New Head Way - Unit 5: One the move doc

New Head Way - Unit 5: One the move doc

New Head Way - Unit 5: One the move doc

... find to the south of the line? - Match the numbers on the map to these places: the Pennines the Welsh Mountains the Scottish Highlands Put the adjectives to do with temperature in the right ... between the Bristol Channel and The Wash. (t.50) T.36 a. Listen to the description of the main geographical features of the British Isles. - What can we find to...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 02:20

69 850 1
Giáo trình New Head Way - Doing the right thing ppt

Giáo trình New Head Way - Doing the right thing ppt

... at the entry for the word Photograph in an English- Vietnamese dictionary. Notice the different parts of speech and words are formed from the headword are given in the same entry. Look how the ... "&ɔ ' 9 8 ),(9 8 /,$I /,$F),   Unit 4 Do the right thing Grammar - Practice You can use before the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 02:20

38 1,4K 2
Let''''s Go 1 Unit 5 LET''''S MOVE

Let''''s Go 1 Unit 5 LET''''S MOVE

... bóng hit a ball: đánh bóng do a puzzle: ghép hình jump rope: nhảy dây Vocabulary: Unit 5 LET’S MOVE Can you play with a yo-yo? Yes, I can. No, I cannot. (cannot = can’t) ... puzzle: ghép hình jump rope: nhảy dây Can you play with a yo-yo? (cannot = can’t) No, I cannot. Yes, I can. play with a yo-yo: chơi dô dô throw a ball: ném bóng catch a ball: bắt bóng hit

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2013, 11:11

8 728 4
Giáo trình New Head Way - What a wonderful world docx

Giáo trình New Head Way - What a wonderful world docx

... 27 Make the statements yes-no question forms a. My mother works in a bank - Does your mother work in a bank? - Yes, she does - No, she doesn’t b. It’s raining - Is it raining? - Yes, it is - No, ... the statements yes-no question forms e. We’ve got a dog - Have you got a dog? - Yes, I have - No, I haven’t f. I had a shower this morning - Did you hav...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 02:20

49 1,2K 3
Giáo trình New Head Way - Telling Tales pdf

Giáo trình New Head Way - Telling Tales pdf

... all the time as they were working they wondered what their father had left for them. 3 3 e. They felt that all their hard work had been for nothing. f. Soon they had dug up every inch of the ... They met and fell in love They got married They had their first son They lived in Hong Kong They had five more sons They sent their sons to boarding school They lived in six ... Morton. • List...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 02:20

41 866 0
Giáo trình New Head Way - Like and Dislikes pptx

Giáo trình New Head Way - Like and Dislikes pptx

... rich tasteful FOOD home-grown disgusted wealthy 44 Post-listening Comprehension check 1.People - What are they like? - What is important to them? - What do they like doing? - Where do they live? 2.Shops -What ... or thing being spoken about. The boy has gone to the beach. (Which boy?) The boy who lives next door has gone to the beach. The book is very good. (Which...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 02:20

65 617 0
Tài liệu China on the Move docx

Tài liệu China on the Move docx

... could have the capacity to deliver them in a few years, the United States has found neither the will nor the way to forestall a fait accompli. America’s approach is to multilateralize the problem ... of the four were sympathetic. This consideration alone may be enough to doom such an option for China at present. The Chinese surely realize that not a single one, let alone all,...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20

69 423 0