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  • I, Listening script.( two marks)

  • A.Aim of the lesson

  • Period 74: Unit 12: Lesson 2: B.Free time (B 1-3)

  • A. Aim of the lesson

  • A. Aim of the lesson:

  • A. Aim of the lesson

    • I,Listen and complete the menu. `

    • Week 31

    • Period: 91

    • unit 15: Contries

      • Lesson 1: A1 – 2

      • A. Aim of the lesson:

  • Period: 92

    • unit 15: Contries

      • Lesson 2: A3 - 6 P156

    • unit 15: Contries

      • Lesson 3: B1 – 2 P158

    • unit 15: Contries

      • Lesson 4: B.Cities, buildings and people(3 - 4)

      • Lesson 5: C. Natural Feature

  • ---------------------------------------

    • Period: 96 Man and the environment

    • unit 16:

      • Lesson 1: A1 – 2 P166 - 167

      • A. Aim of the lesson:

  • B.Procedure

    • unit 16: Man and the environment

      • Lesson 2: A 3-5 P166 - 167

      • II, New lesson

      • 1,Pre - reading

  • Poster 1

  • Poster 2

  • 2,While reading

    • 3,Post reading

    • unit 16 Man and the environment

      • Period 98 Lesson 3 : B1 (P169 - 170)

  • Procedure

    • unit 16: Man and the environment

      • Lesson 4: B 2 (P171 - 172)

      • 1,Presentation

Nội dung

Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Period 14: Unit 3: Lesson 3: B Numbers B 1 - 2 A.Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson, student vill be able to can read numbers from 21 to 100 and pronunciation of plural nouns (/s/, /z/,/iz/) to count things in the classroom. Training skill: Speaking B,Proceduce : Teacher' activities Students'activities I,Warm up: Greeting. II,Old lesson: Ask Ss to look at the numbers on the board and answer the question: What is the number? 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 7, 9,17, III,New lesson: !,Presentation: *Pre teach: thirty=30 Forty=40; fifty=50; sixty=60; sixty one=61; seventy six=76; eighty two= 82; ninety nine=99; one hundred=100; one hundred and one=101…….etc…. A bench: Ghế dài ( Pr) Ask Ss to play the game “Slap the board”/ “What and where” 2,Practice: *Realia drill: Eg: one door, Greeting. Ss look at the numbers on the board to answer what numbers they are. Ss write down the numbers. Ss play the game. Ss count the things in their classroom. GV: THCS 6 5 41 72 54 89 33 Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 Six windows, twenty tables, one board, one desk, twenty benches……. 3,Further practice: *Dictation lists: Eg: teacher read: desks, rulers, students, tables, books, clocks, couches, doors, windows, houses, lamps, benches. IV.Homework: Ex 1, 2 (p21). Workbook. Ss write: /s/: /z/: /iz/: Desks rulers houses Students tables couches Clocks doors benches Books windows lamps ************************************************* Date of preparing: Period 15: Unit 3: At home Lesson 4: B 3- 5 A. Aims and objectives: By the end of the leson, students vill be able to use the questions: “ How many +plural noun +are there?”- and further practise in numbers to talk about things in the classroom, the livingroom and the family. Training skill: speaking B,Proceduce : Teacher Students 1.Warm up: Revision: Chaingame B2 p36 . Ask S. to use the information they have filled in B2 to describe their classroom. Give example 2.New lesson: a, Presentation : Presentationt text B3 p37 S play game ,fill in the table . Use the information in B 2 to describe their classroom . -there is a door . -Thereis a door and six windows. -………………………. GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 Model sentence: *How many doors are there ? desks - There is(one)/ there are (two) How many + dtừ số nhiều + are there? Dùng hỏi để biết có bao nhiêu đồ vật hoặc người …… 2. Practice : * picture drill: - ask s s to use the picture in B2 and B5 to practice Example exchange : + How many desks are there ? - There are six. + How many televisions are there ? - there is one. +How many stereos are there ? There is one. -> Call some pairs to practise . 3 Production : + Kim’s game : - ask p s to use picture p.31. + Survey: S S write down. Give form and the usage… - Look at the pictures,work in pair, ask and answer. Work in pairs. Some Ss ask and answer in pairs. In your family ? In your house ? In your class room ? Name People Chairs Lamps Desks Windows Nam 3 Example exchanges: + How many people are there in your family, Nam? -There are three. IV.Home work : Do exercise on page 22. ************************* Seen,Date:22/9/2008. GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 Week 6 Date of preparing: Period 16: Unit 3: Lesson 5: C 1-2 A. Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson , student vill be able to read a text about a family to understand the details and talk about jobs. Training skill: Reading B,Proceduce : Teacher ’ s activities Students’ activities 1,warm up: Revision:From survey in lesson 4,ask students to write it up(or report back) 2,New lesson: 1, Pre-reading : Preteach new vocabulary: -an engineer: Kỉ sư (explaination) -a doctor: Bác Sỉ (Pr) -a nurse: Y tá ( Pr) Have students play game : networks Topic: jobs *Open prediction: Lanfamily member How old ? What does he/she do.? father (40) (an engineer) mother (35) (a teacher) brother (8) (a student) 2.While reading : Ask students toopen their books and read the text C1. Have them check their predictions -Ask students to play game: Noughts and crosses in two teams.(comprehension questions). a, How many people are there? Students work individualy,using There are ,there is … to report back Students write down new words in vietnamese. Play game in two teams. Students predict, fill in the table. Students read the text and check their GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 b,How old is her father? c,What does he do?, d,Hhow old is her mother? e,What does she do? f,How old is her brother? g,What does he do? ,h,Where are they? 3.,Post-reading: + word cue drill / picture drill c 2 . +Trans formation writing: - Have s s transform the sentences in c 1 with information in c 2 to write about song’s family. IV.Home work : Exercise: Ex 1, 2 (p23) workbook. predictions. S. play game in two teams. Key: a,4 b,40 c,an engineer d,35 e,a teacher f,8 g,a student h,in their livingroom. - practice - write. ~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~ Period 17, 18 Date of preparing:29/9/2008 Unit3 Date of teaching:2-4/10/2008 Lesson 6 Grammar practice A. Aims and objectives. - Further practice in “Be , imperatives, numbers, question words, there is / there are and furniture vocabulary. Trainig skil: Reading, speaking B,Proceduce : Teacher Students 1, Old lesson: Checking old lesson: Ask students to do exercise On page : II,New lesson: 1,Be: Gap fill:G.p1,3 p.40 Noughts and crosses: Eg:(1) They are teachers. (2) We are students. GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 They/ teachers We/students She/ a nurse He/ an engineer I/a student They/engineers You/12 We/ brothers She/ a doctor 2, Imperatives: G P4 p.40: Let students play game :Simon says Using some imperatives: -Stand up! -Sit down! -Open your books! -Close your books! 3,Question words: *Gapfill : Ask S s to do exercise G.p 6 Give the key. *Anser given: -Ask S. to read the following paragraph: “ Song is a student and he is twelve.There are four people in his family:his father,his mother,his sister and him.His father’ name is Kien .He’ s forty-two and he is a doctor.His mother’s name is Oanh .She is thirty – nine years old and she is a nurse .His sister’ name is Lan .She is fifteen and she is a student.” _Give the “Answer given”: .a,12 .b,4 .c,Kien .d,42 .e,a doctor .f, Oanh .g,39 .h, a nurse .i, Lan .j, a student Ask students to put the questions to the answer given above. 4, Numbers: Let students play the game “Bingo!” Students play game to practise imperatives. (Students do action when they hear imperatives.) S. do exercise G.p 6 individually. Students read the paragraph . Students put the questions : (Key): -> How old is Song ?. -> How many people are there in his family? ->What is his father’s name? -> How old is he? -> What does he do? ->What is his mother’s name? -> What does she do? ->What is his mother’s name? ->What is his sister’s name? -> What does she do? . GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 Ask students to choose 6 numbers from the following numbers: 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,30, 40,50,60. T. read 6 numbers ,if S. have the same 6 numbers , they say:”Bingo!”. 5 Furniture: Crossword puzzle:G.P 10 on p.43. Guessing game :T. have some pictures of furniture, ask students to guess what it is by asking the question: _Is it a TV? chair? -Yes, it is ./ No, it isn ’ t. * T/F prediction drill: T. use the picture in B5 p. 37,read the statements.If the statement is true,S.repeat If the statement is false,S. keep silent. Eg:+ There is a TV. + There are 3 stools. + There are 4 people. + There are 7 books. + There are 2 lamps. IV. Homework: Ask students to prepare for the next test. S. play game “Bingo” to practise numbers . S. do crossword puzzle. S. guess the pictures using the Yes/ No- questions. -> (repeat). -> (silent) -> (repeat). -> (silent) -> (repeat). ~ Seen, date: 29/9 2008 *********************************** Week 7: Period19 Written test GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 A. Aim of the lesson Date of doing: Period 18: 45minute test A. Aims of the test : Helping students to do the test,using vocabulary and grammar structures they have learnt . Training four skills. B,Proceduce : 1,warm up: Greeting 2,New lesson: A, Use the correct form of to be( 2 marks ): 1,This my friend .Her name Nga. 2,Hello! I Nam. 3,Minh and Lan 13 years old. 4, you eleven? 5,Mai in the room. 6,We in the classroom with our teacher. 7,My mother a teacher and my father a doctor. 8,Mr .Tuan an engineer. B, Write down the result: (2 marks): 9, 10+5= 13, 17 -3= 10, 12 x3= 14, 31 +4= 11, 20:2= 15, 22 -2= 12, 14-6= 16, 60 :2 C, ): How do you say these sentences in English? (1mark): 17, Mình là Hoa và đây là Nga………………………………………… 18, Cậu ấy mười hai tuổi…………………………………………………. 19,Bố bạn làm nghề gì? 20,Ông ấy là một kĩ sư…………………………………………………… D,How do you say these sentences in Vietnamese? (2 marks): 21,She lives in Hue……………………………………………………… 22,Her sister is a student………………………………………………… 23,How many tables in your classroom? 24,There are twenty tables in my classroom……………………………… E, Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B(2marks): A B GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 25, What’s that?. a.It’s an eraser. 26,How old are you? b.That’s my teacher. 27,Who’s that? c.I live in a house. 28,Where do you live? d.I’m twelve. F, Choose the correct answers (1 mark): 29, Chúc ai ngủ ngon ,em sẽ nói: A,Good evening B,you are good night. C, Good night. 30,Số 15 được viết là: A,fiveteen B, fifteen C,fifeteen. 31, Câu “Bạn sống ở đâu?” là: A, Where you live? B, , Where are you live? C, Where do you live? 32, Chọn câu nói nào đúng: A,I am a student. B, I am student. C,I am an student. 3,Collection test papers : Teacher collect the test papers from students. : GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 Date of preparing: Date of teahing: Week 7: Period 20: Test correction A.Aim of the lesson: -Help Ss to find out their mistakes in their tests. Correct students’popular mistakes. Give the key of the test. B,Step of teaching: 1,Warm up: Greeting 1I,New lesson: !,Correction: Some popular mistakes: T choose some tests and ask Ss to find out the mistakes. * Ss don’t know the correct form of the verb “to be”: +Mr Tuan are an engineer. Mr Tuan belongs to “he”-the third singular noun,so we can say: Mr Tuan is an engineer. +Minh and Lan is thirteen years old. Minh and Lan belong to plural noun,so we can correct: Minh and Lan are thirteen years old. *Ss don’t write the correct numbers: Eg: 10+5=fiveteen ->fifteen 60:2=thirteen ->thirty 17-3=forteen ->fourteen. 2, The key: I, Use the correct form of to be( 2 marks ): 1,This is my friend .Her name is Nga. 2,Hello! I am Nam. 3,Minh and Lan is 13 years old. 4,Are you eleven? 5,Mai is in the room. 6,We are in the classroom with our teacher. 7,My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor. 8,Mr .Tuan is an engineer. B, Write down the result: (2 marks): 9, 10+5= fifteen 10, 12 x3= thirty six GV: THCS [...]... Thu 7 Phong 6 you 2 While listening: - Ask students to listen to the dialogue (3times ) and check their predictions GV: Tiếng Anh 6 Students’activities - Write down newwords - rub out and remember - S write down dialogue and guess - Key: a .6 b.6a c,7 d,7c e, f, g, 2’nd h, 1st Class c 7 6a floor nd 2 1st - Listen and check : a 6; e b 6a ; f THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 - Copy the... we have ….(4)? Ba: We have it on (5).and (6) ,(7) Nga:Does Lan have Math on (8)? Ba: (9) _Ask Ss to read the dialogue and fill in the gaps with subjects and days 2, Practice: *Board drill: T write the timetable on the board and have Ss ask and answer : 2 3 4 5 6 7 Toán Văn địa Sử lý địa Sử Văn Thể Kỹ sinh sinh GD Sinh Anh MT Hoá lý Nhạc Anh Nhạc Anh Toán Toán Eg:When do we have Math? +We have it on... games Do homework table breakfast Nga 6: 00 6: 15 4:30 7:00 GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 table above Eg: +What time do you get up ,Nga? -I get up at six Ask and answer *Write it up: Ask Ss to look at the grid and write a Write it up paragraph about Nga III.Homework: Ask Ss to do exercise 1,2,3 (p.44) ************************************ Period 26 Unit 5: Lesson 2: A3-4 A Aim of...Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 11,20:2=ten 12,14 -6= eight 13, 17 -3= fourteen 14, 31 +4= thirty five 15, 22 -2= twenty 16, 60 :2= thirty C, How do you say these sentences in English? (1mark): 17, Mình là Hoa và đây là Nga => I’m Hoa and this is Nga 18, Cậu ấy mười hai tuổi =>... name? d, How old is he? e,Where does Thuy live? f,What is there near the house? 3, Post-reading: *Picture drill: use the pictures on page 62 and 63 and ask the questions: -What is that? -What are those? *Homework: Ask Ss to do exercise 1 on page 60 in workbooks Tiếng Anh 6 Ss read the text about where Thuy lives and check their predictions: Ss order the newwords Ss match English words with Vietnamese Write... a house f, a river, a lake, a hotel, a park, trees, flowers Ss look at the pictures on page 62 and 63 to practise,ask and answer the questions Remember to do exercise at home *************************** Period 33: Unit 6 : Lesson 2: A4-5 A Aim of the lesson GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 By the end of the lesson , students vill be able to get town and country vocabulary for describing... “hotel” by asking the question: Is there a ……near your house? 4.Production: Write it up: A 5 on page64: Ask Ss to write 5 sentences about their places III.Homework: Do exercise 2 on page 61 in their workbooks Seen,Date: Week 12: GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Period 34: Unit 6 : Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 B In the city B 1-3 Lesson 3: A Aim of the lesson Reading the text about where Minh lives to understand... S X D S S T R E E T N *T/ F Prediction: Near Minh’s house… Ss read the text and do ex B1 on page a.there is a restaurant 66 : b there is a lake Key: c there is a hospital Sentences T/ F Key: a.T b.F a F b T c.T GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 2,While reading: B 1.p65 – 66 Read the text Teach “work” and “neighbor hood” in context *T/ F: B1: Ask Ss to say if the sentences are true or false:... the words they hear in their notebooks T read the words in ex B3 on page 67 from textbook III.Homework: Ex1,2(p62)workbook Tiếng Anh 6 c d e f F F F F Ss do ex B2: a,city b,restaurant/ bookstore/ temple c,hospital d,house/ store e,factory Ss listen and write down the words they hear ~~~~~~~~~~~@@@~~~~~~~~~~~~ Period 35: Unit 6 : C.Around the house C 1-2 Lesson 4: A Aim of the lesson Prepositions of... music +……….reads books Tiếng Anh 6 Ss answer : a, b,c: +Yes, I do +No, I don’t .d, -Yes,she does .e,-No,she doesn’t Ss work in pairs to ask and answer Ss copy the table : + Ask Ss to use the Yes/No-question with “Do you… ?” to ask their friends to complete the Name-column in the table Eg: +Do you watch TV,Lan? Yes, I do …….etc III.Homework: Ask Ss to do exercise 5 ,6 on page 46 in their workbooks Name . Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 Ask students to choose 6 numbers from the following numbers: 11,12,13,14,15, 16, 17,18,19,20,30, 40,50 ,60 . T. read 6 numbers ,if S. have the same 6 numbers , they say:”Bingo!”. . six GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 11,20:2=ten 12,14 -6= eight 13, 17 -3= fourteen 14, 31 +4= thirty five 15, 22 -2= twenty 16, 60 :2= thirty C, How do you say these sentences. ************************* Seen,Date:22/9/2008. GV: THCS Ngày soạn: / /20 Ngày dạy: / /20 Tiếng Anh 6 Week 6 Date of preparing: Period 16: Unit 3: Lesson 5: C 1-2 A. Aims and objectives: By the end of the lesson

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2014, 13:00



