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Tiêu đề Các Đề Tài Báo Cáo Khoa Học Về Bê Tông Chất Lượng
Tác giả Chekanovych, M., Hareid, K. 0., Olsen, T. 0., Olscn, 0., Hegger, J., Will, N., Molter, M., Lapko, A., Sadowska-Buraczewska, B., Aguiar, E.A.B., Pinheiro, l.M., Angotti, F., Galano, L., Orlando, M., Vignioli, A., Bailey, C.G., Lennon, T., Bernardini, A., Modena, C., Pellegrino, C., Borges, J. U. A., Bittencourt, T. N., Boulay, C., Canbay, E., Ozcebc, C., Ersoy, U., Chen, H.-), Cladera, A., Mari, A. R., De Nardin, S., Debs, A. L., Dumet, T. B., Engström, B., Magnusson, J., Fujita, M., Sato, R., Matsumino, K., Takaki, Y., Aspar, R., Borges, J. U. A., Stucchi, F. R., Bittencourt, T. N., Germain, O., Espion, B., Gutsch, A.-W., Laube, M., Hallgren, M., Magnusson, J., Megger, J., Gortz, S., Jia, J., Zhao, G., Konig, C., Holschemacher, K., Dehn, F., Konsfantinidis, D., Kappos, A. J., Lembak, M., Dirner, V., Mamdouh, H., Ghanem, G., Moussa, A., Salama, A. E., Meda, A., Pitzzari, G.A., Failla, C.
Người hướng dẫn PGS.TS. Nguyễn Viết Trung
Trường học Hanoi
Chuyên ngành High Strength Concrete
Thể loại scientific report
Năm xuất bản 2002
Thành phố Hanoi
Định dạng
Số trang 4
Dung lượng 44,5 KB

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Báo cáo khoa học về bê tông chất lương

Trang 1

Sau đây là một số tên bài báo cáo khoa học vê Bê tông chất lơng cao trong Hội nghị quốc tế năm 2002.

Có thể tham khảo cho việc chọn đề tài luận án Thac sỹ, Tiến sỹ

và các đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học vê bê tông.

PGS.TS Nguyễn viết Trung, Hà nội ngày 1-6-2002


1- NewStructuralConcepts for Utilization of High Strength Concrete and


Chekanovych, M., Ukra i ne

2- OffshoreConcreteStructures in fheFuture

Hareid, K 0 ; Olsen, T 0 ; Olscn, 0 , Norway

3- Textle-Reinforced High-Performance Concrete Facades; Shear Capacity

of High Performance Concrete Beams

Hegger,J.; Will, N.;Molter, M , Germany

4- Carrying Capacity and Deformability of Hybrid Beams Made of HSC and

Normal Concrete

Lapko, A ; Sadowska-Buraczewska, B., Pol a nd


Desi g n Me t hods and Criteria, Recent and Curren t Research, Codes and

Sp e cifica t ions

1- A Proposal of Parabola Rcctangular Stress Diagramm for HPCMembers

Aguiar, E.A.B.; Pinheiro, l.M., Brazil

2- Assessment of thec Structural Performance of HSC Slender Columns Via

Ex erimental Tests andNumeric Analyses

Angotti, F.; Galano, L.; Orlando, M ; Vignioli, A , I t aly

3- ThePerformance of High Grade Concrete Columns in Fire

Bailey, C.G.; Lennon, T , United Kingdom

4- Shear FailurE" of HSC Beams with Varinblp Shear Span-lo-Depth Ratio?

Bernardini, A.;Modena, C.; Pellegrino, C., Italy

5- J^nalytica^Modcl^forPiediclionnfSize.'-Dependen! Stress-Sim in Curves

of High-SirenRlh Concrete Cylinders mUn.iaxinI Compression

Borges, j U A ; Bittencourt, T N , B razil

6- Fxperimenia! Study on Rcinforc-ed VI ISC Prisms under Conrcniraled I


-' ' ~ - Boulay, C , France

7- Rch.-ivior of I liRh-SlrfriRth Coni:m|p Columns under Strain Gradient

Canbay, E.; Ozcebc, C ; Ersoy, U , Turkey

8- Bonding Behavior of Hinh-Slronsthl.i^hlwcisht J\[SgregaleConcrete ,

Chcn, H.-)., Tai w an

9- Shear Strenglli of Rfinffirrcd I lif;l' Stren(;ll' Concrete Beams

Cladera, A ; Mari, A R., Spain

10- Utilization of Hi^hSfrpnathConcrelp in Composite Column';

ccenlricdily Loaded

De Nardin, S.; Debs, A L Wl, Brazil

11- Experimental lnuesfip,alio of Iticlixal Bund Stress-Slip Beha'/inr of

Prctcnsionc!!Stranr!'; Fmln'ddt.'ri in Plain And SlwlFilM-rkpinforicd


Dumet, T B ; Pinheiro, 1 M , Bra^l

12- Splicing of Ribbed ilars in I lifiliSirfnRlh

Concrete Be<ims

Engslrom B ; Magnusso",).,' Sweden

13- Size'Effect on ShearCapacily of RCHeams \hm^ HSC wilhoulSliear Rpiiiforccmcnl

Fujita, M ; Sato, R ; Malsumnio, K ; Takaki, Y., |ap an

14- Assessment of (he NfwBrazili.inCoin.reic Code (NBRfillB/ZOOl)

Trang 2

ReRarriing [lie Shear Design of HiRh-S(ren);lhConcreli'Heams

aspar, R ; Borges, ) U A ; Slucclii, F R ; Bittencourt, T N , Bra z il

15- Buckling of Slender HifihSirenRlhRcinforceri Concrete Columns

Germain, 0 ; Espion, B -, BelRium

16- Crack Control for the Mass Concrete Structures of the New Central Railway Station in Berlin, Germany

Gutsch, A.-W.; L aube, M., Germany

17- Reinforced HSC Beams Subjected to Shock Waves from Air Blast

Hallgren, M ; Magnusson, J , Sweden

18- Flexure and Shear-Capacity of Prestressed Beams made of H

igh-Strength-Lightweight- Aggregate Concrete

M egger, ).; Gortz, S., Germany

19- The Experimental Research of Steel Reinforcement High Strength Concrete Columns on Seismic Performance

Jia,J.;Zhao, G., China

20- Bond in High Strength Concrete - Influence of theRebar Posito

Konig, C.; Holschemacher, K.; Dehn, F., Germany

21- Statistical Analysis of Confined High Strength Concrete under Flexural

and Axial Loads

Konsfantinidis, D.; Kappos, A J; Greece

22- Physical - Mechanical and Deformation.Properties of High-Performance Concrete

Lembak, M.: Dirner, V., Czech R epublik

23- Behavior of High Strength Concrete Beams

Mamdouh, H.; Ghanem, G ; Moussa, A.; Salama, A E., Egypt

24- Experimental Study on Shear Behavior of PrestresscdSPRC Beams

Meda, A ; Pitzzari, G.A.; Failla, C , Ita l y

25- Punching Shear Analysis of Post-Ten stoned Slabs

Metges, | L P.; Pinhetro, L M.; Taheya, T., Brazil

26- Ultimate Stress of Interlock in Cracks of HSC

Mitrofiinov, V , Ukraine

27- Tests and Analysis of Higli-Strenglh Reinforced Concrete Beams and


Necevska-Cvetanoska, G ; Petrusevska, R., Republ i c of Macedonia

28- Cracks in Masts of Centrifugal Concrete -Quality Assurance in

Comparison to Structures of Low Strength Concrete

Nnakowski, P.; Harling, A ; Breddermann, M , G e rmany

29- Reinforced Concrete FlatSlab'i with Elongateri Columns

Oliveira, D R C ; Melo, G S , Brazil

30- Seismic Response of High-Strength Concrete Structures

Paultre, P.; Mitchell, D , Canada

31- French Recommendations for Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concretes

Feti( | ean, | ; Resplendino, | , Fran c

32- High Strength Concrete at High Temperature^ - An Overview Phan, L

T , USA Columns and Masts of f'n'slrc'.scd Spun Concrete

Quas i , U., Germany

33- Ductility of AFRPReinforcpd I f' ^ \ SireiiRlh Concrele Beams

Rashid, M A ; Mansur, M A ; Paramasivam, P., Singapore

34- Behavior of High Performani.e Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP

Bars Rayol,) 0 ; Melo, G , Brayil

35- Fatigue and Shear Hehnviour of IfPC Bridge Girders

Russell, H G ; Bruce, R N.; Ro ll er, 1.1 , USA

36- Shear Strength Analysis for Normal and High-performance Concrete

Beams Russo, G ; Somma, G , Italy

37- Design of Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns for Unequal Load

Rcct'ntricilies Sarker, P.; Rangan, B.V., Australia

38- Minimum Shear Reinforcement Requirements for High Strength

Concrete Beams

Shehata, I A E M ; Shenata, L C D ; Garcia, S L G , Braz i

39- Strength of HSC Columns Intersected hy Floors with Lower Concrete Strength

Trang 3

Shehata, L C D ; Shehata, I A E M ; Freire, I , Braz i

40- Confined Effects of High Strength Reinforced Concrete Tied Columns

Shin, S.-W.; M an, B.-S.; Wang, S.-K., Korea

41- Reliability of Slender HPC Columns

Six, M , Germany

42- Prediction of the Ultimate Shear Strength of High-Strength and Normal-Strength Concrete Beams without Stirrups Using Neural Networks

Tang,C.-W.; Yen, T., Taiwan

43- Design Models in Analysis of Reinforced and Fibre Reinforced UPC

Members TomaHewici, A , Norway


-New Techniques, Applications and Case Records

1- High Strength Concrete Beam;,wilh Combination of Links and Horizontal Web Steel as Alternative Shear Reinforcement

Al Hussaini, A ; Motamed, [., Unit e d Kingdom

2- Repla ementof the"l-iickenhene;cr Brklge" across the Havel in


Andra, H.-P., Germany

3- German Bridges in High I'erfofmance Concrete - from Pilot Projects towards larger Application

Arnold, A ; Kttnig, G.; Tue,N V.;Weigel, F.;Zinit, M., Germany

4- Bridge across the Rhine near Strassbourg - a New Link Connecting France and Germany

Blaschko, M ; Wagner, ).-P , Germany

5- Spalling Tests o" Self-Corn pa cling Concrete

Blonlrock, H.;Tae r we, L,, Bel g ium

6- High Strength Materials for the Construction of S lee I-Concrete

Composite Beams

Bullo, S.; Di Marco, R., I t aly

7- World's Tallest Natural Draft Cooling Tower,

near Cologne, Germany

Busch, D.; Harte, R ; Kratzig, W B.; Montag,U., G ermany

8- Detail Design and Execution of HH-Coliimns for the Tall Buildings of

Herriol's in rrnnkfurl

Elwie, B , Germany

9- HSC Precast Columns in B 125 for the High-Rise-Building "Herriot'?"

Eppers, S., Germany

10- Raftsundet Bridge and Sunday Bridge, Norway - Two Cantilevered

Concrete Bridges willi Main Span of 298m

Tergestad, S ; RarnHjor, S , Norway

11- Realization of Two Road Bridges with Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete

Hajar, Z.; Lecoinfre, D ; Petifjean,)., France

12- Use of Recycled Concrete in Production of Hollow Core Slabs

Hemntad, A ; Hegseth, S ; (ohansen, K., Norway

13- Structural Behaviour of Rult-jointetl Prefabricated Pillars Made From

High Strength Concrete

Minnert,)., Germany

14- 20 years of R&D into HPC - has itbeen a Profitable Investment?

Moksnes,)., Norway

15- Tests on High Performance Concrete for the First HPC-Shell Strut ture

Reineck, K.-H.; Lichlenfels, A ; Greiner, S , Germany

16- Utilization of High Strength/High Performance Concrete in the

"Gallileo"nnri the "Frankfurter Welle" in Frankfurt, Germany

Simsch, C., Germany

17- Effect of Reinforcement on the Crackjng Behaviour of HSC, at early


Sule, M.; van Breugel, K., The Nether l ands

Trang 4

18- High-Strength Concrete in Multi-Storey Construction, Advantages and

Limils of Ihe Special Concfete

Theile, V., G e rmany

19- Rational StruclumI Resign Using HPC in some Typical Bridge


Toiitlemonde, F.; Lcperon, F.; Brazillier, D., Franc e

20- Preparalion of High Performance Concrete for the Suhw.ly Construction

in Shenzhen, China

V an, P.; Lu, X ; Li, Y.; Lian, H., China '"'

21- De-i^nFquiilion for Ultimate Moment of Cir< ulnrCFT Member';

Yuping, S., ) n pa n

22- The Application of I I PC in Bridge

Struclure" Two Pilot Project

Zitch, K.; Zehetmaiet', G., Germany


MATERIALS-HSC, HPC, Ulira HSC, HSLWAC Concrete Mix D esign, Mechanical Properties, Durability

1- Behaviour of Concrete in Ambient Temperature ol Marine Environment

Acliinlya; Mishra, S.S., India

2- Effects of aMetakaolinContaining Superplasticizer on Mirrostructure and Chemical Resistance of High Performance Concrete

Adler,J., Germany

3- The Effect of the Pore Structure of Hardened Cement Paste on the Properties of High Strength Concretes

Alahan, H N.; Oktar, 0 N.: Tnsdemir, M A , Turkey

4- Carbonat'on of Self CompactingJZonaele^ Audenaeri^R.; Boel, V ; Poppe,A.-M.;de Schutler, G , Belgium

5- TheEffecl of ZeolUe in High Strength Sand-LiRhtwdght Concrete


Besari, M S ; Lauw, C G S., Indonesia

6- A New Tc";t Method for the Evaluation of Frarlure Properties of SK'el

Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Cangiano, S ; Cudtore, R.; Plizzari, G A , I t aly

7- Ductal - fl New ConcrplfTechnoloRy

Caslagne, T.; )ovanovic, t., GertTiany

8- V'llnmetric Strain of High Grade Concrete under Axial Compression and

it';Rdalion'.hip with Strength under Long-Term Loading Clayton, N.,

Uni t ed Kingdom

9- Influence of Bar Positions on Bond Between Strel Reinforcement and Sd

f-Coni|iacling Concrete ; Interpretation Using Image Analysis

Daoud, A , France

10- On the Influence of the Modulus of Elaslidly of Coarse Aggregate on the Modulus of Elasticily of High Performance Concrete de Almeira,

I, R , Br az il

11- Properties of High SIrongth/l figli Performance Coni-'retes with Rice-Husk Ash

de Sensale, G R ; Bouvipr, P.; Pereira, E.;Finochio, P., Uruguay

12- A New Fuzzy Approach for Strcsi-Slrain• Behavior of High-Strongll'


Demtr, F ; Giller, K , Turkey

13- Investigations on the I.ink ofllieMi^ Design Methods between Ordinary

Coin rele- and High Performance Concrete

F ang, 1-K.; Chang, C.-F., Taiwan

14- rhermalDiffusivilyiind l.oii);rerrn Residual SirenRlliofHPCExpoted

to HiRlir''mpei.iluie

Felicelli, R ; Gambiirova, P G.;Mprfa, A.,Haly

Ngày đăng: 07/09/2012, 11:12



