Nha Trang UniversityGeneral Sciences FacultyMajor English DepartmentINTERNSHIP REPORT Name: Lê Thị Thanh Thùy Class: 47 TAPD Code: 47137071 At: Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station
Trang 1Nha Trang UniversityGeneral Sciences FacultyMajor English Department
Name: Lê Thị Thanh Thùy
Class: 47 TAPD
Code: 47137071 At: Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station Internship Period: Feb 9th 2009 to Mar 7th 2009
Nha Trang, March, 2009
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An internship is a pre_professional work that provides students with the opportunity
to gain experience in a particular area field It also supplements academic classes and, in some areas, earns college credits As students, we need to use the things we have learned in school and put it in practice This is also a good chance for us to get
to know our future jobs and to try our strengths
It was my good luck to take my internship at Satellite Crew, Program Production Centre, Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station, a prestigious place that gave me many advantages
The purpose of this report is to explain what I did and learned during my internship period The report focuses primarily on the working environment, my job and benefits that I get I also enclosed with my translated materials that I had done
Trang 3I want express my great attitude to Ms Hong and Ms Vinh who helped me to contact to Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station Their guidance has contributed
to my success in the internship
I wish to thank those at Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station, especially the Program Production Centre where I had taken my internship
I also wish to thank those working at Satellite Crew, Program Production Centre for their assists, hospitality, and friendliness In particular, I wish to give my special thanks to Ms Huong, Ms Lan and Ms Hanh for their instructions and counsels on
my translated texts
Last, I wish to thank Hao, Tra, Uyen They are my fellows who were always beside
me, gave me many good advises and encouragements during that time so that I could overcome all the obstacles and finished my internship
Trang 42 Nature and Science
Chapter 4: Internship Summary……….11
Trang 5Chapter 1:
1 General information:
Address: 70 Tran Phu Street, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province
Proprietor: The People Committee of Khanh Hoa Province
Established: January 1st, 1995
Director: Ho Hong Son
Deputy Director: Nguyen Huu Sau
2 Structure:
Including 2 blocs:
a Administrative Bloc:
-Director Board
-Official Organizing Chamber
-Financial Plan Office
b Content Bloc:
-Literature and Arts Office
-Current Events Office
-Program Production Centre
-Editorial Secretary Office
Trang 6-Organizing some of the national and international programs.
4 Achievements:
Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station has maintained and increased the
broadcasting time of local programs Recently, it continues improving programs’ quality, form and content Besides, they pay attention to modernize equipments thatcontributes to enhance the rate of working progress
Many of its programs have reflected most of controlversially hot issues in our society At the same time, they do not forget to propagandize the government’s policies as well as the good way of living for the local residents They also take care of the local people’s life by doing many charitable programs to help the poor tohave a better life
In the year of 2003, Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station was recognized as the leading one among the Radio and Television Stations in Coastal Middle of Viet Nam
It was the host of 2001’s and 2008’s National Television Festivals which were considered two of the most successful ones
The 2009 International Television Film Fair was organized here It attracted public cares and many experts in this field This was a chance for contact and cooperation between Television Stations and units specializing in film supply
Trang 7Chapter 2:
Director: Vo Quoc Thanh
Deputy Director: Tran Chan Uy
Deputy Director: Nguyen Chi Hoai
Trang 8International News, Animal Planet, National Geographic, sports, cartoons, circus, Nature and Science They exploit these programs from International Satellite People who work here are all female translators They record programs on Satellite then watch and translate them from English, French, Chinese, and Russian into Vietnamese.
Each translator has their own working desk with a television, a video player and a head phones Some translators who do the International News have computers connected with the Internet
In this section, it is normal to ask the other more experienced colleagues for help They often help each other to finish their works This shows their solidarity in working
2 Strengths and challenge:
2.1 Strengths:
It has a personnel staff with capacity, experience, enthusiasm and passion in their jobs They are all hard working and many of them even go to work on their days of rest People working here often take some training courses so that they can update the knowledge in their fields that ensures effectiveness in working The station always makes favorable conditions and provides sufficient modern equipments for workers in the section
2.2 Challenge:
The number of programs that they can exploit from the international satellite is limited because of program copyrights The expense of buying these programs is sohigh and they cannot afford It will be more difficult for them in the future when thenumber of programs having copyrights is increasing
Trang 9Chapter 3:
MY JOB DESCRIPTIONWhen I took the internship there, I did two kinds of programs:
1 International News:
a How an International News program is made :
Each program includes from nine to ten pieces of news International News programs are broadcasted two times a day One is at 10.50 am and another is at
8 pm The translators must go to the office early in the morning then watch and record news on ABC, BBC or CNN channels Next, they will choose the typicalnews among a day and translate them into Vietnamese After that, the translatorswill type then print the news out
The translated news will go to the Editorial Crew People working in this crew will edit the news Then Mr Tran Chan Uy, the Deputy Director of the ProgramProduction Centre and the commander of this crew, signs his name on the
translated text Mr Ho Hong Son also gives his signature on it Last, the
translated text and the recorded video will go to the Technique Crew The program is completed here before it is broadcasted on TV
b My work :
I had worked as a translator though the news video is already recorded I had done four pieces of news: three from BBC channel and one from ABC channel
Trang 10The news in the video were rather long, I didn’t have to translate all the
information but just the important ones so that viewers could catch the main things that we want to convey through the news
٭My problem:
The speakers often delivered the news very fast; I sometimes even didn’t
understand what they said At that time, I needed to watch it again and again Because they spoke so fast so I was not sure that the information that I got was true or not
I had used the Internet to solve this kind of problem I can check the accuracy ofthe information I heard by searching on the Internet
2 Nature and Science:
I had done a program named “Wolf attacks” on Nature and Science Doing this program took most of my time Every day, I went to the office, put on my
headphones, listened and wrote down every word that I heard until I got all Then I translated it
When doing this kind of program, the translators’ duties are just like when they do the International News The biggest difference here is that they have to listen and translate exactly every word, every sentence being said in the video It is very difficult and it is also my problem
I had to listen sentence by sentence and listened for many times There were severalnew words that I didn’t know So I listened to them very carefully then I looked up
in the dictionary to find out the new words However, there were still some words that even I had listened for many times and I had looked up in the dictionary, I
Trang 11couldn’t find them The last way I could do was to ask for my supervisor’s help She will listen and help me find these words She was more experienced and was familiar with these words; it would be easy for her to get it.
Chapter 4:
1 Good practice:
I have obtained many benefits from my internship at Khanh Hoa Radio and
Television Station This was a good opportunity for me to gain experience in translation field I had worked as a real translator and not just a student I acquired many new skills and developed many already existing skills including translating skill, listening skill, and communicating skill Of these skills, the most worth-saying
is listening one I had listened most of my time and I could listen as much as I can
So that I had improved my listening ability a lot Besides, working in such full of updated news environment also helped me improve my knowledge I could know most of the current events happened around the world during that time In addition,
it was a chance for me to get used to the working environment that I might be in the future I could know how the work of a translator in such position is
2 Short comings:
One thing that I feel regret is that the internship period was rather short so I could not try in other programs such as cartoons, sports, national geographic, circus whichthe other translators in this section could do
One disadvantage that I had to face was that I could not do my job without a video player However, each translator have their own one, there was only one spare videoplayer which the translator being on pass left for us We had four people who took the internship at the same time there So we had to share it and took advantage of
Trang 12the other translator days of rest to do our jobs That was why the amount of
programs I did was not much
3 Future orientation:
In future, I will continue maintaining the improvement of the skills that I had got during my internship period The main thing I should do is to continue to practice translating everyday I will also practice listening through the tape or by watching cable TV One thing that I should not forget is to read books and search information
on the Internet to update information and to improve my knowledge as well
Trang 141.1 Máy bay rơi xuống sông Hudson
Rạng sáng hôm qua theo giờ Hà Nội, máy bay Airbus A320 đã cất cánh từ sân bay
La Guardina, bang New York đến Charlotte, bang Bắc Carolina, Mỹ Chỉ sau khi cất cánh một phút, chiếc máy bay này đã “đáp” xuống sông Hudson Nguyên nhân ban đầu được cho biết là do máy bay đã đâm phải một đàn ngỗng Thông thường máy bay có thể tiếp tục hoạt động sau khi va chạm với chim nặng tối đa hai
kilogram nhưng vì những chú ngỗng trên có trọng lượng quá lớn đã gây ra vụ tai nạn Ngay sau khi máy bay rơi, những tàu chở khách và cảnh sát đã kịp thời tiếp ứng Nhiều hành khách mặc áo cứu sinh chen chúc trên hai cánh máy bay với nước ngập đến mắc cá chân và thời tiết lạnh cóng để chờ giải cứu Thật may mắn khi toàn bộ 155 hành khách cùng phi hành đoàn đều được an toàn, trong đó chỉ có một
số người bị thương nhẹ
1.2 Kho lương thực Liên Hợp Quốc bên trong dải Gaza chìm trong biển lửa
Khu liên hợp chính của Liên Hiệp Quốc bên trong Dải Gaza chìm trong biển lửa sauđợt tấn công đạn pháo của Israel vào ngày hôm qua Đây là trung tâm cứu trợ nhân
Trang 15đạo của Liên Hiệp Quốc, chuyên phân phát thực phẩm cho khoảng một triệu người
tị nạn Palestine tại Dải Gaza Lính cứu hoả đã nổ lực dập lửa nhằm cứu vớt phần nào lương thực trong kho Bên cạnh đó, Liên Hiệp Quốc cũng đã liên hệ với quân đội Israel yêu cầu ngừng bắn để trấn áp ngọn lửa nhưng không thành công Ngọn lửa đã nuốt chửng hàng tấn lương thực và hang cứu trợ Tuy vậy, xe tăng của Israel vẫn đang tiếp tục tiến sâu hơn vào Dải Gaza Cuộc chiến Israel phát động tại khu vực này kéo dài hơn nửa tháng nay và đã làm thiệt mạng hơn 1000 người Trước tình hình đó, tổng thư kí Liên Hiệp Quốc ông Ban Ki-Moon đã bày tỏ phẫn nộ và lên án vụ tấn công này Ông Ban Ki-Moon cho hay, phía Israel nói rằng đây là sai lầm nghiêm trọng của họ
1.3 Hillary Clinton được phê chuẩn làm ngoại trưởng Mỹ
Hôm qua, Uỷ Ban Đối Ngoại Thượng Viện Mỹ đã phê chuẩn bà Hillary Clinton, đệ nhất phu nhân cựu tổng thống Mỹ ông Bill Clinton làm ngoại trưởng mới dưới thời tổng thống mới đắc cử Barack Obama Quyết định này vượt lên trở ngại về những rắc rối lien quan đến hoạt động từ thiện của ông Clinton Với số phiếu ủng hộ áp đảo 16/1 cho thấy bà Hillary nhận được nhiều ủng hộ từ các thành viên trong Uỷ Ban Đối Ngoại Thượng Viện Quyết định bổ nhiệm chính thức sẽ được ông Obama tuyên bố trong lễ nhận chức vào ngày 20 tháng 1 sắp tới
1.4 Phát hiện khí mêtan trên sao Hoả
Liệu sự sống có tồn tại trên sao Hỏa? Đây là một vấn đề gây nhiều tranh cải được đặt ra cho các nhà khoa học Đáp án cho câu hỏi trên gần như sáng tỏ khi một số lượng lớn khí Metan được phát hiện ở hành tinh đỏ này Có hai giả thiết được đặt racho việc xuất hiện khí trên Thứ nhất về địa hoá học, đây la phản ứng đơn giản giữacác chất khoáng trong lòng núi lửa tác dụng với nước và giải phóng ra khí Metan Giả thiết thứ hai được quan tâm nhiều hơn thuộc về sinh học, lien quan đến các vi khuẩn sống Khí Metan có thể là chất thải hoặc là thực phẩm của các sinh vật này
Trang 16Giáo sư Michio Kaku, đại học New York cho biết, ngày nay có lẽ sự sống đang tồn tại dưới lòng đất ở sao Hỏa Trên Trái Đất, khí Metan là một trong những chất khí gây nên hiệu ứng nhà kính và dẫn đến hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu Khí này có thểlàm cho sao Hỏa trở thành một hành tinh nhiệt đới như ba tỷ năm trước đây.
2 Nature and Science:
The attack took place early in 2008 in a county of Balikun, east of TianShan
Mountain in Xinjiang Visitors to herdsman’s house where the attack had occurred were shocked by what they saw, the body of calculus sheep lying around killed by wolves
On January 15th, 2008 we came to the place where the wolves attack had occurred Balikun County is located east of the TianShan Mountain range where it’s very cold
in winter January is the coldest time on the year
The next day, Nature and Science drove to Kuisu Town, 30 km away from the county seat It snowed the whole way but we eventually arrived then found
TianRongHong, the correspondent who reported the wolf attack
TianRongHong; Public Secretary, Kuisu Town, Balikun County:
“After learning a little more about what had happened, we set out with Mr.Li, the town head, and Mr.Ha, another town head in charge of animal husbandry Around 9o’clock, we arrived at the herdsman’s home I was shocked by the sight that greeted
me when I arrived There were so many sheep that had been killed by wolves I had never seen a real wolf before, although I had certainly heard about them.”
Trang 17As our request, Tian took us to the settlement of the herdsman in question The place is over 20 km from the town seat The heavy snow and the strong wind so it took us more than an hour to reach the village.
“Let’s have a look”, TianRongHong
The home of HuSaYin, the herdsman who had been attacked by the wolves looked
no difference than any other farm house, but upon entering the house, it would be easy to see that this was a home of a Kazak Recalling the horrible night, it would
be easy to see that HuSaYin still felt very much afraid
HuSaYin:”I saw 1 or 2 injured sheep could hardly stand up They were bleeding from various wound and it seemed quite clear that they were victims of a wolf attack.”
We tried to understand HuSaYin accented Chinese What seemed clear though was that on November 10th, the herdsman drove the herds out and by midnight they decided to take a rest Wolves are nocturnal animals They could the herdsman completely by surprise
Liugou village is not the first place where wolves had attacked HuSaYin’s herds were attacked by wolves at the wintry pasture on North Mount which is nearly 30
km away from the village Not wound after the last wolf attack, HuSaYin moved down hill into the village
“HuSaYin, where do you stay for winter?”
“Just in that mountain Now there are wolves there and we dare not stay any longer
We moved away out of fear of them.”