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The first term of grade 12 The 1 st period Date: 2/7/ 2010 Grade 12 Theme: Guiding how to learn and to do English tests Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students know about English book in grade 12 2. Knowledge: Student know: - How to learn English in grade 12 - How to do English tests - How to use student’s book and workbook 3. Skill : - Reading - Speaking - Listening - Writing - Doing English tests II. Teaching aids: Student’s book, student’s workbook, dictionary, some test papers, tape, cassetteplayer, etc. III. Procedure: Teacher s activities’ Students activities’ Warm-up :(7 minutes) - Introduce to students about the teacher - Ask students about their names and English knowledge etc. Guiding: (35 minutes) 1. Guiding student’s book and workbook: * Introduce to students how to use their book and workbook * Introduce to students how to learn reading, speaking, listening, writing, language focus in their books and how to do the exercises in their books 2. Guiding English tests in grade 12: * Introduce to students about oral tests, 15 minute tests, 45 minute tests, etc. and how to do them * The tests in grade 12 include: reading : 25% listening: 25% writing: 25% language focus: 25% 3. Guiding other books and tape, disc, etc. Homework: 3 minutes - Ask students to prepare textbook, notebooks and the things for learning andprepare lesson reading - Unit 1 - Listen to the teacher - Answer the teacher’s questions - put the student’s book and workbook on the table - listen to the teacher and look through the books - Listen to the teacher - listen to the teacher and write down the things which will be prepared at home Lesson plans of grade 12 1 Unit 1 : home life The 2 nd period Date : 5/7/2010 Theme: home life LESSON 1: Reading Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students should know about International Red Cross 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students read and guess the meaning of new words from the con text. + Read the passage and complete the tasks of the lesson. - Language: Students could understand and use new words after reading - New words: Words related to home life 3. Skills: Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Student’s book and pictures, Board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks, etc. IV. Procedure: Teacher s activities’ Students activities’ Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Ask students look at the picture and ask some questions - Let students understand more about , house hold chores and family life, today we learn Unit 1- part A: Reading Before you read : (7 minutes) Ask students to work groups to ask and answer about the pictures - Hang on the blackboard the table of questions. Ask students to work in pairs looking at the pictures to ask and answer them. 1. Where is the family? 2. What is each member of the family doing? 3Is the family happy?Why (not) ? - Introduce the situation of the context - Read the context once to the class. - Show students some new words: + to be caring + to be willing to do st + to be close -knit + to bemischievous - Help students to summary the main ideas of the context . * The first paragraph: the writer says about the parents’ jobs and the people in her family. * The second paragraph :The writer says about the activities of her parents every day. * The third paragraph: The writer says about her younger brothers and her herself. - Open the book - Listen to the teacher - Look at the picture and answer - Listen to the teacher and open the book – Unit 1, part A: reading - Work in groups to discuss about the pictures - Work in groups to ask and answer the questions give by the teacher. - Stand up to answer in front of the class P1: Thefamily is at home. P2: The father is playing games with his son and the mother is helping her daughter do homework. P3: Yes, it is.because they look warm and close –knit. - Look at the book and listen to the teacher - Listen - Note down - Work in groups and try to repeat the main ideas in each paragraph. -Practise speaking their ideas freely. Lesson plans of grade 12 2 * The writer says about the happiness in her family. - Ask students to think of their thoughts about a happy family. - Introduce the situation of the passage While you read : (23 minutes) - Ask students to look through the passage and read in silence - Help students read the passage - Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage + Task 1: (10 )’ - Ask students to work in groups to read the sentences in the task and then choose the sentence A,B or C that is nearest in meaning to the sentence given. - Read all the sentences which they have chosen loudly to the class Teach some new words: close –knit (a), mischievous (a), - Ask students to work in groups to do the task. - Call on some students to read the sentences. - Common in whole class + Task 2: (15’) - Divide the whole answers class into 6 groups of 8 students . 1,How busy are the parents in the passage? 2,How caring is the mother ? 3,How do the father and the daughter share the household chore ? 4,What is the daughter attempting to do after secondary school? 5,Why do the children feel they are safe and secure in their family ? - Ask students to read the questions carefully and discuss the answers - Help students to find the paragraph which contain the information for the answers - Call the leader of each group to answer the questions - Ask the whole class to commend - Feedback and give the correct answers and give point. After you read : (8 minutes) - Ask the whole class to discuss about a happy family. - Call some students to say about their thinking of a happy family Home work: (2 minutes) - Write about their family or others they know. - Prepare Part B : Speaking at home Listen to the teacher - Work in groups , read the sentences carefully - Listen to the teacher and read up the sentences aloud . - Note down the new words. - Read up. - Work in groups to do the task - Read the passage - Work in groups to find the sum up of the passage - Present the answers in front of the class - Commend - Note down the reason of the choice - Work in groups to ask and answer the questions using the information from the passage - Some students answer the questions in front of the class Listen and take notes - Do the home work and prepare for the next lesson. Lesson plans of grade 12 3 The 3 rd Period Date : 5/7/2010 Theme: Home Life LESSON 2: Speaking Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students can talk about their family and other families + Students can ask and answer about household chores and family + Students discuss their ideas about the true of a happy family 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson students can practise a dialogue about a happy family - Language: asking for and giving information from a passage - New words: words related to the topic 3. Skills: talking about Home life and their activities in the family II. Method: integrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: pictures ,textbook, IV. Procedure: Teacher s activities’ Students activities’ Warm-up: (7 minutes) - Playing games. - Divide the class into pairs and ask students to work in pairs to talk about their family in 3 minutes - Call of the leaders of each groups to talk about her/his family in front of the class - Feedback and lead the class to the topic of speaking activities (we are going to discuss about our family ) Pre-speaking : (12 minutes) Task 1 Let students read the following sentences and choose which apply to them or their family. - Ask students to work in groups to speak the sentences 1, In my family ,only my father works. 2,Member of my family share the household chores . 3,My responsibility in the family is to wash the dishes. 4, In my family, the interest we share closely is watching football. 5,I often share my personal secrets with my father. 6, I always talk to my parent before making an important decision. - Go around and listen to the students – Give more suggestions if they need While-speaking : (15 minutes) Task 2 - Work in pairs . - Keep books close - Listen to the teacher - Work in groups to talk about family -Work in groups and give their ideas why they choose -Each student stands up and talks about their family. A: In my family ,my parents both go to work, B: In my family, -Practice speaking out their ideas about their family. A: Who works in your family ? B : Both my father and mother. A: Who often does the household chores ? B : My mother mainly does it and sometimes my father help my mother. A :How is your responsibility to your family ? B :I often clean the house and cook the meals when I finish my studying. A : How do the family members share the interest ? Lesson plans of grade 12 4 -Let students ask and answer the questions about their family. - Listen and give the ideas to each pair. Task 3:Work with a different partner. - Ask students to use the questions they have form to ask about her/his family. - Listen to the students and give remarks. - Post-speaking : (10 minutes) Task 4 - Let the students practise speaking freely about their family. -Go around to listen and give remarks . - Ask some students to stand up and tell loudly - Listen and correct mistakes Homework: (3 minutes) - Ask students to write a passage about a happy family (80 words) - Ask students to prepare Part C- Listening and do homework B :We often watch television each other in the evening. A : Who do you often share your secrets with ? B : I often share with my mother. A: Who do you talk to before making an important decision? B: I often talk to my parents. - All students write some sentences about their family and then stand up to talk. -Work in groups and each group has a representative to talk about her/his family. P1 : I talked to Tuan . Both his parents go to work. But only his mother does the household chores P2 : In Loan’s family ,only her father goes to work and her mother is at home -Work in groups and then speak out their opinions. PS : I think a happy family should have P : Yes it is . Because every member in the family often share the feelings with each other - Listen to the teacher - Write down the homework The 4 th period Date : 5/7/2010 Lesson plans of grade 12 5 Theme: Home Life Lesson 3: Listening Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students can listen to get information to decide True or False statements + Students can improve their ability of listening to write down the main ideals of the lesson. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students learn more about a happy family - New words: Words related to family 3. Skills: - Listening and comprehension questions - Listening and deciding on True or False statements or no information II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, pictures board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks. IV. Procedure: Teacher s activities’ Students activities’ Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Ask students to close the books - Give some pictures and answer some questions 1,Who are they? 2 ,What are the relationship among them ? - Check some students and mark - If you want to know more details about them we will go to Unit 1- part Listening Pre-listening: (7 minutes) - Introduce the topic of the listening: In this you will listen to people talk about their friends. But now please talk about your family first. - Ask students to read all the words given carefully and show the difficult words or structures - Explain the words and structures to the class: -reseved : - leftover : - spread out : * Before you listen : - Ask students to look at the picture and say : +What are they doing ? +How many people are there in the family ? While-listening: (20 minutes) Task 1 - Introduction: you are going to listen to Paul and Andrea talk about their family. Ask students to read the sentences carefully first to get the True or False. - Close the books - Listen to the teacher - Work in groups and look at the picture and answer - Listen to the teacher and open textbooks - 0ne or two students talk about their family. - Read the new words. - Listen and note down - Work in pairs to ask and answer + P : -They are having a party. - There are 9 people in the family - Keep book open - Listen to the teacher - Read the sentence carefully to get the True or False statements. - Ask for the difficult ones. - Listen to the teacher. - Speak out the sentences individually. Lesson plans of grade 12 6 - Ask students to get the difficult words. - Read the tape-script loudly to the class. - Ask students to decide the answers . - Listen and remark. - Ask students the question : - Why do you think it is true / false ? - Help them if necessary Task 2 - Ask students to look through the sentences in task 2 - Ask students to listen again and note down two things that are different about Paul’s and Andrea’s families. After-listening: (10 minutes) - Ask students to open the books - Ask them to discuss the importance of family in a person’s life - Let them work in pairs - Walk round and help students - Ask some students to stand up and go to board and write - Listen and correct mistakes Homework: (3 minutes) - Ask students to write a passage about the importance of family in a person’s life -Remember them to prepare Part- Writing at home PS : 1, It is false 2, It is false 3, It is false 4, It is true 5, It is true - Listen and work in pairs to speak out some information they have heard from the tape. -Discuss and find out the the importance of family in a person’s life - The students who are called go to board and write down your answer -Listen to the teacher and write down homework The 5 th period Date : 5/7/2010 Lesson plans of grade 12 7 Theme: Home Life Lesson 4: Writing Time 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students can write a paragraph about family rules depending the given prompts 2. General knowledge: Students learn how to write a description , stages of a description - Language: - New words: Words related to the topic 3. Skills: Writing a narrative II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, notebook, some pictures IV. Procedure: Teacher s activities’ Students activities’ Warm-up: (5 minutes) A word game. - Divide the class into 4 groups - Ask students to work in groups to revise the words using to say about family (in 2 minutes) - Call the representatives of the groups to write as many words on the boards as possible. (in 2 minutes) - The winner is the students who has got the largest number of correct words on the board. - Call some students to repeat the meanings of the words. Pre-writing: (10 minutes) - - Ask students to use the following verbs and expressions. Give and read some words aloud : _ Let ,allow, be allowed to, have to, permit, etc. + Some expressions : - doing household chores - coming home late - preparing meals - watching TV - talking on the phone - using the family motorbike - Listen to the pairs and help them if they get some difficulties in speaking. - Ask students to stand up and say a paragraph about his/her family. While-writing: (18 minutes) - Keep book close - Listen to the teacher and work in pairs - Work in groups to revise the words - Go to the board to write the words - Repeat the meanings of the words in front of the class - Listen to the teacher and open the books - Read all words and expressions and work in pairs . A : Do you have to do the household chores ? B : Yes, after my studying or my free time. A : Are you allowed to come home late ? B: No, because my parents are strict A : Do you often prepare the meals ? etc Each representative of a group stand up and say about the family. A: - In my family , everybody has to do the household chores. I’m not allowed to come home late, I only can watch TV when I finish my homework + Write the letter individually. - Every family has its own rules. Mine has a few. First, everybody has to do the house hold chores, we only go out or watch TV when we finish all homework - Some students read loudly their products in front of the class Lesson plans of grade 12 8 Task 2 Ask students to use the ideas they ‘ve dicussed to write a leter to a pepal about their family. -Give some out line : first, second ,further more, and finally etc. - Call two good students present their outline in front of the class - Ask the others comment - Feedback and give some correction to help students to have a better outline to write. Post-writing: (10 minutes) - Give suggestions and corrections - Ask students to read another’s description - Ask some students to read loudly their description - Correct mistakes and mark Homework: (2 minutes) - Ask students to do part writing of Unit 1 in the student’s work book and prepare part Language Focus - Listen to the teacher and write down homework The 6 th period Date : 5/7/2010 Lesson plans of grade 12 9 Theme: Home Life Lesson 5: Language Focus Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Pupils can pronounce the endings /s/ ,/z/ 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge:+ Students have to remind of tense :past simple, past progressive and present perfect. + Students have to do some exercises of tense - New words: Words related to topic 3. Skills: Intonation and phrasal verbs II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, pictures, board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks. IV. Procedure: Teacher s activities’ Students activities’ Pronunciation: (8 minutes) - Guide students to pronounce the endings /s/,/z/ : bats /s/ . bags /z/ - Ask students to read the up the words and the sentences - Ask students to read up in chorus twice - Call some students to read up in front of the class . GRAMMAR:(35munites) 1,Tense of verbs: * Ask students to repeat the they’ve leant. + The past simple. + The past progressive. + The present perfect. - Ask students to give some sentences. - Let students compare the differences ebtween past simple and present perfect Listen and give remarks Listen to the teacher. - Listen to the teacher and read up - Read up in chorus twice - Some students read up in front of the class - Listen to the teacher and speak out . P1: - past simple P2: - past progressive P3 : present perfect - Some students give more examples. * Example : - He left the room last week. - They were having dinner at 8 o’clock last night. -She has learnt English since she was in grade 1. - Work in pairs and give the differences. * past simple : happened and finished with the definite time in the past ,not related to thepresent. -Ex : He bought a car yesterday. * present perfect : started in the past but related to present or future and give the result at present. -Ex : She has learnt English since she was in the grade 5. - Work in groups to do the exercise 1. Have you seen 2. Did you enjoyed it?. 3. has been. 4. Did you give/saw. 5. didn t listen’ Lesson plans of grade 12 10 [...]... listening Lesson plans of grade 12 Students’ activities - Listen and answer - Work in pairs and each and answer - Look at the picture and the table of the questions to ask and answer about the picture in pairs S1: -They often stand in front of theater praying and asking their ancestor’s permission to be married S2:- They exchange their wedding rings S3:-They get the presents from their relative and their friends... Simple present and Simple past , Simple future - I, you, he ,she - Time indecates in the dialoge * Work in pairs: - P1 : Lan - P2 : Tuan Exercise 2 ,Ask students to read the dialoge between Lan and Tuan , then they have to complete the conversation Tuan had with Tung by changing in reported speech + Each pair stands up and read the dialoge -Work in pairs and practise changing reported speech 1, She said... minutes) Ask students to do Part Language Focus and prepare part Reading of Unit 2 at home Unit 2: cultural diversity Lesson plans of grade 12 11 Date : 15 /7/2 010 The 7th period Theme: cultural diversity Lesson 1: Reading Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: 1 Educational aim: - Students read passage comprehension about role of cultural diversity - Students know how to use the new words through asking and answering... exercise 1 - Let students read the situation and change into the reported speech 2, Thuan said he worked for a big company 3,Thuan said he was their marketing manager 4, Thuan sais the company had opened an office in Ho Chi Minh city 5,Thuan said it had been very successful 6, Thuan said he had been chosen to run an office in District 5 7, Thuan asked me howlong I had been learning English 8, Thuan said... she would -Ask students to revise the whole unit be late for school - Ask students to do all the exercises - Each student stands and speak out their sentences they’ve made - Listen and write down their notebooks The 18 th period Lesson plans of grade 12 Date : 25/7/2 010 31 Test yourself A I Objectives: 1 Educational aim: - According to the TEST students can revise all the language skills and grammatical... (a) - Ask students to guess the meanings of the words - Ask students to read the words in chorus twice Lesson plans of grade 12 Students’ activities -Listen to the teacher -Give their answer -Work in groups to discuss about the pictures - Work in pairs to ask and answer - Some students answer the questions in front of the class - Look at the board and note down Guess the meaning of the words and phrases... students do the exercises in the workbook - Ask students to prepare for the next lesson Unit 3: ways of socialising Lesson plans of grade 12 21 Date : 20/7/2 010 The 12 th + 13 th period Theme: ways of socialising Lesson 1: Reading Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: 1 Educational aim: Students can +Develop such reading micro-skills as guessing meaning from context + Use the information they have read to answer... for the next lesson The 10 th period Lesson plans of grade 12 Date : 15 /7/2 010 17 Theme: cultural diversity Lesson 4:Writing Time: 45 minutes I Objectives: 1 Educational aim: Student can describing typical features of a Vietnamese conical leaf hat 2 Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students could write a report to describe typical features of a Vietnamese conical leaf hat - Language: Words used in a... :The young Americans are much more concerned than the young Indians and the Chinese A: What are the Indian students’ attitudes on a partnership of equals ? B :The Indian students agree that a woman gas to sacrifice -Listen to the students and help them if neccesary - Read the questions carefully and work in pairs to answer the questions A: - I think a modern family has fewer children than a traditional... himself - Let students practise doing exercise and - Practise doing and speaking out each of them stands and speak out the the sentences they’ve changed sentences they’ve done - Listen to the teacher’s correction and write down their notebooks - Go around , listen and hepl them if neccessary Work in pairs the dialogue between Lan and Tuan firstly and try to find out the tense of verbs, pronouns and time . 2: cultural diversity Date : 15 /7/2 010 Lesson plans of grade 12 11 The 7 th period Theme: cultural diversity Lesson 1: Reading Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Students. 10 th period Date : 15 /7/2 010 Lesson plans of grade 12 17 Theme: cultural diversity Lesson 4:Writing Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Student can describing typical features. Date : 15 /7/2 010 Lesson plans of grade 12 13 Theme: cultural diversity Lesson 2: Speaking Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students can talk about the differences among cultures 2.

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2014, 22:00

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