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Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) BREAKING THE ICE Week : 1 Period: 1,2 I/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss are able to: + Greet someone, introduce themselves by name and tell what the weather is today. + remember and use the classroom commands learned in the last year. + Chant “ classroom commands” II.Teaching aids: Using English for class organization. III.Vocabulary Revised vocabulary IV.Sentence pattern: Come in; say hello/ goodbye; stand up, sit down, open your book, close your book, put your book away,… V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities *Greetings: Wave your hand and say Hello, everybody. *Weather report: weather songs or chants the: “ what’s the weather like today? Teacher asks 3 questions: - What’s the day today? - What’s the month? - What’s the weather like today? Teacher answer the first 2 questions and asks students to repeat, then write s the date and draws / puts the picture of the weather symbol on the board. • Warm up and review: + “Classroom commands” chant - Teacher and students chant together, doing the action and clapping hands. • Strange Mirror: Teacher calls out a command, asks students Ss stand up and greet. Sing a song Answer Teacher: Tề Xốn 1 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) to listen to the teacher but not to look at him/her so students will not do as same as the teacher does. + T says: Stand up please? + Ss do the action of “ standing up” not “ sitting down” *Lesson presentation: - Activity 1: As fast as possible - Use a tambourine to signal an a ction like: + T says Please be quiet then shakes the tambourine. - T continues giving lots of command and shaking the tambourine. • Activity 2: -Teacher and group from the previous activity in the front of class chant altogether, doing the action and clapping hands. -Chants again then asks Ss to chant along with the action and claps their hands . - The students doing actions wrong will come to the front of and give the commands. Ss listen to the teacher and the sound of the tambourine and then do the action. - Ss not able to follow the teacher will come to the front to make a group for the next activity. Ss to chant along BREAKING THE ICE Teacher: Tề Xốn 2 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) Week : 1 Period: 3,4 I/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss are able to: + Ss can identify number 1-10 + Ss can count 1-10 II.Teaching aids: +Word cards +Pictures +Magic circle III.Vocabulary One, two,three, four, five, six seven, eight, nine ,ten. IV.Sentence pattern: Group leader Class Rules Hapy face,… V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction • Weather report: Have Ss sing the song What’s the weather? Teacher asks 3 questions: - What’s the day today? - What’s the month? - What’s the weather like today? Teacher answers each question and asks Ss to repeat, then writes the date on the board. • Warm and review: Remind Ss of the Class Rules and “ praise and Punishment” contract, then ask them to repeat. • Presentation: -Use word card 1-10 to elicit the vocabulary. Ss show the number of their fingers appropriate to the word card.( one – finger,…) + Listen, point and repeat: Asks Ss to listen, point to the number card and Sing a song Listen and repeat Repeat Teacher: Tề Xốn 3 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) repeat. + Change your seat: give each Ss a number(1-10) printed on a piece of paper. Speak out a number in random. Ss who have this number have to run and find a new seat. Say a number asks Ss to clap their hands. Ex: Two, Ss clap your hands two times. Then change the action “ clap your hands” to “ jump” and or “ stamp their feet” Development Avctivity 1: Practice through the song - One, two, buckle my shoe Three, four, knock at the door Five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight lay them straight Nine, ten a pig fat hen Song: ten little Indian boy Activity 2: Magic circle - Ss work in groups of four and take turn to spin the circle to pick up the word. When the Ss to pick up the word after spinning, he/she reads louder the word. - The first Ss to get 10 points is winner. Activity 3: Beanbag circle - Put ten number cards in bag. - Play the recording of a song. - Have Ss pass the bag when the music plays. Pause the music. Ss stop passing. The Ss who has the bag takes out one card and say aloud the number. - Continue playing until there isn’t any card in the bag. Ss show the number Ss to listen, point to the number card and repeat. Play game Practice song in pair Play game in group of four Teacher: Tề Xốn 4 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) Consolidation • Find your partner: - Prepare one set of number cards 1-10 and one set of word cards ( one- ten) - Deal out one card to each Ss. Do not allow students to show their cards to one - Have Ss walk around and look for another student holding the same number(1-one, 2-two) • Count your school things: - Assign each Ss a worksheet. - Ask student to count their school things and their friend ‘s school things, then write the number in their worksheet. Play game Play game REVISION Week: 1 Period: 5,6 I.Objectives: - Identifying what people’s jobs are, Writing and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - Jobs flashcards Teacher: Tề Xốn 5 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) III.Vocabulary He’s a… She’s a… Is s/he a…? Yes s/he is. No s/he isn’t. V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction  Play Snap with the jobs flashcards. Say one of the jobs; show the flashcards one by one. If the word is different to the picture, the children say the word matching the picture. If it is the same they shout “Snap” and the first child to say it can hold the flashcard for the rest of the game. Elicit the target structures again by pointing to the different flashcards and saying He’s a (fireman). Then show all of the pictures and elicit the correct sentence for each flashcard. Development Exercise 1: Children do the exercise, matching the sentence starters to the pictures and then writing the sentence. Check as a class and ask four students to come up and write the sentences on the board. Exercise 2: Students order the words to  Play Snap with the jobs flashcards correct sentence for each flashcard do the exercise Check as a class and ask four students to come up and write the sentences on the Teacher: Tề Xốn 6 IV.Sentence pattern: Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) make sentences. Ask them to check in pairs before correcting together with the class. Consolidation Game: Call one child to the front and give him/her the fireman and housewife flashcards to hold up. Hold the teacher, pupil and pilot flashcards yourself. Say Is he a pilot? The class shouts Yes! Then indicate the child standing next to you and say Is she a teacher? The class calls out No! Repeat with Is she a pilot? The class calls out No! Then say Is she a housewife? indicating the child next to you, for the class to call out Yes! Repeat the activity with other children. board. order the words to make sentences play game Repeat the activity with other children. VI.Ended experienced: REVISION Week: 1 Period: 7,8 I.Objectives: - Identifying jobs, Listening and speaking skills Teacher: Tề Xốn 7 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) - Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Song worksheet III.Vocabulary Jobs – doctor, policeman, farmer,Kind,Lane,Again V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction Use flashcards to introduce the three new words. Hold up each one and say the words for children to repeat. Stick the three flashcards on the board and elicit the spelling from the class. Write the words on the board under each card. Development Recording : Ask children to look at the pictures and play the first and second parts of the recording as children point to the words. Play again for children to repeat the words after the audio. Recording : Either use the song worksheet (without opening the Class Book) where children listen and fill in the correct words, or do Exercise 2 in the Class Book. After either activity, ask children to sing along with the CD and then sing together without the CD audio. Sing and act: Tell children they are Listen and repeat Look and spell look at the pictures point to the words repeat the words after the audio. listen and fill in the correct words Teacher: Tề Xốn 8 II.Teaching aids: - Jobs flashcards - CD tracks IV.Sentence pattern: Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) going to sing the song again, but this time they are going to do the actions. Elicit the actions from the pictures in the Class Book, (waving hello, shaking hands etc ) and then practice them as a class before doing the activity. Consolidation  Game: Choose 5 children to come to the front. Put all the flashcards on the floor, face up, in a row. Each child stands opposite another child with the flashcard in the middle. One row points to the flashcard in front of them and says What’s this? The other child replies, It’s a policeman, farmer, housewife etc and then each row moves one step to the left (the children at the end of the rows move around to the other side) and they repeat. Keep the children moving round the cards so they all take turns saying What’s this? And then, It’s a …. Sing and act Play game VI.Ended experienced: REVISION Week: 2 Period: 1,2 I.Objectives: - Asking questions with Where’s…, Writing and speaking skills Teacher: Tề Xốn 9 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) III.Vocabulary Things in a park Prepositions of place Where’s the …? It’s (on/in/under) the… V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Introduction  Play Snap with the toys flashcards. Say one of the things found in a park; show the flashcards one by one. If the word is different to the picture, the children say the word matching the picture. If it is the same they shout “Snap” and the first child to say it can hold the flashcard for the rest of the game. Point to the Story Poster 5 again and ask children to tell you what happened in the story. Elicit the important words from the story and write them on the board. Development Listen and read: Tell children to open their books to p.36 and play the recording again as children follow in their books. Play Snap with the toys flashcards tell you what happened in the story Teacher: Tề Xốn 10 II.Teaching aids: - Jobs flashcards - Story Poster - CD track IV.Sentence pattern: [...]... the item from the park VI.Ended experienced: Teacher: Tề Xốn 28 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) REVISION Week: 4 Period: 5,6 I.Objectives: - Identifying appropriate behavior in the park, Speaking and writing skills II.Teaching aids: - Toys flashcards 3 0-3 7 - The park flashcards 5 6- 61 - PMB p . 19 Values worksheet - Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Spelling Quiz III.Vocabulary... children -come to the front of the class and put the flashcards next to the correct word on the board VI.Ended experienced: REVISION Teacher: Tề Xốn 32 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) Week: 5 Period: 1 ,2 I.Objectives: - Identifying family members, Writing and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - PMB Activity 6A – Ask and answer - My family flashcards Hello flashcards 1- 3 III.Vocabulary... memory game VI.Ended experienced: Teacher: Tề Xốn 24 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) REVISION Week: 4 Period: 1 ,2 I.Objectives: - Asking and answering about where things are, Listening and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - Toys flashcards - Extra Practical Classroom Activities: In the park board game - The park flashcards - CD track III.Vocabulary IV.Sentence pattern:... different names as possible Ask children to tell you who has Teacher: Tề Xốn 22 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) the different toys VI.Ended experienced: REVISION Week: 3 Period: 7,8 I.Objectives: - Asking and answering about where things are, Reading skills II.Teaching aids: - The park flashcards 5 4- 61 - PMB Activity 5B Circle the differences III.Vocabulary IV.Sentence pattern:... Xốn 12 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) the front of the class to draw the next picture Continue until all the target vocabulary has been used VI.Ended experienced: REVISION Week: 2 Period: 5,6 I.Objectives: - Identifying things in the park, Listening and speaking skills - Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Song worksheet II.Teaching aids: - The Park flashcards - CD... E.g Hello I’m grandma -listen to the teacher -come to the front to be six different family members -Introduce to the class Development Exercise 1: Ask children to number the pictures and check their answers in small groups -number the pictures and check answers in small groups Exercise 2: Students write the words to Teacher: Tề Xốn 33 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English)... REVISION Week: 5 Period: 3,4 I.Objectives: - Identifying family members, Writing and speaking skills Teacher: Tề Xốn 34 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) II.Teaching aids: - Story Poster 6 - My family flashcards - Hello flashcards 1- 3 - CD track III.Vocabulary Family members IV.Sentence pattern: This is (mum’s) (pen) It’s my (brother’s) (book) V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities... choose the next flashcard to mime VI.Ended experienced: Teacher: Tề Xốn 30 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) REVISION Week: 4 Period:7,8 I.Objectives: - Identifying family members, Reading and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - My family flashcards - Hello flashcards - Story poster - CD tracks III.Vocabulary Family members,Find,The others,Know,They IV.Sentence pattern: This... Ask individual children to Teacher: Tề Xốn elicit the words 19 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) come to the front and write the first letters on the board, in both upper- and lowercase Ask the children to trace the letters in the air and say the sounds as they do so Development Exercise 1: Children do exercise 1 They match the capital and lower case letters trace the... target structure further VI.Ended experienced: ……………………………………………………………………… REVISION Week: 2 Period: 3,4 I.Objectives: - Asking questions with Where’s…?, Writing and speaking skills II.Teaching aids: - The Park flashcards III.Vocabulary IV.Sentence pattern: Teacher: Tề Xốn 11 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) Where’s the …? It’s (on/in/under) the… V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities . Xốn 2 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) Week : 1 Period: 3,4 I/ Objectives: After the lesson, Ss are able to: + Ss can identify number 1- 10 + Ss can count 1- 10 II.Teaching. 4 Lesson Plan : Grade 2 – FAMILY AND FRIENDS 1( Amerrican English) Consolidation • Find your partner: - Prepare one set of number cards 1- 10 and one set of word cards ( one- ten) - Deal out one card. show their cards to one - Have Ss walk around and look for another student holding the same number ( 1- one, 2- two) • Count your school things: - Assign each Ss a worksheet. - Ask student to count

Ngày đăng: 31/01/2015, 15:00

