Human Resource Managements role in the companys success increases each day. In this article I will discuss the reasons for the increasing impact of the HRM and will also talk about HRM in the retail industry. Human Resource Management is a vital function in organizations. It is becoming more important than ever. Line managers are getting involved in HRM, and human resource managers are becoming members of the management team. Also, everyone in the organization can make a contribution to the management of people and the success of the organization at the same time.
By: Mary Anne Winslow ! "! ! # $% & ! ' (# )(* )( ) )+, )(+' )- The Special Human Resource Environment of Retailing ,./(! (# 0!!!1! (% 2!01. !!( 30! !!!4 5!( !1. 5/ ,!6" 78! . (! " !! 2!%0 5! 9!9! The process of Human Resource Management in Retailing (-! ,!(-$ !! Planning : .5 .%( !(! ! . !!. ' (!& 5!%! !! (0!5& !. (!0 !& 5 Recruitment & Selec!on !&/ !;! / $!.& (!(<=! &20!! !! ! 1!!! ( .(!/ (0/( / 5/&(/! !!!0 (! 04/ . Retailing ,./(! (# 0!!!1! (% 2!01. !!( 30! !!!4 5!( !1. 5/ ,!6" 78! . (! " !! 2!%0 5! 9!9! The process of Human Resource Management in Retailing (-! ,!(-$ !! Planning : .5 .%( !(! ! . !!. ' (!& 5!%! !! (0!5& !. (!0 !& 5 Recruitment. ! "! ! # $% & ! ' (# )(* )( ) )+, )(+' )- The Special Human Resource Environment of Retailing ,./(! (# 0!!!1! (% 2!01. !!( 30! !!!4 5!( !1. 5/ ,!6" 78! . (! " !! 2!%0 5! 9!9! The. By: Mary Anne Winslow