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Encyclopedia of Global Resources part 157 pptx

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Asbestos, 68 Barite, 96 Beryllium, 101 Biopyriboles, 117 Bismuth, 129 Borax, 130 Boron, 133 Bromine, 142 Cadmium, 157 Calcium compounds, 160 Carbonate minerals, 179 Cesium, 190 Chlorites, 202 Chromium, 202 Clays, 207 Cobalt, 230 Copper, 250 Corundum and emery, 261 Crystals, 265 Diamond, 305 Diatomite, 309 Dimension stone, 313 Evaporites, 406 Feldspars, 417 Ferroalloys, 421 Fluorite, 446 Gallium, 475 Garnet, 476 Gases, inert or noble, 477 Gems, 482 Geodes, 497 Germanium, 510 Gneiss, 524 Gold, 525 Granite, 531 Graphite, 532 Groundwater, 548 Gypsum, 553 Helium, 568 Hydrogen, 583 Hydrothermal solutions and mineralization, 590 Igneous processes, rocks, and mineral deposits, 592 Indium, 605 Iodine, 621 Iron, 628 Isotopes, radioactive, 636 Isotopes, stable, 639 Kyanite, 660 Lead, 688 Lime, 693 Limestone, 695 Lithium, 697 Magnesium, 708 Magnetic materials, 712 Manganese, 713 Marble, 720 Mercury, 725 Metals and metallurgy, 728 Metamorphic processes, rocks, and mineral deposits, 732 Methane, 738 Mica, 745 Minerals, structure and physical properties of, 756 Mohs hardness scale, 771 Molybdenum, 772 Native elements, 801 Nickel, 813 Niobium, 816 Nitrogen and ammonia, 818 Olivine, 883 Orthosilicate minerals, 893 Oxides, 897 Oxygen, 898 Pegmatites, 916 Perlite, 917 Placer deposits, 938 Platinum and the platinum group metals, 951 Plutonic rocks and mineral deposits, 954 Plutonium, 956 Potash, 969 Quartz, 987 Radium, 990 Rare earth elements, 999 Residual mineral deposits, 1013 Rhenium, 1028 Rubidium, 1042 Salt, 1049 Sand and gravel, 1054 Sandstone, 1057 Scandium, 1063 Sedimentary processes, rocks, and mineral deposits, 1068 Selenium, 1076 Shale, 1082 Silicates, 1084 Silicon, 1085 Silver, 1088 Slate, 1094 Soda ash, 1096 Strontium, 1170 Tantalum, 1207 Tellurium, 1209 Thallium, 1220 Thorium, 1222 Tin, 1232 Titanium, 1236 Tungsten, 1243 Uranium, 1283 Vanadium, 1289 Vermiculite, 1296 Water, 1307 Wollastonite, 1350 Zeolites, 1364 Zinc, 1371 Zirconium, 1374 Obtaining and using resources Aerial photography, 5 Agriculture industry, 16 Alaska pipeline, 27 Bessemer process, 103 Canning and refrigeration of food, 168 Clear-cutting, 212 Coal gasification and liquefaction, 224 Dams, 269 Deep drilling projects, 273 Desalination plants and technology, 294 Dynamite, 320 Electrical power, 343 Energy storage, 367 Freeze-drying of food, 471 Genetic prospecting, 490 Geothermal and hydrothermal energy, 503 Haber-Bosch process, 556 Hall-Héroult process, 558 Internal combustion engine, 617 Irrigation, 634 Landsat satellites and satellite technologies, 680 1466 • Category Index Global Resources Leaching, 686 Los Angeles Aqueduct, 702 Manufacturing, energy use in, 717 Marine mining, 722 Metals and metallurgy, 728 Oil and natural gas drilling and wells, 861 Oil and natural gas exploration, 864 Oil industry, 875 Open-pit mining, 884 Petroleum refining and processing, 928 Photovoltaic cells, 934 Quarrying, 986 Remote sensing, 1007 Seismographic technology and resource exploitation, 1073 Slash-and-burn agriculture, 1092 Smelting, 1095 Space resources, 1132 Steam and steam turbines, 1143 Steam engine, 1145 Steel industry, 1150 Strip mining, 1167 Sustainable development, 1183 Three Gorges Dam, 1223 Timber industry, 1229 Transportation, energy use in, 1238 Underground mining, 1255 Water supply systems, 1318 Whales and whaling, 1331 Organizations, agencies, and programs American Chemistry Council, 35 American Farm Bureau Federation, 36 American Forest and Paper Association, 37 American Gas Association, 37 American Mining Congress, 38 American Petroleum Institute, 39 Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 65 Atomic Energy Commission, 84 Bureau of Land Management, U.S., 152 Bureau of Mines, U.S., 153 Bureau of Reclamation, U.S., 155 Central Arizona Project, 187 Civilian Conservation Corps, 205 Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S., 226 Conservation International, 248 Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, 249 Council of Energy Resource Tribes, 264 Department of Agriculture, U.S., 287 Department of Energy, U.S., 289 Department of the Interior, U.S., 291 Department of Transportation, U.S., 293 Earth First!, 321 Earthwatch Institute, 326 Edison Electric Institute, 341 Environment and Natural Resources Division, 371 Environmental Protection Agency, 394 European Union Natura 2000, 404 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 413 Forest Service, U.S., 458 Friends of the Earth International, 472 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, 523 Greenpeace, 548 Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 615 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 615 International Association for Impact Assessment, 619 International Atomic Energy Agency, 620 International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 621 Izaak Walton League of America, 648 Land Institute, 668 Minerals Management Service, 762 National Audubon Society, 788 National Biological Service, 788 National Mining Association, 791 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 791 National Park Service, 793 National Wildlife Federation, 801 Natural Resources Canada, 803 Natural Resources Conservation Service, 804 Natural Resources Defense Council, 806 Nature Conservancy, 806 Nuclear Energy Institute, 836 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 837 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 888 Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, 890 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 890 Resources for the Future, 1027 Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, 1065 Seed Savers Exchange, 1072 Sierra Club, 1084 Svalbard Global Seed Vault, 1185 Synthetic Fuels Corporation, 1195 Tennessee Valley Authority, 1210 United Nations Environment Programme, 1272 Global Resources Category Index • 1467 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 1274 U.S. Geological Survey, 1286 Western Wood Products Association, 1327 Wilderness Society, 1342 World Bank, 1359 World Commission on Environment and Development, 1360 World Resources Institute, 1361 World Wide Fund for Nature, 1362 People Aspinall, Wayne, 75 Astor, John Jacob, 76 Carnegie, Andrew, 181 Carson, Rachel, 182 Carter, Jimmy, 182 Carver, George Washington, 183 Commoner, Barry, 232 Daly, Marcus, 269 Dow, Herbert H., 315 Edison, Thomas, 340 Fermi, Enrico, 420 Ford, Henry, 453 Getty, J. Paul, 516 Gore, Al, 530 Guggenheim family, 552 Hall, Charles Martin, 557 Hill, James Jerome, 575 Ickes, Harold, 592 Jackson, Wes, 649 Kaiser, Henry J., 655 Leopold, Aldo, 692 Maathai, Wangari, 704 McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 705 Mittal, Lakshmi, 770 Muir, John, 783 Nobel, Alfred, 823 Norris, George W., 825 Pinchot, Gifford, 937 Powell, John Wesley, 971 Rhodes, Cecil, 1029 Rockefeller, John D., 1034 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1035 Roosevelt, Theodore, 1036 Siemens, William, 1083 Stephenson, George, 1154 Watt, James, 1321 Weyerhäuser, Friedrich, 1330 Plant and animal resources Agricultural products, 13 Agriculture industry, 16 Animal breeding, 39 Animal domestication, 42 Animal power, 47 Animals as a medical resource, 50 Carbon, 172 Composting, 233 Coral reefs, 255 Corn, 258 Cotton, 262 Ecozones and biogeographic realms, 338 Endangered species, 348 Environmental biotechnology, 372 Ethanol, 400 Fertilizers, 423 Fisheries, 430 Flax, 438 Food chain, 447 Forests, 464 Genetic resources, 490 Grasslands, 535 Guano, 550 Hemp, 570 Ivory, 645 Livestock and animal husbandry, 699 Monoculture agriculture, 775 Peat, 913 Plant domestication and breeding, 941 Plant fibers, 943 Plants as a medical resource, 945 Rain forests, 992 Rice, 1030 Rubber, natural, 1036 Sugars, 1171 Timber industry, 1229 Whales and whaling, 1331 Wheat, 1334 Wildlife, 1342 Wood and charcoal as fuel resources, 1353 Wood and timber, 1355 Pollution and waste disposal Acid precipitation, 3 Air pollution and air pollution control, 22 Biological invasions, 112 Environmental degradation, resource exploitation and, 375 Eutrophication, 406 Greenhouse gases and global climate change, 544 Hazardous waste disposal, 558 Health, resource exploitation and, 563 Herbicides, 573 Incineration of wastes, 597 Internal combustion engine, 617 Landfills, 677 Mining wastes and mine reclamation, 767 Nuclear waste and its disposal, 838 Oil spills, 881 Pesticides and pest control, 923 Recycling, 1001 Solid waste management, 1119 Superfund legislation and cleanup activities, 1177 Thermal pollution and thermal pollution control, 1221 Waste management and sewage disposal, 1304 Water pollution and water pollution control, 1312 Products from resources Agricultural products, 13 Alloys, 28 Asphalt, 73 Brass, 136 Brick, 142 Bronze, 145 Carbon fiber and carbon nanotubes, 176 1468 • Category Index Global Resources Cement and concrete, 184 Ceramics, 188 Ethanol, 400 Fertilizers, 423 Fiberglass, 425 Gasoline and other petroleum fuels, 480 Glass, 520 Methanol, 739 Paper, 904 Paper, alternative sources of, 909 Petrochemical products, 925 Rubber, synthetic, 1041 Semiconductors, 1079 Steel, 1147 Steel industry, 1150 Textiles and fabrics, 1211 Scientific disciplines Agronomy, 21 Biotechnology, 124 Botany, 135 Conservation biology, 246 Ecology, 327 Environmental biotechnology, 372 Genetic prospecting, 490 Geographic information systems, 498 Geology, 500 Horticulture, 576 Hydrology and the hydrologic cycle, 585 Hydroponics, 588 Mohs hardness scale, 771 Monoculture agriculture, 775 Oceanography, 848 Remote sensing, 1007 Risk assessment, 1031 Seismographic technology and resource exploitation, 1073 Wildlife biology, 1344 Social, economic, and political issues Capitalism and resource exploitation, 169 Developing countries, 301 Energy economics, 357 Energy politics, 362 Environmental biotechnology, 372 Environmental ethics, 381 Environmental law in the United States, 384 Federalism and resource management, 414 Food shortages, 449 Health, resource exploitation and, 563 Land ethic, 667 Land-use regulation and control, 675 Mineral resource ownership, 747 Mineral resource use, early history of, 752 Mining safety and health issues, 763 Ozone layer and ozone hole debate, 900 Population growth, 963 Primary sector, 974 Public trust doctrine, 983 Resource accounting, 1015 Resource curse, 1019 Resources as a medium of economic exchange, 1020 Resources as a source of international conflict, 1023 Risk assessment, 1031 Space resources, 1132 Strategic resources, 1158 Superfund legislation and cleanup activities, 1177 Takings law and eminent domain, 1201 Water rights, 1315 Wilderness, 1336 World Wide Fund for Nature, 1362 Global Resources Category Index • 1469 Subject Index Abaca, 909 Abiotic environment, 335 Abrasion, 771 Abrasives, 1-3; corundum and emergy, 261, 264; diatomite, 309; garnet, 476-477; pumice, 985; world production, 1 Abyssal zone, 852 Acaracides, 923 Accumulation of capital, 170 Acheson, Edward Goodrich, 534 Acid mine drainage, 376, 687, 767-768, 1089, 1168 Acid precipitation, 3-5, 32, 277, 386, 690, 1032, 1177, 1312, 1323 Acidity in oceans, 620 Acrylic acid, 927 Acrylics, 927 Acrylonitrile, 927 Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor Satellite, 683 Active solar heating, 1115 Aerial photography, 5-7 Africa; conflict related to resources, 1023; Democratic Republic of the Congo, 235- 239; desertification, 296; diamonds, 305; monsoons, 778; oil, 867; plate tectonics, 949; South Africa, 1121-1126; southern, 1029-1030; Zimbabwe, 1366-1370. See also nation names Agar, 431 Agencies. See Category Index under “Organizations, agencies, and programs” Agenda 21, 7-8, 121, 304, 321-323, 1272 Agent Orange, 574 Aggregates, 8-13; sand and gravel, 1055 Agins v. City of Tiburon (1980), 1202 Agribusiness; developing nations, 304; livestock, 701 Agricola, Georgius, 765, 988 Agricultural products, 13-16 Agricultural revolution, 47, 611 Agriculture, 16-21; agronomy, 21; Argentina, 60; Australia, 89; Austria, 95; beginnings, 241, 941; Belgium, 101; Brazil, 139; Chile, 196; China, 200; deforestation, 279; deltas, 282; developing nations, 302, 304; drought, 316; ecological, 668- 670; erosion control, 399; extractive, 650; farmland, 410- 413; floodplains, 443; France, 469-470; Green Revolution, 542-544; horticulture, 576-579; India, 602; Iran, 627; irrigation, 634-636; Italy, 644; livestock, 39- 47, 699-702; Netherlands, 812; plant domestication, 941-943; plow’s impact, 241; Poland, 961; population growth, 126; primary production and, 974; slash-and-burn, 1092-1094; soil degradation, 1103-1106; Taiwan, 1197; Thailand, 1219; Turkey, 1250; Ukraine, 1251, 1254 Agroecology, 650 Agrofuels, 240 Agronomy, 18, 21-22 Air-conditioning, 147; solar chimneys, 1110 Air pollution, 22-26, 538, 771, 1120, 1193; abatement, 374; Donora, Pennsylvania, 23; environmental engineering, 380; greenhouse gas emissions, 24; London, England, 23; metals, 730; mining, 768; motor vehicles, 565; New York City, 23; nitrogen oxides, 820; photochemical smog, 23; United Nations, 1268-1269; wood smoke, 1355; world levels, 23. See also Atmosphere Air Quality Act (1967), 24 Air Quality Control Regions, 211 Air transportation, 1240, 1242 Alabaster, 553, 610 Alaska; oil, 878; Prince William Sound, 408-409 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (1980), 1337, 1341-1342 Alaska pipeline, 27-28 Alaskite, 532 Alberta, Canada, 77, 866, 880 Albertus Magnus, 67 Alchemy, 529 ALCOA. See Aluminum Company of America Alcohol; ethanol, 400-403; isopropyl, 926; methanol, 739- 741; sugar fermentation, 1172 Algae, 431, 972; food source, 437 Algeria, 890 Alkanes, 977 Alley, Edward, 1298 Alloys, 28-30; aluminum, 34; beryllium, 101; brass, 136, 254; bronze, 145-146, 254; cadmium, 159; chromium, 204; copper, 254; ferroalloys, 421-423; fusible, 130; gold, 526; iron, 633; lithium, 698; magnesium, 711; molybdenum, 774; nickel, 254, 815; niobium, 817; palladium, 954; platinum, 954; rhenium, 1028; scandium, 1064; silver, 1091; tellurium, 1209; tin, 1235; tungsten, 1243; vanadium, 1290; zirconium, 1375 Almandite, 2 Alpacas, 45 Alpha decay, 637 Alternating current, 343 Alternative energy, 893, 1118; fuels, 1242; ocean currents, 843-844; ocean thermal, 844- 846; solar, 1112-1119; tidal, 1225-1229; wind, 1345-1349 Aluar Aluminio Argentino, 63 Alum, 33, 1175 Alumina, 557-558; Argentina, 63; Greece, 538; Russia, 1048; synthetic, 261 Alumina-zirconia oxide, 3 Aluminum, 29-35, 557, 728-729; Argentina, 63; bronze, 146, 255; Canada, 165; end-use statistics, 34; gallium from, 475; Hall-Héroult process, 557-558; plant life, 4; recycling, 1003; world production, 31 Aluminum Company of America, 557 Aluminum oxide, 261, 264 Aluminum 26, 35 Amazon River, 1163 Amazon River basin, 992, 1093, 1163 Ambergris, 1333 Ambursen, Nils, 270 American Chemistry Council, 35- 36 American Farm Bureau Federation, 36-37 American Forest and Paper Association, 37 American Fur Company, 77 American Gas Association, 37-38 American Indians. See Native Americans American Mining Congress, 38, 791 American Nuclear Energy Council, 837 American Petroleum Institute, 39 American Plastics Council, 36 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009), 151, 1180, 1240, 1349 Ammonia, 818-821; Haber-Bosch process, 556; world production, 819 Ammonification, 822 Amory, Cleveland, 1065 Amphiboles, 69, 117-118 Anaconda mine, 269 Anatexis, 737 Andalusite, 660-662, 894 Andes Mountains, 779, 950 Andesite, 594 Andesitic volcanoes, 1301 Angola, 890, 1026 Anholt wind farm, 287 Anhydrite, 555, 1175-1176 Animal husbandry, 699-702 Animal power, 46-50, 241, 1239 Animal resources. See Category Index under “Plant and animal resources” Animal rights movement, 51 Animals; breeding, 39-41; in deserts, 300; domesticated species, 44; domestication, 42- 47; endangered, 348-353; endangered and threatened, 349; fibers from, 1211; food products, 14; grazers, 895; medical resource, 50-52; products, 18; reproduction, 125; wild, 42 Annex I nations, 1264, 1277 Antarctic treaties, 52-54 Antarctic Treaty System, 52-54 Antarctica, 53 Anthracite, 217, 960, 1246 Anthropocentrism, 381 Antiasthma drugs, 947 Anticlines, 173, 871 Anti-inflammatories, 946 Antimony, 54-56; end-use statistics, 55 Antiquities Act (1906), 56-57, 793 Apatite, 761, 932-933 API gravity unit, 39 Aplite, 532 Appalachian Regional Development Act (1965), 769 Apples, 660 Appliances, energy-efficient, 146- 152 Applied ecology, 330 Appropriative law; water rights, 1316 Aqua regia, 526, 953 Aqua satellite, 683 Aquaculture, 166, 437, 506; Norway, 829; Poland, 962; U.S. production, 436 Aquamarine, 485 Aquatic ecosystems, 116, 431; acid precipitation, 4; plants, 431; thermal pollution, 1221-1222 Aqueducts, 702-703 Aquifers, 57-59, 81, 587, 1319 Arab-Israeli War (1973), 28, 357, 363, 365, 872, 890, 1024, 1060- 1061 Arab oil embargo (1973), 28, 357, 363, 391, 872, 890, 911 Arabian American Oil Company, 1060 Arable land. See Farmland Aragonite, 179 ARAMCO. See Arabian American Oil Company Arbor Day, 1007 Arcelor Mittal, 770-771 Architecture, energy-efficient, 146-152 ARCO. See Atlantic Richfield Company Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 362 Arctic tundra, 115, 299 Area mining, 1168 Arfwedson, Johan August, 697 Argentina, 59-65, 412; economic statistics, 61 Argon, 79, 478 Arizona, 187-188 Arkose, 1057 Arkwright, Richard, 263 Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 65-66, 716 Arnold, Ron, 1350 Arnold v. Mundy (1821), 983 Aromatic compounds, 856, 930 Arrhenius, Svante August, 173 Arsenate, 66 Arsenic, 66-68 Arsenic trioxide; world production, 67 Arsenite, 66 Artesian aquifers, 57 Artesian wells, 587 Artificial insemination, 125 Asbestos, 68-73, 564, 1085, 1211, 1298, 1352; end-use statistics, 70; lawsuits, 70; regulations controlling, 565; world production, 71 Asbestosis, 70, 565, 764 Asian-Australian monsoon, 777 Global Resources Subject Index • 1471 Aspdin, Joseph, 184 Asphalt, 73-75; Mexico, 741 Asphaltic concrete, 73 Aspinall, Wayne, 75-76 Aspirin, 946 Assault on Reason, The (Gore), 531 Assembly line, 453 Assessment Reports (IPCC), 1264 Asset Conservation, Lender Liability, and Deposit Insurance Protection Act (1996), 1180 Asteroids, 1135 Asthenosphere, 698, 948 Aston, Francis William, 639 Astor, John Jacob, 76-77 Athabasca oil sands, 77-79, 162, 880 Atlantic Richfield Company, 27 Atmosphere, 79-83; circulation, 115; copper in, 252; helium, 568; nitrogen, 822; oxygen, 898; ozone, 900-903; pollution, 22-26; sulfur dioxide, 1177. See also Air pollution Atolls, 257 Atomic bomb, 83, 421, 716-717, 957, 1284 Atomic energy. See Nuclear energy Atomic Energy Acts (1946, 1954), 83-84, 1346 Atomic Energy Commission, 83- 85, 837 Atoms for Peace, 83, 620 Atterberg limits, 1108 Audubon, John James, 788 Augite, 118 Aura satellite, 683 Australia, 85-90; desertification, 297; economic statistics, 86; Montreal Protocol, 782; skin cancer, 901 Australian Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act (1989), 782 Austria, 90-95; economic statistics, 91 Austrian Clean Water Act, 94 Austrian Sustainability Strategy, 92 Autarky, 1160 Automobile industry, 453, 613, 617-619, 876, 1154, 1241; abrasives, 1; fuel cells, 473; rubber use, 1037 Avicides, 923 Azurite, 180 Babbitt, Bruce, 981 Babbitt, Isaac, 1234 Babbitt metals, 55, 1234-1235 Bacillus thuringiensis, 262, 333 Bacon, Francis Thomas, 472 Bacon, Roger, 177 Baddeleyite, 1375 Balard, Antoine-Jérôme, 143 Baleen, 1333 Ball, Max, 78 Ball clays, 208 Ballistite, 824 Bamboo, 909 Ban Ki-moon, 901 Barite, 96-97, 1246; world production, 96 Barium, 97 Barley, 1141, 1253 Barrier reefs, 257 Bartlett, Neil, 479 Basalt, 594-595, 948, 955; ophiolites, 888 Basaltic volcanoes, 1300 Basel Ban (1995), 562 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal (1989), 562, 1274 Bast fibers, 439, 570, 945, 1211 Bastnäsite, 999 Batholiths, 532, 594, 954 Batteries, 343, 368, 613; cadmium in, 159; vs. fuel cells, 473; lead- acid, 688; lithium, 697; nickel, 816. See also Fuel cells; Hydrogen; Solar cells Bauxite, 30, 557-558, 1295; Argentina, 63; Australia, 90; Greece, 538; India, 604; Indonesia, 610; residual deposits, 1014; Russia, 1048; Venezuela, 1295; world resources, 32 Bayer, Karl, 729 Bayer process, 557-558 Bazzite, 1063 Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond, 934 Becquerel, Antoine-Edmond, 148 Becquerel, Antoine-Henri, 637, 990, 1284 Beef industry, 700 Beer, 100 Bees, 45, 349 Behavioral ecology, 328 Belgium, 97-101; economic statistics, 98 Beneficiation, 632 Benelux nations, 97 Bennett, Hugh Hammond, 378, 804 Bennett v. Spear (1997), 354 Benthic zone, 117 Bentonite, 209, 540 Benzene, 927, 930, 1313 Berg, Otto, 1028 Bergius, Friedrich, 225 Bergius process, 225 Bergman, Torbern Olaf, 230, 815 Bermudez Lake, Venezuela, 73 Beryl, 483, 486, 917 Beryllium, 101-103; end-use statistics, 102 Berzelius, Jöns Jacob, 173, 1078, 1222, 1289, 1374 Bessemer, Sir Henry, 103, 422, 1148, 1150 Bessemer process, 103-104, 181, 422, 630, 1148, 1150 Beta decay, 637 Bhopal, India, 391 Bicycles, 1240 Billion Tree Campaign, 705 Biochemical oxygen demand, 1304 Biodegradation of oil spills, 881 Biodiesel, 108-110, 375 Biodiversity, 104-108, 248, 351, 491, 619, 796, 941, 1072, 1363; Austria, 92; deforestation, 280; European Union, 404-405; genetic, 332, 488-489; marine, 1157; rain forests, 992; species 1472 • Subject Index Global Resources loss, 1141-1143; United Nations, 1266-1267. See also Genetic diversity Bioethanol, 109 Biofuels, 20, 108-112, 240, 332, 1012, 1188, 1282, 1360; Brazil, 139; ethanol, 400-403 Biogas, 108-109, 111; Germany, 514 Biogeochemical cycles, 331, 337, 494-497, 973, 998; carbon cycle, 174-176; hydrologic cycle, 585- 588; nitrogen cycle, 821-823; phosphorus cycle, 932-934; sulfur cycle, 1177 Biogeography, 338-340 Biohydrogen, 109 Biological invasions, 112-114. See also Invasive species Biomass, 108-109, 111, 374, 973 Biomes, 114-117, 119, 328, 338, 524; grasslands, 535-538. See also Ecosystems Bionomics, 327 Biopesticides, 924 Biopiracy, 492 Bioprospecting, 493 Biopyriboles, 117-119; types, 118 Bioreactors, 374 Bioregionalism, 277 Bioremediation, 372, 560, 882 Biosphere, 119-121 Biosphere ecology, 328 Biosphere reserves, 121-123 Biot, Jean-Baptiste, 988 Biotechnology, 124-129, 372-375, 490-494; agriculture, 20; animals, 39-41 Biotite, 745 Birdseye, Clarence, 471 Bismuth, 129-130, 990; end-use statistics, 129 Bison, 45 Bitumen, 77-79, 755; Mexico, 741; tar sands, 880 Bituminous coal, 217 Black, James Wallace, 6 Black lung disease, 23, 764, 766, 1257 Black Sea, 855 Black smokers, 725 Blackfoot disease, 66 Blast furnaces, 630, 1095 Blasting gelatin, 824 Bleaching, 256 Blomstrand, Christian Wilhelm, 817 Blood diamonds, 1026 Bloomery iron, 629 Blowouts (oil), 862 Blubber, 1333 Blue baby syndrome, 566 Blue-water deserts, 432 Bohr, Niels, 830 Bolivia, 1233 Bom Futuro National Reserve, 281 Bonneville Power Project, 582 Borate minerals, 130, 133, 407, 761, 1246 Borax, 130-133 Bordeaux mixture, 573 Boreal forests, 165, 339, 464 Boron, 133-135; Argentina, 63; Chile, 194; end-use statistics, 134; Turkey, 1246 Boron carbide, 134, 772 Borosilicate glass, 134, 520 Bort, 1 Bosch, Carl, 556, 820 Bosporus, 1250 Botanical pesticides, 923 Botany, 135-136 Bovine somatotropin, 127 Brandt, Georg, 230 Brass, 29, 136, 254, 730, 1373 Brazil, 136-141, 302; economic statistics, 138; economy, 975; ethanol use, 110, 403; farmland, 412; manganese, 715; niobium, 817; rubber, 1037 Bricks, 142, 753 Brines, 315, 1050 Britannia metal, 55 Bromine, 142-145, 315; world production, 143 Bronze, 29, 145-146, 253-254, 755, 1232-1233, 1235 Brower, David, 472 Brown, Lester, 802 Browner, Carol M., 396 Brucite, 709, 897 Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 7, 322, 1360 Brundtland Commission. See World Commission on Environment and Development Brundtland Report, 7, 243, 322, 668, 1183, 1361 BST. See Bovine somatotropin BTX compounds, 927 Buffaloes; domestication, 44 Building stone, 752; granite, 531- 532; limestone, 695-697; marble, 720-722; sandstone, 1057-1058; slate, 1094-1095 Buildings, energy-efficient, 146-152 Bunsen, Robert, 190, 1042 Bureau of American Ethnology, 972 Bureau of Biological Survey, 429 Bureau of Fisheries, 429 Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S., 291, 972 Bureau of Land Management, U.S., 152-153, 291, 750, 979, 1339 Bureau of Land Reclamation, U.S., 291 Bureau of Mines, U.S., 38, 153- 155, 766 Bureau of Reclamation, U.S., 155- 156, 1001 Burford, Anne M., 392 Burlap, 945 Bush, George H. W., 396 Bush, George W., 291, 355, 362, 392, 396 Bushveld Complex, 1126 Bushveld intrusion, 707 Bussy, Antoine, 102, 709 Bustamite, 1352 Butadiene, 1040 Butadiene rubber, 1042 Butane, 857, 928, 977-978 Butanol, 109-111 Cadmium, 157-160, 831; end-use statistics, 159; world production, 158 Calcia, 693 Global Resources Subject Index • 1473 Calcined clay, 589 Calcite, 179, 407, 653, 695; geodes, 497; marble, 721 Calcium; dietary, 730; seawater extraction, 723 Calcium carbide, 161 Calcium carbonate, 160, 175, 179, 256, 694 Calcium compounds, 160-162 Calcium hypochlorite, 161 Calcium nitrate, 161 Calderas, 595 California, 783 Camels, 45, 49 Camp David Accords (1978), 365 Canada, 162-167; economic statistics, 163; farmland, 411; lakes, 664; Natural Resources Canada, 803-804; nickel, 813; oil reserves, 866; oil sands, 77- 79, 502, 880; platinum, 952 Canadian Clean Air Act (1971), 167 Canadian Clean Water Act (1970), 167 Canadian Environmental Protection Act (1988), 167-168 Canadian Forestry Service, 804 Canadian National Parks Act (1930), 795-796 Canadian Office of Energy Efficiency, 804 Cancer; drugs, 492, 994; environmental chemicals, 396 Cannabis, 570-572 Canning, 168-169 Cap rock, 870 Capacitors, 1208 Cape Wind Project, 1347 Capitalism, 169-172; natural, 802- 803; resource exploitation, 611 Capitalist economies, 1021 Capsian Sea, 971 Carbamates, 924 Carbon, 172-174; graphite, 534 Carbon cycle, 120, 174-176, 331, 333, 495, 851 Carbon dioxide, 24, 79, 108, 120, 175, 374, 392, 545, 1276; emissions of, 1120 Carbon fiber, 176-179 Carbon fixation, 973 Carbon 14, 174, 638 Carbon monoxide, 977 Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase, 814 Carbon nanotubes, 176-179 Carbon sinks, 94, 258 Carbonate minerals, 97, 160, 175, 179-181, 761 Carbonation, 190, 1100 Carbonatites, 597 Carbonic acid, 173 Cárdenas, Lázaro, 743 Cardiac drugs, 947 Carnegie, Andrew, 181 Carnegie Steel Company, 181 Carnivores, 998 Carnotite, 990-991, 1289 Carrying capacity, 701, 894; human population, 963 Cars. See Automobile industry Carson, Rachel, 182, 242, 385, 390, 790 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2003), 1266 Carter, Jimmy, 182-183, 289, 981, 1049, 1182 Carter Doctrine, 1024 Cartwright, Edmund, 612 Carver, George Washington, 183- 184 Cascandite, 1063 Cash for Clunkers program, 1241 Caspian Sea, 660, 664, 1024 Cassiterite, 897, 939, 1232 Cast iron, 29, 103, 629, 633, 1150 Casting, 1150-1151 Cataclastites, 737 Catagenesis, 856 Catalytic converters, 5 Catalytic cracking, 929 Cats, 45 Cattle, 47; Australia, 90; Brazil, 139-140; domestication, 44; grazing, 894-896; meat from, 402; reproduction, 126 Caustic lime, 693 Caustic soda, 729 Cavendish, Henry, 478, 584, 820 Caves, limestone, 285, 695, 810, 1069 Caving, 1256 CBD. See Convention on Biological Diversity Celesite, 1170 Cellulose, 895, 1171; fibers, 1211, 1213; fuel from, 109 Cement, 184-187, 752, 985; aluminum compounds, 34; end-use statistics, 186; Taiwan, 1201; world production, 185 Cementation, 1069, 1147 Central Arizona Project, 187-188 Ceramics, 188-190, 419, 597, 1082 CERCLA. See Superfund legislation Cerium, 999 Cerrusite, 180 Cesium, 190-191 Cesium 137, 190 Cetaceans, 1331 CFCs. See Chlorofluorocarbons Chalk, 180, 184, 695; Belgium, 99; Denmark, 286; United Kingdom, 1261 Chang River, 1163, 1223-1224; floods, 443 Channeled Scablands, 443 Chaparral, 116 Chaparral fires, 428 Chapin, Daryl M., 934 Chapman oil field, 871 Charcoal, 1353-1355 Charge coupled devices, 730 Charnockite, 532 Cheese; Italy, 644 Chemical industry, 613; petrochemicals, 925-927 Chemical thermodynamics, 32 Chemoautotrophs, 973 Chemosynthesis, 725 Cheney, Dick, 396 Chernobyl nuclear accident (1986), 191-192, 337, 345, 560, 567, 835, 839, 1046 Chert, 2, 9 Chickens, 45. See also Poultry products Chicxulub depression, 275 1474 • Subject Index Global Resources Chile, 192-197; economic statistics, 193 China, 197-202, 208, 302; air pollution, 25; chromium, 1248; economic statistics, 198; economy, 975; farmland, 411; manganese, 715; papermaking, 904; solar energy, 937; Three Gorges Dam, 1223-1224. See also Ceramics Chlorinated hydrocarbons, 923 Chlorine, 1052 Chlorites, 202 Chlorofluorocarbons, 23, 80, 447, 900, 1132; Montreal Protocol, 780-783 Chloroprene, 1041 Chocolate, 100 Chromates, 205 Chromite, 202, 204, 1368 Chromium, 202-205, 421, 596; China, 1248; dietary, 730; Kazakhstan, 659; New Caledonia, 469; South Africa, 1125; strategic value, 1158; Turkey, 1248; world production, 203; Zimbabwe, 1368 Chromium steel, 29 Chrysoberyl, 897 Chrysotile, 69 Cinders, 589 Cinnabar, 726 Circulations; atmospheric, 1321; ocean currents, 1321 CITES. See Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Citrus fruit; Spain, 1140 City of Norwood v. Horney (2005), 1204 Civilian Conservation Corps, 205- 207, 242, 378, 430, 460, 1035 Clark, Colin, 975 Clark, Karl, 78 Clark, William, 1286 Clastic minerals, 1069, 1326 Claude, Georges, 845 Claude-Haber process, 424 Clay, 119, 207-210, 1071, 1085; bricks, 142, 753; ceramics, 188- 190; end-use statistics, 207; pottery, 754; residual deposits, 1014; United Kingdom, 1261; world production, 208 Claystone, 1082 Clean Air Act, Canadian (1971), 167 Clean Air Acts (U.S.), 24, 70, 210- 211, 222, 386, 397, 565, 598 Clean Development Mechanism, 1265 Clean Skies Act (2003), 386 Clean Water Act, Canadian (1970), 167 Clean Water Acts, U.S., 211-212, 387, 1179, 1315, 1329 Clear-cutting, 212-213, 278 Cleavage of minerals, 758 Cleveland, Grover, 459 Climate, 213-215, 333; agriculture, 410; biomes, 115; China, 200; hydrologic cycle, 850; primary production and, 973; effect on soils, 1099; role of trees, 1006; weather, 1321-1324 Climate change, 392, 430, 974, 1021, 1032; Austria, 94; deforestation, 280; fishing, 435; floods, 445; greenhouse gases, 544-548; invasive species, 112; ozone depletion, 902; United Nations, 1262-1266, 1275-1278; water resources, 1025. See also Global warming Climate Change and Biodiversity (IPCC), 616 Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act, U.K. (2006), 216 Climate Change and Water (2008), 616 Climate Energy Project, 670 Clinton, Bill, 291, 430, 981, 1015, 1017 Cloning, 125 Cloud seeding, 1323 Club wheat, 1335 Cluster rule, 905 “Co-co-nuk” strategy, 364 Coal, 170, 217-224, 755, 878, 1010; Australia, 87; Belgium, 99; Brazil, 139; China, 201; electric power from, 344; exploration, 501; formation of, 219; hard, 513; India, 603; Industrial Revolution, 362; Iran, 625; Italy, 643; Kazakhstan, 658; legislation, 1182-1183; mineral rights, 749; mining, 1257; Poland, 960; railroads, 1155; Russia, 1046; South Africa, 1124; South Korea, 1127; Spain, 1138; strip mining, 1167; Sweden, 1188; Taiwan, 1200; Turkey, 1246, 1250; Ukraine, 1253; United Kingdom, 1258, 1262; United States, 1280; U.S. production, 219; world consumption, 223; world production, 218; worldwide distribution of, 217 Coal gasification, 224-226 Coal liquefaction, 4, 224-226, 1195 Coal Mine Health and Safety Act (1969), 222 Coal mining. See Mining Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S., 226-227 Coast Survey Act (1887), 226 Coastal engineering, 227-229 Coastal erosion, 1322 Coastal flooding, 442 Coastal Zone Management Act (1972), 229-230 Cobalt, 230-232; deficiencies, 230; Democratic Republic of the Congo, 238; end-use statistics, 231; magnetic properties, 712; New Caledonia, 469; strategic value, 1158-1159 Cocoa, 15 Coffee, 15, 140 Cogeneration, 232, 346, 359, 718, 1003 Coinage metals, 528, 1090 Coke, 217, 1096 Cold drawing, 1150 Color of minerals, 758 Global Resources Subject Index • 1475 . Agricultural Research, 249 Council of Energy Resource Tribes, 264 Department of Agriculture, U.S., 287 Department of Energy, U.S., 289 Department of the Interior, U.S., 291 Department of Transportation, U.S.,. 1015 Resource curse, 1019 Resources as a medium of economic exchange, 1020 Resources as a source of international conflict, 1023 Risk assessment, 1031 Space resources, 1132 Strategic resources, 1158 Superfund. 146-152 Bunsen, Robert, 190, 1042 Bureau of American Ethnology, 972 Bureau of Biological Survey, 429 Bureau of Fisheries, 429 Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S., 291, 972 Bureau of Land Management, U.S., 152-153,

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