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writing skills gre gmat phần 5 pps

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Thc lbllos'irrr xppca.cd in r n)cmo fronl a rctcvision nctsoik s protnmrrinF dircctor: 'Parcnrs of ]'oun8 chitdrcn arc bccominA incrcxsingh. €onccrrcd abour ho\\' depicrions of viotcncc o,r rclcvision mighr inJtuencc i chikls trrl)ivior xnd rrritlrdes. Drrrjng lhe pnsr vexr, rlte.rtin8s for Rcal Crirrtc. one o[ oLr ncrwork s n]ost popular primc.timc sho!\,s. hrvc sreidih. declincd. Thcrcforc. in ofdc, ro boosr our pnmel1imc mrinss, \ec should rcpjacc Rc.rt CriDrc \,irh tl siruxrion comCdt shos " Response A The at8ument rclies on an unproven cxuse.nnd-effcc relaiionship bcrw€en cefiain parcnnl conccms and rhe shoq,'s ntings proble, . The direcror h:rs nor rulcd our orher possibte ciuscs lor thc show,s r^tings decline-for examplc, ! chanSc in rhe show's specific timc slot. lf it rums our rhrt rhe show s dcings problem hxs nothing ro do wjth it's dcpictions ofviotencc. r.hcn simptv rept:rclng the show.(vlth one thar contains no violcnce wil probiblt nor solve rhc problcm_ Response B To begin wid), rhe meoro indicires ncirhcr ttut yo!ng children are inrcr€sred in warching Rcat Cnnc nor thar th€ show actu.Iy depicrs violence. Ycr borb coridirions.re neccssan, in ordcr for the show ro carq' t}Ie kind of delcrerious irJluence on young chitdren wjth which parcnts seem concemcd. Thus. ur ess both condirjons are mct, the orrector cannor convince me rhi! anv changc involvjng th€ show will addrcss rese parenhl concems, ler alonc boost rlrc sbow's.mtings, Even il Real Cntne does ponrav viot€nce and does have a porenri.ltl. undcsirablc impac! on yolrng chjldren as a resut, the diiector has nor shovh rhar th€ show's waning poputarity is amiburable ro rhis impact. Perhaps the show owcd i$ popularity !o some oilcr featurc, such ai n certain celebrity narmror, thar the shos, now lacks. Or p€rhaps a new compering sho$', onc rhti is ar lcasr as violcnt as,Redl Cnnc, has drawn vicwers ^war tsiotn ReaI Crirr?. h shon, untit ibc dircctor rules our_all-orhcr possible reasons for thc rerinS's dectine, I will rernain unconvinced thrr rhe shov's violent porlmFls, if an),, are rcsponsible for rhe tlend ind tlcrcforc rhar inl chrn8c s.outd scrvc ln order ro c\.aluatc rheargumenr properj). ar rhc very leasr,I woutd nced ro know \t/hcrhcr !h€ conreni of,Reat C-rn e is cxuse for parcnrrt concem and what percenrage of rirc show's viewers are yo\rng chil- drcn. lt would also be uscful to kno$ rhe re.lsons for rJ]c show s reta- tivc populariff in t}lc prs! and whv formerJ??a/ Czi,Dc vievers, cspc- cially those wnh voung child.en. no longer wxtch ltrc shos rvri.'tg Skxlt fo. tlie CIWGI\UT Tcsts ;w I4 01 sI ou.,t,,4rrntn lrjr.joj prtuno:))r lou sxrJ Joqtnt: s,lnu0 pr lu. .ss.tLrr^n):)t1:) s)r s)UluU:t:p trq) .)uiurltru) sjl]ou ^.t ,, ,1,,^,ru,",dLU,,,') Io lJ,rrl eql sr tr lrqt ))rJ erll sloop)^o tu)u;;ni3:l: )ql .r)^ol;ol4 .spurdap uoDrpu)ruurojfl s,lrgollpJ rllt rljrrla uodn (suodar ur aurl)rp rllt pur: ^rrl aru rqr urr^u)q) dlqsuo[rrrr tJsJtr put rsnEt t: qcrlqrts: t(ruuur rol{lnx \.lruotrpl .)ql .rsJqr sc u)n\ sou'ru.)Js )no Sullnl tnoll A\ qJrl|lrqtssoJ aJr l: )snl tqll o,_a.,"rr,,u, On s.X )luc SuouJr rlru jlrlruoul ArnsrrrJur u" ro .*r" pr,"u -lurxluoJ urort lx,{rr qlqs rqdusouJep r .suroldur{s $r loJ lulwl8Jll ^iJtr Jo Cjl JoJ rrnJ r :prrlsr4 lur^e Jaqro :r!os riro:J pelFs:: E^Ert plnor ltnlJrp v ;)uo Jgltl JrIt plgnr) lu5urdole^rp J"JFD rqt 1!ql a^ord ()1 rJUIrs lou saop jlrsll nJ ,slur^a asarll Jo a:luenbos trF ,rr^l -aoH -arll)ap arp roj ?lqrsuodsr sl :u)rrDru, s.axl cq'] rzql sraJrl rrTE)ds re .arrJ etp;o e8zssrd aqr :rurs sruordru,{s 1q1) oscasg s.urrJll Jo rJurpl)ul erF q lullJap p)uodar s.X lrns uo prs!0 g assodsel s.rou',nr f,q! ,,' r^D).ra rrrrrrurs.q Dlno^\ ^\xr r!n,,.s !,"* ,.*:i"J fBuolrlpp! *l: Jo JJuareJu ,rll Jeqlla Alrml torJt !J Jorlln! aql 'rsrrn st qjns suopsurJdx! !^D?ulatF Bqtlunull, tnoqtlr! .sruorduds (ll1 JoJ luerulxeJl alu .to aJnJ co r1ltu r ,alduJEr:. JoJ-lurlJsp arF Jo sasnyJ llqlssod Jrqto sllou8l lorpnr s,lruotlp! )r[t ,Jf,^l,toH 'sruo)dur,{s (Cl) ssr.slO s.uprrn Jo oJurp}Jut eqt u! arlll).p lu rddE 591 loJ alqlsuo(ls.r q ^r?l ^\au, s.x ,trts lrqr sr{ul l?lrollpa lql Y asuoosau "./drl Jll]lr.'rs r tdopx pFoqs f,trrs slrfl ,qlfElrl lllqnd Jo l$l:)rn aqr rn .rslesfD egt Supuo^ajd 14 alntaJJa ,{lrtrJ) sl ,,l!rl .ql ,ru-rs rrr.( loud ,{uE ur ulr{l .sr:sJc s,u_rrrn Jo srrlotduls palodrJ nulptsfj X olpts J!^\aJ .J!al rsq .suEumq ur asc:slc s,IJl]lJn JsnxJ ot uaoqs uelq a,\rq sDnpoJd.{q ,saql lrrll slslq. )qt uo 'slf,npojd,tq uoqjrJorru ulxue) Jo ssolssrura lcluru.ruon^u5 Sqrlqllord ^t!l E pf,Dxu) X 5!rts .otl] sr[!d o^\1" rrdrdsaru x Jo,uoptr)s Fuollpe .qt u! parrsddc 3ur.to11o1 cq1 r tucEnSJIl 'ruaurnSJv arrl urt!8u5ns ot ,^roq tsat8ns ol sr Tlg,tl sr .3uruosE3J Jo u!r-'ljJ 3qr rn '1l_rl olelperlrjJlul uE sossn)slp puE Afrsapl ol .Jrqutg sro8 g ,suodscu -urtlqojd "sne}'aslrr_J s1p ss:rppr o1 p:p:av sru:ruoJo )5rql IF Jo q.r:) sqrrsor lerF qs,{lsuE qdrJ8ErEd uo :lrnbapr lnq Jruq ! srpt^ord V asuodscn (.asnE3 rstEJ uo Eqsn)oJ ur,l al5q rnq :fp,s. sr surJlqoJd SuruosrJj larpo uro{ lrjlns tqSJu tuJum8Jv grll) .5)usnbas rfJodrrlJt rllu q A uoDrsfixr esruruoJ rqinu 1!qt luorljnfuy tJE s.cjtH s,JaJ ]Wrn nqt )ot sltt:ts dh,lJAt a s,uott (aruanbas p.rodue; Wr^r pasnJxroJ lJeJM-prre-as-nq)) eJdurs4 AVSSS TN:AN9UV 9NIUOOS.HgIH V ]IIUM Ol MOH Possibilin thil d€sPitc rlrc nc\\' hs thc cmissions hivc continued trnxDxrco lf tln\ i5 thc crsc. thcrr thc chirn (hit d)c ix$' h:t$ bceo cff'jc(ivc trr Pr(\cnrinA Urknr's Discxsc io Strtc X would hck an)' cd( wh:rtsoclcr-:rs Nould thc llhiDrr( clxim dr:rl I similar lrt\\' would bc cffccli\'s in tlris sLrtc- 'fo strcngtlrcn the ar8umcnl tlrt ednorj:rl s ruthor must suPpl)'evidencc u)rt smcc the lrw was cnacted rlvo yerrs a8o (l) SBte X residenb arc just rs likch to repon UD q'mP(omti xs bcfo'c (2) cmjssions thi! viola(e tlre liiv h:rvc ibated. and (l) allorhcr trrctors in tlrc incidcncc ofUD svmf," loms have remain essentialll unchmged False-Cause Problems in the Official Arguncnts (Parts 6 and 8) As you studl' my essays in Parl 6 ("Essays for 20 Offjcial Gn_E Ar8\rmen6")' look for m)' an,l.vsis of fxlse-cause problcms in the following paragdphs: t t I CRI ArSum€nt No. I (founh €ssiJ' paflar:ph) GRE ArSumctt No 20 (secotd md thjrd essi)' pa'rSciphs) GRI ArSument No. {2 (third essa.Y pan8mPh) GRE Argumenr N;. 46 (founh essal paflAnph) GRE Argumcnt No- 59 (thi.d cssay pan8rtrplr) GRE Ar8umcnt No 68 (s€co8d essay pll-ngmph) GRI Argumcni No. a8 (drird ess4' pit-rgrrph) GRE Ar8ument No. 91 (tlrird essay paragmpnJ GRL4.rgument No. 96 (frfth essay PanSnPh) Gn-E Argumcnt No. 105 (second arjd rhird essay p aSflphs) GRE ArSument No. 122 (second cssay pamglaph) As you srudy my cssi\'s ifl Pan 8 ('Essays for 20 Official GlvlAT Argu' . mcnrs-). toot foiinr; anrlysis of falsc'causc problems in the followinS Parrgfaphs: I t I I GMAT ,\rgumcnr No. 23 (third essav paragnph) GMAT AJgument No 28 (second and i,'fth cssay paragmPhs) GMAT Argum€nl No. 37 (sccond €ssal paragraph) GMAT Argumcnt No. 42 (fourth essay paragiaplr) GMAT At8ument No- 48 (third €ssxy Par'8mPh) GIIAT Argumcnt No 74 (tnird essay parngcaph) GtvlAT ArBrment No. a4 (second cssqr pangraph) GMAT Argumcnt No. 89 (ftird and founh cssal' PimSriphs) GI'IAT At8rrmcnt No. 93 (sccond cssay paragnph) GMAT A8umcnt No. 105 (second.nd thfd essfy paragtaphs) GMAT A,r$rmcn! No. r24 (founh essay paraaraph) uult-pttarsoas-con GRElGMA rtot srogarn4 amtn 'p.urqrffurrs aq urJ ru.unsrr .qr ^\oq 3ur -)Drrplr sr ltr^ sr '$(,ilDln: t)lrcrrp erolu r s)pt^urJ 0 :su(ids)tl uI:tqorcl (rqr <s:Jppr or prp))u nu)rllrl,) )erqr Jql.to ll)t:: (utrruo) trql <r(,iltur udrJtlJcd-auo r]xnb.pn rnq J:uq r s?pr^ord Y rsuodsa}I ( ^,9oltut .ql uo tursnloJ ur,l rrrq rnq lt5^r sx surelqord Suuosxrr Fqx) tuoI rf,JFs lE€lur lururn8jy ,rll) ,{Sopux elqruopstnb r sutctuor llqr rutllln8jv ur s,!l!ll rrlq llq r rm{ '.{larEitd?s uordlrl-rnss;c uotttpuol-lrrt !,trtrt 61Ir rururrxt n,nol _g rr )JnsJr Jrlurs it:Js olvJolat fns.flr xJo arruErJ u.rruiJ .uo:sn! SuF FrJ ,ErTl srEns!'! ;{JfEJId{r.(g puE V) s8qrn orrl u:raDq lSoTrEE rfrg.1d ?:ro:s.Jl.J :zqr)lltttDnSrv rw :!lON ,l 'uolgnlf,uol s.luaumSrr tq) s|utlJr,s. tEqt-auo JrrJ r sI ^Solruc cql rrqr)qa rurLmelsp o) aoLq ol pacu plno,$ nol tsl: rcrlrd urf,lpq . 'lSoTEuE arF rno!rl,{. :uoumirD Sll]rIJ.r uor t Jlrtu ot 'Jood ,{JtclJcds:r s! lSolrur f,qr lI 'ro lSoJtut .!r u.qr€u3ns JtqrD ol ,{Jddns plnoJ Joqtnr s,luerunfu[ 5qt eJUJpl^a fruo9rppx ]o uos lBq,s sltJlpui . :9)utrxsla IEuoFdo or'at rgarll Jo auo ppt 'rllalqord aqr ssnJqp 01 eull rJlxs t,{rq no,{ J! 'slsn erjqt fie peqqldurorrt t^.no,( truo (dals qJr. JoJ af,ualuas euo) sdars ar.rqr Tfr qslldurof,)! ol stf,uelurs taJIIr 1sa5l rt p:3u,{lqtqoJd n.nol 'uolgnl)uoJ s,luJtr.InAJv ttp Jurulleprm 'xDra lSolrsc.qr Dpu.i q)Iqa {s!)ttr.I.!:!p 5soq1^\oq rrlqdr? '€ 'J.JJtp 1q3EU sSqql o^! arp q)II{a ut sll^l ]rJlrlE 8ts o,lAr ro auo rsell 11 3t4pt^ord lq alEpI'JnE z '(suonduJnssl rDlirutr s.ru.urnSrv eqr Jo rso sE '3_.) lSolxux :IIl 4TruePI 'l :qscr 8l4,!.ouoJ sIIl Jo .xlr IIr qslduoraD or pr.u nol 'ulflqojd lgolEuE-{ra,t 3q'] pucrsDpm no^ Jepxaj.atp ^ oqs oJ, t 'tuq)Jrqi or alqdar{n sl rsaslnSrv 3I{r '(l.uolll l! '{c,b cqr ,{q) uor,ldurnssE sr-(p erlpuosqns ot !)uaPl^a rusltllrls sepl^old ls3En8rv ,rtr ssflun prur:Juor n lueungJv aITl st rEJ sc :scc1 ic 'ncrds:r 1p q J!nu|'Js atE l:rF 'srttdsfj ulruoa ul relIDJs JrE sSu.rql o,{l ar{r f,snl)aq rrrlr 3urnsst rq3lur )ueum8rY agl 'os 3r4op ur 'J.^f,aolJ €ulrlr JEIIutls " lnoq! uo,Drrrrsqo ux Jo sJsrq arF uo (duxdutof, ro 'looq)s 'llF x sdclFsd) Surur.uo lnoqr uotsnlruor r acrp rqStur )uarunirY fvl^lD ro 31lC Y srsal JvwDm aqi rel s !4s Sttltlrat t s'ttotJ4 aldunr scNlHI o/y[ N]l/y\llg l'go lvNV )v3./V\ V CNli$l ^vssr .LNr^nedv gNrdoss'H5rH v lruM ol MoH j I 'fhr following \':rs prfl of:r spcccir midc bt thc principai of Vxllct Iiigh sch(xt: _[v14 )ci Dunsron tligb School wins tlrc school distiicfs sl|ldenr i\4:lth Supc.Eos,l comperirion. The iverage snlan'of rcxchc.s:rr Duns{o. is Frcircr ihrn xr arl,orh€r school in thc dislrjct. ]lcncc in order tor vrl-lc)'Hiah sludcnls ro improvc thcir scorcs on ilre state's snndrrdizcd achievemcnr exams, Valiev should bc8in rs'arding bonuses to 1,: lc]'teachers wh€ncvcr Valley dcf(:tts Dunslon in drc Mitl) S!perDovl." The principal's recommendation relies on what might be a poor a.nnlo8)' berween Dunston and Vallcy. vallev lcachers might bc less responsive tllan Dunslon teachers when it comes to monetar)' ircentives, or Vdley srudents mjeht be lcss Sjfred than DrrlNton srudcnrs wheD i( com€s !o marh. ln shor.!, whar milFr havc hclpcd Dunnon perform-wcll at the llrti SupeaDowl would not nccessiril)' trelp VaIq' perfom bettcr €ithcr at the SupcrBowl or on the sttte Rcsponsc B Even assujr1ing Dunsron s sreurr perfomancc at cl)e SuperBowl is anriburrble to ns high r€lcher salaries, a differenr monctlr.9 inccntive Oonuscs) for r dificrenr Sroup of reachcrs and studenB O?llcy's) will not ncccssaril)' cah a similar rcsulr. Thc mcr€ prospect of a bonus mighr not provide xs Frex! io inccntivc as a salar]'mise, For tha( mrftcr, xnl form of monenry rcward midlr provide far less motiva- tion for Vallq"s rcich€rs than for Dunsron's, As for thc siuderlrs, Dunsron s fiight be cxceptional]. giftcd in math and rvodd win thc SupcrBowl cvery vear, regardlcss of cffo(s at other schools. ln shor., without accouflring for impotunt possiblc differcnces berwccn Velley and Dunsron, the princip crnnor rcaionabl-y rel.y on Dunston's sxlaries ro prove thht the proposed bonuscs will hcip vallcy defeal Dunston, ler alone score high on t}Ic state s cxams. To streEgth€n the ;8umcnt, inslcad of r€lyir8 on a dubious analoSl bctwcen Dunsron and valq, rhe plincipal should supply cvidcncc, perh?ps by !/ay oI a reicher survq'or pilor program at vallcy, that dre proposed bonuses q,ould providc sufficicnl incennvc for Valicy s rclchers ro help thcir srudenE pcrform bcRcr in frgtb compctiUons and oo flath resls. The cvidencE should also show ihat Vall€fs r€rcbers,!re capable of improvrng thcir cffecti\'cness ai math lcachcrs and rhrt their srudents are crpabie of improvrng their perfonn nce. Pctarsoh s .r .lyritin! Skl s for tbe GRE/GLUT Tests ruoltltuetarl ano, E tttar Jvrca aqt rol t1 4s nunya . t,uos4 v No cNr^q .(suoDduJnssx lrr]ru) s.tu.(un \,_rqr J() ru() sr . ,tl.r) urtqord .qr lJ:rtuipl .r :$tsrl tlnaollol ,qr Jo ::rqt [r: (lsl]dLuotrrrr or p:ru n{),\ 'r!)lqord lD)rl<t)Dt\ srql furjcrJpun no.i lrlr:,D )qr ^roqs ol 'flurpr^. aql Jo ^r!lrqurar rlll uolls5nb o)u! Ilrr ot noi Alnlr^r4 sr orl^r .rrlrEru tsrl eqt lo uSJsrp ,(q q rnllxJ srql 'asJnor JO .sruruDjlnbar o^! ,sar{t Jo rarlt!) qslqsrs, ot fq uarjo sllod pnr: .siasns .stlprus uro! s)itsllcrs eltJ tujt sturunsjv .s)psrJot)urqtr tw^apJ Jo surlll rn uonrpdod W.^o eql lo anllrluzsardrr aq tsnu,' ,ldtl'rs aql ,Z 'uoDrlndod IIeD^o II Jo uoruod x sr (r)qunu) azrs t]t ,llrrllt s :'q tsntU .ldsrzs aql .l :slu.Bgmbal o,ldt Dar! lmur rlduJxs .:qr 'uonrJn.iod l58rEI E JJaUTJ llo)rmJtrE ol ,ldufts IsJnsr![ls ! JoJ Jf,DJo rn :n0 sluesard ,{lprsoddng rldur?s et'Il trql uoFttndod ro dno.r8 ra8rrr r rnoqr uotsripuor t mcrp u)qr .dnor3 "e;durEs_ r Suralo,rur 1od:o ,la,tms -^prus r tuo{ rruept^, EjJtsrr!')s rtrr rq8lur tlisurnirv tr},1,,(C lo gllC \l slldl{vs t\Dusuvls l^uvlNtstrdtxNn lnv[N]rod (qdcr8r,rEd ,(ess5 prlln) ,ZI .oN rururnSrv Jvl^lo (qdcJ€Ersd Lesss rllnoj) ZZI .oN lu.um8rv J]/t,lI9 (qdcrSErud ,{rsse pnql) /lI .oN turujn€Jy Jl,Ill9 (gdrJSErEd ,{$se qunoj) Sot .oN luesrnSrv l},}^to (qdErsrrEd lBss) plTr{lt 56 .op :u:um8ry 111r,;g (qduf$Ed ,{rss, p4r{r) €6 .oN lu5un8ry ,LvK9 (qdEr3urd .ftss. qlnoJ) ,8 .oN luatun8rv JVI{C (qdf,rtErd lzsss prrn) 61 .oN rurujn3rV Jry.I4g (qdr.d$rd ,{zss. puorrs) 11 .oN tiro(un8ry lyt^l9 (gdlJSxrd lzss. puorrs) t€ -oN ru.uJn8rv l]lWC tt I I :sqdEJSf,red Sur,ronoJ rqr q srlioJEus Jo srs,(ltul Xur roJ )joot .(.sluau, -natg J}'t4c IEIrglo oz JoJ s,GseJ") I uEd rt s,(Esa ,{tU lDrus no,{ sv (qdErScrcd ,{Es.sa rlrhoJ) gol .oN luaumgJy g!9 | (qdEr8rlld ftss. pq{r) 16 ,oN :s.utn3Jv gU9 (qdsrgr.rd .t?ssr q!U) gB .oN rurEnSrv lIo (qdEr8ljEd r(Ess. puorrs) 69 .oN 1ucum34, gu5 (qdurgded ,tuss5 rtgg) Zg .oN ru.rur€rv gllC (gdrJSLrEd lessr puorrs) 9, .oN ruourn€rv gIO (qdErgcrEd .ftssr p4rlr) I .oN rsaun8.rv AUC t t t :sqderSErld grn,t.onoJ .q1 q s.l8oJwr Jo s!s,{pux lur roj iool '("srurtun8ry g)19 p!f,UJO OZ roJ slxssJ") 9 ued ul s,(rssa drll,{pnrs no,{ sv . (8 prrp 9 s}Jcd) sruaun8ry pltggg aqr AVSSS lNSr\ln5dv 9Ntuo3s-H9tH v lltut 01 r oH q saFoID rarnple 2. Dlucialrtc by providing 1I lexsr ont or ts'o tcsP.cts in which ket ch:rncrc.istics of simple group mjghl diffcr from drose of th€ ItrScr populxtion. l. Irphin hoN lhosc dilfcrcnccs Nould undcrnlin( the,^r8tr- mcnt s conclusron. )'o'r'll probihh nccd ar leasl ftrcc senrcnccs lo accomPlish xll threc slePs (onc scnrcncc for crch s!ep). Oncc you vc xccomplished xll thr(c t]lsks, if ]'ou havc cxtn tknc ro discuss the p.oblem, add one of thcse rwo optjontl elcmcntsr . lndrc.rre l)ow rhe Argument's ruthor crn prove tirrr rhc srmp)e group is rcprcs€nttrrivc, or in the allcmativc, makc a convincing argum€nt without thc sBtistic. . lndicate whal else you would nccd io know to derermine \ehelher rhc sample group is r€prescnmtivc of th€ hr8er populatjon. Hcre's an A4pment thxt rclics on auro Potcntirll) unrePrcsentarive samplc Broups: (f) ncw Braduates ftom a cer(ah stxte's undcrgmduate prognms and (2) Dcw gmduates from thc slate s Snduate'lcvcl progl-ims. (Thc Arl|urDcnt niSht suffcr from other rcasonj$8 problcms a5 wcll, but hcrc I'm focusurg on this slrt'sticat probiem.) Rcsponse A Provides a bri€f bul adcquare one-paraSmpb analysis thlt conBins cach of tlrc dfee elcmcnts ncrdcd to addrcss this problem. Rcsponse B provides a morc de.ailcd ulysis with morc eximples, as wcll as indicating (in a fmd pan8r'aph) what ad.htioml inlomralion is needed to tulh' cvxluate .bc Argument. A.rSumenr The following was pan of an nrticle apPerring in r nadonal magazrne: "Olr Dition's ncw college Smduetes will have bener succcss oblain_ ing jobs if lh€y do not Pursue advanccd degtces after Sraduation. Aficr all. morc $an 90 pcrccn( ofStatcX s underGnduatc studcnB ,rc employcd full-ime within onc yc.rr 2fter thcy Lraduitc, whilc lcss *lan ha.lf of Sate X's lraduetclcvel students find emplqrneni withjn one yel' ajier rccciving thcir grrduate de8tees." The *Bument f:jls ro considcr ahar Stite X s ncs' graaluates might nol bc rcprcscnBdvc ofthe nation's ?s a whol€, esPccblly if thc formcr group 'corEdrutcs only a small pcrccntaSc of tbc laftcr 8rouP. If lt turrns out, for cxamplc, thrt Stalc x's undcrgmdualetstudcflB ,r€ lcss -moti\?icd thrn the nacion's averagc collcgc saudcnt lo pursuc SEduatc'lcvcl srudy, then thc argumcnt s r€comn€ndarion for all undc4lradurtc srudcnas lvould be un*arnnlcd. Pete6oh s | \t'/lting Ststlslor rbe CRI'/GMAT Testt utoI tuo'l?t,rd.n1aInl stsaJJWDA nqt /.tt s7lt4s dut,uar . t.uora r.!9l (rldtr,.lrJrd ,iEss) qunoj) 86 .oN ru)lr|nir.r\. J_u{D (qdrun-Lrcd ^xssr puoJ.s) ., on ,**"r,ru l_oia,] (rtcju8rusd ftssr prlr1t) I oN ,u.*n:ry jy|1,l 1r r 1 '^\ol,oi )ql ur sruelqord eldur:s.pru.,r"r. :o .,.it"u" ;.u ,oltlff'.[|lr:|.] -nfry lvHO lrrrllo 0a roj s,irssj")_ u uld ut slxssa llu lpus noi s1, (qdrrsurr:d ft:s<: puoJrs) g6.oN )ueurnSry 3)lc (qdErSurd ftsse puo)rs) t6 .oN lururn8rv gU; (qdrJ8cjxd drss. qlxs; gg .otJ ruerun8rv 3X, (qdur8uryd ,itss, puo*s) Z, .ol r,r._nArv gUC (qdErSr.rsd ftssr puorrs) zz .or.: t*u_ary 31O (qdErSErrd lrss. qunoj) 6 .oN lu:)run8ry 31C (rJdEr€crxd ,{rsse puo)rs) I .oN lsrurn8rv gIa I t f sTaorroJ r.a q sur.lqord eldrursJrru.u",. ," ,,.^o*ltl1fi."ol '("slulurn3rv 3u9 t[r)Ulo oz roJ sftss{") 9 ur4 rn slvssr lu lpnrs nj sy (8 prlr 9 srJpd) sruol[nsrv It If,IFO atrJ r4 srllolqord aIduzS_Ie)I]sDE, {!qr Jo anqr !q1 rJrJrB rqs,''r rlqr srrrsrr.rrun ;I':Hr::;"jff JO Serrutq Jaqlo lnogc uol1rllloln4 !JOr! SE llJ^l s, .s]uf,prus s.x llxts Jo Jrql[cJ !^]rEr!duro) rql jd.oll)l ol p)ru osJ! plno^\ I .!o!l!u l4lur Jql JoJ sJJqrrrnu aqt 01 slrlot assql arrdrloa pur X atrls ul slurprus 5rxnpEJS pue ottnpEJ3jtpun Jo Jrqr.[nu pro] Jqr ^rorDl 01 prau pJno^l I lrlnu4ulll' r lv ruruloldub alBparsurr pug nurprus lrEnp?.I3 pur )xnpE€J)pun sll liJlq^t qlr^\ esr! aq.t.Jo sturrl r' .,{llr.J!uJ8 9uf,prus Jirllo) s.uo,rleu oql .to '^rrrJursajd:r ,- ru5rx! rqr ruo,.rJrrsp or paau pJno ^ I,r:rTn?J],li:t*'r:tJfj; ,rets rrrpo 14 s)llnp",€ !3oJlo) ^\au JoJ ))tnp" ,ood o, ,._o,ri rrJglur uoFspsarluroral s.JBlorlpJ ,gl .ruc^tr raqir. uJ .rood lll? -nsnsn arE slrf,dsold- qgl gf,tq^l rol s.qldh,srp uo snroJ prnj rf,qurnu rr ^r{,{Jf,^Irxl.r D surd8ord Fn.3I-orvnp[J8 T rtrts q sdrqred rO saStlof, pur sllltsJe^run ts:fuq s.X arrrs Buorur spjcpuxts uorssrurpr qBJq ,{lr^rrr:zduo) ot rnp lmrruaperr Ar4pwrono ,,(FpfnrFEd "rE dno.d t sr oucpnrs atmpz:B:.p,j., ,X,r"rs _ rd"gr.a , ,loqa E sr slsapn$ s,uonlu.rno Jo a^Dxxu:se:da: :ou erc s:seDn; s.l" lrns rErI )lqtssod ll jus s! tJ ruorrru Eqt ul sruapms,B)llo:) pur srSclloJ Jo Jaqrunu fuol rqr uo impuadoo .:rlr's euo laro rrrorl sJDsDErs uo p!s[q uon[u J(Il rn s]SrIloJ fr Jo srr"np"rs areu rnoq" suolmpuoJ lu[ ,$.EJp ol 3lqxuosxajrln s, tJ .s,lxnpl,€ ^I3U s.X elzts lnoqu sJDsrlris pe)r) )qr sr^lo^ur rurtrln8rn a.p ,p,^ *r1qoi,l,rup tr osuoossu AVSS] 1N3WO9UV ENJUO3S.H9JH V :IIIJM 01 MOH kryrr'tc oH E:ceople IATMIED lusurrs FRoM A SuRVEy oR Pou- A{ }ou iusr lermed, :r GRE or GI,IAT ArAunrcnr nrrAhr dms, somc conchF sion involvin8 x Froup bxsc(t on sririsrical drur ^tjo\tr N insulficie, ol l.nroprcscntatiDa safiplc. Howcvcr, rlis is nor ahc onlv potcntirl problcm with sritsrjcal det2. The proccss of coltccrinS rh€ datf (i.c rb€ methodo,- ogy) rnighl be nawcd in :r v:rl. rhar c:rls irro qucsrion rhc qua D, ol rhc (hta, rcndcrirg rhe dal2 'tainted" and rhercfore unrcliable for rhe purposc of drrwirg any conclusions. ln ordcr for surveY or rroll rcsults to be rdiable in quxliq: . The suffct or poll responscs mus! bc credflr/" Gruthful 2JId eccunrc). U respondents have rcason ro provide incomplcrc or false responses, t}Ic results are taintcd ard unrcliable. . Thc method of collecdng the da!3 mu5t be lrbra.red. lf respoflses at€ not rDancl"tory or if thc survcy.s fodn predispos€s subjects to lcspond in cenaj, ways, rhcn the rcsufts arc rainred and unreliable. To shov,/ the rcader that you rccognizc ard undcrsrrid rhis statisticd probicm, you nccd to accomplish ajl rbrcc of thc following tasks: t. Idenrlfy r})c problem (c.8_, 16 onc of r}Ic Ar8umcflt's cruciat !5sumprions). 2. Elucidate by providing a! lcasr one or rwo reasons, bascd on rhe . Argum€nfs irformadon, why rhc sratisrical dara mjght be taimcd 2nd lln.eliable. 3. Expb.in how r}|c porcnliallt .r.inred dari mighr undcrminc rhe A4trment's conclusion. You'U probably flecd at leiit tliree sintcnccs to accompljsh all three slcps (onc s€ntcoce for each srep). Once vou.vc accomplishcd alt r}lree tasks, iI you havc cxtra rimc ro discuss rhe problem, add one of thcse rsro optionaj . lndicare how thc argumcnCs propoocn! cfir csrablish t}rit thc satistical cvidcncc is rcLiable (nor taintcd). .'lndiiate whar clse yoo would need ro knos. ro delermine whcilrer thc statisricd evidence is rcliable (not raimcd)_ Thc followin8 Arguncnt rclics on suflcy rlut poscs 1 potcnrial,lrtas as w.ll ^s ^ credibiliDt probiem. CIhe Afglglcnt mighr sulfcr ftom orhcr rcasoning probletr)r a5 wcll, bur here I'm focusing on rii|rcd{ata prob- lcms.) Thc icsponse con.zirs aI rhree etemcnB requir€d ro addrcss cach problcm, in a siode parrgrnph. Pate6oa's . Wrlttn| Sk kfor.tbc GRE/GI{AT Test! nE/( T. (r - ^ (rldrJSrJtd ?irss) pu(r).s) azl .oN tururn8ry JWtg (sqdrl€Drrd lussr pr[ll pur puor:s) i]6 .oN :ururn8rv JVI,{5 (qdcrSurd ;xssr qunol) 8 .oN rurtun8+, J!,t,{9 | I t I .e_ur_Er!p J'lrs.us prl'r'r lrlxrru.rod Jo s'.,,"r"';5fiTj,t:;:13 -ndw JVI^I9 plrujo oz JoJ sltss-J") I urd u] s,irssa ,{ur lprus nol w (qdsiErBd llss. <,,rd*s*"d r",., ;;;;;#T:] 3: .il l:il1fl ffi (qd! rtr.ryd ,{Essr (sqd.,ss.nd ,i?ssr ,*;,#::3ff .:il fiffi #; ,,, aq,".onol .$ ur Elxp rDnsDD,. per.'-i ,*"".,.0 r" rn* ;tl1ffri '(,srunmSrv gllc tEr)g;o oz JoJ sl!sq-) 9 uEa ,! .l** i* tp ",.i ; $ua*nsrv r'rrsJo aqr u] "_.r0.#;[ ?ffil .orqrl( lt llblrnpord ffcra^o r^oldu4 ot,$.oq lnoqx cuoE 1ol ,strurajrd ?lloldrur oJqJ \ tnoqt suotsnlJuoJ lu! gu -,{Erp_Jo esodrnd rq) roJ rlqEnorun 5q plnoa nl"srr l ";.;.;;; grsuodsar eqr Jrqtaq^t yo ssapn3ji 3o:aord. -ox pFo,a. sro!.dns lr.qr pr^lllrq ,{rql tEqt srsuoasu prpr.nora a,.tl -tq3-r! qsepDodsaj uerTr ,tou arr^l,{aqr JI .JsllurpljxJoJ s!^a Jo snoE . -^uow:lf,r sJsuodsr ,{r.uns Jaql!q,{ p3uuoJ14 los 3Jr ea ,,(JpuoJaS ,;:T:.:I.I l:, .l'^ord rou rf,,oq) olnprqrs.rro^l EDJ d nr,!, a)^ J,lotu uq6 'sru)puoosr )rI Jo s:Ju)rrJold arrl uorstp )q€rur srlns,l jqr urqr 'plp rl jl_.s.^Dvruatl" uc)no.rq oJu,r,r:Jcrd lrr^_n ;',r; .r;;;. - stu:puodsf,l lxql pajrnb:r lea:ns oql:aqraqa peulojx.t lou aLft oa ')s4j '$Jdsrr o,,!r1 ln Jnr6.lqord .q rqgrur jrolopo,frr* ,f.n .r".u, utor't otDtadnlntol *r r,t r,,r, U'urr^""! t\g& cssodsau ".r13!.r lroja jrp-c^g Jo lEpjnoj r r!r{rl. J:psjcr{ ro Jl)sur1l roJ osooqr ol a.loldurr qr!, ndollr ol sr.orqal( ll lli^IrJnpojd IIIrJ^o r ojdrl'l ot ,fta a^rrrrga tsoru JrIl tErlt ^loq; jl]'_:lL,^ms csoqJ .tr:a rJoa ,{sprnoJ ru)rjrD rno qrr^ ^oorq rrE_.{rln rEql palEJlpr4 JTEII lnoqf, .^r^ms luJr:r lsour. s,tsaluuedJp mo u-r BuFrdpErEd s5.loldr!. otrq5t( Suourv_ "" mH Jo J ol))4c,rp *"rr .*r*,.', o.r;:11'$ffiil::j :ur6nE V AVSSI 1N3hin9dv 9Ntuocs,H3lH V lltut oI MOH [...]... paragmphs: Neccssa-ry Conditions | | I | ,GjU,{T{rgument No 28 (third essay paragraph) GMAT J\rsument No 53 (foulIh cssay paraSriph) GMAT AiSumcnt No 59 (rhnd cssay paiagmph) | GI{AT ,{rgl]mcnt No 79 (fifrh cssay paragraph) GMAT tu'g]lmenr No 89 (nfi-h cssay paragraph) GMaT ArI|umcnt No- 93 (founh essayparagaph) ' GMAT Arrllment No 117 (founh €ssayprngaph) G]\4AT Argument No 12{ (ffrh essa)'p 'agriph)... Dcccssary- suflicienr{ondidon assumptlonsln of and thc fouowirg paragrnphs: Necessa.ryConditiors r ll GREAr8urnenrNo 20 (s€cond cssaypar-rgraph) GRE Argumcnr No 59 (fifrh css:ry para8|aph) GRE, lrgumcn( No 109 (sccond essaypangnph) GFJ Aqumert No 122 (fifth essry pffaSnph) Suf1]cicnt Conditions I | | GREArgument No 20 (founh essa-\' pangr-aph) GRI Ar8ument No 46 (thkd ?rd ff$ essay paragraphs) Gru Argumcnt... )rl',o)]|.rof,tp roj luarJrJns lolpw furgsalau $ uoplrruo) rjt r.qr lJsar.Jul rrlt urqrSurns or 5pl^old plnoJ rorpnx s.ru5urn8JE It uolrErrlroll puollppsJo uos r!qr! arEJlpgl lruordo orarosrqlJo uo ppr u'lqord ,r s.-ro ", ,"* "ro, lli*"T 's{scr rxlr J! IJEpaqsqduotJ! e^.no,( aJUO (dJ]s rlJD loJ ,Jurlu3s 5uo) sd.rs r:Jql JJE qsnduof,Ju ol sJJualurs.aJt{t rsral rr paau,{Jqzqord 1.nol Z 'ou,of,lno arn... p:rmSrnplr) GREArgument No 113 (founh cssayprrlgriph) s you srud)'my css:rvs Paft 6 ("EssaYs 20 Official clt T Arg:uin fof mcnrs"), look for m)'xnalysisof time,shifrproblems ifl d1efollowinS paragraphs: I I I I G 1!T Argument No 23 (fourth cssxyprlagmpb) GI{, T Argument No 28 (fouftb essq' pamgmph) GMAT Arg1lmentNo 5l (sccond and rhird essaypaligmphs) GtrIAT rgument No 79 (fourth essly panSraph) GMAT Argumenr... (second essxl'pangmph) - OiHrnRrasounrc Pnosle^as GREAND wtrH GMATAncurarurs Nosf rhat -\'ou'vecximined rh€ mosr common cR-Eand GMAT reasonin8 problcm!, briefl),su.vey some othe r€asoningproblems you mighr Iind $'jth an Argumen( Alrhough each of rhese problems is less common tim anv of thc ones I've alrerd)' covered,you should be rcacil' for thcm an,r5vay- jusr in case Failirg to Dcfine lmportant Tcrms... thouSh Lhe number of arailablc movics on drFilal wideo disk, or D\rD, hx5 rrcrcrscd tcnlold oter u)e pr5l ulfcc yelrs Pcople who predict the jspending obsolescence of tbe vHS format irc mistakcn smce dcm:rnd for vHs movie renttls roday clexrl), remarns jrx! ar sFonS 2s ev€r." ltu4rjretersot.com I'etcrso;s | \vitin! S0UK-[ortbe GRE/ Gnuf Tctt\ uo1 suoeted,natal 1 1t)t sltDtstuutral s,tnJ Jr,^t)rtxt I... t}}at migir chmge from one Ume Famc to tl)c orher 3 Evduare r}lc arAumenrin li8hr of rhc probl€m You'U probably fieed rhrcc scnrenccJto accomplish a[ rlu€e r$k5 If you havc more t!ne, you can perforrn eithcr of thc following optional task5 a5 lodicatc rhar ro srcn$hcn tl)c argurncn!,rhe autlor musr conrtncc rhar oihcr rclevanr condirions remain urch4nS€d from onc timc foelne to rhc next Lisr addiional... clect l{.r-avitza5 stetc govcmor i.n thc upconling elcction During lctvitz's _filr-al rcrfn a-s srat€scnator,shc a/as a mcmbcr of a special leAislativc x commincc t}laacxplored w"ys rhc statc can reducc ir5 cscatadrS ratc of violcnr crime Elcct Kravic for aovemor, and our citics' srrecB pil ntutut.pct6oB on be sdcr rl)an cvcr." Pctcrsons , rrrititig SkILrlor tha GR-E/GIUT T6tt CRD sll]15lr!,!'a\ a(ti... s.lu.txnSry rqt aJurpr^a EUoDrppE uos rxqa ,rrf,rpul Jo :slu5utslr 'uralqord tqt smJsJp ot ?tup lluoltdo o^|l )s*p Jo ruo ppx Erxa r,rxrl nol 'sisn JrJr{r (d)rs qJEl loJ f,lu'rurs I lI! p)qsldBorJr a^,no,{ aJuO euo) sdrrs.rql lJl] qsllduoJrr 01 saruetu>s 5! j$ rsErl tr paru,{lqDqord ll,nol 'uorsnlJuotr s,tu:umsJv aqt euruD.DLmpp'to.rsuondurni -5[ lqt atrgrJ ot rass qJJrI r 'srf,ur.])jl:lp ,{rI trsorF... as a vhole Cfhe Argurnent might suffei from olher reasoninSproblems a5 vell, but herc I m focusing on A a itr;sgroupmimber problem.)ResPonse Provides bnef bu( rdaqu:rre that cont?hs each of the three elementsncedco to one-par"gmPhan.lvsis B ed&ess th€ problcm ResPonsc provid€s x more deniled mi\'sis witb riorc exr,nplcs, a5 well 15listing additjonal infofiniiion ne€cledto proF crl-vevaluatcthe Atgument . essay paragraph) GMAT J sument No. 53 (foulIh cssay paraSriph) GMAT AiSumcnt No. 59 (rhnd cssay paiagmph) | GI{AT ,{rgl]mcnt No. 79 (fifrh cssay paragraph) GMAT tu'g]lmenr. followinS Parrgfaphs: I t I I GMAT , gumcnr No. 23 (third essav paragnph) GMAT AJgument No 28 (second and i,'fth cssay paragmPhs) GMAT Argum€nl No. 37 (sccond €ssal paragraph) GMAT Argumcnt. 93 (sccond cssay paragnph) GMAT A8umcnt No. 1 05 (second.nd thfd essfy paragtaphs) GMAT A,r$rmcn! No. r24 (founh essay paraaraph) uult-pttarsoas-con GRElGMA rtot srogarn4 amtn 'p.urqrffurrs

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2014, 08:20

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