12 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6 Teacher: Read the directions to students.. 14 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6 Teacher: Read the directions to students... 22 My New Words
Trang 1GRADES 3-6
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English Language Development
English Language Development
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978-0-02-102408-7 MHID: 0-02-102408-1
Trang 2Published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, of McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,
Two Penn Plaza, New York, New York 10121.
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Trang 3Animals 1
Body 5
Calendar 7
Clothing 9
Colors 11
Communication 12
Day 14
Earth 17
Family 19
Feelings 21
Food 22
Grocery Store 24
Growth 27
Habitats 30
Health 34
Homes 35
Instruments 38
Jobs 40
Kitchen 42
Library 45
Measurement 47
Money 49
Neighborhood 52
Numbers 54
Opposite 57
Park 60
Plants 62
Q Words 63
Restaurant 64
School 68
Shapes 72
Signs 73
Sports 74
Things We Do 77
United States 79
United States Government 85
United States History 86
Vehicles 88
Weather 90
XYZ Words 91
Teacher Instructions 92
ii My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 41 Write the kind of animal.
2 Write the name of the animal.
3 Color the picture.
4 Talk about the picture with a partner.
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 93–94 for activities for Animals.
Trang 5I am a kind of
1 Write the kind of animal.
2 Write the name of the animal.
3 Color the picture.
4 Talk about the picture with a partner.
2 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 6I am a kind of
1 Write the kind of animal.
2. Write the name of the animal.
3 Color the picture.
4 Talk about the picture with a partner.
Trang 7I am a kind of
I am an
1 Write the kind of animal.
2. Write the name of the animal.
3 Color the picture.
4 Talk about the picture with a partner.
4 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 8Body (pp 5–6)
Write and say each body part.
leg hand
head foot
arm shoulder
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 95–96 for activities for Body.
Trang 91 Draw a face.
2 Write and say the parts of the face.
6 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 101. Cut out the holidays on page 8.
2. Glue the holidays on this page.
See pages 97–98 for activities for Calendar.
Trang 11Martin Luther
8 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 12My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 99–100 for activities for Clothing.
Trang 14Create with Colors
1 Read the colors.
2 Color each shape.
3 Talk about the picture with a partner.
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 101–102 for activities for Colors.
Trang 151 Write a list of the things in your Communications Store.
are in your store?
12 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 103–104 for activities for Communication.
Trang 161 Write a phone conversation.
2 Practice the conversation with a partner.
Trang 1712 1 2
4 5
10 8 7 11 6
9 3
12 1 2 4 5
10 8 7 11 6
9 3
12 1 2 4 5
10 8 7 11 6
When do you study math?
1 Toss a marker onto the game board on page 16.
2 Move your game piece.
3 Read the words in the box.
14 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 105–106 for activities for Day.
Trang 1812 1 2 4 5
10 8 7 11 6
9 3
12 1 2
4 5
10 8 7 11 6
9 3
When do you read?
When do you eat lunch?
Take another turn.
When do you play a game?
Trang 19You got an A in math.
Take another turn.
Trang 201 Label the pictures.
2 Color.
3 Talk about your picture with a partner.
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 107–108 for activities for Earth.
Trang 211 Label the pictures.
2 Color.
3 Talk about your picture with a partner.
18 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 22Write and say the name of each family member.
grandmother grandfather
father mother
daughter son
See pages 109–110 for activities for Family.
Trang 231 Look at the family on page 19.
2. Read the riddles.
3. Write a person’s name to answer the riddle.
I have a sister, Maria, and a brother
Trang 241 Write and say each feeling.
2 Complete the sentence Draw your face.
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 111–112 for activities for Feelings.
Trang 25Food(pp 22–23)
1 Color and cut out the food on page 23.
2 Put breakfast food on the plate Say each food.
3 Repeat for lunch and dinner.
4 Tell a partner about your meal.
22 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 113–114 for activities for Food.
Trang 271 Cut out the pictures on pages 25 and 26.
2 Place 6 things in the shopping cart.
3 Fill in the shopping list.
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 115–116 for activities for Grocery Store.
Trang 301 Cut out the pictures on page 29.
2 Glue the pictures on this page and page 28.
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 117–118 for activities for Growth.
Trang 331 Name the habitat Name the plants and animals.
2 Color the plants and animals that live in that habitat.
3 Put an X on the plants and animals that do not belong.
What does not live in an ocean habitat?
30 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 119–120 for activities for Habitat.
Trang 341 Name the habitat Name the plants and animals.
2 Color the plants and animals that live in that habitat.
3 Put an X on the plants and animals that do not belong.
What does not live in a polar habitat?
Trang 351 Name the habitat Name the plants and animals.
2 Color the plants and animals that live in that habitat.
3 Put an X on the plants and animals that do not belong.
What does not live in a forest habitat?
32 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 361 Name the habitat Name the plants and animals.
2 Color the plants and animals that live in that habitat.
3 Put an X on the plants and animals that do not belong.
What does not live in a desert habitat?
Trang 37Healthy Habits Interview
1 Work with a partner Take turns asking the questions.
2 Write the answers next to the questions.
What kinds of healthy foods
do you like?
How do you exercise?
What is your favorite sport?
How many hours do you sleep?
How do you take care of
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 121–122 for activities for Health.
Trang 381 Color the pictures on page 37 Cut out the pictures.
2 Place each item in its correct room.
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 123–124 for activities for Homes.
Trang 39Kitchen Living Room
36 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 40✄
Trang 41Name
38 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: See pages 125–126 for activities for Instruments.
Read the directions to students.
Trang 42✄
Trang 43✄
40 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: See pages 127–128 for activities for Jobs.
Read the directions to students.
Trang 45Name
1 Color the pictures.
2 Cut out the pictures.
3 Put them in order to show how to make toast.
4 Glue the pictures on page 43.
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 129–130 for activities for Kitchen.
Trang 461 Cut out the two strips.
2 Tape them together.
3 Glue the pictures from page 42 on the strips.
4 Use the strips for page 44.
Trang 471 Cut out the toaster.
2 Cut along the dashed lines in the middle.
3 Put the strips through the openings.
4 Tell a partner how to make toast.
Trang 48The library has:
1 Work with a partner.
2 Write and say the things you see in the picture.
3 Ask your partner questions about what you see: How many
bookcases do you see in the picture? How many people
do you see in the listening center?
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 131–132 for activities for Library.
Trang 49Label each picture.
Trang 501 Work with a group Write your names on the chart.
2 Use a ruler Measure the things shown on the chart.
3. Write your measurements.
4 Answer the questions.
Who has the longest hand?
How long is the longest hand?
Who has the shortest shoe?
How long is the shortest shoe?
How long is your book?
How long is the longest pencil?
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 133–134 for activities for Measurement.
Trang 511 Look at each picture What are they measuring?
2 Circle the answer.
48 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 521 Cut out the money on page 50.
2 Toss a marker on the game board.
3. Show the amount of money.
4 On page 51 show how you made the amount.
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 135–136 for activities for Money.
Trang 551 Cut out the pictures on page 53.
2 Glue the pictures on this page to make a map.
3. Add your own pictures.
52 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 137–138 for activities for Neighborhood.
Trang 57Name
1 Cut out the cards on pages 54 and 55.
2 Match the number cards with the picture cards.
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 139–140 for activities for Numbers.
Trang 59Write the number for each picture.
Trang 601 Read the words in each box.
2 Draw a line to match the words that are opposites.
3 Draw a picture for each word.
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 141–142 for activities for Opposites.
Trang 611 Look at each pair of pictures The pictures are opposites.
2 Write the word that each picture shows.
off short
closed on
tall open
58 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 62big different
new old
Trang 63Park k (pp 60–61)
1 Look at the pictures on page 61.
2 Draw each picture in the park.
3 Draw more pictures in the park.
4 Tell a partner about your picture.
60 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 143–144 for activities for Park.
Trang 65Plant Parts
1 Write and say the name of the plant.
2 Write and say the parts of the plant.
62 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 145–146 for activities for Plants.
Trang 661 Write and say the name of each thing.
2 Complete the sentence Use the letters in the boxes.
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 147–148 for activities for Q Words.
Trang 671 Cut out the pictures on page 65.
2 Paste them on this page.
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 149–150 for activities for Restaurant.
Trang 691 Find each thing in the picture Circle it.
2 Write and say the name of each thing.
66 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 70Fill in the missing words.
Can we sit at
a , please?
Trang 71School (pp 68–71)
1 Read the name of each school room.
2 Draw pictures of things you find in each room.
3 Talk to a partner about your drawings.
principal’s office
nurse’s office
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 151–152 for activities for School.
Trang 73School (pp 70–71)
1 Write and say the name for each picture.
2 Draw a line to the school tools that go together.
3 Check your work with a partner.
70 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 151–152 for activities for School.
Trang 741 Complete each sentence.
2 Draw a line to match each sentence to a picture.
Trang 75Shapes
1 Color the picture.
2 Answer the question.
Color the picture:
small circle–red
large circle–orange
small triangle–yellow
small square–blue large square–green large rectangle–brown
What is this animal?
72 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 153–154 for activities for Shapes and Sizes.
Trang 76Signs
Draw each sign.
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 155–156 for activities for Signs.
Trang 7774 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: See pages 157–158 for activities for Sports.
Read the directions to students.
Trang 79✄ ✄ ✄
76 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 801 Draw a picture for each word.
2 Write about your pictures.
3 Talk to a partner about your pictures.
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 159–160 for activities for Things We Do.
Trang 81Things We Do Draw and Write
Trang 821 Write and say each state.
2 Finish the sentence.
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 161–162 for activities for United States.
Trang 83is in
1 Write and say each state.
2 Finish the sentence.
80 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 841 Write and say each state.
2 Finish the sentence.
Trang 85is in
1 Write and say each state.
2 Finish the sentence.
82 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Trang 86is in
1 Write and say each state.
2 Finish the sentence.
Trang 871 Write and say each state.
2 Finish the sentences.
Trang 88U.S Government
1 Work with a partner or group.
2 Write the names of people in government Use books and
the Internet to help you.
The President of the United States:
The Vice President of the United States:
The person in the House of Representatives who represents
the people where you live:
The two senators who represent your state in the Senate:
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 163–164 for activities for U.S Government.
Trang 891 Cut out the pictures on page 87.
2 Glue the pictures onto the timeline.
Place The United1789U it d
States has its
fi rst President.
People explore ople expl new parts of the United States.
The President P id makes all Americans free.
Women can vote.
People want l t fairness at their jobs.
The Civil Ci il Rights Act
is passed.
All Americans have the same rights.
86 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students
See pages 165–166 for activities for U.S Historical Figures.
Trang 90✄
Trang 911 Choose 2 or 3 of the vehicles on page 89.
2 Color the vehicles Cut out the vehicles.
3 Glue them on page 88.
4 Make up a story about your picture Tell a partner your story.
88 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 165–166 for activities for Vehicles.
Trang 93Weather
1 Write and say the kinds of weather.
2 Tell a partner about the weather.
90 My New Words Activity Book, Grades 3–6
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 167–168 for activities for Weather.
Trang 94XYZ Riddle
1 Write and say the name of each picture.
2 Answer the question Use the letters in the boxes.
How many things do you have when you have nothing?
Teacher: Read the directions to students.
See pages 169–170 for activities for XYZ Words.
Trang 96Introduce Vocabulary
My New Words Picture Word Book, pp 2–3
Have students point to the pictures of animals on pages 2 and 3 Name the animals and have the students repeat after you Guide students to discuss the different kinds of animals and the type of habitat each animal lives in Encourage students to brainstorm other animals in the same organizational category or that live in the same habitat Explain to students that many different types of animals live in different places
Have students choose three animals from pages 2 and 3 of My New Words Picture Word Book
Then have students write one sentence about each animal and share a sentence with the class