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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO NGHỆ AN ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN 1 - NĂM HỌC 2009-2010 TRƯỜNG THPT YÊN THÀNH 2 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH, KHỐI D Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Đề thi có 05 trang – gồm 80 câu trắc nghiệm) Họ và tên thí sinh: …………………………………………… Số báo danh: ………. I. Chọn phương án (A, B, C hoặc D) ứng với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại trong mỗi câu Câu 1: A. original B. phenomenon C. electronics D. transmission Câu 2: A. achievement B. calculate C. attitude D. voluntary Câu 3: A. dictation B. communicate C. occasion D. reservation Câu 4: A. attachment B. education C. engineer D. disappear Câu 5: A. patient B. ashamed C. trouble D. alter II. Chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau Câu 6: We live in a friendly community and everyone gets ___________ each other very well. A. out of B. down to C. up to D. on with Câu 7: Our feeling for beauty is inspired by the harmonious arrangement of order and disorder ______ in nature. A. as occurs B. it occur C. occurred D. as it occurs Câu 8: I think you are ___________ your time looking for a job in this town. There’s not much to do here. A. losing B. spending C. wasting D. missing Câu 9: Our parents don’t allow ___________ out after midnight. A. going B. us go C. to go D. us going Câu 10: He seldom goes fishing, ___________? A. doesn’t he B. does he C. isn’t he D. is he Câu 11: The student ___________ the highest score will be awarded a scholarship. A. receiving B. receives C. who is receiving D. who receive Câu 12: According to some historians, if Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he __________ the rest of the world. A. had conquered B. would have conquered C. would conquer D. conquered Câu 13: My car is quite ___________ . A. economics B. economic C. economical D. economy Câu 14: “Hello! BBC1. ___________ can I help you?” A. How B. Where C. Which D. When Câu 15: Have I ___________ to you how to use this new typewriter? A. told B. explained C. showed D. answered Câu 16: “I’m very tired” “___________”. A. Me too B. For me the same C. I also D. Also me Câu 17: David: “ Thank you for the delicious meal” - Joan: “___________” A. Never wonder B. No problem C. All right D. I’m glad you enjoyed it Câu 18: Today’s weather will be ___________ of yesterday. A. continuity B. continuous C. continuation D. continue Câu 19: “How much do you earn, Joe?” - “I’d ___________”. A. better not to say B. rather not say C. prefer not say D. rather don’t say Câu 20: It is very important for a firm or a company to ___________ changes in the market. A. keep in touch with B. keep pace with C. keep pace of D. keep track with Câu 21: The ___________ of the pagoda in the water was very clear and beautiful. A. sight B. mirror C. shadow D. reflection Mã đề thi 136 Trang 1/5 – M· ®Ò thi 136 Câu 22: I can’t help you with your homework tonight; ___________ shopping. A. I go B. I’m going C. I have gone D. I’ll go Câu 23: She spends a ___________ deal of her time gardening. A. large B. high C. big D. great Câu 24: Your behaviour makes me ___________ . A. anger B. in anger C. angrily D. angry Câu 25: Some people ___________sport to keep fit, not because they like it. A. train B. do C. practice D. make Câu 26: I don’t think she can get her message ___________ to the students. She seems too nervous. A. over B. out C. around D. across Câu 27: ___________ the phone rang later that night did I remember the appointment. A. Just before B. Only C. Not until D. No sooner Câu 28: It looked dark and heavy ___________ it was going to rain. A. unless B. as if C. although D. whereas Câu 29: A ___________ of interest briefly crossed his face at the mention of her name. A. hint B. mark C. flicker D. trace Câu 30: ___________ that it might be easier to prepare a better map of the moon than of the Earth. A. The saying B. It is said C. They say D. To say Câu 31: The facilities of the old health centre ___________ . A. are as good as or better than the new centre. B. are as good or better than the new centre. C. is as good or better than the new centre. D. are as good as or better than those of the new centre. Câu 32: We are all dependent ___________ our cars and should be encouraged to leave them at home. A. of B. on C. to D. in Câu 33: ___________ weather! We can’t go out for a walk now. A. How a terrible B. How terrible C. What terrible D. What a terrible Câu 34: Jane wasn’t in when I arrived. I suppose she ___________ I was coming. A. may forget B. must have forgotten C. must forget D. can’t have forgotten Câu 35: We should study hard ___________ our parents can be proud of us. A. as that B. in order to C. in order that D. so as to III. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A, B,C hoặc D) cho mỗi chỗ trống, từ câu 36 đến câu 50 GLOBAL WARMING Few people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world’s climate. Many scientists (36)_________ the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase (37)_________ the world’s temperatures and are convinced that, more than (38)_________ before, the Earth is at (39)_________ from the forces of the wind, rain and sun. (40)_________ to them, global warming is making extreme weather events, (41)_________ as hurricanes and droughts, even more (42)_________ and causing sea levels all around the world to (43) _________. Environmental groups are putting (44)_________ on governments to take action to reduce the (45)_________ of carbon dioxide which is given (46)_________ by factories and power plants, thus attacking the problem at its source. They are in (47)_________ of more money being spent on research into solar, wind and wave energy devices, which could then replace existing power (48)_________. Some scientists, (49)_________, believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere tomorrow, we would have to wait (50)_________ hundred years to notice the results. Global warming, it seems, is to stay. Câu 36: A. put B. have C. take D. give Câu 37: A. in B. by C. to D. at Câu 38: A. yet B. once C. never D. ever Câu 39: A. risk B. danger C. threat D. harm Câu 40: A. Concerning B. Depending C. Regarding D. According Trang 2/5 – M· ®Ò thi 136 Câu 41: A. such B. just C. well D. even Câu 42: A. severe B. strict C. strong D. heavy Câu 43: A. arise B. raise C. rise D. lift Câu 44: A. pressure B. encouragement C. force D. persuasion Câu 45: A. count B. deal C. number D. amount Câu 46: A. over B. off C. away D. up Câu 47: A. request B. belief C. suggestion D. favour Câu 48: A. factories B. stations C. generations D. houses Câu 49: A. however B. but C. despite D. although Câu 50: A. over B. several C. various D. numerous IV. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) cho mỗi câu sau, từ câu 51 đến câu 60 Rachel Carson was born in 1907 in Springsdale, Pennsylvania. She studied biology in college and zoology at Johns Hopkins University, where she received her master’s degree in 1933. In 1936, she was hired by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, where she worked most of her life. Carson’s first book, Under the Sea Wind, was published in 1941. It received excellent reviews, but sales were poor until it was reissued in 1952. In that year, she published The Sea Around Us, which provided a fascinating look beneath the ocean’s surface, emphasizing human history as well as geology and marine biology. Her imagery and language had a poetic quality. Carson consulted no less than 1,000 printed sources. She had voluminous correspondence and frequent discussions with experts in the field. However, she always realized the limitations of her non-technical readers. In 1962, Carson published Silence Spring, a book that sparked considerable controversy. It proved how much harm was done by the uncontrolled, reckless use of insecticides. She detailed how they poison the food supply of animals, kill birds, and contaminate human food. At that time, spokesmen for the chemical industry mounted personal attacks against Carson and issued propaganda to indicate that her findings were flawed. However, her work was vindicated by a 1963 report of the President’s Science Advisory Committee. Câu 51: The passage mainly discusses Rachel Carson’s work A. at college B. at the US Fish and Wildlife Service C. as a researcher D. as a writer Câu 52: According to the passage, what did Carson primarily study at Johns Hopkins University? A. Zoology B. Literature C. History D. Oceanography Câu 53: When she published her first book, Carson was closest to the age of A. 29 B. 26 C. 34 D. 45 Câu 54: It can be inferred from the passage that in 1952, Carson’s book Under the Sea Wind A. became more popular than her other books B. was outdated C. was praised by critics D. sold many copies Câu 55: Which of the following was not mentioned in the passage as a source of information for The Sea Around Us A. Printed matter B. Talks with experts C. Letters from scientists D. A research expedition Câu 56: Which of the following words or phrases is least accurate in describing The Sea Around Us? A. Poetic B. Fascinating C. Highly technical D. Well researched Câu 57: The word reckless is closest in meaning to A. irresponsible B. unnecessary C. continuous D. limited Câu 58: According to the passage, Silent Spring is primarily A. a discussion of hazards insects pose to the food supply B. an illustration of the benefits of the chemical industry C. a warning about the dangers of misusing insecticides D. an attack on the use of chemical preservatives in food Câu 59: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word flawed? Trang 3/5 – M· ®Ò thi 136 A. Offensive B. Logical C. Deceptive D. Faulty Câu 60: Why does the author of the passage mention the report of the President’s Science Advisory Committee? A. To validate the chemical industry’s claims B. To indicate a growing government concern with the environment C. To support Carson’s ideas D. To provide an example of government propaganda V. Chọn phương án (A, B, C hoặc D) ứng với từ / cụm từ cần phải sửa trong các câu sau Câu 61: I’m very glad that you’ve done lots of progress this semester. A B C D Câu 62: Your homework must to be done before class. A B C D Câu 63: Although the increase in airfares, most people still prefer to travel by plane. A B C D Câu 64: The workers were made work really hard, but their wages were low. A B C D Câu 65: Some methods to prevent soil erosion are plowing parallel with the slopes of hills, to plant trees on A B C D unproductive land, and rotating crops. VI. Chọn phương án (A, B, C hoặc D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn sau đây Câu 66: This quarrel is likely to lead to a fight. A. This quarrel is likely to result from a fight. B. The result of this quarrel is likely to lead to a fight. C. This quarrel is somewhat like a fight. D. This quarrel is likely to result in a fight. Câu 67: He makes a better husband than father. A. He tries to be a good husband than father. B. His father is better than her husband. C. He is more successful as a husband than as a father. D. Fathers are usually good husbands. Câu 68: But for their help, we couldn’t have survived the famine. A. If they didn’t help us, we couldn’t survive the famine B. If they hadn’t helped us, we couldn’t have survived the famine. C. We survived the famine without their help. D. If only they had helped us, we could have survived the famine. Câu 69: The company turned down Bill’s offer. A. The company offered Bill’s offer. B. The company rejected Bill’s offer. C. The company accepted Bill’s offer. D. The company discussed Bill’s offer. Câu 70: Strong as he is, he still can’t lift that box. A. He still can’t lift that box because he’s not strong. B. The box was too heavy for him to lift. C. He’s very strong, but he still can’t lift that box. D. However he is strong, he still can’t lift that box. VII. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) cho mỗi câu, từ câu 71 đến 75 History books record that the first film with sound was The Jau Singer in 1927. But sound films, or “talkies”, did not suddenly appear after years of silent screenings. From the earliest public performances in 1896, films were accompanied by music and sound effects. These were produced by a single pianist, a small band, or a full-scale orchestra; large movie theaters could buy sound-effects machines. Research into sound that was reproduced at exactly the same time as the pictures – called “synchronized sound” – began soon after the very first films were shown. With synchronized sound, characters on the movie screen could sing and speak. As early as 1896, the newly invented gramophone, which played a large disc carrying music and dialogue, was used as a sound system. The biggest disadvantage was that the sound and pictures could become unsynchronized if, for Trang 4/5 – M· ®Ò thi 136 example, the gramophone needle jumped or if the speed of the projector changed. This system was only effective for a single song or dialogue sequence. In the “sound-on-film” system, sounds were recorded as a series of marks on celluloid which could be read by an optical sensor. These signals would be placed on the film alongside the image, guaranteeing synchronization. Short feature films were produced in this way as early as 1922. This system eventually brought us “talking pictures”. Câu 71: The passage is mainly about the A. development of sound with movies B. research into reproduction C. disadvantages of synchronized sound D. history of silent movies Câu 72: According to the passage, films using sound effects were screened A. in 1927 B. as early as 1896 C. as early as 1922 D. before 1896 Câu 73: It can be inferred that _________ A. orchestras couldn’t synchronize sound with the pictures B. sound-effects machines were not common because they were expensive C. gramophones were developed about the same time as moving pictures D. most movie theaters had a pianist Câu 74: According to the passage, gramophones were ineffective because they A. were too large for most movie theaters B. got out of synchronization with the picture C. were newly invented and still bad imperfections D. changed speeds when the needle jumped Câu 75: According to the passage, sound-on-film guaranteed synchronization because the recording was A. read by an optical sensor B. made during the filming of the picture C. inserted beside the image on the film D. marked on the gramophone VIII. Chọn phương án (A, B, C hoặc D) ứng với câu tốt nhất được tạo ra từ những từ cho sẵn Câu 76: teacher / suggest / Tom / more / reading. A. The teacher suggested Tom does some more reading. B. The teacher suggested Tom doing some more reading. C. Teacher suggested Tom do some more reading. D. The teacher suggested Tom do some more reading. Câu 77: big / problem / face / youth / unemploy. A. One of the biggest problems faced by the youth of today is unemployment. B. One big problem facing the youth today is unemployed. C. Big problem faced by the youth today is unemployment. D. One of the biggest problem facing the youth today is unemployment. Câu 78: I / rather / you / not make / noise. A. I’d rather you didn’t make so many noise. B. I had rather you didn’t make so much noise. C. I’d rather you not make so much noise. D. I would rather you didn’t make so much noise. Câu 79: I / used / swimming / every morning / I / be / child. A. I got used to swimming every morning when I was child. B. I used to go swimming every morning when I was a child. C. I used to going swimming every morning when I was a child D. I am used to swimming every morning when I am a child. Câu 80: party/ be much / interest / than / I expect. A. The party was much more interesting than I had expected. B. The party was much more interesting than I expect. C. The party was much more interested than I had expected. D. The party was much interesting than I had expected. THE END Trang 5/5 – M· ®Ò thi 136 §¸P ¸N MÃ Đ Ề 136 1C 2A 3D 4A 5B 6D 7D 8C 9A 10B 11A 12B 13C 14A 15B 16A 17D 18C 19B 20B 21D 22B 23D 24D 25B 26D 27C 28B 29C 30B 31D 32B 33C 34B 35C 36A 37A 38D 39A 40D 41A 42A 43C 44A 45D 46B 47D 48B 49A 50B 51D 52A 53C 54D 55D 56C 57A 58C 59D 60C 61B 62B 63A 64B 65D 66D 67C 68B 69B 70C 71A 72B 73C 74B 75C 76D 77A 78D 79B 80A Trang 6/5 – M· ®Ò thi 136 . M· ®Ò thi 13 6 §¸P ¸N MÃ Đ Ề 13 6 1C 2A 3D 4A 5B 6D 7D 8C 9A 10 B 11 A 12 B 13 C 14 A 15 B 16 A 17 D 18 C 19 B 20B 21D 22B 23D 24D 25B 26D 27C 28B 29C 30B 31D 32B 33C 34B 35C 36A 37A 38D 39A 40D 41A 42A 43C. master’s degree in 19 33. In 19 36, she was hired by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, where she worked most of her life. Carson’s first book, Under the Sea Wind, was published in 19 41. It received. attacks against Carson and issued propaganda to indicate that her findings were flawed. However, her work was vindicated by a 19 63 report of the President’s Science Advisory Committee. Câu 51:

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 12:00

