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Unit 1 : FRIENDSHIP Period 01 READING I . Objectives By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - understand the passage about friendship - identify the main idea - guess the meaning in context - express their ideas about friendship II. Preparations : 1. Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan , cassette. 2. Students : Textbook , schoolthings. III. Teaching steps : 1. Class order : greeting and checking attendance. 2. Old lesson : No 3. New lesson : Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson T: Ask Ss work in groups . Stick the pictures of 6 things on the board. Ask Ss to name them and find out What the pictures talk by collecting the first letters of each name from the pictures. Ss: Work in groups and do following the teacher’s requirement. • The group that can first find out the word will be the winner. T: Checking Ss’ understanding the instruction T: Ask Ss to answer some questions . Ss: Answer the questions. T: Introduce the lesson T: Elicit some new words from Ss. Ask Ss to read the words in chorus then in individual Correct Ss’ pronunciation Warm – up Picture Talk Key : FRIEND Lead-in : - Do you have a lot of friends ? - How many close friends do you have ? - What do you think are the quanlities of friendship ? Pre-reading Pre-teach vocabulary - constancy (n) - trust (n) T: Tell Ss to read the text silently and check if SS have the same ideas from the ideas in the text. T: Ask Ss to work in pairs .Do task 1 in the textbook to guess the meaning of the words in the box Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement. T: Move around class to give help Call on some Ss to read the answers aloud. T: Ask Ss to read the text again and find the main idea Call out their answers. T: Ask Ss to read through the questions . Ask them to work in pairs. In turn to ask and answer the questions in task 3 Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement. T: Move around to give help. T: Call on some Ss to answer the questions and write them on the board. Ss: write the answers on the board. T: Give comments on Ss’ answers. - sympathy (n) While – Reading Activity 1 : Read and check Ss’ answers Activity 2 : Gap-fill Answers : a. mutual b. incapable of c. unselfish d. acquaintance – friend e. give and take f. loyal to g. suspicion Activity 3 : Answer : B – conditions of true friendship Activity 4 : Questions and answers Suggested answers : 1. The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness.It tell us that a man who is concerned only with their own interests and feelings can not be a true friend. 2. Changeable and uncertain people are incapable of true friendship because they take up an interest with enthusiasm , but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of some new objects. 3. The third quality for true friendship is loyalty. It tells us that the two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them. 4. There must be a mutual trust between friends because if not, people cannot feel safe when telling the other his or her secrets. 5. Talkative people can’t keep a friend long because they cannot keep a secret of their own or of their friends’ T: Ask Ss to choose one of the topics below to discuss in groups. Ss: Share ideas. One secretary from each group takes notes the group’s ideas. T: Move around to give help if necessary. Ask a representative of each group reports their group’s ideas in front of the class. Give comments on their presentations 6. The last quality for true friendship is sympathy. It tells us that to be a true friend you must sympathize with your friend.Where there’s no mutual sympathy between friends there’s no true friendship. Post – Reading Discussion Why do we need to have close friends ? “ A friend in need is a friend in deed” What do you think about this proverb ? What quanlity of friendship is the most important to you ? Why ? 4. Homework : Ask Ss to translate the poem You’ve got a friend into Vietnamese 5. Comments : Unit 1 : FRIENDSHIP Period 02 SPEAKING I . Objectives By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - describe physical characteristics. - Discuss personalities - Talk about a famous / close friend II. Preparations : Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan, pictures. Students : Textbook , schoolthings. III. Teaching steps : Class order : greeting and checking attendance. Old lesson : Vocabulary and questions New lesson : Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson T: Divide the class into groups of 4 or 5 .Give each group one card containing 6 words whose letteres are jumbled and ask Ss to rearrange the lettere to make good words . The group which finish the task first with the most correct words will be the winner. Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement. T: Elicit new words from Ss Ask Ss to read the words in chorus then in individual. Correct Ss’ pronunciation T: Ask Ss to work in pairs and look at the pictures on page 15. Ask one S to try to describe one of the four people in the pictures, the other has to guess which person his partner is talking about. Ss: Do following the teacher’s Warm – up Jumbled Words 1. MUIDEM 2. EMOSDNAH 3. ERECNIS 4. TSENOH 5. LUFITUAEB 6. SUOROMUH Pre-speaking Vocabulary - nose : straight, crooked - hair : blond, long, wavy. - Face: oval, large, round. - Forehead: broad, high. While-speaking Activity 1: Describing people A: Can you describe a person in the picture ? B: Yes, this person has a crooked nose and a square face. He or she is good- looking, too. A: Oh, he must be the third person from the left. requirement in pairs. T: Ask S A to thinks of his close friend and draws his face on face 1, S B will ask S A about A’s close friend’s appearance and S A has to describe him/her. B listens and draws A’s friend on face 2 The Ss hace to compare the faces to know if they are the same after three minutes. B: You’re absolutely right. Activity 2 : Draw and compare Face 1 Face 2 Questions : 1. What’s his / her name ? 2. Where did you first meet him/her ? 3. How long have you known each other ? 4. What qualities do you admire in your best friend ? Post-speaking Questions Answers 1. What is his / her name ? 2. Where and when was he born ? 3. What does he/she look like ? 4. What are his/her hobbies ? 5. What made him/her successful in maths ? 6. What do you often do with your friends ? 7. Which characters do you share in common ? 4. Homework : Ask Ss to write a short paragraph (100 words) about one of their best friends. 5. Comments : Unit 1 : FRIENDSHIP Period 03 LISTENING I . Objectives By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - Identify specific details - Take notes II. Preparations : Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan, pictures, cassette. Students : Textbook , schoolthings. III. Teaching steps : Class order : greeting and checking attendance. Old lesson : Ask Ss to talk about their close friend. New lesson : Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson T: Ask Ss to list the characteristics that they expect in their best friends Write down all vocabulary on the board. Let Ss take out a piece of paper and copy down 5 characteristics that they like best. Read out 5 characteristics that T likes best. Any Ss who have 3 or more choices the same as the T will shout “ Bingo” and they are the winners. T: Elicit new words from Ss Ask Ss to read the words in chorus then in individual Correct Ss’ pronunciation • Have Ss read and do task 1 before listening T: Have Ss listen to the tape and check their answers Let Ss listen for the second if Warm-up Alternative : Bingo Expected answers : Caring Supportive Helpful Honest Good-nature Quick-witted Humorous Friendly. Pre-listening Pre-teach vocabulary - apartment building (n) - guitarist (n) - sence of humor (n.phr) - rough time (n) While-speaking Activity 1 : True/False statements Expected answers : Talk A : 1F . 2F . 3T . 4F . 5T . 6F necessary T: Let Ss listen again and circle the correct answers Ss: Listen and circle the correct answers T: Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement. T: Go over the answers with the class. T: Ask Ss to listen again and note the ideas in the table in task2 p.18. Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement. T: Call on some Ss to read their notes . Ss: Read the notes T: Give feedback and correct answers Talk B : 1F . 2F . 3T . 4T . 5T . 6F Activity 2 : Multiple choice ( worksheet) 1. Ha’s family moved to Hai Phong in (a.1983 b.1995 c.1985) 2. People think that Hai Phong people are (a. cordial b.friendly c.friend) 3. When Lan first went on a trip to Do Son, a.she rode to Ha’s house to meet her. b.she and her family came to Ha’s house c.Ha rode to Do Son right after Lan gave her a ring 4. Long is good at (a.painting b.singing c.playing guitar) 5. Minh is not only a good listener but also a helpful friend Minh doesn’t really like to listen to Long’s problem but he always helps Long. Minh is a good listener, but he doesn’t always help Long Keys: 1.c 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.a Activity 3 : Taking notes How and where did they meet What do they like about their friends ? Lan They used to live in the same apartment building in HaNoi Lan went on a holiday to Do Son and Ha went there to help her. Ha is very friendly and helpful Ha is sociable. She’s got many friends in Do Son and she introduced Lan around. Long They met in college Minh played the guitar, Long was a singer They worked together Minh has a sense of humour Minh likes to go to plays and movies Minh is a good listener Minh is friendly and helpful T: Have Ss interview their partners about their best friends Ss: Interview the best friends T: Move around to control and give help if necessary Call on some Ss to report what they have known from their partners’ friend. Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement. T: Ask for Ss’ comments Give comments on what Ss have reported Post-listening Speaking : Interviewing Suggested questions : 1. How long have you known your best friends ( or a good friend ) ? 2. How did you meet this friend ? 3. What do you remember about the first time you meet ? 4. Homework : Ask Ss to learn the new vocabulary and make some sentences with them.Ask them to write a short paragraph about their best friends based on the suggested questions in the post-listening 5. Comments : Unit 1 : FRIENDSHIP Period 04 WRITING I . Objectives By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to : - Describe a friend of theirs - Talk about their friends II. Preparations : Teacher : Textbook , lesson-plan, handouts Students : Textbook , schoolthings. III. Teaching steps : Class order : greeting and checking attendance. Old lesson : Ask Ss to talk about their close friend. New lesson : Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson T: Introduce Monday October 15 th ,2007 Unit 3 : A PARTY Period 16 Lesson 4 : WRITING I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - Define the format and structure of an informal letter of invitation. - Write an informal letter of invitation. II/ Materials Textbook , handouts , extraboard. III/ Teaching steps 1. Class order : Greeting and checking attendance 2. Old lesson : Ask a st to go to the board and describe Mai’s birthday party. 3. New lesson : Unit 3 – lesson 4 Teacher’s and Ss’ activities The content of the lesson T: Divide the class into groups of four or five.Deliver handouts with sentences and phrasrs.Ask ss to read and find the correct word to fill in the numbered rows. Ss: Do following the teacher’s requirement T: Ask them to make three words with the underlined letters. Ss: make three words . T: Correct Ss’ words. T: Introduce the lesson by asking Ss some questions. Ss: Answer the questions and listen to the teacher’s introduction. T: Set the scene Ss: Listen to the teacher. T: Get Ss to work out the content of their letters by answering the questions in Task 1. Ss: Answer the questions. T: Call on some Ss to answer the questions and elicit more ideas from the class. T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the letter of invitation and complete it with the words or phrases given. Ss: Do following the teacher’ s requirement. T: Call on some Ss to give the answers.Go over the answers with the class. T: Get Ss to read Task 3 and work out the questions. • Warm-up : Can you find these three words ? 1. L E G S 2. S I T T I N G 3. D O E R 4. O F T E N 5. I N V I T E 6. V I E T N A M 7. T I M E 8. S O N Answer: Letter of invitation Lead-in : - Have you ever invited your friend to a party? - How do you say to invite a friend of yours to the party? Today , you will learn how to write an informal letter of invitation to invite a person to a party. • Pre- writing “You are going to write a friendly letter to invite your classmates to a party that you hold.” - Occasions for giving parties: birthday, graduation, wedding anniversary, Christmas, …… - Dressing codes: . Formal : dresses, suits,… . Informal: jeans,T-shirt,skirt - Presents to give: books,CDs, flowers,pens, hats,bags…. Answers: 1. at my house 2. to come 3. refreshments 4. to cook 5. winners 6. by Monday • While- writing A sample letter: Dear………., It’ll be my birthday next …………. I’d like to invite you to come to the party. It will be at my house at probably 4 p.m. I intend to invite about 10 people . I will order a big [...]... co-operation C performance D requirement 7 A restaurant B together C organization D gathering 8 A birthday B receive C relative D marriage III Choose the best answer to complete the sentences 9 My little boy is expecting …………… to his friend’s party A asking B being asked C to ask D to be asked 10 George always remembers …………in the garage so that the driveway is free for other cars A parking B being parked... wedding…………… A A birthday B ceremony C anniversary D organization 16 You behaved like a child Don’t be ………………… A childlike B childless C childishly D childish 17 He has just passed the exam with excellent marks He is going to……………his great success A show B organize C.celebrate D hold 18 I only had time to ………….at the newspaper A look B stare C investigate D glance 19 The company volunteers ……………fifty... purpose of the letter in pairs Ss: Read the letter and discuss T: Call on some Ss to give the answers Ss: answers T: Ask Ss to read the letter again and do TASK 1 individually When they finish , Ss exchange their answer with another st Ss: read the letter again and do task 1 T: T: Check Ss ‘ answers by asking some Ss to read their answers out loud Ss: Do following the teacher ‘s requirement T: Elicit... pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences Ss: Work in pairs T: Go around to listen and take notes of the typical errors Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provide corrective feedback • Ss: Read the sentences again T: Review the verbs that are followed by an infinitive, a gerund, and both Ss: Listen to the teacher T: Get Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then find a partner... them to catch T: Ask Ss to try to answer the questions with the things they rememberfrom the previous time of listening Ss: Try to answer the questions T: Play the tape again for Ss to do the task in pairs Ss: Listen to the tape again and check the answer T: Call on some Ss to give the answers and elicit feedback from other Ss TASK 1 : Instruction : You are going to listen to the passage and fill in... coming and dig some holes in the garden A B C D 34 As soon as the alarm clock had gone off , she woke up and got out of bed A B C D IV Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense 35 He (leave)………………London 2 years ago and I (not,see)……………him since then 36 On arrival at home I (find)…………….that she (just,go)…………… just a few minutes before 37 My brother (smoke)……………20 cigarettes a day All the family... differences in producing them /l/ /r/ Ss: Listen to the teacher lunch pretty T: Play the tape (or read) once for Ss to hear the words containing these lovely Europe three sounds.Then T plays ( or reads) again and this time asks Ss to repeat lemonade parent after the tape ( or T) Ss: Do following the teacher’s jelly really requirement T: Ask Ss to read the words in each glass restaurant column out loud... passage and fill in the missing information in each sentence Answers : 1 2 3 4 5 Informal 30 street children 250 children 1998 volunteer , June TASK 2 Instruction : You are going to listen to the tape again and answer the questions Suggested answers : 1 It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh City 2 Dance,theatre , singing and circus classes were set up in 1999 3 Because they need... some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices Ss: Write the answers on the board and explain T: Give the correct answers 1 They read books to the people there,play games with them or listen to their problems 2 They give care and comfor to them and help them to overcome their difficulties 3 They volunteer to work in remote or mountainous areas Teacher’s and Ss’ activities... of VND 1 million Your contribution will make it possible for us to build our school library.A good library can help the Ss very much in their studying We will issue a receipt as soon as possible Once again thank you very much for your kindness We hope to receive more assistance and cooperation from your company in the future I look forward to hearing from you soon Your faithfully, ……………… Principal . errors. Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provide corrective feedback. Ss: Read the sentences again. T: Review the verbs that are followed by. sympathy (n) While – Reading Activity 1 : Read and check Ss’ answers Activity 2 : Gap-fill Answers : a. mutual b. incapable of c. unselfish d. acquaintance –

Ngày đăng: 07/09/2013, 19:10

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