 6,7 which ones are pair Pronunciation 4,2 work benefits of the pair motivative work ? interesting In your opinion Grammar most Vocabulary 6,7 useful for ? Translation 5,8 Reading 5,8 Writing 1,6 Speaking 78 65 Listening 4,2 Other options are 0 6,7 85 70,8 How useful you It is a vital activity in language think pair work is to teaching improve learning It is one of the most important at your school ? and useful XIV It is a good activity to be 19 15,8 It is neither good nor bad 5,8 Its usefulness is not clear 0,8 It has no use 0 Other options 0 applied Students’ judgements about the use of pairwork activities in English classes How appropriate Very appropriate 36 30 you think is pair Appropriate 76 63,3 work your Not very appropriate 6,7 Not appropriate at all 0 Other options 0 Which factors, Teaching experience 10 8,3 you think can most The age of the teacher 0 effect the success of The language proficiency of 11 9,2 0,8 The hardship of the students 58 48,3 The cooperation of the students 26 21,7 The language proficiency of 14 11,7 0 What you think minutes per period 35 29.2 it is an appropriate 10 minutes per period 60 50 time for pair work ? 21 17.5 at school ? a pair work ? the teacher The teacher‟s ability of organizing the students Other option Students’ desires to learn English via pairwork activities 15 minutes per period XV More than 15 minutes period 0 Which activities Speaking 80 66,7 you often work in Writing 41 34,2 pairs ? Reading 106 88,3 Listening 58 48,3 Other options 0 How are you often Students at the same table 68 56,7 grouped 0,8 41 34,2 0,8 Students in different rows 0 Good students with good 3.3 Other options 0,8 6,7 Have awareness of the work 3,3 Good Preparation 1,6 Make the work suitable to the 46 38,3 61 50,8 Control the work 4,2 Create competitive sense 1,6 for pair Students from different tables work ? Students sitting next to each other Students sitting far from each other students, weak students with weak students Good students with the weak ones According to you, in order to use pair work successfully in a secondary school, the teacher has to students Give clear instruction with examples XVI Other options prepare work classes ? for in 44 36,7 21 17,5 5,8 How you often Use the information given in 5,8 41 34,2 0 pair the textbook your Use the same topics as in the textbook but not the exact copies Take an extract or information from another reference book Self- Design Collaborate with your colleagues or get their opinions Other options XVII APPENDIX : Classroom observation sheet Date : Phổ Yên upper secondary school Teacher : Number of years of teaching experience : Grade : Number of students : Girls : Boys : Lesson : Period : Purpose of the lesson : Learning aids : Teaching aids : Steps of the lesson : Time Teacher‟s activities XVIII Students‟ activities Observation sheet : No Activity Time Aim Grouping Evaluation How pair and groupwork are carried out: They are organized naturally Teacher provides clear instruction before the work Teacher‟s preparation …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… XIX Students‟ preparation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… The participation of the teacher: - as a partner - as a guider - as a facilitator - as an observer Students participate: -Actively -Forcedly Students speak Vietnamese during the work Yes No The teacher gives the feedback after the work Yes No The thing(s) the teacher does to find out how successful the work is: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… XX APPENDIX 6: The description of the classroom observation sheets No Kind Activity Time Grouping Pairwork Speaking 15 minutes Students at A the Preparation same from table Pairwork Speaking 10 minutes Groupwork Vocabulary 10 minutes copy same from table the textbook Students at A the copy the textbook The class is Words divided to in selected four and equal parts prepared by the teacher Groupwork Listening 15 minutes The class is divided to in worksheets three designed by equal parts Pairwork Speaking 10 minutes Students at A the table Pairwork Writing 10 minutes the teacher same from table the textbook Students at A the copy copy same from the textbook with adaptation Pairwork Speaking 10 minutes Students at A the table XXI copy same from textbook the with extension Pairwork Grammar 10 minutes Students at A the copy same from table the textbook with adaptation Pairwork Grammar minutes Students at A the copy same from table the textbook with adaptation 10 Pairwork Writing minutes Students sitting A copy far from from the each textbook other with adaptation and extension 11 Groupwork Writing minutes The class A divided to copy in from the three textbook equal part with adaptation and extension 12 Pairwork Grammar minutes Students at A the table XXII copy same from textbook the 13 Pairwork Grammar minutes Students at A the copy same from the table Reading minutes A from different Pairwork Students from 14 textbook textbook tables copy the and with rows extension and adaptation 15 Groupwork Speaking minutes Students Designed from by different teacher tables the and students with teacher 16 Pairwork Speaking minutes Students at A the table 17 Pairwork Speaking 10 minutes same from table the textbook Students at A the copy copy same from the textbook with adaptation 18 Pairwork Speaking 10 minutes Students at A the table 19 Pairwork Speaking minutes XXIII copy same from the textbook Students at A copy the same from the table 10 minutes from textbook tables Reading A different Pairwork Students from 20 textbook with copy the adaptation and extension 21 Pairwork Grammar minutes Students at Designed the table 22 Pairwork Speaking minutes same by teacher Students at A the table the copy same from the textbook with extension 23 Pairwork Reading minutes Students at A the table copy same from the textbook with extension 24 Pairwork Speaking minutes Students at A the table 25 Pairwork Speaking minutes table Pairwork Speaking minutes XXIV same from the textbook Students at Designed the 26 copy same by the teacher Students at Designed the same by the table 27 Groupwork Speaking minutes teacher Class Designed divided in by to groups 28 Groupwork Reading 15minutes table Groupwork Listening 10minutes table Groupwork Writing 15minutes the teacher same by the teacher Students at Designed the table XXV same by Students at Designed the 30 teacher Students at Designed the 29 the same by teacher the ... AT PHO YEN HIGH SCHOOL 11th GRADE, THAI NGUYEN PROVINCE Tổ chức hoạt động cặp học Tiếng Anh khối lớp 11 trường THPT Phổ Yên, tỉnh Thái Nguyên M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS FIELD: ENGLISH TEACHING... in which they chose 10 minutes and more for the appropriate time amount The table described the use of pairwork at Phổ Yên High School in details The table revealed that the teachers at Phổ Yên. .. and the methodology of the study In the next chapter, we will focus on major findings, discussion and recommendations for organizing pairwork in the English lessons at Pho Yen High School 11th

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2015, 14:31



