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)ttr.1111 s1tt.1\ r t)uat , s.uo, tr,, ) trr'e)t.1t .r.u.,: u9r f,ir!ru:rtrs rnO i)rD:t^\()ur1 rqtrurrrs rn() ut s{.rfior(t ,^\ ^rou .trrdrurxe r',1 r)pr<uo) tr.\rt t,:rrr.t^r r u(, srrt,J(rr u(l :)l.r.,uu(l r!ur< srrlt rrrnorqr ,ir.(' sn s'n\ r*lr qrud r,)rxtr *p puLr sn ,.1 ilffllil'oHl:i )rI ur sr^l)srn(' Ji^o)(rp ostx ,^\ ]nq .qtr^\ :lqDlxlu()r l(nr a.lr pur: Jrr: r^\ ()tt^\ r)^orslp.^! op,ituo iou sdlllsuortrtrr n:lrt.J tt inorrll ru)Jr.lop! J() lirrxd pux urd rrr tEqr srf,tunoru: lt]r]os pllj^!,1^rl] to stros )ql Jo /il'n\ ;q ;tuo rno r;^oJsrp .^ sru?rsf,topr sy .m!3r pu, urrin u^!op .Su,llq ,iq llu^ or ^rort urrrt r^\'srnqut s\ pooqrlnpE r{Snorqt poc,qptlllr,itlu: LUolt sur:urnrl r-u:u:dx. lrn,Uaar rno q)r^r sprorrc uo.ru:ruo) )rtt .qr,^ urli:q ot .Jo^x:pu) uEurnq Jo su{llr II! ui ,sslrSord rtut Dul: fu^oJslD ;cj uolEphot Ar^ rqr sJp!^ord :o::>pur 1r:9: ,t.nrl t"rr,-a " ,o ,"q, m.@o_trr ^ro)stq .ltpuo)9s .raru)g.dx: l[uosrrd rno A,^.pJo"rr r, ,_3 suorrjr oal roJ .uo!lu.tuo) sfr.ll qrJA !rr8i: ltiuo:rs t .s:rytsnu qfno:rp ;tuo.pEaj r! ss)rgojd pu! A.^o)s!p rEqr spuetuoJ lr4rads cql 2ssa:3o.r4 puu Lra,rorslg roy &cssarap sJ{ErsTW aJv gg .oN rnssl .,,b!r.'!Lunq roJ ss3riord rx.lr rnoqE rqSnorq peepul o^Dq suorrB^ouut lc)JSololrqrrl luaJlr-la^fl loJuroJ pux 8rrh.rJ Jo prpurts Jtu ouof,a Jo su.urt rrl-,{J,dolJ!u Jrot! "ss!3ojd" cuurp 5116. tr ."rna^oH ']rrdr.aj slql rI Dr.r.roJ sl luaur)lrls aqt .snql .latp rr[c Surraorr,S,re rpaua6lo uoqs uoltx^otrl,r fDr€olourl):t ou rl)rurtd .ernlru uxurnri uro{ 5rruds ;larDu4lln sJutrlor^ pnn .,,bla^od .rDA sx q)ns srxelqord gullnpua .r]lns uI rrrur)suor qroq puE :le^oi ,orurof, o* ,.,"n ,"'illi,fil]ljt:'^'## .i!rl suo'rnlo^f,r rrtndtuor prrl: llgrsnputrlapouj aqt q)oq .srurlrq uo ssrl)riru.^.N .sravoaoJ pur ,,r.rJrmu:ulo) ,ll,urrj ruolJ,l"^i uonurrri pux Junl lno sJlrjs pux ploFJ^O UoDlurloj:ul spa)lq l5uDI' 5rjl puy .Iro^t rreqt rlloiJ sDlroa ourl-llqurassE Jo uoDlurltu }qr q ,.q,orrV .qrt".q ,ttqna or tr9Jrrt stl pux uo.rrnJlod lnucruuo.4au: s1 iguSojd 1ru:snpu;o rrnpo:dlq ,*_"u_.:o 'slsor rnoqrla euo:r- rou suq s.::sora q:oq ,nor f . - or ssrJ)r lEs!^run :p!r! r^!q puD :sarJrua^ prJ=r",o,,iloijir""l']'"L'-r# :^.: jT "{" Jo uirc)p rq1 r' p)pm e^ELt :slsEr !^trDrdrr SLTulo}rd ^q rlrn) Jno dn s:{ prdlsq !^rq srrrndlllor .ttrurr:.r rol4 .srru)ru.^uo) _ 11:^.* a Erorrrld r prnddns p(f .qr^o.€ r.LUouor) nr)!lnunj< 'sqol ssJDlmor prrrJrr SrruruJEmt'!ur :un_llqLu)ssr pur uonrnnold Isrl< J. )u:^p! f,q.L suoptu podolr^:p Jo ta^.t ]lojruor pu! 3ur^n Jo prlpuEr( tTIlr^o ,qr pr:)tr[qu) slq uoox^oum Fa€olour.ltrer AruusJ,rltsltur^! .))u)lor^ pw ',or9^od .Jra 8Llrur^:rd ln suol]Erru'Jl s.lSolorrqJJt ,qpuEtgqle:oN -ilruE(Unq loJ srssol 1au ot lrmouJr r'!r LrsluJrqro,q ul ,sf,rur^pr" pJl,El_os Itrlr rno srurod r))qfnlts urrunrt roj suodura lrJrusqr to *. t_*.jtr", tl slnssr SaJ9 tvt:)ljio oz uoJ s^vsst ltdnvs PARI 5 mcthod is css€ntiallr a clll for progrcss rh.ouph rrial and error. Anv ncs, rhcon musr be tcsrrcl br empirjcal obscn'lrion rnd musl $,ithsran.l rigorous scicnrific scrurin\'. Mo.eovcr. lhe hisro4'of thcor€rical scicncc is csscntiallt. x hislon of rriil nnd c.r.)r. Onc modcm c)ilmplc inlotvcs nvo conrrirl, tbcorics of ph\,sics: w:r\'( theon,xnd qurnrum rhcon. DurinF thc trsr quancr<enrun. scicoiisrs har.e been srnrgglirg ro disprovc onc or thc othcr-o. ro reconcilc rhcm. s ir rums our, ? nrw sc!<i ed 'sking, rhco4 shows $!r rhc quanrum aod vavc thcorjcs arc mjsrilics in rhc sensc rlrir cech onc is ioxdcquarc ro explain thc bchrlior of ,rlt marrcr; ycr both so-c"lled 'misl.ikcs' werc nccessan for phvsics ro aduncc, or proSrcss, ro this ncwcr thco.J. Thc vrluc of rrirl ano error is no( lim'rcd ro r}|c scrences. Ln Bovcrnmcrr ard politics, progress usually . comcs ?bou! through disscnsioD and chrllcnSe-ih2r is, when pcoplc point our tlc misukcs of rhosc in powcr. ln fact, wit.t)our our chalenging rhe mis!"kcn norio.s of eslablished instimdoni, polirjcai oppression and ryranny would go uncheckcd. SimjlarlL jnlhcicldsof ciLjland crimira l;._ ;,rris6 and lcgislr::-tn -1)rh. . rjr:' dcfend lcgal precedcnr musr trcc ;,ninu;:; oppo.ii i:- :r i-!to: - Ni: question thc faimcss and relevmcc of currcnr laws. This ongoing chillcngc is criricrl to thc viulity 2nd .clcnnce of out sysr€m of laws. ln sum, thc spcakcr coEccdy asscns lhar ir is through misukcs rh.r discovcD and truc progrcss are made. hd€cd, our persona,l groEi.h ?5 individunls, as wcll ar advances in sciencc, govcmmcnq and lair,, dcpcnds on m.aking mistalies. Must we choosc bcwcen Frdirion and modemizarion, a5 rhc spcakcr conlends? l agr€e that in c€ftain cajes, tlc lwo are fnurually cxclusivc Iot thc most pafi, ho\rcvcr, modcmiadon does ror rcjecr Fedidon; in fac! j, man! cascs, lhc formcr can and docs cmb.acc r}lc laner. ln t}le frsr place, ollentjmcs, socallcd "modemiarion" is acrualll' ail orlcnsron or new ircra.ion of rradilion or a v:riidon on iL This is cspccialti truc in langraSe and ; law. The modcm EnSlish tajlguage, r,,r spirc of i6 g]:ny words thn are unique tomodcm \y€s!€m culnu€, is derivcd from, ,nd builds upon, a uricty of lingurstis r.adons-and u.lrimarcly Irom th. incicnt Grackand l-alir laIlguaScs. Wcre wc io insisr on rcjccting ladirion:l iJt favo!,of pucl)' modcrn llngugc, wc would hevc csscotiatly norhing r0 sey. Pcrhaps afl cvcn molc sll.ikin8 mal.rj2gc of modcmianon and rt?dtlion B our ststcm of laws jn thc U.S., wruch is dcepjv rootcd in Engtlh , common'Iaw principles of cquiry and jusricc. Our sysrcm rcquircs tha! ncs, .so-callcd 'modem" laEs be consisrcnr wi*r. rnd in facr buitd uoon. t'I1oil ,-E| t | ::1T:111.". u *."" riadition aad Modernizatio.? wtlting Sk ls Iot th GRE/GMJIT T''I' utu.Pcte6o6.com : utD srrosra)nd nD) arlt LUI sttis Sutrur, ] - r'l E -lo rurqr o) psssrrd-prxq.q prno^r r.J>^o:ror\ -lo,,srnorJo zrr p.ror^ur ,5or.q unurnq lr ssllun tsrrii u.r. )urqtnul iut: plno,$ _llr:rrrn.spu]lr ururnq .t(, sJo(,1 rjr 5-lUlrl)rru sr: Julos0r Jlrrn))ll ,\lrt::)l:) st tu)ulftns :)rLL or J,,s,uo f,,quinq or s, :uo nu,rl,^! ^\o, ",,,ilT"j;l lill}liLlillJji )uo ^oq uo iluid spurd-D su,EIr oar r.,! )qr rp:ruor 1 rlrrra\ .srlnqrEur 01 r'qx) 'qr qr!^\ ')rfr: I reqr)q,ni rxtxl:) rrqr sloor uxunq erx s.urqJ!ur rrn"","utunt tu t'"^tF In^ spurLU ltllunq x I s/iralr r r,,$ .nu1, u"* n,1 i;, -;i1,';' ;:'J J.*;'il:1"1,"":*T,t"I ( I ) :Slxrrll prtrl:r ,trqt Jo s)uJs r JO Stsrsuo) illuruJr tuaujrlTts srrll ls"rmJlel,{ or :opadng ag s,{z.tl.fv stlsr r' ff'll I ',tEl pt c sstrnSstl lJFt)rds put .rn p'uunqs lou'parEqtua i so'r!pE) ."rpour rno u, .Drr ur .uonrp', ";j:l':":;;'JT'I;,':ffi ; uollraluJcpou fi)fu Jo^rlDur uturnq Jo rarr ou u! .dn urns oJ .s,opdo :^rsnpx3 lfFrun.u,{Frrss:Jf,u tou .,r! uorllzlrufpour DUi: uortrprrr .f,trur5lrqrrr_, ul utr^e .snqj .sarrur[Ds rpolsr! J'no glr^i p)trttrossr uoDlpDrl 5rp :u:sa:d or repro ul punol :: tlr: sJSp!^q ptn sguprnq ^rru roJ suoorroJ :^Dxluctp prr .uorlrpr.r Pu" lol Ff :qtr!:tr)!s rnoqr'.ra s'ralgo,d t".,rutr :rs,^r;" *, ;o;;r; :l:::_ 0._o: iy*"lrrJrrx .sa*r qrhs r:sro tn .ra^.aoH roql.3our )nppq rqr to rotrur):)lldal utqt ssal ou srnnbir urrlo uon"rr_apo_ ,forf", Jllqnd ot trmouruzd sl lr!:ia:r4 furu:rruls esoq^ sr8ppq or s.uroc r,,ni^ puy f,uo punos lni:rurnns .turporrr , roJ i"_ rrli_ o, Aorof*q ,,{, .]r-r :.,_:: fl1.^ luatqord eqr lprruir or fta rrqrJrrrud tJuo orn rrlF q!s(m ^lFrnlaruts os eq tqflrU ,lAs JEJruf,5lrqJrx rnltral x .to aldurrx! Jurud x n )xrJ) loorps plo uV -[.rtr Burxrrd |xuonrppx irnoe:u llrlucds:p prdsoq r or rtqllr E :rsld lTUo .qr q prrrrol rq r!€ruJ nl!^ ruo)sq rr.16 Jo Surplnq y srrElur fDrSolorq:)ll prJE trr]orsrq Jo .nF^ ,q, pu" auon,plJ, yfJnrrr,,q"_ ol s.ruoJ tr u.q,ad lff!!)rdsJ .rut s1 S.IrLL .al'ql urrpolrr Jo sprru lrEullrFrn f,tl! o) rlr4u, pl)ri )mur uoDrpLD .sarwtsrrr ul"rr., t-r,.r",n aprr.ro, i- "- :rp;o lw'r uoaa pw ,sr5:.r.!r f,J*qrlq*ur.zs .* ,-", .*"rttfr".I.t:il; SLnsFld arx s)luolllllr{ lrqargo suooou c uo rrrr salurs .noq ,,^ ,;";;;;;;T,:.:{,:f::ffiJ3liTj,.:] lll))s lq3fur 8urur)slJ rsnJ uodn r.IrJtla .)r tuo{ rldrr,.Exr rrurq u.n. * .,.^oo ,,,11^L'.'-lT ]1".' *p"'" o. " "1', ptr trr:,^ou tr or'.np r"raj" r"rr;rHrt?;:] Hffi,Tffi:fr: sr)xto!^ trr1r ur rrlpol{ -tuo.,''q pu! JrETrq ,in.unuls . Ua1r"_;.;; r':rrisf,D ssrrtr"rr Lnrulr rro prmq rr! s)u:uJrrr o*.*; -;"1; -urf,polu. .itdrrrrx: ro.r .sr.rr rlnst^ rql uJ .srrrro u, ,r r,_.i"r raq^. str.ds arUos tn uortrpc4 t!oj] st tdap uop[zlur:pour .* * u. - - s:nsst 3u9 tvt3lJjo oz c}J sAylEl:ndr.:: PARI 5 anl machire thir crnnor be desc.ibcd r\ i rool. lycn mxchiics dcsif,ncd () cnrcni;n or :lmusc us-for crxnrplc, lor rol)ols. c:rrs. lidco 8amcs. lnd noy(lr\'ircn]s-xrc in tuct r(x'ls. Nhiclr thcir in!cnrors rnd Pronrolcrs usc fol cng:rginF jn conrmcrcc xnd tl)( busincss ol crrrnrinrr(nr rtnd rnruscmcnt. nd dr( cliim rhar i mxchinc can be an cnd in irscll vithou( purpost or utilirxrixn funcLion fo. hunr rs wh:usocvc is (lubntr's:1r b(st. sioc€ I c;'nnol conjurc up cvcn a sinSl( cxrmplc of rnl sucll mrchinc Thus, whcn v! d€vcloD anr' son of machinc- ve ils'xvs hivc somr son of cnd in mind-i pucpos€ for that machinc. As for the sralemenr's:iecond chim. in ccnain respccts, machincs xr( supenor. \\'e havc dc\'r o m:.ch,nes rhir pcrlorm numbcFcrunchnt anJ orhcr rolc cer€bral t-Isks with grcrter rccur]cl xDd spc(d lhan hum3n mitds ev€r could. ln fac!, it is bccause ve can dcvisc machincs that arc supcrior in rhcsc respecrs lhar we devise lh€m-as our rools-to be8il| wjrh. Howcvcr. iJ one defincs supcrioriq, not in terms of competcnc€ in performin8 rotc rrrks but r?thcr in other wavs, human rdnds arc superior. Ilachines bavc no capacity for independenr thought, for making judgmcn6 based on normativc considemdons, or for developirg emoliond responses ro inicUcctud problcms. Up unril noq'. dre notion of human-madc machines rhrt dcvclop rhc .biliq to t]rinli on thcir own rnd ro dcvclop scc:tlled 'cmotional irrclLisence'h?l been pr.c ficrion. Besidcs, even in liction, wc humbs ultimatc\' prcvan ovcr such machincs-as in thc c25es of Frankenstein's monsrcr and Hal, the compurer in 2001: A Spacc OdJ,sr.l,. Yet jt sccm( pr€sumpruous ro assen q'jrh conidcncc tha! humrns will a)ways mxinlain thct supcrior stxtus ovef their m:lchines. Recent :rdvinces in biorcchnolo8l, penicularly in the.Jca of human Benome rcscarch, sug8esr that within tbc rwcnty-first ccntury, wcrll witness mxchines rhar can lcam to thi!-k on rhcir o\a'n. ro rcpar lnd nufture themselvcs, ro cxpe.ience visceral scnsadons, aJ|d so forth. ln other words. machincs will soon exhbit thc traits ro which wc humans antiburc oui own supcrioriq'. ln sum, bccausc n'e devise machines in order thai tbel ma-\'scfvc us, il is fai.r to characreri?e machines as "rools of human miods." And insofar zj humans have *re uniquc crpacitJ'for indepcndenl thought, subjcctivc iudgmcnt, and cmotional responsc, ir also seems fair ro claim supcrioriq - - - over our machines. Besides, shorid we c\'cr become so cl€\'er a spccics as lo dcvisc nuchires Lhat can rru\'rhink fo. tlrcmsclv$< and look our for tlcit .osn ,rvc!-bcing,- th cn corsider whcrhcr rhcse mrchincs of drc futurc would .bc "machine5". ,l]ymore. @@.pct6o,Lt nm lltltin! Skilh fol th GRE/OIIAT T.JT t t I J 1 ! | )!_Dt n4.t t. t t,t t ,t,,N J/l\r/. tr(tt r('t qltls aultuat , s.uorl 98 'oN rnssl E _l)ir:\ u^\o.r, lol lrsul)olro)r rou .U()rttr^uot Fuosr.cl to rtrnpordiq x sr ursrjpouorr to uos srqr .s.s.) r(ou1 ui ,,,i .,"rf., .nr",. )rlr lrxrl) ru)l:JIp lllx:)lplJ fiurqr.Luos pu0^!.,1, ," n'.u1rq,q1",r,o,\] i.qt ,",p r*)ddr srop tr.s)Jroi tulpu:1s,i:orsrq s:u[urr";.)u,, r.,1^., :,t,,,,,n. n1 ',-(lotsrq ur s:tr:1d.rbqr ol srsnrurS,srql a^orp trrlr rrxrq aD^\ sruorql rr)rl) rrrlt uollJr^uo) r: sD^\ r ilsrns.srossa))plrd ro;rLrriodrr:]ruol rrirl) lo rsoqt ur:qt s:uo3ql "ruf,r.rrp- dn srnluor or .r,; rrr; rj ;q ur^up rDa $spu.rJs o^lt csrqt n:rp urssr ol prnsqr: /illu.I:d :rq plroa rl rli sflru.sorlt p:ultspar urIU qroq llnsrr r sv .srls/iqd -to ,.,_'.U, ;; or pa^rrrr!d.rr^r rxq^! 1d.)ru llpu!lq o) plsw q,oq .r1a*o. rul .rn.,r,rll pur uov'rap .onb srurts rq) .i teqt_soporql Juopurnuo. B,rnurjpq, *orl llnsrl ,,(luo wJ ss)go.:d pur uoDE^ouil1 .srruor)s lrris,{qd .qr ,;; ; -, .JE)ft Jr)JrnsJE uu 01 ruJtulr(UuloJ lEuosled llosuJru aluos Jo J5rltlj lnq oB)Jo tou uloq eJ! s:fun 5^o".ra rrq'] al ,ro!]]-ut ,itrj , q'sdrrpJd atu:r4-rp rq o) 3rts5p i lq ltdurs "r"Un.rrr" Cu,1pr:f Ur',,; .r)/l! ursrJr lroJ pJlpulrs rdru x prqnlqcrsa oqA .w1,{q qog:aod,urormw {loJ ro sartu .luouurq .qt irc f,Iorq oq^r ,sr^xo s.Fr{ pur jiuoK .T-lol:q.r sr?:uotd. zrl ldurEr roJ ,r.pl*ol, ".,u.l.stp" inr-s"U .ij oq^! sf,uo 5rp er! slrcttrrsnu, rllndod JDDU.nDnn rsoru _rno puy .srsrrrc Bripr:l 'rp sE .Srrurr ,(lerEu4lln .uotrrsodtuor oq^! ro.p'a\ p'E .o , ,u .,"o u.n.',1"'"'j:"J:Ht1:.,*r'ff:;t* .s.txld e^ltJrds.J Irqt ot sepr:l o,idl esar]] f,,rorp ,"qi*p, 4aqt Jo uo1:)lluof, .ql scrl :! r?qr rqnop plnot uosjad ,lqloos,cal ou 1; -rlutlptqoqp furr r{sno.rqr onb srl]?ts.rp 3uj8u.Ilarlr,{q Aotsru r,r s:rr1d ru.u[rord parnres '5ldrl,,!x, loJ .3u!) rrqrn.I r4ulrt pur Jqpurg xurlEri.lt^ srsrlJouorl .suoltJt^uo! Jl:rIJo g8Ernof, oql,{q p"rr*, .r.r,rro ,tp"ry. ori".1 rcJlrlod .iaqro ,(u!ru a1r) uEJ JUo .ruar ";q."'p,^'uo:u,n;;.:;;;;;il#i,'^'l*",:r".Jilff .:]^:** :rn]Ets IEJIs,{qd lEurs s.ruo Jo c)rd9 u pamlpr p!r? p:Jpou ,q ol pJJu E_"xJldr!o) rrruj-uoqs. prJID_os ! ol .r).sod roJ tsnl rlqlnEsl'lJ s.lultossnw puD s.uo)lodlN ernqquc srsrioloqclsd -iltrur puv .6€rr!1n llfr€ rJstldurorrr ol ugql i!5r3 .q o, .rrr.p " nq .ro* i:rE^')oru urrr ! sE uo)ulltr prqu)s9p a^lq,suEsorsJq JErrurpt$rd rlrusr ).ror .:ruEtsu roJ .oruq pux laod Frplod o: :r;:1irs-gosnd t';o rrcrl Jli:: :E s:rl slqntf,uros turrrrlp eq or ro p)Jltou cq or pr)u F5r6otoq)lsd :rr-l5s<)rp r t?ql :lurpx plno^. J .rr^\od frrp,rJod 01 scuroJ n uJr{,^' ,s3JU3rrc fEJlglqd f,rp pvr.iJl oqt ,sr:rrlod :-j:riiru-ro^t pu! rn urnrl Jo sE:r! JIE rr punoq! s)ldu.nD Srrrloddns e:o:::)Lruor fEuosr:d If,rF lq llurrrird u.^Irp o.rr ,{:q) .^.r^ ,(or ; :::jJJ]lp rq or )4srp.rarlrI s! slsllJouof,l .sfrp srl!^DolrJ llq/|r rEqt 116;. j.'i op I J.^raoH .onb sruEts .ql uro{ rrEdap srapl ,soqr qdoad ulo{ :'.:.:af ot purl sa)lo^ B(4pDI Jno s[ "rrjosuJ ]u:r!5rrts rqt l|ltr:J6r i ;"rso:) saJIo St4psq JnO oO uroq^\ rrroJJ ffl s:nssr :u9 tvl3tjjo oz uoj s\vlEl:It r:: Ell PART 5 lssur No. 87 A,rc \\/ar and Ciimc Producls of thc Human Condition:, Afc prodocls of humrn nirur€ such is N:|| and crimc rciurlh producls ol lhc humrn condirion-spccitcall!. lack of rcsourccs and lerriron,? Thc speakcr claims so. I srrongl! dis!gr€c. bow€vcr. Whcdrcr wc iook rr scicncc and histon orsimpl)'look arouncj us in ourdail! livcs. pc scc amplc cvidcncc thrr human agg.cssion is rhe product oI oLr na$rc as hunr.lns-and not of o r circumsirnccs. Firs( of all, the chim runs conunD ro m! pcrsonal obscn'arioo about h dividual behrvior-cspcci l] whcn ir co;cs ro mxtcs. Onc nccd look no tunier thao rhe locrl school g.ound or Ljrdcrsa(€n playroom !o sce thc roots of crime and wnr. EveD, scbool -vard bas irs bulh who dciiFhrs in rormcnriDg mcckcr scbootnares; and in cvcn kirdc.tanrn cllssroom, r.hcrc is at jc$t onc miscrcut whosc habir is ro s rrch awa' rhc favorirc roys of classmares-purcll for rhc cnjoymem of hnvirf seizcd propcnl' ft.om another. And thcsc behaviors ar€ clcar\, nor for Nan! of resources or acrrjroq,. Thus, d)c onl)'rcason:rbic cxpl:lnitjo'r is rhxr rhc\,arc products of hurnan nattlr€-nor of rhc human condirion, Second.ly, lhe cl:tim llics in t})c face of whal scicnlisls havc rcamco about genericaiiy dctennincd hrimar tiairs. Minl,human Fai$-nor jusr physicil oocs bur psvcholotticrl oncs as welt-arc prcdcrcrmincd ar binh. And ro a grea! cxr€n!, we hxve inherired our gcnelic pr€disposirion fiom our nonhuman anccsrors. Onc mjghr argue thta lower lnimal species engagc in s.irlilic bchrvior for rhc main rcason $at thc],musr do so to prorcc! tbcir tcrritory or ahcir clan or tor food-not because of thcir narurc. yer, thi5 point bc8s rhe quesrion; for wc hmrns havc becn Sencricaltr proSnrnmcd, thiough the cvolutionary process, ro behtvc in simila! wt1's, In o$er'words, doiog so is simplr our narure. Thirdly, tilc claim makcs lirde scnsc in th€ contcl't ofhuman hisron,. prior ro rhc last few cinturics, thc inhabiablc regions of our ptaner providco amprc rcrrirory and rcsol[ces-such ai food a,1d culli ble lard-ro accommodarc cvcry hrxian hhrbiranl. Ycr orlr disunt ancesrols eDgagcd in war aJId cdmc 2n\'war'. \Y,4rar else cxplairs dts, cxcett thar iL js prn ofour inher€nr n:rturc ro cnSrgc i, aggrcssivc behavior rovard olher humirts? Morcovcr, ifrrec considcr tllc vano$ cxpcrimcnrs with Marx3-C!.In.nudsm, ilbecomcs ctcaf rhar rhc purc Marxisr Strra in n,hich a]l reEirory and .€rourccs are shrcd accordjng ro thc necG ofeach individual dcics Dor'work in p.icric€. Evcrvaftcmpr, whcrhcr on thc macro or mic.o lcvcl, hrj fn cd ar rhc hards of a fcw cicmrgogucs or dcspori. who agtrcss and oppress likc piaySround bullics ln sum, rhe ,uthor of this sratcmenr misundarsrrncts ric roors of such pDcnomcri ?r sar and cfime_ The sr.rcrnenr runs contnn.ro my pcrsonrl obscrvations of humlr behavior, ro rhc sc'enrific norions of gcnctc p.cdisposirion and cvoludon of spccies, and io rhc oler-whclrning lack ot cvidcncc thlr providir8 xmpte rcsources ro peoplr solrrs thesc problcms. Petcrsan s . \ttdti4F Skt4sfortb. CP.E/GiuT T€stt luhlr lct6n4.om tri uioIsut,etDd ,Lrnr esu JYJlt/tdt a(tt .rr[ s ,tt! lrjtLtrt I t,uoeatad ? i IE9ll p)lr:)rpjlrd s_r:ir{)^\ rs{nl^\'^\r:t pur'qrtr:)q ll:]u:ur.?ifi(,tr)rILl|ur.1:iolorl)/isd lr!rr'^r:ll.xl s_l qJns spl)r, u slruorssJl('ld .il|l:ur _)).Ll|l (rrl Urrt('u sr(Ll rlurq Ir p)ulrlli)llp aJnt)ruls fixJq lxr18o1o.:n:u Jl_-nprrrpur 10 suon:uru .rr s)'rrr JLror^xrliq ^uxur )tqt prlf,^o)stp:r,!r:rl sr:LlrrE.s:r./ittulJol iroru p!\, <uoDdurncsr ,t ruor uo spurdrp (Urrsis t:rl.q .soLI^\ :uolun or suot)ou suD:lnbstp I|:.rr: uoDour pur f,rlds or :)^uit)r sr rujrr rxqr pux 's\lrroJ )n:LUpo re^'ol urorl p5^lo^. sulljnq_lEqr.rasrt^lun paJrt!))_uns E Jo suouou !{[ f,sD^IUn rqt puE pFo,1A rx)rs,\qo eql rnoqx suoDou.lluolruf,^uo:) "trsdn" llrrrlr e^rq s)u)^orslp rr3lu:rrs ,{uiur 'purq .::rqrb::aqt ug p1:o,t Surxald:erJ pur snoue1s,,(ur asurjarpo;in o: .Abrrdurs ua,,ra jrp:o Jo .surs Suunssr:.: t apr,rord s:1drlrud .ci:qi .ij:o^r. plisxqd aq: ur :.J.eqo ra tlqa roJ suonrlrqdxc 3u4lrm rpuord lrqr s.ts,{qdJo srldrrrrud 1u,: sntl snourr :qr ilu5rnssnr :aplsuor ppo^ lur:ur .rtdlurxr ro:I lrsdn or f,,uJs llql'saunt r5q)o pur':rnssxf,r ot )^rf,s stru)^of,stp tsf,qr.sf,uJD:uros 'sa^l:sno p\r! ')sJa^run jno 'plro^r mo tnoql sqlrul .rr^oJslt ot q lnrar^ ,{r! q 'r)urlJs Jo r^Ittrrlqo frug oql Suor^r llduns I uorurssr s,:alrads )qt -,.dcr^ ,{ur sl 3trurps lo .nF^ pux uollJury 9qt ot satuor 1l uarla\ .If,^at tLr.rrr^ ! uo lrAer^ .qt .letnbslp )sE.l A.^ I{) rE ro " )rsdn" or ?Il3s >trollo<I uoslrrf r?tuTrd rcusqx ,{q stllnui ,(qsEtds 'Suurrl 3qt ro IIEC rophfxs dq s:irul r!ts,.tF!ns )rF rrqt snBJ! plno,.^ nd.fJ :slslur ljntua}rr!?plla^r] rL,'rlodrut o^rt Jo sliJo^t f,qt replsuoJ rO Squnssrsr lou lFE"lr pu[ 3rJlurluo)stp put "Sqtresdn" ,{pralr aJ[ lcqt-uo|lxrruI'p prix luauipnl Jo suo.rrou JldlF]odt pux uolx.lltrruJ .tp 3rn^lo^r4 .soqt llprrads)-sauraqt pur s:8rul uEFsL,q) raqto uo slsnaoj uE )JlrzssErral r5l drq$or\ Jo lrl.loj r sx ur norn prq)lolddx 'uJqr f:llrlrd oqa sJsrur ae :{rl 'pouf,d ::rnissnu:1 :qr Jo s')oldln)s pux sJerlr.ld rrJl 'aldurrx) JoJ trsdn ol tnoqc res slsrut .srsxr Jaqto ul .Jr,1 :l^ cql tjsdn ot SlJrqloo ,{IrrcuaJ_sa8run pu! saurrr.ll fllo)sxd pux 'la)tuc8 'tqrpoos pug r^ .sarjaS qtoq ur 'slooqrs o-fd:.s.rF lq p)Ioldrue s3nbJlrr{)"t :qt q rsljtuor dlxqs rqt elrds)O 'lrruuoJ qtu.):Ilnr clcl aqt Jo srarulld ts_rfEjr puE tsruorss dujl lo s8tnturld r$ r:prsuoJ rO uonr^lrs pur uo'ldu:p)r urnsuqf Jo s)Srss rj ,qt )noqr prrnssE:J .q pux amsslrr ot pnqf pur luuopxr,l ell) Jo.suoflgluf,sfJdf,l . 4)qr q€norqr .{f.ururud tq8nos .oqa 'posrd p^eiD.ur :tBl p go l iru puc s{uou, s.r:Lpo pur orrt.8rry rJJ JsprsuoJ .r?sdn ot 1ou .e.rnssr:r ot tnoqx l5s tslrJ! 'slsrj ,(uDr! r{ 1rr Jo rJ:Jl! pux lurtlrl eqr ts-rlj J:plsuol 'eJurltrs Jo onJE puT uoDtrrmJ cqt rnoq! )uod eqr tqssrju ,,(If,relduJo) .t!]a :r! Jo rnlr^ prft uoD]uru rqr lnoq! s:zltrr.uag ,{lrrljtm re{!!ds clF ^rar^ liu ql .s.ll ttjE:.to rnE^ rrlj 1!qr suorDrmj lsJlp q q rt lxq1 pm ,amss!:r" ot sl rlurr)s Jo uontrrm :qr rllq.^t .:rsdn" ol sl u! Jo uoF)urg :Lp trlp.sulnul'tu rlTrads aqf af,ua!)s plrs ]jrv Jo enrc1\ prrE uor]Junl agl ill 16 'oN rnssl SinSSr lilg-lV 3lJiO 0Z alol S/.YS:l ::.:.' -: PAAI 5 on thc notion th;]l undcsrnbl( human L)chtr!ior can bc chrngcd-tirrouEh !;lrious mcrns of rcfornr rn(l l)chrvior rnodificxtion. In sum. tbt sf€.kcr orlrtcncErlizrs \\tcn il corjrcs ro rh( raluc of an rnd scienc(-bolh of Rhich se^c i in othcr cxscs () r'pscr ln rn! cvcnt. thc spcrkcf missrf,tcs lll( ind \'aluc of scicncc. Nbich ;s ro cjiscovrr Inrths. wbcdrcr upseninS. I5SUE NO. I UJ Is It a Mistakc io Theorize vithour Data? ffl Is i! I "8r.rvc misl3ke' ro iheodzc N'lhout dit-1, as tlrc sPcalicr contcnds? I agrcc insofar as ro t}eori?e b€Iorc collccting sumcicnl dau js to risk t-xinring the proccss of collecting and interprcltng funhcr data. Hov€vcr, ir a scnse. rhe speaker be8s thc qucstion bI overlookil]g t})e facl rhar evcry rheoq'requircs somc datn to bc8jn s'ith. l\{orcoler, thc claim unfrjrly ignorcs equau' II:rve conscqucnccs of wxiring lo $eoriz€ unril $c obrrin roo much dill. ln one imponant rcspec!, I agree with th€ spcaler's cont€ntion. ,4 rhcoo'conjurcd up sirhour the bcnefir of d:rtr rmounrs ro lildc morc thu rhc tl)co.isas hopcs and dcsi.cs-Nhat hc or 5he vrnls ro bc Lrue and no! bc rrue. Accordingl), lhis theo.isr will r€nd ro scek out cvidcnce that suPPoru rh€ lhcoq' rnd orerlook or avoid cvidcncc rhrr retutes i!. One rclling hisrorical examplc involves theones aboul fte ccnler ot the uruversc. UndcrslandablJ', we c8o.dd\'cn humans would ptcfcr tlul thc univcrsc reeolvc rround us. F-lrh tbeories preslmed so for llis rcalon, nnd sub,seqlent obs€rvations tia! ran conua4' to dis c8o{riven trcory s/eta ignored, 'while tl1c obscrvers were scomed ard ev€n vlined. By theolizirg beforc collcctnS d:i?, the ttreo.is! elso runs the risk ol Ll]terpreli'lg thzt da!, in , maoner thar mskcs il appcar to lcnd morc crcdencc to th€ th€ory than ir actutllt'docs. Considcr the theory tbat linn is nar- Ary pcrson wjth a cierr view of drc horizon musl agree in ali honcsq tlar thc evidence docs not suppon the theo4 - Yel prior to Nc&'ronirn physics, the notion ofl sphericil Erlth s'as 5o unsettling ro peoplc thxr thq intcrpretcd rhc ,rc.shapcd honzon as evidcncc of a convc)i, I'et ncv€nlrclctl "flanish." Frrth. Dcspirc lhe mcdr5 of rhc spc:Jter's claim, l'find it probiematic in t$! cruciil rcspects. First, ionimon scnsc inJoms me rlla! it is jmpossiblc m tico.ize in thc ifsr pl2cc vit})out rt least some dau- llosr' c?n thcoriuinl witlrout deu be dan8crous, as the spcakcr contcnds, iI il is nol cval possiblc? whilc a thcory b:$cd ?ure\' on fmraq' mitjrt ultimatc\' be bon out by cmpirical obscnalion, jt is equilb possiblc that it von'r- Thur without prior d-al.a, a thco!_'r' is no( wonh our timc or aftcnuon. Secondll', th. spcak.r's claim ovcrlooks thc inverse problcm: dr danger of continuinS !o:cquire diti vithout vcnrurinS a thcon'bascd or t1!tu.?cr.60,a an P.tman r ' \vn nF Sk/tblar h GPE/G AT T.t Itorl It t' 1 strI tsJ"tatI1tIn t nt .,, r,,t r,, r t r r,'., rrt''^ "!'' n"! |,l,il 3!j; 7[ [ 'oN ]nssJ s: rnr{I to r'l}i D.rnpu: .{luo rou Au,, :iI:: .i l "1. ;";;, ;;;.;;; ii:l j:ll,T, i$t jJ,:Il ;:lil:::; 'snouot:)r^ 8ur8r.t!ri prrtr rra])p uul:J Sl Jr, -{r^r ^q srru,( )loJaq sun:,s oqn .n4t"l ttl^t"qu';q r() )Dlrq urtrlJ'no:) .s:jurn:r rxrros,:(i unr,, ruu rn,"t' 'bx'lrur :Llt r:Prcuo) rx.N nu":ldoad:rrl:o u, suor. o* *,".,, ,.r' rnq-tritlr '1lr:|rtui Plrror r^\ qsr^\ 'or{ i.'.nr rn,t:r,os rn"-'";".'";;,; ;::i]i:i;'}l:li{:1i'-:,',"ll'.'"# -t{) suoJl: rlqrrlrlqJ iunlns Dtrr: srlc':i rlrf,r.^rnq) .rll op )rA .ss_uarr^{r H;#;lilJ:J;:ii$1".Ti:l'lTt ""'i r"'"i',"',, .ri'q^i "lni'"' l::i:T,l: .,r,,i roooq,oi,in,,i;'ilIil ;l'r".iIIr*, ;iJ:lI[:: rxqr ^rDos .qr or {rrq rar' lerp osnr:ag sJo:r;;;;;';r";;;;"":l r:rlro r.Prelror at\ .)5Er :rp r4a ol o rsrlr rlr sEA rrr rrr:.s.n rqr ,, "":::".]]l t."u'rr:nlr-'J'lr i .!uorr)^o r,r'r )ou rEA suorslrrry .""rI .,orro. .lllil 8urlrl) rrl'uJ .p rnor rsru rn!J![rr3rs !@orD^o .^",, ir* -**.'^"^t _srxo3 rltqi r^'rlrz o] sri)llsqo lrros raplsrroJ .o, *"r;J-;;.;;Jcq $ortq stlrFp! peqstduror.)! .r.p"s uop"^.,,sq; ,." ,, *.u^'-;'u" #;l ilT;l:"'j:,:,j-* .snotdurEqr or:rl .tn slsnrr osou^\ , uouruurp lq_orrq lDnrlodorros ,u,_11'l-:. ".t" ,,,"","q, .,i, ;;,,,. 5pJ)uo) r .ssf,loLFrf,^f,1 , "u. ;"",;-:::' rcia rElnrlu.d :uo tqr l.,r qs!^ .r.q.o* r.irrrr* ,.].J"rr""l l"J-''T: lnq 'rxlnlu3 plnoJ .q,,o* oq^,1ao.i';;;;,;;3: ""q^' 'rdord ralllt-' rnq a)lros 'r.,fEs:p or purr l .,tarr.o. ,",{, Jl .r;-"- "tsooq) /.lpos x uottt'u'tsqo l'u ur \ruor5q pux s:or*r s,rrr,"o" " 3o ,rrr",".1t-otp nrrllsr 1::grar:q ,sao:aq,j ,,,,,""J1'j' Ji;'Jji'" jrl*#, s,Aar) o s u oo Hl ", l#,:"":' };ilfifi X'.i$'":i:.: o^ u o d n r:,: o: osrr -1 n q iz u o! (' 1-0. ::: -* " "^',;; I "; .;' ".,.*H:I lf.i, i"j "":a'.n::x ;'trj"T, :;: l? J T*:#; ft ,, ffi ^'u{{i_i*,,",_r. ; x . ou uo pf,sDo l,o*n E s[ rrro.m reTE:ds rq) q'.h .rrt" , .6.*"^"- . , f$il1 f :lU T,# ""j #f:y; T :".'"":l;'ff '.;'#'Ti; bq, ssrrrm o*no ou ,. n*,'"ilT.:^l "":'tra lcL,'r rrqr rrurpc ;rU:,::;:*,;"'lj;#il jf"""TTt":'il::::1':1ilf ;:I .roJ 'rucrod!4 .tn,rsl"o ,ro;.r'r;_i" ol puer nuoluure^o8 ')tduJ!x5 ;::.?;:ilff taiJ#::*_.^i]"}::I"::ff"1.'1-*:i::^',; :uod,sod 01,q,q€r' u, .i.";;;;;,f;il'"::;,:l1tTHt, l1;:jJj slnssr lu9 tvJltJJO OZ UOJ SAVSS3 :_tdt,\vs gil PAQI 5 o lor conrrn .n[ r,,,.n.c tri. cuL.Irn :Jr(nvrrJ. Do ]r", prlnor'sm rnd mcrdr rcvcrJ our socicnj\ *,. 1,.^:i *11 *. :.", ; , , :.;,.;, , ;:l:,,iti l:: :i;;;;; '"o ,., ",., un rn( orhcr t)rnd. (unsidcr r rt)rr.t r\trc.,, f,".u. i,,. Lhr rpiu ol :::l:l ^.,1,,* $ho rnsnirc: ,nd in.,rr< socj(h. ru n)crn,nFJUr rorllrclr and rocrxr crrrnsr. Such lumir)arics as lndii.< n ,_,,,,.,,c,g s"",i, run:;;Ji;;1';j"llli:,fl ,::"Itilffi,,;l:I::l: rm".cdiareh ro mind. Ttris uniquc bnnd of hcro does r"., ,.;;;;:; musr reflccr,, rhc chir:r.rer of rhc hcro.s socrcr\ ,rrer it,. ir i( I trc funcrion nf li:.,.::.1", .n":l'"" ro (J, arrenrion ro drq ch .:rcr(, .,. _.o; ;;;.; nivlr8 vicwed iLs rcnecrion in rh€ her :rccordlLncc.with i$ cor.a,,"" *","a,ar.''" is incitcd lo:lcr bnvcrv-in ln sum, I agrec wirh rbc sDeatc, crramprons or socicq,s u*i"] ;;".;H:;,.iJ:ff i:.,:i.:iin::J: r€llccls instcad a basic and universal huh pc .,n rcrcr as mc'ph." t;;;;;; ii"' n€ed ror parisons-to wbom wc cu]nor oursclves ,cn€c!. v[ttr€s Lhat for lack of chancrcr, lssur No. I 15 Ritua]s, Cercmo&ies, and CuIhx.aI ldentifr, Thc speakcr rsrcds ,,.* * g-up or f ;,J'l:l:H::ff;:T:::;,::".il.:i.:,.':: f;l onc purpose of .imat,,.1d c modcm rim€s. n"".'" ":l:T:iLl' :o prcserve culnrral idcntiq ' aI lcast jn ccrcmony $c "", ^**,:l;:::i,,1.1i,,",i1,i13.,ff no, xrc ri,ua, aod I agec wjth (he spealc, irsohr as or. orrPo J n*", -d cercmonl, in roday,s world is ro prcservc cu.lrunl idcnri$,. Nadve _imclican tribcs, Jor cx.2Jnptc, cting .cnacioustl, ro.tircir rndirionat *__""nrrnd nir ., *lri* rypicary rcll a sro,.', abour tribat hcnra" or. **., i i"i""ffi, "*. Druals :nd cusroms les larc.t! in ,"- ,"r-,, .;; ",-" , assimilalion, .".n o,jr].#t'l- T. tjrc rribes' 50G]'e'r stru8slc aSrjrst ourward display of u?d,,,or]ll "t tnt hrncls of European rnlrudcrs- Ar llrc world on ,,od.a abo, .,r, au",o_s and disrirct herila8e is ncedcd to put Eirh irs ovJn n.n, , _Jl *.;::.jlT:T.lt,JTT :"r,.::l; _ ,ssimilarion and loss of iacnnty. Thc lack af mci,rrgu r*l _ji!i. Amcrica undc^corcs *. ; a. i,i ;.',iTi? liif .fifi [i'j ffi;g such ij weddings ?rd ilrncrats, wc ei,.l i1i: 133' .,1i ,,'*.;;;:,;;;tT.T,:. ff ff H:"":: # ::_""_:Y:- idcnun. or lls own ir]vmo,e Lnsrc,d. ir has becomc e fj:l:"'I. q'u, of many subcurrlrcs. ",",, ", ^",,,. o_.nla'", n^t,i Jcws, Amish, 2nd urban ALic?n Amcricms ourwaro dco,,onsrxrrion of irs dislincdvc ich of which rcsoru ro somc mrinlain I unjque *,*'oi,0.r,,i,'""""!ness in order ro esLrblish "ld Yrfritits 5k k for lbc c1(L/GiuT Tats [...]... lr;s cnrtr€1rpossiblcrhrr rhis loN avcmgc \\,:r8cis aftribu!"blc ro :r high pcrccnr:r8c of jobs rcquirjng towtelet skilts Tlris sccnxrio would bc paniculrrh likct\ it I hr8c ponion of cmndvj.w.s vorkcrs arc rcenagcrs and coltc8r srudenrs.tn facr, thc tow nvcrrge wagc in Grandvics'istunher evidcnce rhxr cr.rndvje*'rcsidcnrs not posscss do ihc sons of hi8h-rcch skills thxt would command a hiSher w:rgc ard... conscqucnccsof atrinin8 thlr roal ln sum, drc spcalcr bcgs tl))equcstjon Thc wonhincss of any goal, whcthcr n bc pcrsonrl or socicl-d,cxn bc dcrcrrnincd or -yby wcighing ihc b€ncJitsof thicvinS thc 8od aSainstits costs-to us as vell a5 othc$, tuuLDelfrora.Ml wtlhn? SktlbJar I CF-E/GitAI'Tesu ur' 1 s t t u5! 1t,d t,,t 1,,t IJi .-! atl rql sJltits,)utt!-ta\ | J,t t tt rh, !.uqsr?la rusulr8qd roJ tnoriooJ... rcs'dcn6 lon6cuq.$ aroOur:ilc chic0r ro tr,omcr Llcsqlc in M or Ciq, h any cvcnr, iie auihor cai,'rot rhe conclusion thar rhjs JusLdy dispa.i$ in avcrl8c age is due ro thc di(crcncc in sizc Ucnccn rfrc no h conclusion, rhe ;]rSumcnr rhrr smal,lo*n !!in8 promorcs 8ood hcaldr and torgevjn 's nnpcrsuasive as,r srrncls To srcngthen rhc Ut" au$or musr provjde cleai evidcnce *T-" dr: rhe ovcrrtr popuriUonofLrcliltc,... i.bc C-Norc club, especiellyconsidc.ing drar the prog.em ,.irs durirg tire cveni !8 Nor docs t}}c merc facr thar sanld.ffel-knonn i.:: musicianslivc in 'suppofl Iloffoc lend si8nifican! rd thc applicanfs cl m tr is cnur€iy possiblet})arrhqsemusjcians pcrforr clsewhcrc pcrhaps xt thc club localed 65 milcs away Ttris would 80 a lonS wa_vioward criptaining why Monroc docs not cunently have a jazz club,... our Sorlsin much tlrr sime N:r)-b) sci!rrin8 comp.trn! !nrcr(sts For inslincc an) thou8htful pcrson Nould l8rec thxr rcducing ;rir ,rd Nrter pollution is I worth) socictal goxl; clcan air and w:rtcr rcducc thc burdcn on out hcalth{arc resourccsand improvc thc qualiN of lifc for evcryone in socicq Yct ro lnain this 8od, would s,c be justitcd in forcbiS entlre industrics out of busincrs, thcrcbv ruffiing... 'c^ltut:]sgnsqtrrl nol apt^ord ot prpu:tur ajl s,{rssa:srql o 'ftssa Jnol in tilrurn8jy:ri,: rtr:lsrJ ot nol r:adx" )ou op srsprar rql teql r5^r^lorl pu-ur (n d3a) a5uf,rf,Jtr Jno,i loJ lurtunSrv lt!)!qo 5qt patllnrrdxra: e,r.1,{isse qrra 1o qdr-:6r_:rds:r-r oqr ut 'sJ)nrru 0€ q afnpord trt) rro,frrq,.a tnoqr JrtsllD)l 8. !uLU sl paqslJods! l,u5jl slxssa mo,i p)ulrJuoJ Jrl aq t.uop ,oS lprus or no,{ ro_,slrpor!... rbc! involvc cmplolin8 drc child in a swexlshop ar thc c\pcnsc of cduc:l(inF child CIearl),dcre.mining rhc rlrc wonhincssof such forls requircs rhrr rvc confronr mofll dilcmmas,which Nc cach solvc individullll'-bxscd on our own consci€nce, \'xluc sYsrcm.:lnd noLions of faimessard cquiq' On , sociccrl lcvcl.wc dctcmrine drc eonhincss of our Sorlsin much tlrr sime N:r)-b) sci!rrin8 comp.trn! !nrcr(sts... ard lhat vila-Tcch mighr tequire amon! iri workforcc fin:rlproblcms,ilh rhc irFUmenr invotvcs wiltinsne$lo Gmndfieq s fore8o palmcnr of prdpim' raxci for rhc frsr rhree ycars Adnincdl),, this evidence lends some mersurc of suppon ro the rccofiuncndation_ Howcvcr, the presidcnt i8norcs rhc possib iq' rhar orher ciri€s undcr considcmdon would bc wilLing to mrkc simitar conccssjons or providc orn€r cqu.tb,... propcny,E:( sr:ndpoin! ln rlrc fLnrlanalysis, rccommend2rionofViva,Tcch's president is nor l}tc wcl supponed To srren8dren ir, fic presidenr must prolidc deBilcd dcmoSnphic cvidcnce shovinS lhar :r suffici€nr nunrber of Grrndvics rcsidcnts would bc ablc rnd willing ro vork in Viva-Tech.s hi8h-rccb cnvfontnenl A proper evrluadon ot rhe ecornmcndarion rcquircs morc infomrtion about Gnrdvicw's propeft,v-raxrarcs... orhcr pcoplc This argumcnr is nawed in scvcml crirical rcsPccts Firsr, tic spcaker provides no assu.:lncesthxi thc rcccnrly collccrcd d.at" suggesting a co.relrrion be$,een snorir8 and weight tain arc r/riting Sh k Ior tbl GPI /GMAT Test! kt t t.t : h ttt )t i\t,h, r, t I @ :,,lilnith -1,",an1,artt,1rroi"'!ttili ;,,1:it,:i,:j,t"jt3, :_';jt:.':., ,1, :i:"J:,.::; ;"i.' :;.::i, ;t'jj, l:*'.il :t;l:;ll::1l:;;; . eonhincss of our Sorls in much tlrr sime N:r)-b) sci!rrin8 comp.trn! !nrcr(sts. For inslincc. an) thou8htful pcrson Nould l8rec thxr rcducing ;rir ,rd Nrter pollution is I worth) socictal. thar rhjs dispa.i$ in avcrl8c age is due ro thc di(crcncc in sizc Ucnccn rfrc no . h conclusion, rhe ;]rSumcnr rhrr smal,lo*n !!in8 promorcs 8ood. hcaldr and torgevjn rhis loN avcmgc \,:r8c is aftribu!"blc ro :r high pcrccnr:r8c of jobs rcquirjng towtelet skilts. Tlris sccnxrio would bc paniculrrh likct. it I hr8c ponion of cmndvj.w.s vorkcrs

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2014, 07:22