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producls i.c mrnufictur€d ind asscnrbl€d bl rh€ lo\vcr_cosr Asian rnd Ccntfirl An)cricrn ljrbor forcc-i lclion tor lvhonl thc altemnlivc is uncnrplo\'n)cnl xn(l Povtrr! ln lhcsc crscs, Prod!cin8 lo\vcr<luxlin producrs docs homxn rcsoltrctsi () rllc co'ltfirn lt crc:llcs ln lhc nnxl xnrllsis. cosr'ctrtlinS P.oduclion nrclhods bencfir consum_ crs- botb in lhe shon term through lower Prices xnd in lhc long run b)'\'rI of cconomic viLalir\'and incrcised comPetilion. The chim that Producin8 low!ualiq' producis sistcs nitur.rl ;rnd hum:rn rcsourccs is spccious at best' lll lssur No. 'l l0 Ethical Starldards and Successfirl Busirless Leadersl.dp ln asscning thxr thc most succcssful business lcaders arc thc oncs ihel follow t]lc hithcst elhjcrl srr'ldrrds the sncrkcr tiiscs somc veq comPlcr qucsuons-about a busiicss lcader's fidDcian' dutics to thc firrn s srikeholders viea_vis !hc lerder's socirl obljgations UltrJnatc\', howcvcr' thc answer rums on whethcr a busincss lead€r cin rcco8nizc whcn sclfittcresr alj8ns \vjt-h socixi vclJxre, xs discussed below. One sa]' to def!fle lhe success of r busincss lcader is simP\' in icrms of thc pron6 (or losses) of thc lcrder's lmn Ptoponcn$ of this dcfrnidon also icnd ro b€lieve thit b]'ma-\imizin8 proliis, at lc'st wnhin lcSal and .cgulxto'-r' bounda.ies, a business lcacler fullius hls or her hjSh€st crhical 'oblSation tet 5e. Howcv.r, it we accePt thesc simplc notions of bltsitcss succcss lnd ethics. is m:ln) leople do thcn tllc spe'kcr's tsscruon amounts to a mcanrnSlcss lxutolosl Bcsides, a cer!'!in coiltt?rl view suggcsls tjrxt bot}l notions rell'on o1'erh narro$'ideas,bout business "success'and hoq ro actuevc it. According to this broadcr, contrio vie\\" business leaders' by virruc ot rbc power tbe,r enio,\'. owc cenxin social obliEations to tbc commuturl'ano rhc socicrl !)ut Smnts th€m rhit Power in thc firsr phce Such obliSations oftcn go beyonil lcSal oncs lnd includc. among othcr duties, a duty to' condud busitcss in t mrnncr that ?voids undue risk to the hcalth and seJety of customcrs as well as rhe public at large lfl ordcr ro dischargc obligations such as t}csc, a fifln nijghr voluntirily providc ccft n Producl_s'Jetl fcarues or rlkc cen-]!n'pollution-conttol mcasr'Ircs-cvcn if it mcans forcgoing a ponion of its pronts- SbJnc advocalcs of this contr-rrJ'vicw 8o .".i-"in."= t-o.sc on rusileli"leracrs en irrrm'tivc oblisarlon to protcct consumcrs, prcscrvc t}c nlrulzl cnvironmett' Promotc cducatror\ and odreiwisc t Jic stePs ro bclP rllcvialc socicqts problcms Thc mosr succcssful business l€adcr is thc onc who flot only stril<cs thc best balance bcrw€cn social obliSetion xnd the profrl'maximjzltion inpcmtivc. bui also tecognizcs and cxploils areas whcrc rhc Fvo objcdieet "r. ^ "rly in accor4 erh€r dilFi€- ceggi€|_E4F !)r**Pic a fi'm s i'lsensirivir. ro enlironmenLjll or s:rfcr\' conccms n!8ht ramish i!! oubltc M.pet6otLt.con "rt rrtf"r,rt "rrror"" ! ttillji rut,*tu:i#tffiin$I 'Iffil$;'*,i[*1ru-'ffi: 1;;**,;m;*F$#i*i=*j$*,:I ;t''i#;;g*l':t:'tiifu*fi l+_*W $fi*$ff*ffi *H#d'f,',*',"#*,,tirn:ii j":ffi n ia5ano) puolaB anrrnuoc-"oJ,"qnpg pr ,., .*,,1i Jf ll ll".io.I-T:*,",""'.,";1##;'l;ff ff ,""'J:lTf l#:T.:X j x#:il:T'j,,:;:l, YJ j'il; j*:,-^,fr .;*1*tjtt, ut pwq 03 or r'{r c.rour !n ssrdrurs Du! "ro,o ._.jl]l#rijrr#l -sr)ErrnIJr lndr frpuErs 3$)unoJrE uosr: :,T ;fi:; i'J:T.{ *ilii}ilT:.tt-,i :ili1*:#""J s:Isst 1vr,,,19 -tvrctijo 0z tiol sAVSS: ltdl,,vvs dcvclopirS. (bcn nunudnS rluoush continucd srud\ an acsrhclic apprccir. tion of Lircrarurc, rhc finc aru. and ihc pcdorming ans. Thus. cvcn rhc bro:rdcst and dccpisr cottcgc educirion is mcrct)., primcr for aduh lifc. vocr(ionil xod otircnvise. Wc should conrinrc ro tcrrn ncs jotrelitcd skills and irJomxdon, in the inrc.esr of xdvancirg rhc socieq'. But wc should rlso complcmcnt *rose cffonj through course wofk in tlre scicnccs, humxnirics, tnd ans. Wc rhcrcbl gain rhc capacin ro succccd in carecr, ro fmd its purpose and mcaning, rnd ro understand rnd lpprccizte Mc- To Sain rhcse capaciries is ro become futjt human, vhich, nr mt'\'ieq,, should b€ our uhimrtc end. wdting SktL\lor the GRE/GMAT Tests uuu.pcI6otu.con ,rol suaelDdn'.,'nl a(tt rtl slIr:ts a'||Jual tttal rv\,9n21) .ruslr.r8Eld roJ tnolool .e uo )q lI^! srrpE:r l:l?.:Iy".,"r,, .pro,r ior-prod aqtdo,,",,",' j,;;;;, ;r!ss. 1u:uJnfry f.Wrt9 rnot Burso.Jrror r( -n'"a,o npu",,*qn.ql,;;;;;il;#H,'j;*'S:r:.ffiT. '1.(\) Jnol q tu:LUnSJ\.rr.l.) r)f,ts)r o) nol )))dxJ )ou op srJpr* _aqr r[rl] 'ra^)^\oq .punx ur d:i) .aJu.rf,Jrj Jnor ro,t )ururnS+. lxr)tlo rrF pilrntrdxr.r._{,1 irss! q:r:3o qdr,,Er.,1j ,.ra, .U, u, , _ _::."* 6g r.r 55njro.rd w) ,otr )rqa- jnoqE )Ds,Jr)r .)B .rrlnx sr.F:rlsnod st ).u)rr glxssr ho/i Jl p)ulJluot Jq !,uop ,os .lprus o) no^ roJ slrpouJ rr':)q ur:ttl f,)pl' ot a*"a-r*: ro ,,q-" .irnJ rr' I c6ty suonrpuo) t)r,'') rrpun stssr )srrr ,"J.", ;";;; . :Sq^ronoj f,q) pt]trlJ u-r d))I I uBd ln f,r)q srsuods.r r(p lpn]s nol n lrs of, ^.\ srmrr^{ ^r-,^,t !".:':l^rrs-n5u'lsr^"nr \,s) rtrs qr^ SLrnuA\ fcrlrlfcuy Iy^ D ,lu, t,n su:ur&iy fclrgloJo )q rn)u> eqj urDqo uEr nol lood lcrrrllo s,rrTEul )sr):Q tn nuju'n€r]/ Jr.n lo OZ o, ar*oarJ ltrl sumuoJ e'uE SIN:IWNSIrV IYI,{9 -IVJ)I;I.;IO OZ uod sAvssg :ndI^I.VS I *rrcd ill Ancu,raevr No, B JJAI?I b Intcrcst in IUanagement lssues Arnong Worl(cis ,^ccordin8 ro d)is cditoriat. ibc comn)on !jrN of Norkcrs ap.!hcrjc abour manr8cmeor issUcs rs fitsc. or il lcrsr (,1,(J. Cd. To ruDDon rhjs :rsser.ion, rhe cditorial circs :l rcccnrt! pubjjsbed jun,(\ jn \\4ljch 79 pcrccnl of rhe 1.200 workcrs responorn8 ro x quesrjonnrire indicated tsrcar rnrcrcst rn coporarc-rcsrrucluring :rnd bcncfirs_rcdcsiFn issucs. CarcIrlt scmrif,) of rhe ediro.iat rcveils numcrous potcn!irt problems $,irh il-problems rhtl ,endcr irs xurhor's posirion unrcnable. A rhrcshotd problem is drxr drc €dirorirl negtect5 ro indiclrc ho!,, rcccnrl)'ric survc.\,was acturl)y conducrcd. All .wc knos, is rixr thc surycr was rccenrlt pubUshcd. Thc lcss reccnr rhe surve\.itselI. rhe less rcliablc dt; resulrs ro indicare cuffcnr inrcrcst lclels in man.gcmcnr issues amonr workcrs, rcgrrdtess of when rlic resutrs wcrc pubLst)co. Two more polcnliat p.oblems h:lve ro do wjrh rhc su.vcy s mcthodolo81,. Firsr, unless rhe sufleyors smptcd a su_ffjcicff number ol sork€.s and did so nndomly across the €ndr€ workforce spccrftm, rlrc survct'resutrs arc nor rcUirble ro gauge rlc inrcrcsE of workers gcneE!),. Thc number oI respondent5 (t,2OO) in irsclt docs nor €nsurc reDresenLltjvc- ncss. t:o. cxamptc, if rhe samplc includcd onjy m,rnagers, rhcn rhc lcsults sould no doubr suSScsr 2 much hjgbcr levcl of inre.csr rhan thc evcmcc lcvcl imong aU vorkers. . second possiblc mcdrodological pfoblem n $rt of bias. pelhaps Norxcrs Jrrho wcrc inreresred in mxnrgemenl issues s,crc morc likeh,tirrn orbc. volkcrs ro rcspond ro rhe qucsrionn,iirc_possiblv becausc rhey found _ rnc quesoonnaire moft intcresrinS. Or perhaps i signiicanr numbcr of rcspondcnB fejgncd intcrcsr in mxnirgsnlcnr issues bccruse rirc\, bclicvcd thd'mi8hr Sarn favor wjrh lhcir compan! bv doinS so. tn cirhcr even(. tj)c survcy resu6 would be vifturlh, usetcss in dnwing .eliabte conclusions abou! t}. xcrual. tc"et of jnrercsr in m;rn:rgcmcnr issucs among vorkcrs _ SCnCrau). A finat ploblcm wirh rhe cdirorial invotves r}rc possibiliry of addirronar lcsulrs Iiom rhc surey-rcsuhs rhar ttlc eclirorial neglecljs ro mention. Fof cxamptc, maybe $e questjonnsjre listed mrnt. m tagemenr jssues ano mc rcsulrs showcd kccn inrerasr 2mong workers in onlv thc rwo Da(icularin_cs' rhar rhc cdiloriat mendons. fn frcr,'fer,aI Nc knos,,rrtrc sunev rcsgonOenus indicarcd rhaadrEy wcrc comptercl),aparhcric roq,rrd alt ortrcr rssucs, rn which crse drc common norion dtar thc ediro.i: seeks ro dispel would appear to bc correcr aftcr all. In sum, rhc edirorjat hls nor succecdcd in d,sproving rhar sr'orkcF are apathcric abour manag€menr issucs. To make at lclsr a cotomblc d.sumcnl based on rhc survq,, thc cdironat s ruthor musi shos, ihar lhe surcY rcspondcnrs as a g.ouD ,ccumrch, reitecr rbc enri.e worke. poputation in rcrm5 of rhcir inrcrcsr in minrgcmcnr issucs ,rcncr:rlh,_nor iusr rbc r.vo t\TrttntF Sktlts for tl:c GRE/CIUT T4Ls uutD.l>.tersoB.coD1 te.tttuenrn.J ,1t,"r, stsrJ JvJl'9. ntt Jt, s t.t\'nrttuat . .1tos sJ,: i,i.ru)^u r(D{l >rlt rot ))DDb:)pr: u:.q.^xq stoor ctrlrs 5rl) qijnoqr Lr)^i.er)losqo stoor 5utllrr.]r s,ulrrsul! p]J)purr e^!q t8oiouqr:t lruonrj:1 p: ur stu.uJdotr^.p ^\.u J(, ?irnlt r sdrqr:d rO .urqr ,)!tdrr ro rrDd.r o) prpr.u ., :;u,pu,,j ruxrU'u8rs ).q) lurod.qr ()1 clsun;trnorrSurp p.rrp"uo, ^o",r,, pu,, nurrEourlf,p rj?3q c^Eq srDll)!-l s,q:rsu]3 sdr:qjad .rldurux: rol .srros!:r itcllssodlo r:qurnu lu. roj .eur_r) rslr 3r.tt roj p.rrnb rq ^!ou 1q3ru.r )scejrur ,iu!punJ IrDuusqns rl .rrury rqt ln .lwor st rr s! r^trJqle sn urErur u:^. ro 'os op or .lqE eq lF Ess.rsu :ou ilra tr .srs!3rrul ,rnpunJ p)rsnfpi-uotrEful rnotnl^\ :^rttrJlJ) rolx uaor8 srq ulolsulJ tsrd srll ur I u:^r .;IpIrtI rJ)ds)'l sn]] rn pr^oldutr ttrrt rn sru Lnf,tsun rr!r ro 5seur.u!:rr: 1cuor.rtrnD, p:ao.rdui or.tqonqurr"., o,r., .u] )rrlr rru )ou^uor lornrtr rj:1tsds 3q: ,pu:n.qr ro; suoser rlqrsso.t J.q)o f,unrqrql. :noilrrA\ 'Auoud J.LlAru r Jo otqEprolF :rou.r rlqtla $ uotrrJnpo .Sallor luoqa roJ nu.p!s.r ^ru Jo ,L-nlFI ur .r)uEsrn roj_suoDruEldx: llqrssod r)qto lno:Fr pu! J)prsuo) ol ,r".6ru .rr:J".0, -rq1 , r"nf".t rn.)sull aau SuorrrE .rr-J Eo.rrEFtrtr)Eul 3.nol 1 .,1 .r" rt ,r" ro,, uontLfttdp :lqrsscia Xpo .q) $ ssru3^,rtrrnr FuolrrJnp: rln ru5uo^ordru! )rA uondu'nsft rood rtp uo spurdrp rurlmijt s,JlrE.ds .$ ,.(lPuor3s SulpttnJ Jruonrppri pr:u rou seop )r rlqr ruor, r.t .ss.t e^lrr.J,r lu uotrrJnpa ur uaorS srq uFlsnIJ tErF rleqt uo prsrq rpnlluo., Ilqiuosraj tolrt,.xJ rrlrads rqr .pt,ut rEalf, x aoqs or tu:rJujnsul J! p:pt^ord sJDsltDts eq) .)tlts .s^ulur'rd slqr u! rLlJap r aq 1q8!rl: purrr ltx::^o ,qt ro n"rrr r"r,i ou 3q lqSiur llJqr .rJq uI ,otJllor 01 gqpe::o:d sa:rnpr-€ u,arsllJ ar:u lo l3!)uo]J.d rrll Jo sulj.t rn Jlnmrm uf,?q r,1tq lq:nr, s:r:; o,ut :saqrSo .q:oq -sdcqr.d Jo .)uO .puejr ri.tr t a^ord or cr|Fs ^lpxq poued fte,{_?irua^!l x Jo sr.rt lnal puE rsru .qr ,{JUo uro{ s:3uuerr3d .JrI: Jo r$!:l .BurJ-ur^uooun )u:r!nfu! f,qt l.prl)r Irqrf,Sol q5lr]a saEU Suruosc.J Frr^Js lrlo{ s,r4ms lururdr s.re{x.ds :rll _pouad rr$ r:^o p)sl:rrul rou slq.uottlUrj! roJ p.tsn{px.Blnpuru s.loogJs rql 1!qt tJq !(p !trdgrp_pou.d rE {_,{ruc^r tlql rr^o ss)ua^D:}aJJ9 lxuonlanp: ttt uaor€ :^Eq lmur inrtstltf :re suosr.r ritlra. .q, ,r"U.t-s,.rq" *or: 'os ptp JIcLt .uo lIUo .oiE srxrl ,{ru)at sEf,_Jrqa 33 or o, uo ot .rr"no*: s,urrrn4:t Jo sp4F oar .{rpor lrn rno nr4od ralret}s,olF .uorsi,r"-uoi sl{r roddns oI tuEss:rrum si yooqcg q311_ r4e:s"13 ,oj :,ap_]J ln :sE:rJu poun9qns r lu{r sJn8.l.[ tqur.ur ltrrn_rol-Altr I .qtrr:ds sryl uJ ;SrrJprmg elolp.a.r.mbay 1oogtg qi$I-ulersclg s+oC te .oN tNlwnexY ,,{JolEpucrlJ.l.a sasuodsar tou ro lrqrf,q^l pnc lr,uns 3r1r rnoqc plor .1.^i irelqns cq: rrqar .sscro:d uori:aps -rtrJlqns :rlj rnoq! lllirrrds:)-lSolopoqt.uJ s,lr^hs 5qr ,.oO" uou",_o.11'l p.Irtrrp llddns rsnur rorln! lrp .s1p qrrytuorJr "r .p.r.;l ".";.; ill cLui stN3t,{n9uy lvt^,t9-tvt3Bjo oz doj s^Vssl r.tdr,lvs |ill Iinrlh.lhc spc:rkcr's rrSr.rnlcnr rssunr(s rlur colleF( nr:riricuhrion rx(cr :rrc d)c onl! rclixblr jndicilor of x hiFh scl)ool s lc!!l of educ;uionll cffccrivcncss. Yet thc nrcr( l:rct thir x hiFh school srudcnr docs nor procccd t(' collegc docs not ncccssrrril! nrcxn llr]l rbc hi!h llch()o1 \'rs incffcclj!( in cducr(iirg thxt srudcnr. Thus. rhc spcikcr unJaidr cquarcs -cducxrional effccliveness' r,irh collc,r(-mxt.icuh!ion rares. In conclusion. drc scanr scrtisric:llevjdcncc proridcd in rbc spccch iiils Io conf incc mc rl)flt Einsrein c:rn incrcasc. or evcn nral'lrah, irs level of cducarionxl cffcctivcness vnhou! incre:lscd funding. lnsread of rclying on :r potcntialj\' irelc!:nr sr^Lisric Irom rs,o dccadcs aSo, rhc speaker should hevc nrovidcd finstcin 5 colleFC.mirrlcular'on r?res fnr mrn) consecurrvc yc2rs. up ro rhc prcscnt rimc. To tull) provc her case, thc spelkcr sbould havc also provided €vidcnce drat subsr.rnriares bcr rwo crucial ?5sumprioos; (1) thxl collegc-matriculaLion mrcs dcpend prjmarily on r hi8h school s educ'tional cffecdvencss z.rd (2) tha( college marricularion !']tes are rhc bcsr indici(or of thar cffeclivencss. ARGUMENI I\O. Id Shuttfe-Bus Service to Local Subway Stations Tbis cditorial pomrs our rhar commurcr usc of rhc neq'subw:iy r.ait hi-s cxcccded projections, vhile commuter use of shuRle buses rhr( mnspon pcople ro subwa)'smrions is b€loq'p.oj€crions. Accoidir8 ro t}lc edito.i:d, in ordcr lor a Srcalcr numbet of comurers ro shutrlc rathcr rhat drivc ro the surions, rhc citl musr eirhcr dccrcasc shurdc far€s or taisc p]J|1ng fces:rt thc sLlrions. For sele.al retsons, rhjs claim js a dubious one ar bes! To bcSin with the reason for_rhe unexpecredl)' lo\r' shulllc-bus us:rgc mi8ht havc nothjnS ro do with eir.her shurde-bus fares or srzrion,prrkinS fccs. For inst nce, commuler awareness of thc shurtlc.bus oprion mighr be growing morc slowll'.tban arrLiciprred, For tha! mrrler, man'I commurcrs mjght bc wary'- of riding drc buscs due ro :r rcccnt shurrlc.bus accidcnr Viftour ruling out thcsc rnd orher altem:rrivc explanrrions for t})c low shuttlc'bus usagc. rhe autlor caffror reerooxb))' concludc *rar adjusrinS shutilc fares or station'parldng fecs vill have anl' effccr on rhar usa8c. AdmiRing for thc srkc oflrgumcnHhal shuRtE-bus farcs andlor parkins Jccs ire rcsponsiblc for thc lower,rh2n<xpecrcd shunlc.bus u.sa8c, rbc cditorial ncvcrthclcJs ov€rlooks orhot.Fays @esidcs idjustin8 shurrlc fares -o! pdkinS fccr) ro incrcase -shutdc-bus usi8e. For oiamplc, jJ rhc shutdcs ran more frcquently, perhaps more peoplc couid, and would, use drc buscs instcad of drivjng. Or pcrhaps larger or more con,fonable shuFles would achicve r-bc 6amc rcsull- In shon, ur ess thc cdirorial s "uthor cxplorcs and cLin1inatcs.?11 othcr options, I rcmrin mconvirccd thrr rhc orl)'reay for thc cjrl' to anajn tha st"ted obiccLivc is ro citicr dccr se shuttlc farcs m incrcsc DsJkir! fccs. \\tnri,g sk ts lor tr. GR-C/GiUT TesLt @uu.r.refton.con r: sr r{rn(.srrNr:t ru.r.JJrp r:l;rd ltr^r,L:n rq5iu uos:ad'uts:qr:ai'rs :qr lt:3rrt )rr \d.orii o^u ,qr I uJ.t tuu^ ^,",,.,,,;,;:: :]jl :ll^ s:uriu,,:,nb',.,d ^r,,";,;,;,; ;1,;::fl:i"iil'fi,^,il:;'Hl:l f:" "*": rE) u:.,\r:,q r8olrur: e511y n or runoujx,.O,Ix,*^ *,n ot .r)q sldLU)Il: loqnr[ 5r.p .s]trEj or'dt ,qr Jo lsr! oqt ot rrrdsaj qlr^\ x 3r.l,i)roroh- rJUn. or :rnrrq s,,(doJ sr:uro)('r' ;p"o-"u", ,;a.,,+ .;;j il;.rTr;'i"'.:Tl;J'ff '":[Jj:: ntrtJ .s.Llr ',(l:n:unrojun )srou :ur8u! s.X tou ,Jrsntu litror ot surlsll rea:h.ql ltrqa 3ruDlt.ddr $l uo snroj X roj sDc lrolsr^alrt (a pur :sr!tr uErgaury sr rl.a sc rsnt trs )nq .ulqlr.1arnb ,tn_.".i ._ .,r, lri,rr.t i,j isrrq o^D s.rrr llduJrs roqrnr: .qr .uoDrrssr ,qr ",n3r, o1 ."u'r5u" .,y.r,t,ou sr-tou sr )Lngu. stt lEqr rrxJ trr{r or anp sl ,rnlrrj s.iao: arp rrrp-uop.Jassc .qr .rnJ3r or $dur'r ur , ro$nr .,rL .1 jo.,.toor s:, *;^ .;;r;;;; r.ru:urltl prqsr1q":s}auol E ,x 3lr,brotol{ Jo sr.*or.n. ,rr.lrr" o, prp".y 1 ^rrrdu,o) Lr6r>joJ umr.r E rrql rno srlnocr )s.rrj .",,r" .,q, ;" ,1q,." ,lI' "". or pallpJ ;1 ap,r".rorol4 go ,(do3 apzyg-ul1affXffffi l0 .oN rNly/neuv ri,.s lqfur s'rnruu,otr ,{rrrqns *ror lo ,t.jrns ,ror- '.', ,o'"otllfrJo'ill vo nxllt lrrpu_s)al iLl_.|Jld ot f,Jcd(U( sr rrroqJ naqr r'qr puD ,uou"rr ru, ,r, 3." s:ltj snq_elllnqs rbotl uo.p'sDq )rrq'f,r ! r^rq srahurs,* r"* _;.;^.T:';T,:A:1ffffff liil: ::l :l r.q u:Tru:r:s oj._ft^ par,s:p aqr u, ror^lqeq r5rnuruor ,i.lpotl: o: rur'Jurns Jo l'rDssllru rrqlr! ,jr slu: :.n escr 8,ntruhuor ",'l"', ;, ;, ;;:il:"jil :.','#H':f T'- _o, ,q nr^ ,,r^ lr{f,ru uoorr.yo mo: p"roaor.t _,,"Uo,,0.'"1;'rj:il 'os jl sjr)nurluo:, rs.qr Suour, urr:)uor r'o, s.',pns-,o,r!., r.rpo .u,os,* .H ffi :I;;'tr""'"H?J :.:-::ll*- **l .pro]3lr f,a nr roJ .rf,q q .uerrFldrrl slqr uoddns oj rruf,pr^) ou srpr^ord fEuol!p. eqr .rtr^ra_olt.s,JoDns .xtt ot,.^pp lDusrnf, Jo.rot^lqiq 5qr lsrzqf, d1eq ,r" v, o."i.*j,;-lr-",i"i , nrnsru ,olpw se'J 3pnqs 3'o:" ol :rr,r.srnd'n i".;; .; G;;** sr -:'sE rJ." ur 3f,s or p,pf,ru oq rou rq',u "*,_*,;J:lrT:;'J:lT .,rp _{r*rap- .3^pJrD[ :lor! s3ulor.q tllrq] ot 8ur^gp Jo por.* ,uourra ^EAqns or ,.snq 3'rnqs SL,r.jfEr r!q: os s'wqJ ,n ; ; ; ;;;;;; :j:-:r__ T.1". uolrrursuo>,{raq€rq ro -pDor prft .s3rud ruronf -srj.nts :rtrtdrj3ou:.p lrrol lpnpr, 1rr€ru, s. Drdu4 rqsrur ,*,' i;;,;;, ";:;:;; ruoFlpuo) qJns 33Esn mq)FrnrF .rs!rLu. .rprraourr' ", ",,,r,, ,""",J.'T ;,1 l'#:r" ,'#* l9lzJ 'rt) )or s t,)\ nuuutr , srosJr,. IiHE SlNlnn9dv ]Vt,,{e tV|:)EJO 0Z UOI S VSS:] ,t*y$ quict cosir€. in a c.r lhro in r mororcvclc. ln cirirer rlrnt. it {'ould bc unrcxsonrblc to d.r\' ,Lnt conclusions xboLrt \4rr teoplc choose onc n)ororq'clt oler anotbrr bascd oD snlcs of quicl crrs ris'A is noisicr oncs. ,\s for 1l)c sccond fx.r-abou! rhc relcvision ads*rhc aLrhor sccnls to assurrc rhr( r signficrnr ponion of pcopis q'ho nriFhr bc jnrcrcsrcd in buling molorc)clcs Natcb drc ads cnough timcs (o bc inlluenccd b) Ihcm. \\hilc this might bc thc c15c, thc aurl)or nusr prolidc clc:rr evidence to subslrnr'arc dris:lssumption, OlhcN,ise, I cannor :lcccpt the author's injerencc thir the lds haae an) bearinS \'hlrsoclcr on consumer mororcvclc-bu\'rJ)B dccisions ln c'unS t}e ads. thc aurhor rlso secms ro rssumc thar Is usual fcarures, s'hich the xds tout, actualll influencc motorq-clc-bu] ing dccisions of peoplc viewing thc ads. Ye! ir is enLi;e\' tossible th,rt these people donl likc or don't carc about X s app€ar?ice bur thx! the ad's rzucous musjc rcminds ibem of Mororqcle X s most ippcaljj)S ferrure-hs noiq cn8ine. Thc fact rhat X ha-s bcen msnufacrured to! molc than sevcnrl ycars strongl) su8S€sts that people are alread). famiti"r eirh thc sound of X s en8inc and hcrefore thxr the ads mighr seruc ro r€mind rhem of t}lxt sound. In conclusjon, drc xulior has nor trovided convircinS rcasons to rcjccl dle assertion rhat $e forcitn.madc cop-\"s failure ro lrrract X cusromcrs is duc to irs compnrrrivch quict cn8ine. To bolster his posirion, instcad of rcl!,nE on potcntialll lrrclcvant st.rrisric5 abour car s3lcs, thc iu$or should providc bctler evidence-perhaps in thc form of aorldwjde survel rcsulrs-ihat mororqrclc buycrs have rcjccted thc forci8n cop_\'tor reasons hrvjng nothirg to do s,ith enBine noisc. To funhcr bolsrer his position, thc aurhor mi$t look for a rcljrblc telcvision,viewer sunc! showinS th?t thc :rds Ior llotorcvcle X €ntice porendrl bu,vcrs primariir bcc:ruse of the ads 'focus or tbe bilie's visual fcarures-or for orhcr rcasons haling nolhing !o do wjth an8inc noise. Htl Ancurari.rr No. 42 Should the Postal Service Raise Postage-Stamp Prices? Thc author of this opinjon xniclc claims that mising postege-st.amp prices vould ircrcrse thc posr2l scliic's revcnu€ rvhile decreasi.ng irs mail volumc, both of which in tum r})c author .liims Nould climinxte sErin on t}|-posri q stcni ,nd improve mor{c aJnon8 posElvorkc.s. Bascd on t}cs€ claims, the ad$or rccommends rusin8'it st"-p p" '. .'aer ro rcvcrsc wh,! the:ruthor cx.Ils "dcrcrjoratio;" ofrhc posql sersice. Tlus ,rr!.umcnt depcods on2 scrics of four c?use-and<fJcct rclationshiDs. none of s'hich the articlc s autlor has cstlbLisbccl. Thus, I flnd rhc xrgument q,hoUt unpersuasive. First of all. nisirg stlmp p.ices would not necessarilt rcsult in a ncr incr€as€ in rcvcnoc. If the price rais€ rcsulrs in a decreasc in mail volumc, a5 !hc anicle clairrjs it would, rhcn r€venu€ lo,st_d\r_c to dccrcascd volur$c lr1iShl excccd revcnuc gaincd by sclljng srrmps al hiShcr pdacs vnh lcss rcvcnue, E \\7drir! Sk ts lor nrc G j.L/GnUT Tcslt u\.@.lrctedons.co,1 urox stoerDd,ltaat s$aJ Jw!9m 14t rnl s/1t|rs;tuttlrat . ,tlorrat. )lt^ud.J3Utsr]",ilttlqcluojo:.pUoP.scqs)u()J'|qtrd 5n:^ud J(, s)uru eqr )noqr suortrzll.j:r ;r,, ".1_.U," .".,., ,"1 sr s'qr )xqt ir:)rtdr) !rou )q t(IU roulnr: s,trJri)r , t) .rr^raou .{.:Lj,cno n)udo ^rJrtqnd ll ;tqcuns)rd .rrlluu r.toqsrrqr r \v 'spriErs )r sr Surrur^uo:>un,rot)rrq) sr pur suordrr-rnsst: p.r"uur:.qn.un,nq tr-'r)rutr iLl],{:s uo srl:r 1u)tun&r srql.dtqsr:uxo :rrqnd rnrp :rr,rua::purr rtqErrrord Jcrrorrp. rq. ,unsqr I rl),q^1 tq__.renrc :rrJ, ()scrursnq )rrt) .toord rrllr sr,drq"rruao,,"""a o, prro,r", lt1u.)rr 'O)) luLd(Uol sns.ortr Jo A!Iquuo,a .,n :1" 1"!ror1p. .!qt zslrro Jlqnd u"qr alqstgoJd eJoI,ll sessel4srlB elE4lld ariT lil! Lta, i 8t 'oN .rNlI^rn9!Y rhu,s usrsrs rd:)x5 rrL rno rlru rn*prra,oJ pw:,." i5#;]:':j: itunnqrruoJ .lqrssod IE .rl8psr^ur )snLU roq)n! ,rn ,tlTEr4J .sru:lqord :tEror! pw urBls ur.lsls rr!!^rll! pinor nu.^., p,roo,pp".1r,q^ ot tu.txr .lI) .s,(:^Jns c:lotdur>IEtsod pur s.lprus *)u)pljl: Jo suErur Ict rurcr.t.t, ost! plnoqs roqtnr rrdt .s*r::rur ::uddur:s oi puoas:: lla rlqnd rqr aoq s.dnE8 rlqr t ^hs " qtn-,p .a"q,ra_*o,urio.,J 3nu!^)-fEsr8rEl! :1qin:: rryrrqo ptnolls Joqrnr rqr .sJe qsltdruo)r! oI r^oq! prssnrstp sdrusuonrlr fEsnlr rnoj :rlr Jo qjr. qqlqlls. tmrx rorlrnE cqr .uoncrou::cp sltfi^lf,s Jq) sslr^3.t JUA rSEu)u cJud p.sodold rrp lEql IU )f,tn^uo) rr!) loqnrr trlll f,lol3q ,rlrlrurdFer oI .uonuollJtaP crlr 3sJJ^aJ ot 5)r: :u."'-*. ",f . o, n'.;'.;;&;i*'*::T:ilT["]1,H;;::X nr^ tur^ rq€ror srrjer rotnn! rt|l qrlqa o) uorrEJourt)p r,.o .ltT",aC' -' .r o!r .ro s,:rprE€rr rrErou, r^ordrur ., .,,".j;"j; ;i::^" .::.,:"Jffi: :_': rnr q)_qa s. ,ll]uno) a$ hoq8nonp allu.'nlj Jrrpllod Jo frlros luJljrl-tr :-t ot .np cq tq€ru srurlqold trfuror! plrg.os op or Blntdul5u, r, pgls?Aur t, ,.:uou trrno ,toq :cutur ou .ulqs w.lsls-:rlwuJnf, lnry ", .i;;;;; j: r';llt! tJ s)^rDrtqo rsol{l.^aqrE ot.rlums to" nr^,1r.^ r,.trlu, prqlDsrp lsl r^.t :nt5rr Jo los .l{l lrJour tqaordut. ttrt ,rt"l.rs :on"._rm, prE^or anur^rr rru Jrrjoqrpnr srqddD .r)^rrs e4 J-r ue^r ,(fp.a,q-L ' 'o) p:,nqqrE:q rou plnoJ 3Frou., ur ru.s'^oIJ:"""fr11.T":ff;:I;il , .'.slsrerDo .n!pu.q :r{otduF guDrrli{uj :o ,bu:rruJ: rllerd.ls 8ur^ordu, lq .ldurc^: roJ-spu. .srqt prE^or.nur^rr Euolttppr trqr ltdd! ot p:.! dllrrur! pFroa r)ljrf,s rql EroLU 3^o_rdu ro urErs r!.rs/G .ernpf,, ur^, Jo l:lr'_rurJ|) llg}gsrJcu tou plnoa anua^tr1 !o:sEartru r.u , .,(Jpuorrs trsoqr I ,{tJzD.dsf,-tt o^ordrDt or sdtrrs 34x3 .s.surdxa fEuonrppx .nnbrr sdJr 3r[LtI4J. ]uol! t5l 'rnuts rurlsls .JnprJ jo JlErou, plnor J]lnras lnsod cqt rxrF ll.{11 ssrt ur.:s pfno6 rr slNthtneuv 1v/!e tvtaljjo oz uol s^Vssl fl4.v\6 [...]... soft ofproof, I would nc€d lo sufley rcadcrs of t}le book to dcternine thc book's aPPeal ?lld of coursescrcen lhc scqucl to sce whcrhcr or not i! holds similar ?ppcrt P.te66s ' lvrlting Skllh for tlt- ' GRE/ GIUT Tesls t"u1sr.e,nd non' J'tq"d ': Jo ?ir^\ /iq sdrqr:d_ )urp,^:) qr ru unift )q) r:)sroq" ",^., @ -r r.t r,,rt r^"rrrrt'"'l tnll?(r"i s.oLU.'ru j,"1:.:lll^1d rsnlrrotrrn,: '.E:r.:rq!(u.,,"", f,s,:(,... "";';";J::::":1J;jfi:JlH] 'oru Prsodulrr:s nl r\r:l )qa!u, t.'"duor snn rrtr'bs(q ro' r"'r":;;;;;;; :qr i:pu:r )q8r@ siruEduror oar,rp r strutr)-lllp '{t) uruusl sluJr rnqnd er or ulxrl "r ,r.;- oi"^'"'^'q sx s,r potr 'rlo,^ i,l"a_;" *^ "ui,",;,'#:i':ir",I.iTjr-,fi *l ,o.po) 31.,'dop! ,".n" r lnoo" ,,o*n" #lffJ:ilff',.nn: ff rJ:r)p or pr.'I[EJ pu {xjun s! ADIqnd slqljo^ryrrn rg, pr^.,^,'I).* q, ,o r: ::;irC aqr... ,*rrr., ,., O*.""r"*^-," )po s rororduo) rIIl' rc{r udoqs 1ou sr\ rorrrnr :rr5 ,erd ur-s)q oI 'sprtls tr s[ fur:)ui^uof,un :lo;ct]q'r sl pu! s^r"U lut ror" , irrn:r_ Doruop ,{rur lurduror sII srq1, Jo.potr x SlnrO"OrrO ,"* ,"-".irl r.*." Lp Dt'.pr^) s.nrruo p)sr0.:por u^o s " , t,ffi:flj,jfiS.trj'J:: ::::ijT,.,,,o ,;o;',.,"-;J tnr'loadns lmlol'oJ x lsqt rno srtnod Joqrn! 3e uors poJ o-l'srnr'Jo Errlgo... tajd-\'acarion poliq for irs protessiond su-tf T}lc ncs'poLq., like rc currcnl one, would provide four \?cadon wccks Pcr Yeari but rhc ncs policy voold limjr anl v:carion ro onc weck \vriting Shlllsfor tbc GRE/ GUAT Tests I rr .)1t/Jt4 sltt:ts;kluJ4| , s,uosrrt t*Lt r.tn!'' fuour! ?iru:rrul, Iruotr'zrux3ro rpn, *r"pi.L; ;;;;:,."r::.:i:,t:::,:;h:;'r",tlil - ,,,"^ rnoqx JFrs tEuorsslord s,y{o ,,b,!ns or ruxa . futjt human, vhich, nr mt''ieq,, should b€ our uhimrtc end. wdting SktLlor the GRE/ GMAT Tests uuu.pcI6otu.con ,rol suaelDdn'.,'nl a(tt rtl slIr:ts a'||Jual tttal. mcrct)., primcr for aduh lifc. vocr(ionil xod otircnvise. Wc should conrinrc ro tcrrn ncs jotrelitcd skills and irJomxdon, in the inrc.esr of xdvancirg rhc socieq'. But wc should rlso complcmcnt. coporarc-rcsrrucluring :rnd bcncfirs_rcdcsiFn issucs. CarcIrlt scmrif,) of rhe ediro.iat rcveils numcrous potcn!irt problems $,irh il-problems rhtl ,endcr irs xurhor's posirion unrcnable. A

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2014, 07:22