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KỲ THI HSG ĐBCL LẦN THỨ 17 LONG AN - NĂM 2011 Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút **************** LISTENING. (30 pts) Part 1. (8 pts) Listen to the recording and fill each gap with THREE WORDS. The recording will be played twice. Having a good memory doesn’t really mean (1) …………… use your memory to remmber things you want. Here are some steps to do it. First, a (2) …………… the things you want to remmber can help you remmber them easily. Second, it also helps if you (3) …………… something concrete or a set of facts. Finally, things can be remembered better if you visualize them – see something (4) …………… Memorizing means fixing something firmly in your memory. One way is (5) …………… many times until you can recall them all. Keep doing that until you can recall them as quickly as you do with your own name. Once you can do this, you have come to (6) …………… But are you sure you can keep those things in your memory for a long time? To do this , (7) …………… things you have learned every day, every two days, every three days … If you can remember things easily after three days, then you can (8) …………… time to only once a week. I hope this talk is helpful to you in some way. Part 2. (8 pts) Listen to the recording and do as directed . The recording will be played twice. Question 1-3, choose the correct answer A-D. 1. What do both Anthea and Marco want to discuss with the adviser? A. changing courses B. study plans C. future careers D. assignments 2. Which of the following does Anthea NOT want? A. to work outdoors B. to work in an office C. to work with people D. to work in a lab 3. The adviser says that Anthea will have to work with people as ……… A. co-workers B. clients C. patients D. friends Question 4-8. Complete the summary. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Both Andrea and Marco want to study and work in an area that involves problems solving. For Marco the adviser suggests one of the health sciences. Personal attributes he will require include (4) …………… and (5) …………… because he will often have to deal with people who are (6) ……………. For Anthea the adviser suggests forsenic science because she is the kind of person who is (7) …………… and (8) ……………, which are two of the attributes necessary for this field. Part 3. (12 pts) Listen to the recording and decide whether each sentence below is true (T) or false (F). The recording will be played twice. ………. 1. It’s best for children to start playing an instrument at the age of eight or nine. ………. 2. The natural beginning for children is to listen to others play music. ………. 3. Printed music should be introduced to children before they feel that their instrument is part of them. ………. 4. The score can help the children transform the music they hear. ………. 5. Playing by chord symbol is done before the children read a standard music score. ………. 6. Children learning to play music need not go through these steps chronologically. ANSWER KEYS. PART 1 (1 pt each). 1. knowing how to 2. good understanding of 3. associate them with 4. in your mind 5. reciting the facts / to recite thingspatience 6. the over-learning / overlearning stage 7. go back over 8. cut your review PART 2 (1pt each) 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. patience 5. empathy 6. highly stressed people 7. logical 8. methodical PART 3 (2 pts each) 1. FALSE 2. TRUE 3. FALSE 4. FALSE 5. TRUE 6. TRUE GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY. (70 pts) Part 1. (15 pts) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the space in each of the following sentences. 1 In the modern area, the increased international movement of people has greatly ……. the destruction of languages. A. speeded B. urged C. accelerated D. hurried 2 There is no room for ……. if we want to stay in this competition! A. complaisance B. competence C. complacency D. commendation 3 There is no ……. evidence to suggest that it was a murder case. A. conclusive B. exclusive C. decisive D. affective 4 His georgraphical imagination was ……. by the ships which passed to and from the rest of the world. A. raised B. supplied C. reared D. nourished 5 They were ……. from their apartment because they hadn’t paid the rent. A. evicted B. expelled C. deposed D. discarded 6 The emergency services ……. as soon as the news of the bomb explosion reached them A. put on an act B. were out of action C. swung into action D. did a vanishing act 7 I;m afraid that this incident could put your career here ……. A. beyond a joke B. in jeopardy C. in earnest D. at fault 8 I don’t like a few things about my job, but ……. it is quite enjoyable. A. by and large B. by mistake C. sooner or later D. what is more 9 I reckon Martin is ……. of a nervous breakdown. A. in charge B. under suspicion C. on the verge D. indicative 10 At the ……. same moment, we both realized what was happening. A. quite B. seem C. very D. absolutely 11 At the end of the week, all the sales staff were ……. exhausted. A. utterly B. even C. actually D. reasonably 12 Tina ……. all the way to class because her teacher was absent. A. mustn’t run B. didn’t need to run C. needn’t have run D. can’t have run 13 The weather here can be compared with ……. A. that in Laos B. one in Laos C. Laos D. those of Laos 14 ……. more help, I would prefer to call my neighbor. A. Needed B. Should I need C. If I needed D. I should need 15 “I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn’t know what to do.” + “You ……. your roommate.” A. could have called B. may have called C. would have called D. must have called Part 2. (10 pts) Use the correct form of the words given. 1. His study result has improved ……………… since he came to this school. (appreciate) 2. The things they are doing are to help the ……………… (advantage) 3. They attribute his misconduct to the ……………… of his parents. (permit) 4. The ……………… of the information is such that we are not allowed to spread it. (sense) 5. ……………… tell us that we must eat a balanced diet. (diet) 6. We always look up to him because of his ……………… comments. (speak) 7. Don’t you think we have had enough of your ……………… disturbing us? (continue) 8. It is a form of anaemia which is nearly always fatal if left ……………… (treat) 9. There is an ……………… match between Sampras and Agassi to start the tournament. (exhibit) 10. Hundreds of unemployed ……………… could be pushed back towards crime by the (prison) closure of job training programs. Part 3. (15 pts) There are 15 mistakes in the following passage. Each line contains one mistake. Correct all the mistakes. Time is an important indicator of social habits. So believe John Robinson, an American professor. Robinson further believes that a person’s use of his time is a hard measure of its preferences and values. From surveys achieved over the last 12 years. Robinson calculated the amount of time Americans spend on various activities, and found a great deal of surprises. People who work more hours do not necessary rean more money. And, contrarily to the predictions of many supporters of the short four-day working week (10 hours a day), workers show little interest of using their long weekends for increased public service or for continual education. Furthermore, Robinson found no significant difference of men and women in the amount of free time that each has. (He defines free time with the time remaining after the demands of work, housework, travelling to work and personnel needs – such as eating and sleeping – have been met.) He also discovered that, at least until retirement, free time decreasing steadily with age. Robinson suggests that the more time older people spend on housework and shopping, the little free time they feel they have. He also found that greater satisfaction is associated with less except for more free time. Apparently, people with plentiful of free time feel the burden of ‘over-choice’. In addition, they seem to experience a need for a sense of belonging that involves responsibilities, hence a loss of free time. Part 4. (20 pts) Use the correct tense or form of each verb given in the blank. A disastrous collision between two cars occurred at 10.08 p.m. last night on a local mountain road. The drivers of both cars (1) ……………… (kill) despite the efforts of rescue workers (2) ………………. (save) them. Witnesses say that both cars (3) ………………. (accelerate) as they (4) ………………. (approach) the dangerous bend where the accident (5) ………………. (happen). As the two cars (6) ………………. (come) towards each other from opposite directions, neither drivers began (7) ………………. (realize) the danger until it was too late (8) ………………. (brake) sufficiently (9) ……… …. (handle) the curve adequately. The two cars (10) ………………. (collide) head on while (11) ………………. (travel) at high speed. The force of the collision was so great that its sound (12) ………………. (hear) as far away as the top of the mountain by campers (13) ………………. (spend) the night there. The campers who (14) ………………. (stay) at their camp since the afternoon (15) ………………. (hurry) down the mountain road to the scene of the accident, but on (16) ………………. (arrive) they (17) ………………. (discover) that fuel (18) ………………. (leak) from the vehicles and caught fire. “They (19) ………………. (not, drive) that fast,” said one camper. Further investigation (20) ………………. (conduct) by the police and there will be more details about the accident tomorrow. Part 5. (10 pts) Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition or particle. 1. The union and the management are ……… dispute over working conditions. 2. We are ……… no obligation to change goods which were not purchased here. 3. It seems to be your boss who is ……… fault in that case. 4. Tina is an authority ……… Byzantine architecture. 5. Have you all agreed ……… the amount of money spent on the anniversary? 6. The meeting didn’t break ……… until late. 7. You should always have an alternative plan to fall back ………… 8. At first Tim insisted he was right, but then began to bak ………… 9. When I took over the business, I got more than I bargained ……… 10. Can you put me ……… a good dentist? ANSWER KEYS GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (70 pts) PART 1 (1pt each) 1. C. accelerated 2. C. complacency 3. A. conclusive 4. D. nourished 5. A. evicted 6. C. swung into action 7. B. in jeopardy 8. A. by and large 9. C. on the verge 10. C. very 11. A. utterly 12. C. needn’t have run 13. A. that in Laos 14. B. Should I need 15. A. could have called PART 2 (1pt each) 1. appreciably 2. disadvantaged 3. permissiveness 4. sensitivity 5. Dieticians 6. outspoken 7. continually 8. untreated 9. exhibition 10. ex-prisoners PART 3 (1pt each) Line 1: believe  believes Line 8: of (men and women)  between Line 2: Its  his (/ her) Line 9: with  as Line 3: achieved  conducted / done / carried out Line 10: personnel  personal Line 4: deal number Line 11: decreasing  decreased Line 5: contrarily  contrary Line 12: little  less Line 6: of  in Line 13: except for  rather than Line 7: continual continuing Line 14: plentiful  plenty / lots / a lot Line 15: that  which PART 4 (1pt each) (1) were killed (2) to save (3) accelerated (4) were approaching (5) happened (6) were coming (7) to realize / realizing (8) to brake (9) to handle (10) collided (11) traveling (12) was heard / could be heard (13) spending (14) had been staying (15) hurried (16) arriving (17) discovered (18) had leaked (19) shouldn't have driven (20) is being conducted PART 5 (1pt each) 1. in 2. under 3. at 4.on 5. on 6.up 7. on 8. down 9. for 10. onto READING. (40 pts) Part 1. (20 pts) Read the passages and choose the best option (A,B,C or D) for each blank space. PASSAGE A. There is growing evedence that urbanization has a sharp (1) …………… on climate, causing changes that can wreak (2) …………… on precipitation patterns that supply the precious resource of water. The heavy amounts of heat and pollution rising from cities both delay and stimulate the fall of precipitation, (3) …………… some areas of rain while drenching others. Cities are (4) …………… one to ten degrees warmer than surrounding underdeveloped areas. Cities also produce large amounts of (5) …………… called aerosols, gaseous suspensions of dust particles or byproducts from the (6) …………… of fossil fuels. Both heat and aerosols change the dynamics of clouds. When hoisted up in the sky, the microscopic particles act as multiple surfaces on which the (7) …………… in clouds can condense as tiny droplets. This can prevent or delay the formation of larger raindrops that fall more easily from the sky, or it can cause the rain to fall in another location. In California, pollution blows eastward and causes a precipitation (8) …………… of around one trillion gallons a year across the Sierra Nevada mountain range. (9) …………… , in very humid cities, such as Houston, heat and pollutants seem to (10) …………… summer storm activity by allowing clouds to build higher and fuller before releasing torrential rains. 1 A. impression B. impact C. influence D. affection 2 A. havoc B. damage C. chaos D. breakage 3 A. accusing B. mugging C. depriving D. avoiding 4 A. at most B. in majority C. in priority D. on average 5 A. filters B. fertilizers C. pollutants D. poisons 6 A. firing B. burning C. lighting D. flaming 7 A. mosture B. water C. wetness D. humidity 8 A. lack B. emptiness C. shortage D. ineffiency 9 A. Therefore B. Furthermore C. Otherwise D. By contrats 10 A. lessen B. invigorate C. fasten D. eliminate PASSAGE B. So much sentimentality is attached to the rose in (1) …………… culture that it is difficult to separate the original mythological and folkloric beliefs from the emotional excess that (2) …………… the flower. Yet if we look into the beliefs, we find that the rose is much more than the mere (3) …………… of romantic love invoked by every minor poet and painter. One of the rose’s most common (4) …………… in folklore is with death. The Romans often decked the tombs of the dead with roses; in fact, Roman wills frequently (5) …………… that roses were to be planted on the grave. To this day, in Switzerland, cemeteries are known as rose gardens. The Saxons (6) …………… the rose with life, and they believed that when a child died, the figure of death could be seen plucking a rose outside the house. The rose has a long association with female beauty. Shakespeare mentions the rose more frequently than (7) …………… flower, often using it as a token of all that is lovely and good. For the Arabs, (8) ……………., the rose as a symbol not of feminine but of masculine beauty. Later the rose became a sign of secrecy and silence. The expression sub rosa, “under the rose,” is (9) …………… to a Roman belief. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, it was common (10) …………… to carve or paint roses on the ceilings of council chambers to emphasize the intention of secrecy. 1 A. famous B. popular C. diverse D. outdated 2 A. gathers B. covers C. surrounds D. ambraces 3 A. trace B. sign C. tail D. symbol 4 A. relations B. connections C. associations D. combinations 5 A. specified B. showed C. required D. expressed 6 A. equalized B. equated C. leveled D. considered 7 A. a B. other C. any other D. the 8 A. for lack of B. nevertheless C. therefore D. in fact 9 A. traced B. originated C. based D. contributed 10 A. function B. usage C. practice D. standard Part 2. (10 pts) Fill in each blank with a suitable word. There is a view that to disregard law on certain occasions is a natural, human choice when there is an opportunity for profit or pleasure. A delinquent who (1) …………… law on temptation and peer pressure is usually devoid of individual weakness or wickedness. Such a deliquent is to be held fully responsible for any damage or distress that his behavior brings about. Punitive measures, if (2) …………… , should have the effect fo reform. Another theory protrays delinquents as lacking in restraint, having a primitive sense of right and wrong and being unable and unwilling to (3) …………… to reasonable rules of behavior. These maladjusted delinquents need help and a humane and tolerant approach. They are often victims of circumstances: broken homes, lack of parental affection, poverty, neighborhood and insufficient discipline. One or more of these (4) …………… may lead one to crime. Family size and family income have a bearing on (5) …………… delinquency. In a family with a large number of siblings, problems created by lack of parental care can be exacerbated. If the family is poor, parents are forced to live in neighborhoods with a high incidence of delinquency. Parents, overburdened with work and responsibilities, will have limited opportunities to (6) …………… control over their children or to discipline them. Lacking parental control and guidance, children are apt to rely on peer groups and develop wrong values. Overcrowding in the home (7) …………… is to have a deleterious (8) …………… upon behavior. Older brothers may set bad examples for the younger ones to be vulnerable to delinquency owing to close parental supervision or becoming deviant in behavior to combat parental possessiveness. Poverty or low parental (9) …………… may lead to the social alienation of poor children and their identification with a subculture of low standards. The effects of (10) …………… stringency can be worse if the father is irresponsible or incompetent. Part 3. (10 pts) Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) which is most suitable to complete the sentence or answer the question before it. What happened to Amelia Earhart? One of the mysteries is that no persuasive answer has been found to this question. In 1928, Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, and in 1932, she was the first person to fly alone across the Atlantic. Earhart continued to break records. In 1935, she was the first person to fly alone from Hawaii to California. Later, in 1937, she and her navigator, Frederic Noonan, set off in hopes of being the plane wrecks. Two people on this group, Ric first to fly around the world. They never made it. Somewhere in the Pacific between New Guinea and Howland Island, Earhart’s plane disappeared. Conventional wisdom has it that Earhart’s plane ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean, but some refuse to believe this. People still continue to look for clues about the disappearance of the plane. In 1992, one search party reported finding remnants of what could be Earhart’s plane on the island of Nikumaroro, but people who originally worked on Earhart’s plane disputed that evidence. There have been other search expeditions to Nikumaroro, some funded by an organization formed specially to search fro historic plane wrecks. Two people on this group, Ric Gillespie and Pat Thrasher, have spent years looking for evidence, and their theory is that Earhart ran out of fuel and landed on Nikumaroro, only to die later of disease or starvation. They don’t have much to go on. There are a few bones that were found on the island in 1940 that could possibly have come from Earhart or Noonan. They have found some crumbling fragments of a woman’s shoe that could possibly have belonged to to Earhart. And there is a sheet of aluminum that might possible have come from her plane if only the rivet pattern was different. The evidence was minimal. But Gillespie and Thrasher keep looking. Maybe the hard piece of evidence is just around the corner. Until then, the mystery continues. 1 What is the mystery the author refer to? A. Why are people still looking for Earhart? B. What happened to Amelia Earhart? C. Whose shoe was found on the island? D. Why was Earhart flying in the Pacific? 2 What phrase could best be substituted for the phrase ‘break records’ in line 3? A. surpass the standard B. destroy old evidence C. hide previous information D. establish new rules 3 What does the sentence ‘They never made it.’ in line 5 refer to? A. They couldn’t find the place to land. B. They ran out of fuel. C. They couldn’t fix the plane. D. They didn’t achieve their goal. 4 Why does the author mention’conventional wisdom’ in line 7? A. To indicate that many people believe. B. To point to something that is wise. C. To show that not everyone knows. D. To demonstrate seriousness. 5 What is the purpose of paragraph 2? A. To give details about the mystery. B. To indicate conventional wisdom. C. To dispute current theories. D. To add to historical evidence. 6 What does the author say about Ric Gillespie and Pat Thrasher? A. They found clear evidence of Earhart’s disappearance. B. An organization supported their search efforts. C. They think she crashed into the Pacific Ocean. D. A group of people on the island assisted them. 7 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Earhart and Noonan wanted to fly around the world. B. Earhart’s plane was shot down over the Pacific. C. Earhart was the first woman to fly alone from hawaii to California. D. Earhart was an accomplished pilot. 8 According to the passage, what would most likely make Gillespie and Thrasher very happy? A. To find a small piece of Earhart’s plane. B. To find people to talk to on Nikumaroro. C. To get the funding to continue their search. D. To get more free time to be able to search. 9 Which of the following is NOT mentoned as a possible piece of evidence? A. A part of a woman’s shoe. B. A piece of bone. C. A piece of metal. D. A part of an engine. 10 The author uses the phrase ‘just around the corner’ in line 18 – 19 mean ……… A. they cannot go straight B. there is an intersection C. something is close D. it is dependent on others ANSWER KEYS READING (40 pts) PART 1 (1 pt each) PASSAGE A 1. B. impact 2. A. havoc 3. C. depriving 4. D. on average 5. C. pollutants 6. B. burning 7. A. moisture 8. C. shortage 9. D. By contrast 10. B. invigorate PASSAGE B 1. B. popular 2. C. surrounds 3. D. symbol 4. C. associations 5. A. specified 6. B. equated 7. C. any other 8. B. nevertheless 9.A. traced 10. C. practice PART 2 (1pt each) 1. breaks 3. conform 5. juvenile 7. itself 9. income 2. taken 4. factors 6. exercise 8. effect 10. financial PART 3 (1pt each) 1. B. What happened to Amelia Earhart? 2. A. Surpass the standard 3. D. They didn't achieve their goal. 4. A. To indicate what many people believe 5. A. To give details about the mystery 6. B. An organization supported their search efforts. 7. B, Earhart's plane was shot dOwn over the Pacific. 8. A. To find a small piece of Earhart's plane 9. D. A part of an engine. 10. C. something is close WRITING. (60 pts) Part 1. (10 pts) Rewrite the follwoing sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before them. You have to use the words given in brackets in your sentence and you mustn’t change the word in any way. 1. I think he will come to the coference. (PRESENT)  There is ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. It may be sunny, so wear a hat. (PUT)  In case .……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. He is very rich thanks to the money he inherited from his uncle. (WELL)  Had ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. He is so generous that people respect him. (LOOK)  Such ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. It’s a pity I couln’t think of a good answer to that question. (COME)  I’d like .……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. The doctor really should operate on him immediately. (SURGERY)  It’s high ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7. People believe that Faraday invented the light bulb. (INVENTION)  The …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. Though poor, he lives dignifiedly. (LEADS)  Poor … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9. I suggest Henry giving up smoking. (SUGGESTION)  It’s my ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. He didn’t tell her the story because she would not keep it a secret. (GIVE)  For fear ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Part 2. (20 pts) In about 150 words, describe the chart on the number of patients of congenial heart disease and the death toll in the City Children’s Hospital in the period from 2003 to 2007. Part 3. (30 pts) In about 250-300 words, write an essay on the following topic: “Three factors that make a community a desirable place to live.” ANSWER KEYS WRITING (60 pts) PART 1 (1pt each) 1. There is a possibility that hewill be present at the conference. 2. In case it is sunny, put on a hat // you should put on a hat. 3. Had it not been for the money he inherited from his uncle, he wouldn't be so rich. 4. Such is his generosity that people look up to him. 5. I'd like to have come up with a good answer to that question. 6. It's high time the doctors performed / conducted / carried out surgery on him . 7. The light bulb is believed to have been invented by Faraday. 7. Poor as / though he is / may be, he leads a dignified life. 8. It is my suggestion that Henry (should) give up smoking. 10. For fear that she would give the secret away, he didn't tell her the story. PART 2 (20pts) * 10 điểm cho phần kỹ thuật: - 5 đ  đúng thể loại bài (bảng biểu) - 3 đ  tổ chức bài - 2 đ  đúng lượng từ cho phép (không quá ngắn hoặc quá dài) * 10 điểm cho phần nội dung - 5 đ  đúng và đủ ý - 3 đ  từ vựng phù hợp thể loại bài (bảng biểu) - 2 đ  từ nối ý và độ chính xác văn phạm PART 3 (30pts) * 10 điểm cho phần kỹ thuật: - 5 đ  đúng thể loại bài - 3 đ  tổ chức bài chặt chẽ, phát triển ý hợp lý (có câu chủ đề, phát triển, …) - 2 đ  đúng lượng từ cho phép (không quá ngắn hoặc quá dài) * 20 điểm cho phần nội dung: - 10 đ  ý tưởng hay, phong phú, chín chắn và thuyết phục - 5 đ  từ vựng phù hợp thể loại văn viết, chọn từ đắt (sophisticated), chính xác theo văn cảnh - 3 đ  từ nối ý và đa dạng về cú pháp và ngữ pháp - 2 đ  độ chính xác văn phạm, chính tả The end . KỲ THI HSG ĐBCL LẦN THỨ 17 LONG AN - NĂM 2011 Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút **************** LISTENING. (30 pts) Part 1. (8 pts) Listen to the recording and fill each. New Guinea and Howland Island, Earhart’s plane disappeared. Conventional wisdom has it that Earhart’s plane ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean, but some refuse to believe this. People. patients D. friends Question 4-8 . Complete the summary. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Both Andrea and Marco want to study and work in an area that involves problems

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2014, 00:21

