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5. WorLforcc Sysrems, I consulrin8 nrm spccializing in workplacc producriviq lnd etficienq., rcpons riar ncarl\'70 pcrccnt of MDi- acch s cmplor'ces who cnrolled in WorMorce Sysrcms one-wcck scminar lasl lcir chin] to bc morc conrcnr with rhcir curcnl iobs than prior to cnrollin8 in drc seminir. Br,rcqui.ing managcrs a! aI large corpo.arions ro cnroll in thc kinds of seminars rhat Workforcc System offers, productivin in our econom)'s privarc s€cror is ccrl-lrin to improve. A s'gnijlcarr pcrccnrr8e of dlis counr)'s rcsidcnrs sho reccive unemplovmcnt benefiG from rie state repon that thcy would prefct to work bur have difficulcy findrn8 work for which rhey are qua.lificd. In ordcr ro.educc rhc st.ain ofl our counr),s Srate Employmcnt Dcvclopment ofiice, which is currenily uodcrstaffed, the countl' should eslablish ?n adulr joStrainins progr]m. ln cach of thc ncxr rwo cxcrciscs, jdenti4'and discuss the r?cessaDr cond{tlon or sulficicrrt{ozdllton lssumprion. Also nore othcr posslblc problcms you would anriciprre discussing in r hjtl-tcngth Argrrmcnt cssay. 7- Thc juvenile ,usricc dcp3r n€nr of onc of rbe nadon's lar8csr cirics reccntly lcponed rhar chnd.cn who cngage jn rnv of thc ciry's or8rniz€d spons progJams arc iess lik€b' ihan othcr childrcn to bc ' convic.cd of a felony crimc larc. ir life. Th€reforc, rhc fcdcirl SovcrfDcnt can reducc tic national crimc rarc by mand*ing daily physicel-cducation clxsses ar cvcry high schoot in $c nation. L RivenowD's hisloric Hill disrrict used to be onc of r})e ciq"s 6ain tourist aftnctions. Sircc thc consrrucrion ot a ne!{'shopping ccntcr iI,I thc distficr, the disricr's quaint oldcr shops and rcstaufantl have had . diLrculry anracring parons. ln oldcr ro prcscrve thc hisro.ic valuc of lbc Hill disrricr's oldcr buildings ard ro prcvcnt furthcr ioss of rcvcnuc from touris6, t}le ci(y lnusr imposc a mot"rorium on t}le conshrction of any ncw srrucrurcs in the Hill disric(' In cich ofthc Dcxt rwo cyercises, idcntify and discuss thc potcntial groutmember problez. Also note othcr possiblc problcrni you would oticipatc discuisioS in e full-lcnSl}r Argument cssil 9. r,rt ciaDt Industries. our state's largesr privatc lusirlss, the avcragc produclion worker is now 42 years old. Rcccntly, Giant's rcvenu€ from thc salc of textil€s and paper, ,whic}| together account fot thc d.eiority of Gialrfs rn nufacruring business, has dedincd si&ntficrntly. Sincc an increasing perccn6Sc of ncs' 8raduares from our sratc's Exrncrses 7-8 ixgncrsrs 9-l 0 Pctdson's . Wtlttflg SEIttlor.tbe GRE/G]IUT TesE I 'I -rir(l rJrl(xl ur uorl)np.)l l: uirs i^lxl Itrlr s)oo rrlr :rrr: st:r.:r:.:;rqxr s,l.llr :rrll pux srri,i r)qr lsnl ,qr luDnp .p.sr.riur ui.\, r{r.rlurs rqt p:'tlrur -rr sxr{ Irsr' trutsrp ss.ursnq ,tp 5u'ltorrrd sr))r-]lo ):)rt(xtto J]qr.unu )rn ^lorq ra lJr roj saprs.fl s.rrllqrssod ^r.r rrsnlrsrl or'sqrnqns iu!,,{lrno ur uolt lt:d LUoi :iurcr:JJUI ro urruu^roD arrrouoJ> lllauai I sr qJns srolJtt o) prrlsul ,np aq lrlfruJ u^\op^!ols ss.nrsnq lql !:t)q rql roj )lqtsuods)J s! Jrulloj srlr lxqt )urnssx or rrr.n!n sr tr ltua^al lrl)r ul aull)rp )ql rrojaq prlln)lo uorDnpal il:)lot.r:)rl(xl .ql asnrJ)q tsnl :ur)lqord ,qt silpurq r'$ :suodsaj r: s,aja11 .:cuanb:s lrjoduJ)t ,l:)!u qt!^t tJrJJa pul osnrtr JsnjuoJ rq8[! 1u:$ngjv s.rql srs^]vNv 'I SINIWWO) ONV STIdI M 6!S!tUtxt lNrwttuotNtld 'strurllui )lqrt)lrr II.S)J prrl 'olrL.r 'DaTlor ot SuIIlt^\ srsseusnq JoJ s)rprsqns ot s€u!^zs .rI1 lldd? pur t3rr slqt tn Bqpurds c)np5r pFoqs &sno) )rp 'aldrlJ! ejt rsnlrr 3ln]cpounrro)Jr! roJ sernos -ir rurrnr rno r)urs 8u.rutf,trp urf,q slq rsnj.r stqxtJb5ruou Jo rurnlo^ .IIl llq,lA 'llrpEsts pf,sc:Drr srq Aunol ulnqlrrtg ur prrnr) -ord sJxuarruI alqqrb)l Jo aurnlo^ eqt 'sl!:d r^U tscl .rlr iulmo 's']r^Jrs pur spoo6 uSrJJoJ uo buopurdrp slr:nulluoJ ot pJuDsep sr lJrlmof, Jno 'spoo3 pruodurl uo sJJLnl )sod { ot Srqlll,{.sn su.rJag uouruJa^os fElaptl mo e)!Ic.uonllFl JoJ pf,tmlpr 'o8c $rJ{ urt lxlot frnniJ! aqt urqt ssal st] \ srgluno:) raqro ot &tunor slqt lUot bruoai! spooS Jo rnlx^ prrllf,rD Inol 5rF 'Jl],{ :s!l 'luarrurr^o8 JErepaI eqt ,{q uodrl ruerej x ot trlpJoJ)y u():, etosJrtd an')t v!'JJVllt9/:1dj) a.tt ro.l nt'.ts nuDOAt . t,uosJ2tad 'II zI-l I srsDxlx3 'zl .,(!sse rusurntuV rll3uf,t,Ilry ! ur BurssNslp .:rdttrrru! plno^r no,{ suf,lqoJd alqtssod r.lno )lou osJy szrrtqord 16r1s-azrr.7 pqu:rod smJslp pur Slruap! 's:sruaxa oal Diou 3rp Jo rpte ul 'lul.tn -ord Sqsnu x rFra drusrurlsrssr JrSrJ UiI ursSord .)3apt ltlJossr nr )r!td!r plnoqs eScIIol hfunururo:) >loorqftl) ,spuert ruom:) f,srqr Jo !3s|rft^p! awr aq ol Japro qI 'slooqrs JEJlprtrr s.uoD?u Jno ol suonrJ.rJdd! Jo raqum! IElot orp u-r rsrol:)ul rlt lq prruxduorJp sE^l slooqrs aq s.uooru rno ol sttrtJllddr Jo Jrqurnu Jlrol eqr u'! eull]f,p s,$r:I rs-El rrqr es)^r)sqo uofibrnpg lo tDlunof.rF Jo ensq turf,ar y 'Ot 'rrus no ln cjll Jo ,{:lpnb p3rnp) ! pu! f,rnln:g ss:urmq prods:pr,rs ur 3rnllnslj urm rII ':}J!r) leqr s! sra)po^\ turrrnJ Jno a)xldar ot luJr:) -gInst'I 3q JII.a aJrotpo^t rno Jo tzrs .q] qr!rt^\ ul srsur r: lrrj loos mr\! :rrs Jno 'setr|s r:rIlo rrl sqoJ 3qpqt arr srtrsr^run puu s.8)nor AVSSI .LNlWneUV SNIUOSS-HetH V SI|UM OI n OH 2. ANA.ysrs encc. Sincc rhc xrgumcnr fuils ro prove rhxr rlrc policcjorcc reducrion is thc acrualcausc ofthe rcriil busrness slump, or cven conFiburcd ro it. lh€ xrgumenr's proponcnr cannor jusrifixbl! irfe. !lr:rr :r policc.forcc Incrc:isc voold scn'c ro revcrs( lh.t sl('ntp. lcr rlonc tl)rr ir ,rvoutd rc!; nlize thc ciqrs cconom! in fcncrxl. In a tull-lcngrh (JGminurc) cis;n, \'ou mighl nlso rddrcss rbc foljoq,ing qu€stions abour rh€ Argunlcnr's rcasonin(: . A th,zsbol.l proble : Does rhc cin hxvs xn economic problem to bcSin with? Os it flir ro issumc dr:lr rbc ciqJs cconomy is suflcring mcrcly bccause rer:.il revcnues in onc paniculnr disrricr hrvc declincd?) . Wouid the propos€d course of acrion rq.lcc to attln t}}e stated obiecr'vc? (Pcrhaps addilionxl me?surcs, such as renovating rhc disuict or parrollinS it xr nigbr, would also be nceded.) . Is t])e proposed course ofaction ecas.rary ro atrrin the stated objecrivc? (A ciq' mjthr reviLatize it5 economy itrrough othcr msrns instcad.) This Argument might conhee cause ind effecr wir}l mcre correlation, .Hcre's a rcsponsc that handl€s rhc problcm: Th€ argumcnt unJairb, assumes chat Xcnon's workcr producriviry is simpl)' I function of whar :r vorkcr ca.s for lunch. Altlough rhis miSht bc thc case, r merc correlaion bcrwecn lunch dier rnd productjviry does flor sufficc to esBblish a causc-and,c$-ec!-relatiog: ship. Thc arSumenas aurlor musr also consider xnd €limina(c ill olhcr rcasonable cxplanations for r})c diJfcrcnce irl produciiviry lcvcls bctwccn the rwo Smups ofworkers, P€rhaps thc mosr plausible sftcmxrivc cxplanrrjon is thar vo.kcrs who bring rhcir own lunch arc morc producdve bccausc thcy spend lcss timc cating lurch and Dorc timc irorkinS. ln shon, lacking bcncr cvidcncc thrr ar Xenon producrivjty dep€nds primarilv on luncb dier, ,rsscning that dranging - thc cafcrcria's lw)ch mcnu will improvc a,rorker producrivity anounts ro lnlc morc than conjccrure_ :In a trnl-lcn8th (lcminurc) 6say, you migh. atso addrcss rhc followtr8 ,qucsdons 3bour rhc Arglmenr's reasoning: . A tbr.shold problcm: Arc ca.fercria lunchcs acrually much diffcrcor from lurches rhat workcN brinS from homc? (If nor, rh€n thc enrire arSumcnr is poindcss,) . Wolld t})c proposcd cou.sc of acrion .r//ce to arrain rbc scatcd objectivc? (€.8., workers who prefcr catctcrir dining mjghr cboosc Pal.tso't s t wtltint SkIk lor tba AR-E/G UT Tests M.pae6o'Lt.@m nlt) .nt s t.t! Du't'i/1\ , s,tosrrDd l[Lr] ( su':5w 5toos rFnorqr nu)r Drrx sf,nru^,,b$dord uo,Irssrrd pIc^\ -u^lop rrt-rrtunor urf, /t!l IDO sdrqrrd) tstulJ pur s.ntr^ ?i!)dord u! rlrlrrp c ilr>^)rd o) Jrpro rn lf:llnr a)u )$ esru)r ol 4/r.rrrJa, )t sl . l pror<rn elqtsuods:rr st lururdolJ^ap lu)Jel rJrpo ru.ros sdEqlr.l) lu^rot ltqt ur s)u)r pur sf,np^ fuedord r4 auIJJrp rqt Jo ,srrr aru, .e eSenoJ &Imduro: ,\eu s,uo:qdr!|l yo aJuJsald Jlp sl . :Buluosljr s,luarunirv allr lnoat: suolrshb SuLronoj eqt sstrppr oslE tqSlr! nol ,&ss. (rtnLruJ.OO qr3uel-nrv x uI 'pr^oldd! eBJnoJ ,{au rql otar$. rlxJ Jrlluns t erEJ pJno,,!l sluc., pur srnF.{ llrdo.rd. s.ltlJ )tEO rrqr naoqs 01 uoroldvr{ ut pua! palro rqt uo,{l5r llqrll)snl louuEJ rurEnfux 3qt ,sa8rllo)lo sadA or! orn pur su^ror oal Jrp ur)^!aq socusr3JJlp,{rI rlqrssod lol Bununo:!)x lno -rpta loqs q srnp^ fu.do_rd lJuc^o uo omssrd pruadn rro.! Buple -xa runt 14 'f,3anoJ Alunl.ulnotr I urqt eJtuFf, q8lq ro astrsard Jarxr3 u,r1o) E ot sSuuq oStllor Jrrf,{-lnoJ t sdlqjfd .osJy.D)rrl or{i rJI wrD JaurJoJ aqt ln sluri uo shssard pr.ddn ssrl rsei8ns pftlr:p pu[ ltddns Jo s5:rrol eqr asrr qrq^r tn 8f,Jlo) ^rro rr qtla Atl :pO q eq pno,u Ir ucql uoDldel{r ul ssal sl Sumoq Tstur.r sndurrqJo Brlpo:u srurpms -' 53alloiJ6 .3Dru:rred )ql sdlqJf,d ,aaus|flnro:l .sruer pux s.np^ fua <iord uo turxa aSallof,,rdau I a)ufnliJl arf] ol lur alrJ )rx trqt srJuo -rrJJrp )Jqrssod slrouit luarun:8rr erLL.s,uol3ldxw pur se)rrxlsumr4l s,AD {xO u)}^$rq lSolxtrl:roodI5q rqtrur l!q^r s.{!Jp tsaumfur aql :qdEr8urd ,uo u tgr)Aor sel8olrut qloq s:lpuEq rEqr asuodslr ! s.arf,H srfello) Jo ssdlt oar sar.dlrq prrr srr^to) oa] ura^laq lBoJ|]ur llqzsoDsrnb x uo sel3r turum8jv sJtII ( sE ur uao 4)ql rrEd:rd oqnA ttdord ulqr rc!-zEl ,{Ilrjouc8 :rE sfcau, roJ ,{rd oq/ aldo)d sdEqr5d) asr.Iro,r Jo {dnorS o,N fqt uac,ltrJJq dotou0 rtnltn Rz t\:ctp ,ururnRn cgl saoc Cp!J)srr'! suc.uJ raqro q€norqr lrr^!:rnpo.rd JJIro,,$ 3juxgu. tr[) uoulx sdxrpr.D :e^D.tlqo prtcrs .qt urrrrD ot {.rJsr9a! uol]trx Jo asrno) pasodojd rqr sl ( .uroq rrori Ssuq s!)ro,ld. r.qlo lEql spoot qrunl rlltoq lu.l:llJlp rn: liq) su':))r nurur AVSSI lNt^n9alv 9N|I]OCS-Ho|H V Jlid^ o.t l oH - - -sts^]vNv .c 4. ANarysrs t. This Af8Umcnr rclies on a qucsrionablc anaroAl ocrwccn re/o ro$,ns as vcll rs bccvecn nvo rrish comptnies. Herc's i concise,csDonsc tl.nr .hrndlcs borh :rnalogics roSelh€r ir ooc p:rmgripbi Thc argumcnt s infercnce d)a! Trashco s scfficc js morc coslh, rh.ln IUd. co's d€pends on rhc unproven assumpdon rhar the rwo rcfuse compa, nics providc $c samc degree rnd ,rmounr olservicc !o bo(h rowns. pcr. hrps Tlnshco s scrviccs ro plattsbu.g is providcd less frcquenrty or ro fcwerhouscbolds drr, Ridco's sen,ices ro lliilsvillc, for whareverrcason. Eirhersccnrrio e/outd cxplain plarBburlt's lowcr totll cost, q,hich in rum would undermine rhc rrgumcnt's con!€nrion that Hillsville e,,ould savc. moncy b)'swhching from Rjdco io Tr-ishco. Thus, ro bcner deluatc rhe ff8umenq I vrould need ro krow how much Tnshco would char8c Hills ville, noi Plir6bul-9, for t})e samc servicc th! Rjdco lrow chargcs. In a full-lcnSrh (3ominure) cssay, you mighr alsb addrcss thc followjJl! questions abour rhc Argumcnt's rcasoning: . rwhat does tle argumcni assume aboutjfrrtre con.tltiorc in Hillsville? Of the town's residcflis incrcasc the voiumc of rcfuse o, rccyclablcs or bcgin iisisting on morc frcqucm pickups. Hiltsvllle mj8hr regrcr irs dccision to swirch ro Trashco.) . Is rhc proposcd swirch ro Trajhco zccasraal for drc ciry ro acli€vc . irs srarcd objccrive? (perhaps rhe ciry h15 orher me3ns ro leducc irs cosrs, or mcans ro enhancc irs icvcnuc, for thc Durgosc of affor(| ing the ncs' siarion,) . Miglr Hilsvilic incur countertaiting erpcnser b.v consrrucing rhc - ncw Fansfcr sradofl? @crhaps refuse would nccd to bc r.alcn frorb t})e ccnrcr to a morc remorc locatior, ar additionil exDensc.) This Ar8umcna rclics on a porentia.lly unrcprescntalivc sratisiical semplc to drew a g€ncral infcrcncc. Hcre's a responsc that lundlcs thc problcm: The ar[iumenr assu.mcs tha! Maxcch cmployccs wbo rcponcd thcse rcsuhs irc rypical of priyarc-sccror work€rs in geocarl, in rcrrDs of ilow thq'.arc likelt to .espond lo rhis tlTc of scmif,ir. Howcvcr. this isn'r nccGsarily thc czlc. lr is.efllircly possibtc, for cxa$plc, rhar luaxcch cmployccs wcrc unusuilly rcccptivc or rcsponsive to r,X/orkforcc s pafiicular 6etrods, for wharcvcr rcasolr. ID 2ny cvcrr, Mrftcch's scminar panicipents mjght consriturc an insufficicntly sm.3l smple for thc purposc of rnakinS rccommcndations for the !,rivarc, sccro|workforce in gcncrnl. Sincc thc argumcnr frils to show that Mrjl:rech's cxpcriencc is r'?icai, I simply carlnor acccpr t}rc a !!lt- mcnCs swceping conclusion. Pctcrson s I wdttng SkIk lor.tbc GRUGMAT T.tts Ar.iarysrs c oJ p))u,illinr),: prno^\ *,rr"-uru , t *t'"t''u ;rtr ur :rndrrtund rq lqrirur oq^r sru:pls., nrrio,d-",rn"tt qtn()rL[ rir()^\ DUI] or.rqr .r,{qo ptrr',,s'r),^,nr,,;, ";l;;;,;,J;::.*;]:.::lll:',1;,"#ili . ^,_ . _ (.rurp! ,,irunotr ptrioldur:un to t(x)d iqr uro! ur^. sorqrad JIrrs fEuonrppx Bt,.rJIq lq fi.a_pr.rru, .u".*.rrqr.,,{q .igio eqr uo urrjls rqr rrnprr ot plqrssod.o,qr,*,,f1.^,1.r,^' prtrrs )rlt Aur^:)rr1Jr Jot trDssasau ,$:rlo)d p.rodo.:d .q, ,; . su'donoJ oqr *.,00" "., ,ujff::?r,s'lotrunarY 'q' rnoqt suoltsenb )^ ,{rssr (elnuEJ{€) qr8ual-lF-q , arl ^ s.auno) rqr Jo srurr .u, ,."rno., ,r, n.lrur',Lt;t;::1t#:T SuturEb{ol pxodord orF lxlrl peru^uo:)'q lorrwr I .Amqrssod sl,n rno rr' or sl.r'J )u.urnarr.rp .r*s .t"q-^ ,ou ,nqi,il"o-,i r^r:taj ul:) .,bql amlDq tuauloldru:u ,,r,0r-srlD uoa ,'oq.,;;;;,;"il:if;:j[T,1li.;;T:l rrll Fprsuor ot sp5ru ruruodojd s.tuc_.fr" ,,11 :.1qprr. .q rou ,{nur Jo ,{l]Ix lrqt "s!od.r" rrn:uo) uo so,rya, ,rop"pur,rr*orr, .,11 , :urlqoJd grlt sf,lpr[q txllr esuods:r r s.3reH .uDlqoJd llJttqlDo,t lrlu)rod x ruo, ,JFs rrrl slod.J uo ,rn., ,.,r*ni*l,iil csjrururas Jo sadA rgrqr Jo sllJauf,q Jrp $l^r 9p 01 Sqrpou Burnzq sroDrJ JrsurDxa lirrrl, uo o.1" q.rra.f Jo)f,rs 3:a^srrd s,,{ulouoJo oqt lo ,{thlrcnpo:d 1ual'6,l pa uvqcu)t utDr4a.t sltolrrpuoi Jaq)o //, t[rl] .urnss, rururnfux eqr nl3lt^, . .' ulxsE_Ilorul ol lro^\ rro{ Jgo eur,t o:fr) ot Jepro ur ,:'r"ffi;J uoorl ll9sfxj ro Jur4u)c aw Jo nu)u)q lqr Jlcl)38rxo ot hss:rd rl{ ,{.rn sdrq)rd) aal4,pro s)rloldurr s,q5rlr.xtt lq sturEt) r(r,r ory . _o1 lu.tuotr .',our 5irroJ.q .,alro o dlaq or pr*,rrr.,:I#ry# r.grqr'a prrE .rJoFq sr sqof cII' s.rF r^rq stsedpDrrd s.q)Ir.rn ratF)q.t JsuruDs rrF 5:rr4s passrd seq:u4l rpnur,{oq uo pl.pdap l(rdlrll .rr,{slrD aqD arFr)rftI,^J r.'o{ srrrEalrJarEd aqr AuoIIrc ruao -tuJruoJ Jo p^al p)?\ordvn e\l lo afiDJ anq aqt rEtnurf,s ,rlt sEd\ . rJr-tll' or Jrpro st srxu(urs su Jo ',t'Jstrq fu. .rr"rr.^" ,;x::l aqt 6dgqr;$d) aaplprtt srrlrtsls oJ.rojDFo,lt ruor uodr rql q . 3uruoscar s.lu;)rxntr\, Jqt lnoqr suoDsrnb Eu.raoIIoJ or.Jl sserppn osll] lqillll nol .^Ess. (:)nu.n -O€) tF8url-lJnJ r uI t11o1\1nterD4 \tr\ I ,,,, 'ur 'utrs r',"'"ai" ! ti)iLiii srs^rvNv .g ^VSSS -tNl,\n9UV gNtUOlS-H5tH V 31tUM c)1/vtOH 7" ArurLvsrs PAR] i1 would rcducrn8 th( nLrnrh(r ol rcsidcnrs who recc,ve unemplo)' mcnr bcncfits r4/icc ro atuin $c sLlled objcctivc? (Perhrps drc officc crn ersill ecconrmodnrc the curten! number oI r€sid€nls applrin8 for xnd rec<jving unemplormcnt bcncfits. and the sourcc of rbc str;rio lies elsewhcrc.) Docs rhc argumcat suggcst a coursc of aciion finI would actual\' underrni e tba stated objcctiue? (fo stz$ thc ncs' jolltraininS progmm, iI might be n€cessaq' to rcduce sBff ciscwhere in the ofiice, which mighr cxacerbale the su-ain.) i"l This ,4.r8umcnt relies on'a sufficienl-coodilion rssumption. llerc's a respons€ that handles thc problcm: Thc ,lBumenr assumes thai the proposed mrndaie in irseli will sufficc ro lowcr ttre nrtional crimc .ate yet fails to account for othcr conditions thar might aiso be nec€ssaD'for thrt outcomc. Pcrhxps to bc cffcctlvc ir tlli.s respccr, physic"l€ducatjon clrsscs musr so be accompalricd b) 3flcr-scbool activiry progiims; or perhps thc claJses must begin carlicr in a youngsrcr's rc?demic Mc to hive any apprcciablc impact on dclin' qucnt bchavior. Vithour considerinli-thcse lnd a myrird ofoihcr condi' rions thrr firghi be nccded to €nsure tirrr a young Person grows lrp to . become lae-abiding, r.t)€ ar8ument's author cannot justi$'the mandatc. ln a fulllcngt}l (3Gminute) cssay, you might also address the folloq,inS qucstions about thc l\rliumcnfs rcnsoning: - . A llresboa probleDd: Ate "physical{ducation classes" sufficiently similar to 'organized spons prosl?ms' thal their impxct on long-term behavior would be similar? (If noq then thc entfe argument c-]n be dismissed out of hmd-) . Mi8illi the arlumcnt misl^kc nere correlalioi -berwceo organrzcd- sports participation and adulr crimioal bchavior-fot 1 cause'and' ejflcct rclationshiP? (We mjght nccd to knos' \r'hxt Percentagc ot younSstcrs participale to beAin e,ith and vhe$er those youngstcrs arc lc5s iDclined in any evcnr toward delinqucnt b.havior.) . Is .tne samplc group (children in one lar8c ciry) rcpresetuanuc of 2I childrcn througlout the naton? (Perhrps Pmicipation in thesc progxans is morc cffective in large citics tlran in stn llcr cities and rural a.rcas.) u,u'uQetasorLt.cod GRE/GMAT 9. Lx,t troenD!l,hnrl t ll ou s:nraoJrl )ururnSrr: )qr 'r)^r^roH th r))po^\ :),j'.rJr^r: sr: It)^\ sr qjiiu)ll! lill)uEult ot ll)ds)r tJtr^\ .dno.ti r: st. ,s.r:aoldur; s:tr::r stll li' lr:Jrdlrs_! 1u;r9 rrql UoDduJnssr:rlt lro s.rt;)_r UoD)rprrd qrru_ trlturs x r'r s3]u.rlrul qloq s)lpueq rxrlr ssuods:r x s,:rr.H ,:.1;:J# llt|:lC) dnor8 ,ql Jo r:qrlleur auo Jo srrtsuatculrp uo p:sr:q (:rr:s u,rutr rj or sr.iotduri llr) dnor5 r rnoq! sarurr4rl omr s^\r:rp )u.urni1, sltll ssrl nuuntrseJ pr," sdoqs s.t rJtslp .rI ,"rr"-r"Utjfl;::; oq^r .stsFot rou ,stuopls, fE)ol s! L sd"q:rrp ;:nur^c: urqrnot ur 5tr'rtrrp IF Jo ,rrrrr ,r!r, .qi 5^oq! ol parrrJ:r uaoD,ldols rql sI . (.pl5rsu, Jlqrsuodsaj si lJutslp )ql rI a8r'?qJ Jorllo luros sdrr{JJd) Zsrsslnmq f.rxJJJ plrt 1url.r"ray s.rJrr";p rql ur u^rop^rols eqt Jo as-nD, arul al]tr Jalue: iur<ldoqs aq s1 . :3rrruosE.J s,lu.urnirv ,qt rnoq! suoDs5nb suraolJo; 3q1 ssf,rppr osr" rq3ryr nol ,lcss. Grnu.uoe) qli"r,il;; ^!r esodur prnoqs &tf, rqr )Eqr .er8, touurJ I osrallqro :;po5 qroq 3q^!lqJr Jo suaau alqlslrJ ,{lso f,ql sr urnFotBor! .rF reqt aur eJlr4uol-tsnu, Jornnr s.luotun8r aqt .!oqs ul .lpnq ,{p!}lr sJ lalurJ 3$ddoqs rql rrqr aou ,trl ool luroJ lq€ruJ rla,,q^ .*nrroroo* r ulqr c^!t:)rJJe orotlj .q llqlqord pino,{ .sJqt s[ q)ns suraur lttp rur slla) asurs irorrruo] .Jr^o5row .5qlJap aqr Bursre^cr m .,oarrregi )rouj ro 'o^Dr?j[lg s[ ]snl rq tq8lll' u8JedurE5 suoDzler-Jnqnd o^lsuarlul irr ilrllelll 1!rlr JoC .sltllop $rnro] fr4DrluE Jo lB,rluf,tod artl ploti lEql s.JnlLq J)r{lo rsroq Jl!^r Ar,| rqSJE rr,1o.orr5,{ru .urslmor uro.rj anuc^)J Srrrzmqrls Jo sunuJ ,{fuo rql lpzssr)Js unuolrJorr, aqr q JoN s,sal JYj1,9/!n1 ,.tt rt, slttls nuttual srs^tvNV .6 .rxngolljorr' ! .u!rp r^!f,f,JJe rrorx utr^r -ro s! iJrrtrJJr r! rsnl .q tq3Ju, uoptpuor IrrIAuo nf,rp o) sfulplmq turrrlrlrSls lJll:Jgorsry lsou, rrll 3uuo)s, uo uolJ, prsn)oJ ! ,f,Julls _ -r4 roJ .Jnfr^ rltF fuwssrd Jo surJrII o^rirujatlr roJ runorJE ol $'IIIJ ruiEnSrr- crF .sJop rI J! uo^g .lTE rD 5np^ tlrp srJxdul .{lrsr.^p! J3lue) Euddoqs ,dru cqr tElp ,)uJp!ir ou llarnlosq! salddns .T:]1 .*_** ".trq oI .s3qrptmq rrpto s,l)tjtslp oqr Jo anp^ rporqq 5qt-rr4,{.r3srd Jo sue5E atqEFe^, lJuo eqt sr rlntrolproru prsodord Jrp rzq uonDUTlmJ rnoqtr.d. s:'umss1] rururn8Jr ar{l suopcturnssa rroq sJrpssrr wrrl ,'sods, :(tuo qJte ro, Ild[r3Err:d tuo) roJ 5uo-suordwnss. ,ronlpuo"rr"aarr' ', s 'JaH r^rrf,rlqo p)ltls q'e ru o^r.t uo srrtar turujnfulJ srql AVSS: .tNil,,vn9uv gNluOJS-H9tH V :1lUM ol .IAOH srs lvNV .g I0. Anusrs uut.Pet^ot '.cod inlomlrtion to subsLlntirte citlrcr assumplion. Pcrhrps non-manufac- turin8 businesses th:rt rcquirc a collegcdegrced sorMorcc no\\' account for in jncrcNint mxjorin oftbc srric's jobs. Cfhc arFumenl s inforn)ation suAgcsrs (bis miShr bc thc c:rsc.) lf so, rhcn thc mcrc f:rct !h:r onc emplovsr. dbclr r]rc strrc s |rr8cs busincss, is losin8 busincss whilc Is q'orkforcc nears rerircmcnt ,rge proves almost nothing about thc prospecE for rhc stxte's ovcrall econom)', ln a tull-lcngtb (SGminutc) essr), vou nnght also addrcss the followjnS gucst'ons about tlrc Argument s rcasonins: . Does thc tcrm "larSes! privarc business" neccssarilv mean that Giant €mplo,vs morc workers rhan any orhcr busincss in thc statc? CThe srnalier the vorldorcc it ciant, thc less likcl)'that Giant is reprcscntative of th€ stxt€'s employers 3s a group.) . Docsn't thc prcdicdon s accuracJ' rcquirc th^r otfler future condi- tlors rem?in unchanged? (L.8., thc argumcrt ignorcs a possiblc iJl0ux of worke.s f;om othc! srares.) . Would a rcduccd workJorce oeceisarily resulr in business fallu(c? (Pcrhaps busincsses will be more profiBble by td-rnmjrg rhcir workforcc.) - \vhlt is thc dqftritor of 'qudity of life"? CIhc ar8umcnt s ultimatc prcdjcion dcp€nG on thjs mjssinS dcfinition.) This Argument driws an i.nJcrencc about a single confnuniq (Clxybrook) bercd on char'acrcrisrics of a 8rcup (the nation s cornmuritics as a wholc). Herc's a response that hindles t}lc infcr€nce: The argument dependi panly on thc assurnptioD that future employ- ment ficnds jn Claybrook's job market will rcflect nations,ide trends. ' However. rhe a4:rimcnt fails ro considcr rhat Chybrook rnght bc atypical. Pcrhaps Claybrook's,ob 62rkct w l buck the trcod (for one reason or anothcr), and *rc dcD.and fo! lcgal ?6sistana5 from CCC's leg2l-zssistanr progiaE vill remain 5Eon8 compared ro dcmand for nurscs from thc school's nursiog progJ"nr. lf so, rhcn the citcd - sEtistjcJ would ponerd nothiiS about the fururc cmplo)'Ecnt prospcct for SFaduatc of ci&cr profram at CCC or about wbcthcr dc propos€d course of acuon would bc prudcnt. h a n -lcn8th (3o-minutc) cssat, yolr miSrt also xddre'ss the folloE ng qu€sLions abou. thc Arglsent's riasoning: '' . Do srarisrics from only onc ycar constiirte s lficient d4ta fot proving a clcar Lrcnd? (Pcrh"ps l.r5r ycar was rn exccption to a contrarv trend, or pcrhaps rhefc is no trend 31 31.) Pctasons s v,ntinq Shllh lottbe GRE/GLUT Test' I f ,t I 'z.Drros!.Dd ,'tnw E ',rrunt rlqrDssjol iqt ur .ll)slr isli^)l lou tsr;)l tr ro .rnuouo:) Ij'a )lrlnto^ ).rylJ ur :ur1))F lui!n) :qt :"qr.r,un ,,,ur1rn3r,, "* rtrlrlqold .rlt srlpurq )[q] )suodsrr I s J)H .]Jtunt )q) otrn priuxqlun urrur.J ll^r s.Juutsrxntrlr) tuelnr ttrp s:runsft tu Unilry s[Ll (.r^r)r{J. sI: lsnt .q ]Ll8ttU .spoo6lo s.lxs rllsrlljoD uo stxxl SJIDS 3ulrnpaj sE qJns.sut,uj r)qlo) ispoo8 uBrrJoJ uo LJuapuadep s.Atunor aql alnp:r ot rJpro u,! /Crlssarau sr!,.ra ary . ( sarraor u8raroj uo Luepu)dep s,lnimoJ r lnoq[ 8u_rgrl!ft :^ord ],uop .szoo8 pf,uodxs Jo pruoilu4 Jo rnp^ rqr rnoqr srtrslrtt)S) ilrDorq oo, uo.rrlprrd s,tu:urn8rr,$ st . ( spoof L€trroJ uo tu.pu.drp u?rq szq lIUnoJ lrll teqt uorlcJtdui! aq1 arrv5l dpq pJno^ saps raserrrop Jo sJool uodun r4 assJjJrn tuatrrJ r 8?) ZspooS uBraJoJ uo Luap -urdap ruc.lnf, .to rnd x ^\orls or sJgFs,uolr] sJxtol uodxe oC . ( suodxr Jo ,nJE^ TEtol 5qr Jo sulat rn llnsnun a.rra sJ!5l oat .rp Jo qloq ro ouo sdEqr.a) Zspoo8 L€reroJ uo Lruapuodf,D \: aoqs oJ tttttl' JuatJ[lns r)runsuo] srsJl o,u lpo uo.:1 sJ[]ot oO . :Bu,ruost l s.tu UnBJV aql lnoq, suopsanb Etn^rolloJ.qr ssarppx osF t(J!u'l nol .lrssf, (e]nurlu{e) qr8uel_tlry, ul 'spoo8 u8l oJ uo buf,pu5dtD s,Atuno) frF aJnper or J)pro rn tEssetrrrrun guti prsodo:d ,rp rrpua, :q8r-_p,ros prr 'Jlljouorr 'IIJIIllod-nururdop^3p amrrg .tqrssod Jo p?lrlu_l ! Jo )uo ,{ux rxqr pu[ lsrq ]! snolqnp sl uolldu.tnss! slqt rvqt aul sllrl 5su)s uouruot .rJ^:aoH .tmrrv rlqxcasuoJ r$ q pcSueqJun rqtl!3r na rprrr Jo !)IJelEq s.Arsnor In funnur.r)p (slTrr.! $p!')q) s.roDtrJ Jcrllo tE tuqt uolrdunssc lqt uo srJlf,r ru?ujnjrr cql :rllslqotd rrlt s)lpr'|]q rrqt asuodsf,J.:lrnJhs r s.u5H .olruru oqr olrn pfsrDrjJun nBur.J m,{ srJuEsrunJIJ tu!!n_J Jxrl].$lxnsss luaumsJy slur ( suoarJurv EInrJnu TcuoD,rperr ,{uEr! rlo,osqo Jepual Jn^! srJ8olourlJrr ,!tau sdsurad ''3 3) isrsnu ro stux)slssr trSJI loJ spuu qol pf,DrDf,ld art u tlrsar ,iluEss.r:u .i:rp pllio_\ '5nul1uor spuan prEmssc .rp J.t rD.\3 suou'' all ul r,.,'rur pr,{,rurr lrxds rq'ru, lrr:HJff;:5:; -iiiii-rmlm Elrx'3.O iaJin{a(ft u paSuteutt Swunltutat sttolnpuot .rr./Jo lrrrlta uo pu)drp spurJl petrmssr 3ql Jo uolrEnu|ruoJ.r sroo s,ral JvAtrIn aqt rot slt'tt.a dultuat I t uosta srs,(lvNv 'z srs lvNb/ .l I AVSS3 lNll^Jn9UV 9NtUO3S-H9IH V 31iU/!\ Ol MOH [...]... conrinued incrci.scin rhc volumc of recyctabtEs? (pcrhaps businesses r?ould nor requjre subsidiesto provide nc€ded service, or pcrhips the county irsef conld provide rhe scricc.) Yl w,lttn! SktUs tor tbe GRE/ GMAT Tesls GP,T unr'tu! )yrLal nrrrl l- t ,t z l ""! *n" f r,,rr.; r,, rof' JU?3 '))rllf,rurs.r:Pr5r:qt o) Dxrrsur lr:rd.l\ Jrpr:)r.Llt rrr(rt)suods -)r ltuoD('ru: Jo IfJll$^ n trrll ot tdu t ut'o i:irnir_uxltlslxq... inrplropri.lc for vour GREor G^IATcssa)5 Besides,lhe reader miShr not rcalizc thar you're bcing sarcasljc' in which cxseyour remrrk will onll servc ro contuse t})c rcadcr' A DEVELOPING PERSUASIVEVIRITING STYLE ln Pans 2 and 3, you leimcd how to develop Persursiveideas as $'cll 451 sEucrurc and scqucnce for your Paiagraphs lhar scrve to enhancc thcir pcrsuriveness To ensuren high ,^ndFical writing scorc, you... dcvic€ssuch as undcrlincd $ords 3nd pbnses Now hcre's a rcferenc€ lls! th includes many of those underlined vords ind phmses,dong wirh softc additional ones-b) tunctional categon unDut2c,mor.com GRX /GMAT GRE/ l r I k&) troea,14 nrrht t(tl?/ ou, tn,r, t,rt,,or"t"o! "o.r Jljqnnu r q Jlu:ssf, q atuJntrdrJelot )pnllrroJ uolsnlJuoJ d fuurtuns srsllcu[ ur Jruq u lruU :]ql ul ,ru s t,l il qoEgE.,Ed l.'stlrmms... ANARGUMEM/s To PRopoNEM ln your Argumenr essay,it's okay ro saye kcysuokcs by usjng an occrsionel prono'.lJ], Just bc sure rhar your pronouns are appropriare end consisrcnt (rnale,Iemal€, or nei6cr)i Y, The spelr . si&ntficrntly. Sincc an increasing perccn6Sc of ncs' 8raduares from our sratc's Exrncrses 7-8 ixgncrsrs 9-l 0 Pctdson's . Wtlttflg SEIttlor.tbe GRE/ G]IUT TesE I 'I -rir(l. cffective in large citics tlran in stn llcr cities and rural a.rcas.) u,u'uQetasorLt.cod GRE/ GMAT 9. Lx,t troenD!l,hnrl t ll ou s:nraoJrl )ururnSrr: )qr 'r)^r^roH th r))po^. Chybrook rnght bc atypical. Pcrhaps Claybrook's,ob 62 rkct w l buck the trcod (for one reason or anothcr), and *rc dcD.and fo! lcgal ?6sistana5 from CCC's leg2l-zssistanr progiaE vill

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