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New Head Way - Unit 5: One the move doc

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  • Aims and objectives of the lesson

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  • Thanks for your attention

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Aims and objectives of the lesson 1. Aims • Help students revise the use, the meaning and the forms of future tenses ( will, going to, present continuous) 2. Objectives • By the end of the lesson students will be able to use different future forms , structures of the future forms. • By the end of the lesson students will be able to distinguish the difference between the use of these future tenses. By the end of the lesson students will be able : • to do all the practice exercises • read the texts fluently • translate the texts into Vietnamese and answer all the questions • do all listening exercises Aims and objectives of the lesson PREPARED QUESTIONS 1. What English future tenses have you learnt? What question forms do you know? 2. What is the form and the use of the simple future, near future and present continuous for the future meaning ANSWER What tenses have you learnt? • The near future tense • The simple future tense • The present continuous tense Form Positive and negative Question What time will you are you going to arrive? Are you meeting the manager? Note that we avoid saying going to come or going to go. We’re coming tomorrow. When are you going home? I He They I’m/I’m not She’s/She isn’t We’re/We aren’t I’m/I’m not He’s/he isn’t You’re/You aren’t Help you Watch the football tonight going to Catching the 10.00 train ‘ll won’t Use Prediction (will and going to) Will The most common use of will is as an auxiliary verb to show future time. It expresses a future fact or prediction. It is called the pure future, or the Future Simple. We’ll be away for two weeks. Those flowers won’t grow under the tree. It’s too dark. Our love will last forever. You’ll be sick if you eat all those sweets! Will for a prediction can be based more on an opinion than a fact. I think Laura will do very well in her exams. She works hard. I am convinced that inflation will fall to 3 per cent next year. Going to Going to can also express a prediction, especially when it is based on a present fact. There is evidence now that Something is certain to happen. She’s going to have a baby. (We can see she’s pregnant) Liverpool are going to win the match. It's four nil, and there’s only five minutes left) It isn’t going to rain today. Look at that lovely blue sky) Sometimes there is no difference between will and going to. This government will ruin is going to ruin the country with its Stupid economic policies Decisions and intentions (will and going to) Will is also used as a modal auxiliary verb to express a decision, Intention or offer made at the moment of speaking.We saw this use in Unit 4.(See page 148) I’ll have the steak,please. I’ll see you tomorrow.Bye! Give me a ring some time. we’ll go out for a drink. ‘Jeff,there’s someone at the door!’ ‘Ok,I’ll get it’ Remember that you can’t use the present tense for this use NOT * I have the steak. * I see you tomorrow. Going to is used to express a future plan,decision or intention, made before the moment of speaking. When I grow up, I’m gong to be a doctor. Jane and Peter are going to get married after they’re graduated We’re going to pait this room blue Arrangements (Present Continuous) The Present Continuous can be used to express a future Arrangement between people.It usually refers to the near Future. We’re going out with Jeremy tonight. I’m having my hair cut tomorrow. What are we having for lunch? Think of the things you might put in your diary to remind you of what you are doing over the next few days and weeks.These are the kinds of events that are often expressed by the Present Continuous for the future.The verbs express some kind of activity or movement. I’m meeting Peter tonight. The Taylors are coming for dinner. I’m seeing the doctor in the morning. We’re going to a party on Saturday night. We’re catching the 10.00 train. [...]... her office for the rest of the will phone back then Thank you S: That’s all right Goodbye Grammar questions - What tense are the verb in a,d and e? Present Continuous - Which refer to the present? Which refer to the future? a refer to the present d and e refer to the future -Why are these sentences with will, not going to? I’ll check I’ll phone back then They are with will because they are both decisions... done Answers 1 They’re going to get married They’re going to get married in a church They’re going to have the reception in a hotel They’re going to Bali for their honeymoon 2 They’re going to have a party About twenty or thirty people are coming They’re going to eat caviar and drink champagne They’re going to dance 3 They’re going to move house The removal men are coming at 7.00 in the morning They’re... to the post office and buy some - A newspaper - Some shampoo - A bottle of wine - A tin of white paint - A joint of beef - A video - A film for her camera - Some left – tip pens Answers A: J: A: J: A: J: A: J: Could you get anewspaper? Ok I’ll go the nemsagent’s and buy one Could you get a bottle of wine? Ok I’ll go to the off – licence and buy a bottle Could you get a point of beef? Ok I’ll go the. .. had happened ‘Mmm,’said the policeman,’I think the best thing is to take it to the zoo’ ‘what a good idea!’ said the woman.’We’ll go there straight away’ The next morning the policeman was walking down the same street when he saw the couple again with the penguin.’I thought I told you to take that penguin to the zoo,’th policeman said.’Well,we did,’said the man.’We took it to the zoo and we all had... happen Example A: Have you seen the air tickets? B: Yes They’re with the travellers’ They’re going to cheques catch a plane A: And do you have the address of hotel? B: No I’ve just got the name Do They’re going to stay we need the address? in a hotel A: No Maybe not The taxi driver will know They’re going to be B: What about the milk? Have you away for two weeks cancelled the milk? A: Yes No milk for... continuous 15 90 0-1 0.00 12.30 2.00 – 2.30 2.30 – 5.30 Friday Visiting a factory or 11.00? Having lunch with a designer Seeing a customer in the office In the office Nina Kendle works in the fashion business Look at her diary for today Imagine it is 9.30 in the morning - Where is she now? - She’s in a factory - What’s she doing? - She’s visiting a fatory - What are her plans for the - She’s having lunch... monitor their use future forms Test your grammar T.32 read and listen to the joke Underline the verb forms that refer to the future What is this the difference between them? A Penguin Joke One day a man and his wife were walking down the street when they came across a penguin ‘Oh !’exclaime d the man ’What a surprise! what shall we do with it?’ ‘I know’ said his wife ’We’ll ask a policeman’.So they found... Ok I’ll go to the photo shop/ chemist’s and buy one A: J: A: J: A: J: A: J: Could you get some shapoo? Ok I’ll go to the chemist’s and buy one Could you get a tin of white paint? Ok I’ll go the hardware shop and buy it Could you get a video? Ok I’ll go the stationer’s and get some Could you get some felt – tip pens? Ok I’ll go the video shop and get one out Listening T.34 Listen to the conversations... going to move to the country They’re going to have a baby I think I’ll … Use the prompts in A to make sentences with I think … will Match them with a sentences in B Example I think Jeremy will win the match He’s been playing really well recently B A But we’d better get a move on a …Jeremy/ win the match a b b …it/ be a nice day tomorrow c …i/ pass my exams c d d …you/ like the film e …we/ get to the airport... d I think we’ll get to the airport in time But we’d better get a move on e I think you’ll get the job You’ve got all the right qualifications 2 Now make sentences with I don’t think … will with the word from A in Exercise 1 Make them with a sentence in C Example I don’t think Jeremy will win the match He hasn’t practised for ages C A There’s too much traffic a …Jeremy/ win the match a b b …it/ be . think the best thing is to take it to the zoo’ ‘what a good idea!’ said the woman.’We’ll go there straight away’ The next morning the policeman was walking down the same street when he saw the. listen to the joke. Underline the verb forms that refer to the future. What is this the difference between them? A Penguin Joke One day a man and his wife were walking down the street when they. forms , structures of the future forms. • By the end of the lesson students will be able to distinguish the difference between the use of these future tenses. By the end of the lesson students

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 02:20

