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  • S + told / ordered/ asked/ begged/ advised...+ O + Infinitive + O/A

  • S + told/ ordered/asked/ begged/ advised .......+ O + not + infinitive +O/A

  • I / Grammar :

  • 1/ C©u bÞ ®éng

    • 2/ MÖnh lÖnh thøc trùc tiÕp.

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Preparation :16/8/2009 Teaching day :8a:17/8- 8b:18/8 Period: 1 ÔN TẬP VÀ KIỂM TRA I. Objective : - Students review the knowledge in grade 7 : Vocabulary, grammar Structures. - T check sts’ knowledge. - Language focus : Tenses, vocab. - Teaching aids : textbook. II. Contents : Time Int Procedure 3’ T-c 1-Warm up: Sing a song 15’ T- ss 2-Presentation: * T asks ss : - How many tenses have you learn ? - What are they ? - How are they used ? * Ss answer. T writes on the board, one by one 1. Present simple : S + V / V(s/es) Ex : She reads books everynight 2. Present continous : S + be + V-ing Ex: I am studying E now. 3. Past simple : S + V-ed 4. Future : S + will / shall + V Ex : They will go to Lan’s house tomorrow 25’ GW 3- Practice: * T asks ss to do this exercise: Exercise 1 : Put the verbs in backets in the correct forms. a. They (watch) a film at 9. `b. Ba (repair) the light while Hoa (read) a book. c. Mr Peter (not like) mangoes. d) “I’ll (come) to your house tomorrow”. e) My mother (plant) vegetables. She is a farmer. f) “you should (go) to bed early.” g) Where …. You (spend) your vacation last summer ? h) He (not join) our trip to the countryside. Exercise 2 : Make the questions for these sentences: a) Mai is in class 7 B. 1 b) My favorite subject is English. c) I went to the museum yesterday. d) Tom is in his room. `4-Production: 5’ T-c - T answers Ss questions. 2’ T-c 5 Home work : - write the past form of these verbs : VI. Self – evaluation : Preparation :17/8/2009 Teaching:8a,b 21/8/2008 Period: 2 UNIT 1 MY FRIENDS Lesson 1 : GETTING STARED – LISTEN AND READ I. Aims : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know more about Hoa, Lan, Nien and to review simple present and simple pasttense. . Language focus : Present simple. Past simple . Teaching aids : T’s book, textbook. . Lexical items : seem, look like. II. The contents: Time In… Procedure 2’ T-ss 1- Warm up: T : Today, you study some favorite activities you often do with your friends First, tell me what they are ? (T. showes agroup of friends they are closed friends). Do they always work or play together. (students say … ) 2- Presentation: Now, open your books at page 10, look at 4 pictures: 13’ T-S * Qs about p.1 : - What are these children doing ? - Where are they ? 2 - Are they all boy ? - What time of the day do you think it is ? …. PW T : Now work in pairs, ask and answer about these pictures depending on my qs. Do it in 5 minutes. T (call some pairs to ask answer before class) Correct mistakes. T-S T ask some more qs : Do you play soccer after school ? Do you play cards at recess ? 3- practice: T-C T : you are going to listen to the dialogue between 2 girls. Listen then answer : Who are they ? And what are they talking about ? - T reads, ss listen – book closed. - Ss answer pre-qs – T corrects. + they are Hoa and Lan + they are talking about Nien, Hoa’s next door neighbor. 15’ PW PW - T reads the dialogue, class read in chorus. - T asks ss to read the dialogue in pairs (play roles of Lan and Hoa). - T calls some pairs to read out. - T explains some new structures: + What do / does … lokk like ? + (not) adj + enough to do smth. + What + N ! + Comprehension questions : T : Now, read the dialogue again and answer the qs in exercise 2 on page 11 (work in pairs). - T calls some some pairs to ask answer before class - T corrects mistakes. KEY : a) Nien lives in Hue. b) No, she class not know Nien. c) “She wasn’t old enough to be in my class”. d) She is going to visit Hoa at chirstmas. 4- Production: 12’ Ss * Write a paragraph about Lan and Hoa, use the present simple and simple past tense. 1. Lan / Hoa’s best friend. 2. They / same class/ Quang Trung school. 3. Last year / Hoa / go / school / first time. 4. LAn / show / around/ introduce / to new friends. 5- Home work: Write the paragraph in your exersice book 3 III. Self – evaluation : Preparation : 19/8/08/2009 Teaching :8a24/08-8b25/08 Period: 3 UNIT :1 MY FRIENDS Lesson 2 : SPEAK + Listen I. Aims : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to describe people : body build and hair. . Language focus : Present simple Lexical items : Adjectives about body built: slim, straight. curly. blond …… . Teaching aids : T’s book, tape, posters. II. The contents: Time In… Procedure 10’ s-s-s 1- Warm up: Brain storming : T : today, you are going to learn how to describe people. First, think of the adjs used to describe body Build and hair (ss can say in Vnamese) - T adds some more adjs: overweight, slim … Short Tall T-C - T teaches some adj used to describe people. straight curly dark fair slim bald Blond 7’ 2- Pre- Speaking: - T teaches ss how to describe people She is short and thin She has brown hair. - T. presents the dialogue between Hoa and Lan. - Class read after T. Then read the dialouge 3- While- Speaking: T : Now, look at 6 people on page 11-12. One student describe one person, another has to guess who he / she is 15’ PW GW 4 Body built 13’ PW (opening the model dialogue). - T calls some pairs to speak out – T corrects mistakes. * word drill. - T : Use these cues to describe people: 1. Ba / short / fat 2. He / short / black hair. - T calls some ss to do exercise on the B – T corrects Mistakes. 4- Post- Speaking: - T : Listen to the dialogues twice, complete the dialogues. - T asks ss to compare with their prediction. - Ss answer  T corrects. a) I’d like you to meet. b) I’d like you to meet. It’s a pleasure to meet you. c) Come and meet d) How do you do. T : Now, practice speaking the dialogues, play the roles of Nam – Hoa – Thu ; Khai – Mrs Lien – Mrs Vi ; Ba – Bao – grandmother ; Mr Lam – Mrs Linh – Mr Thanh. - T calls some groups to practice before class. - T corrects their pronunciation. 1’ 5- Home work: Write 6 sentences to describe your father, mother, brother (sister). III- Self – evaluation : Preparation :19/08/2009 Teaching:8a,b01/09/200 9 Period: 4 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS Lesson 3: READ I. Objective : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to know more about Ba’s friend by reading for specific information. . Language focus : Present simple tence. . Lexical items : scociable, generous, reserved, outgoing. . Teaching aids : T’s book, textbook. 5 II. Content: Time In… Procedure 5’ T-C 1- Warm up: T asks ss some eliciting qs : - do you have many friends ? - Can you introduce some information about them ? 2- Pre- reading: 10’ 18’ ss ss T’s presentation : Ba’s talking about his friends. Read the pre- sentences then guess which is T/F Pre- sentences: a) Ba has four close friends …………… b) Bao spends his free time doing his home work…… c) Khai likes reading………… d) All of them don’t talk much in public…………… + character (n) + Generous (a) + volunteer (n) + reserved (a) + outgoing (a) + sociable (a) + sense of humer (n) +orphanage (n) 3- While- speaking: T. Give some pre- qs. a) How many close friends does Ba have ? b) What do they like ? c) What do they enjoy doing in their free time ? d) Do they all have the same favorite activities ? - Ss read and answer the pre – qs.(in5’). T-C - T teaches some newwords : + character (n) + Generous (a) + volunteer (n) + reserved (a) + outgoing (a) + sociable (a) + sense of humer (n) +orphanage (n) Ss - Ss read the best for details then do exercise 1 p.14 choose the best answer and write. PW - Ss answer before class – T corrects. KEY : a) Ba talks about three of his friends. b) Bao’s volunteer work does not affect his school work. c) Khai and Song don’t talk much in public d) Ba’s friends sometimes get tired of his jokes. 4- Post- speaking: 6 10’ Ss read the text again, then work in pairs to do exercise 3 on p.14 : Answer the questions. - T calls ss to answer qs : S 1 asks ; S 2 answers. - T corrects. KEY a) Ba feels lucky having a lot of friends. b) Bao is the most sociable. c) Khai likes reading d) A bad thing about Ba’s jokes is sometimes his jokes annoy his friends. e) Bao spends his time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage. f) Ss answers. 5- Home work: 2’ T-C Write a paragraph (about 40 words) about your closed friends. III.Self – evaluation : Preparation :21/08/2009 Teaching :8a,b29/08/2009 Period: 5 UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS Lesson 4 WRITE I. Objective : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a paragraph about their close friends. . Language focus : Present simple . . Lexical items : II. Teaching aids : T’s book, textbook. Time In… Procedure 7’ s-s-s 1- Warm up: - T : Now, tell class about your close friend, base on the following questions : - What’s his / her name ? - Where does he / she live ? - How many people are there in his / her family ? - What does he / she look like ? - Ss work in groups. Then some report. 7 2- Pre- writing: 8’ In… 1. Read the information about Tam: T : Read the information about Tam then answer Some qs : a) What is his name ? (Le Van Tam) b) How old is he ? (14 ) c) What does he look like ? (He’s tall and thin …) d) What is he like ? (he’s sociable, humorus …) e) Where does he live ? (26 Tran Phu street, HN) f) Whom does he live with ? (his mother, father …) g) Who are his friends ? (Ba and Bao). - T asks ss to answer  T corrects. 3- While- writing: 15’ - T : Now, write a paragraph about Tam, using the information you’re just got. Work indiviadually. - T asks ss to share with their classmates when they finish. 15’ - T : Write a paragraph about yourself (T moves around the class and help ss). 4- Post- writing: - When ss finish, T asks ss to speak in front of the class about himself / herself. 5- Home work: 1’ - Ask ss to write another paragraph about one of their Family members. Self – evaluation : Preparation :03/09/2008 Teaching : 08/09/2008 8A, PERIOD:6 UNIT1: MY FRIENDS Lesson 5 LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Objective : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use simple present tense to talk About general truths and write some sentences using the structure “(not) + adj + enough + to infinitive”. . Language focus : Present tense. . Teaching aids : T’s book, textbook. II. Content: 8 Stages In … Procedure time Warm-up GW * Categories : T : Let’s play a game named categories : frind out the adjs beginning with the letters I give. For example : I write : You write : lovely Now, class is divided into 2 groups. I give 4 letter’s At the same time. Find out 4 adjs begin – ning with the 4 letters given. The team which finishesfirst gets 1 mark. 7’ T writes : c b k i o p r n Simple tense In … 1) T asks ss to use the present simple or simple past tense to complete paragraph 1 (b) page 16. - Ss anwer – T corrects. 1. are 3. shown 2. came 4. introduced 2) Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. 13’ T-C - T teaches vocabulary : - a planet (n) - silly (a) - mars (n) - rise (v) - mercury (n) - set (v) - T retells the present simple tense : form, usage …. Focus on one of the usage of simple present tense. It’s used to express an action which is always true. PW - T asks ss to complete the dialogue between Ba, Tuan and his cousin. Work in pairs. - Ss answer – t corrects: 1. sets 3. moves 5. is 2. goes 4. is 6. is - T ask ss to practice the dialogue in pairs. - Call some pairs to speak out – T correct pronunciaction. Presentation2 T retells the structure : (not) adj _ enough – to – infinitive (chưa / không đủ … để làm gì ) Ex : I’m not tall enough to hang this picture. In … 4) Complete the dialogue. Use (not) + adj + enough to – infinitive. - Ss answer – T corrects: a) c) strong enough b) not old enough d) good enough Homework Exercise 3 (p.17) Self – evaluation : 9 Preparation :04/09/2008 Teaching : 11/09/2008 8A,8C . Period: 7 UNIT 2 : MAKING ARRANGEMENT Lesson 1 : GETTING STARTED LISTEN AND READ I. Objective : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use the letephone to make and confirm arrangements. II. Language focus : Talk about intentions with "be going to". III. Lexical items : IV. Teaching aids : T’s book, textbook. Stages In… Procedure time Warm-up T-C 1) Getting started : T : Today, you’re going to get acquainted with some abjects which are used to communicate with people. Now, look at the pictures on page 18 and tell me what are they and when you use them ? PW - T asks ss to match each object with its name - Ss answer – T corrects. a) an answering machine b) a mobile phone c) a fax machine. d) a telephone directory e) a public telephone f) an address book. Pre-listening T-C * Open presiction : T sets the scene : Hoa and Nga are talking on the phone. They are talking about going to see a movie. Listen once then answer : a) Who made the call ? b) Who introduced herself ? c) Who invited the other to the movies ? While …. T-C - T reads the dialogue – class listen (book closed) - Ss answer – T corrects. a) Nga made a call b) Nga introduced herself. c) Nga invited Hoa to the movies. PW - T asks ss to practice the dialogue with a partner - T calls some pairs to speak before class – T corrects Pronunciation. - T asks ss to read the dialogue again then answer : + Who arranged a meeting place ? + Who argreed the time ? + Who argreed to the time ? - Ss answer – T corrects + Nga arranged a meeting place 10 [...]... sets the scene : “Look at the picture on P.38 This is Nga & her grandmother Nga is listening to her grandmother telling about the past Listen to their conversation and find out what she often did in the past” - T reads the dialogue – class listen and make a List of things Nga’s grandma did - T : Now, read the dialogue and find out the answers: * Nga’s grandma used to : - Live on the farm - Stay home... Friend rice” Garlic Ham teaspoon IV Teaching aids : T’s book, textbook Stages In Procedure time Warm-up T-C Pre-listening GW Bingo : 7’ T : Let’s play the game called “Bingo” Frist I want you to write down on your notebooks 5 things you can eat Then listen to my list of food carefully I call out each word aloud The first preson crossing out the 5 things shouts : “Bingo” and win the game * T’s list... - up GW * Kim’s game : T : Let’s play a game called Kim’s Class is divided in to 2 teams - T (show a picture of a kitchen) : Look at this picture and try to remember as many things as possible (for 30 seconds) - T ( takes away the picture) : Now write down as Many things as you can remember - T calls Ss into 2 teams writes the things on the board The team having more things win the game Exercise 1... chickens, beef, care garlic, rice, noodles, bread, ham, peas, carrots, fish * Predictions : T : Look at page 30 and guess 4 things you can 20 While listening Indivi dual Post listening While class use to cook the “Special chinese fried rice” and how to cook it T explains “Special chinese fried rice” - Ss answer - T asks Ss to identify the items in the picture - T presents vocabulary : + garlic + ham T sets...Post reading PW + Hoa arranged the time + Nga argaed to the time * Comprehension questions : T : ask and answer these questions in pairs : 1) What’s Hoa’s telephone number ? 2) Which movie are they going to see ? where ? 3) How is hoa going to see... make meaningful words Work individually - Ss answer  T corrects Market / Electricity Pre Speaking & Listening T-S While Speaking & Listening PW T retells the conversation between Nga & her 10’ grandma and asks Ss - Where did Nga’s gradma use to live ? (on a form) - Did she use to work hard ? (yes) - Tell me the meaning of “used to” ? (đã thường) * T teaches vocab: - Foolish (a) - gold (n) - greedy (a)... cook in pairs depend on the example: “Last year I used to get up late Now I get up very early and do morning exercises” - T calls some Ss to speak out - T corrects T sets the scene : “Lan asked Nga about Nga’s ” Yesterday activities “Complete the dialogue, use the past simple tense : work in pairs” - T calls some pairs to speak out the dialogues - T corrects mistakes Write at least 5 sentences about... read the dialogue in pairs (play roles of Nam and Mrs Vui) - T calls some pairs to read out - T explains some new structures: T explains how to use "Have to" and "ought to" T : Now, read the dialogue again Complete the list of Post P things Nam has to do Reading W T give out the example: - cook dinner time 2’ 5’ 8’ 15’ 12’ T calls Sts give their results then checks KEY : - Nam has to cook dinner -... conversation and checks the right items (p.30) T reads the dialogue twice – Ss listen to T and checks their predictions - Ss answer  others give feedback - T corrects : a) Fried rice d) Ham & peas b) Pan c) Garlic & green peppers * Do a test (15 minutes) : 1) Choose the best answer : a) What’s your mother look (like, with, to) ? She’s slim b) I’m not old (for enough, in) to be in Ba’s class c) I called Mr... things that are dangerous in the home for children - Danger in the home for children - T calls to write on the B  T corrects * Possible answer : Drug (medicine ) electricity Boiling water knife Fire gas - T teaches vocabulary : + Precaution (n) + Cause a fire (v) + match (n) + socket (n) + Destroy (v) + bead (n) + injure (v) + safety (n) - T checks Ss’ understanding vocab : * T/F statements prediction . the dialogue – class listen (book closed) - Ss answer – T corrects. a) Nga made a call b) Nga introduced herself. c) Nga invited Hoa to the movies. PW - T asks ss to practice the dialogue with. asks ss to read the dialogue again then answer : + Who arranged a meeting place ? + Who argreed the time ? + Who argreed to the time ? - Ss answer – T corrects + Nga arranged a meeting place 10 +. time ? - Ss answer – T corrects + Nga arranged a meeting place 10 + Hoa arranged the time + Nga argaed to the time Post reading PW * Comprehension questions : T : ask and answer these questions

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2014, 06:00

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