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A36ELLNWPB_CV_024065_RE12.indd 3/1/10 10:58 AM Contents Animals Body Calendar Clothing Colors Communication 10 Day 12 Earth 14 Family 16 Feelings 17 Food 18 Grocery Store .20 Growth 22 Habitat 24 Health 26 Homes 28 Instruments 30 Jobs 32 Kitchen 34 Library 36 Measurement 38 Money 39 Neighborhood 40 Numbers 42 Opposites 44 Park 46 Plants 48 Q Words 49 Restaurant 50 School 52 Shapes and Sizes 54 Signs .55 Sports 56 Things We Do 58 United States 60 U.S Government 62 U.S Historical Figures 63 Vehicles 64 Weather 66 XYZ Words 67 Everyday Language 68 Homonyms 70 Index 72 Animals g that moves Birds beak feathers wing parrot Bugs wing leg fly fl spide Fish fi fin tooth shark goldfish fi Mammals tail fur paw Reptiles tail Body Your body is made up of many parts hair head shoulder eye nose mouth arm face hand fi finger leg foot brain lungs heart stomach bones Calendar A calendar shows the days, weeks, and months of a year Martin Luther King, Jr., Day January S M T W Th 10 February F S 11 12 13 S M T W Th March F S 10 M T W Th F S 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 April May S M T W Th F S S M T Presidents’ Day June W Th F S S M T W Th F S 10 11 12 13 14 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 S M S M T W T 1 8 July 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T F S August T W Th F S 10 11 12 13 14 September F S 10 11 W Th 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 F S day S W Th November M T F S 10 11 12 13 S M T W Th December F S 10 S M T W Th 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Columbus Day Memorial Day week 30 October S Thanksgiving Independence Day The Date "VHVTU 4VOEBZ POEBZ 5VFTEBZ 8FEOFTEBZ 5IVSTEBZ yesterday 'SJEBZ 4BUVSEBZ today tomorrow Yesterday was Thursday Today is August 10 Tomorrow is the 11th The Seasons December January February March April May Spring June July August September October November Summer Fall U.S Government The U.S government is in Washington, D.C Executive The President works in the White House The President is the leader of our country Judicial The Supreme Court works in the Supreme Court Building The Supreme Court judges make sure laws are followed Legislative Congress works in the Capitol Building Congress has two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate Congress makes laws 62 U.S Historical Figures figures are people who did good things for our country Susan B Anthony César Chávez Martin Luther King, Jr She worked for women’s rights He worked for fairness He fought for people’s rights Abraham Lincoln Sacagawea George Washington He was the 16th President He helped make all Americans free She helped explore the United States He was the fi first President of the United States 63 Vehicles You use vehicles to go places Land bicycle bus car skateboard train 64 Air airplane helicopter Water ferry ship 65 Weather The weather can change every day cloud cloudy rainy snowy sunny lightning thunderstorm 66 windy XYZ Words Some words begin with the letters x, y y, and z xylophone X ray yo-yo zebra 67 Everyday Language Useful Words and Phrases 68 Questions and Answers 69 Homonyms Homonyms are words that sound the same or are spelled the same but have different meanings ate eight blew blue eye I fl fly fly piece hear 70 here hole whole light light light mail male meat meet red read son sea see son sun 71 Index A adult 23 afraid 17 afternoon 13 air 65 airplane 65 aisle 20 Alabama 61 Alaska .60 ambulance 40 angry 17 animals .2 Anthony, Susan B 63 apartment building 28 apple 18, 26 April Arizona .60 Arkansas 61 arm artist 32 ate .70 August B baby 23 bakery 21 ball 56 bank 40 baseball 56 basket .56 basketball 56 bat .56 bathroom 29 bathtub .29 beak bear .3, 24 bed 29 bedroom 29 beef 21 bench 47 bicycle .64 big 44 bike 46 bill 39, 51 birds black blanket 47 blew 70 blue .9, 70 board 53 72 body bones book 10, 36, 47, 53 bookcase 36 boot booth 50 bowl 35 brain branch 48 bread 18, 21 breakfast 12, 18 broccoli 21 broom .20 brother .16 brown budding plant 23 bugs bus 64 bush 48 butter 21 butterfly fl 22 C cabinet 29 cactus 24, 48 cafeteria 52 cake 19 calendar California 60 canned goods 21 Capitol Building .62 car .64 cash register 20, 51 cashier 20, 51 caterpillar 22 cell phone 10 cereal 18 chair 29, 37, 50 Chávez, César 63 checkout desk 36 checkout stand 20 cheese 21 chef 32 chicken 21 child 23 circle 54 clarinet 30 classroom 53 cleaning products 20 clock 12 closed 44 clothing cloud 66 cloudy .66 coffee pot 51 coffee table 29 coins 39 Colorado 60 colors communication 10 computer 11, 37, 53 confused 17 Congress 62 Connecticut .61 continent 15 cookies .19 coral 25 couch 29 counter 51 coyote .24 crab 25 cube 54 customer 51 cymbals .30 D dairy 21 danger 55 date .7 daughter 16 day 6, 12 December deer 24 Delaware 61 dentist .27 desert 24 desk 53 desserts 19 different 45 dime 39 dinner 13, 19 homework 13 not enter .55 not walk 55 doctor 27, 32 dog dolphin 25 drink .19, 58 dresser .29 drum 30 drum set 31 E eagle Earth 14 eat .58 eat breakfast .12 eat dinner 13 eat healthy food 26 eat lunch 12 eggs 18, 22 eight 42, 70 eighteen 43 eighth 43 eighty 43 eleven .42 e-mail message 11 eraser 53 Everglades National Park 61 everyday language 68 excuse me 68 Executive 62 exercise .26 exit 55 eye 4, 70 F face .4 Fall .7 family 16 father 16 feathers February .6 feeding ducks 47 feelings 17 feet 38 ferry 65 fifteen .43 fifth 43 fifty 43 fin finger fire station 40 fi fire truck 40 fi fi fighter 32 firefi first 43 fi fish 3, 21, 25 five 42 five-dollar bill 39 Florida 61 flower 23, 48 fly 2, 70 fl food 18 foot .4 football .56 forest .24 fork 35 forty 43 four 42 fourteen 42 fourth 43 fox .25 Friday frog 22 frozen foods .20 fruit 18, 20 frying pan 34 fur G Gateway Arch 61 Georgia 61 glass 35 globe 36 glove 56 glue 53 go to the dentist 27 go to the doctor .27 goal 57 Golden Gate Bridge 60 goldfish fi .3 good-bye 68 government 62 Grand Canyon 60 granddaughter 16 grandfather .16 grandmother .16 grandson 16 grapes .20 grass 47 green grocery store 20 growth 22 growth cycle 22 guitar 31 gym 52 H habitat 24 hair hall 52 hand happy 17 hat .8 having a picnic 46 Hawaii .60 head headphones 37 health 26 hear 70 heart height .38 helicopter 65 hello 68 helmet .56 here 70 hill 15 historical fi figures 63 hole 70 homes .28 homonyms 70 hose 32 hospital 40 house 28, 40 House of Representatives 62 human .23 I I 70 I don’t know .68 ice .19 ice cream 20 Idaho 60 Illinois 61 Independence Day Indiana 61 instruments 30 Iowa 61 island 15 J January .6 jobs 32 Judicial 62 July jump 58 June .6 K Kansas 61 Kentucky 61 73 Index King, Jr., Martin Luther 63 kitchen 29, 34 knife 35 L lake 15 land 64 large 54 leaf 48 leg 2, Legislative 62 length .38 letter 33 letter carrier .33 lettuce .21 librarian 36 library 36, 41 light 71 lightning 66 lily pad 48 Lincoln, Abraham 63 listening center 37 living room .29 lizard long 54 longer .54 longest 54 Louisiana 61 lunch .12, 18 lungs M magazine 11 mail 10, 71 mailbag .33 mailbox 41 Maine 61 male 71 mammals map 37 March Martin Luther King, Jr., Day Maryland 61 Massachusetts 61 May .6 measurement 38 meat 21, 71 medium .54 meet 71 74 Memorial Day .6 men 55 menu 50 Michigan 61 microphone 33 microwave oven .34 Midwest .61 milk 19, 21 Minnesota 61 mirror 29 Mississippi 61 Missouri .61 mitten mobile home 28 Monday money .39 Montana 60 month morning .12 mother .16 Mount McKinley 60 mountain 14 mouth ocean 15, 25 October .6 off 44 Ohio 61 Oklahoma 61 old .45 on 44 one 42 one hundred .43 one thousand 43 one-dollar bill 39 open 44 opposites 44 orange 9, 20 orange juice 19 order 43 Oregon 60 owl 24 N P napkin .34 Nebraska 61 neighborhood 40 Nevada 60 new 45 New Hampshire 61 New Jersey 61 New Mexico 60 New York 61 news reporter 33 newspaper 10 nickel .39 night 13 nine 42 nineteen 43 ninety 43 ninth 43 no 68 noon 12 North Carolina 61 North Dakota 61 Northeast 61 nose notebook 53 November numbers 42 nurse’s office fi 52 O paintbrush 32 pants paper products 20 paper towels 20 park 46 parrot pasta 19 patient 27 paw .3 pen 53 pencil 53 penguin 25 peninsula 15 Pennsylvania 61 penny 39 piano 31 picnic basket 46 piece 70 pillow 29 pilot 33 pink .9 plants 48 plate 35 play soccer 13 playground 41 polar 25 post office fi 41 pot .34 poultry .21 pounds 38 President 62 Presidents’ Day principal’s office fi 52 pupa 22 purple Q quart 38, 49 quarter 39 queen 49 question mark 49 questions and answers 69 quiet 49 quilt 49 R raccoon .24 racket 57 radio 11 raincoat rainy 66 read 71 reading .47 rectangle 54 red 9, 71 refrigerator .35 reptiles restaurant 50 restroom 52 Rhode Island .61 riding a bike 46 river 14 rooms in a home 29 roots 48 run .58 S Sacagawea .63 sad 17 salad 19 same 45 sandwich 18 Saturday saxophone 30 school .52 school crossing 55 scissors 53 sea 15, 71 seasons .7 second .43 see 71 seedling 23 seeds 23 Senate .62 senior citizen 23 September server 50 seven 42 seventeen 43 seventh .43 seventy 43 shapes .54 shark shelf 21 ship 65 shirt .8 shoe shopping cart 20 short 45 shorts shoulder shower 29 signs 55 sink 29 sister 16 sit .58 sit in class 12 six 42 sixteen 43 sixth 43 sixty 43 sizes 54 skateboard .64 skating 47 sleep 13, 26, 59 small 44, 54 smaller 54 smallest .54 snake .3, 24 snowy 66 soap 20 soccer 57 soccer ball 26 sock .8 son 16, 71 South Carolina 61 South Dakota 61 Southeast 61 Southwest 60 sphere .54 spider spoon 35 sports 56 Spring square .54 stand 59 Statue of Liberty .61 steak 19 stem 48 stomach stop 55 stove 34 strawberries .19 student .53 Summer .7 sun 71 Sunday sunflower fl 23 sunny 66 Supreme Court 62 sweater .8 swimming 57 T table 29, 37, 50 tadpole .22 tail .3 taking a walk 46 talk 59 tall .45 teacher .53 teacup .35 teapot .34 teenager 23 telephone 11 television 11 ten .42 ten-dollar bill 39 Tennessee 61 tennis 57 tenth 43 Texas 61 thank you 68 Thanksgiving things we 58 third 43 thirteen .42 thirty 43 75 Index thunderstorm 66 Thursday toaster 34 today toilet 29 tomorrow tooth train 64 tray 50 tree 24, 48 triangle .54 trunk 48 Tuesday .7 twelve .42 twenty 43 twenty-dollar bill .39 two 42 two-family house .28 U United States 60 U.S government .62 U.S historical fi figures .63 useful words and phrases .68 Utah 60 76 V valley 14 vegetables 19, 21 vehicles .64 Vermont .61 violin 30 Virginia 61 volume 38 W wake up .12 walk 55, 59 Washington 60 Washington, George 63 water 19, 65 weather 66 Wednesday .7 week weight .38 West 60 West Virginia .61 white White House .62 whole 70 window .29 windy 66 wing Winter Wisconsin 61 women 55 write 59 Wyoming 60 X X ray 67 xylophone 67 Y yak 67 yellow yes .68 yesterday yogurt 18 you’re welcome 68 yo-yo 67 Z zebra 67 zero 42 zipper 67 ... 56 Things We Do 58 United States 60 U.S Government 62 U.S Historical Figures 63 Vehicles 64 Weather 66 XYZ Words 67 Everyday Language 68 Homonyms ... cheese 21 Growth Living things change through growth A Butterfly’s Growth Cycle caterpillar eggs pupa butterfly fl A Frog’s Growth Cycle eggs frog 22 A Sunflower’s Growth Cycle seedling seeds fl flower... Th F S 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 April May S