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GA 7 Unit 14

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Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 87 Unit 14 Freetime fun Lesson 1 A 1 P139 -140 A - Aim - Listening for specific information about Hoa and Lan. - Practice listening skill. - Make students interested in learning English. - By the end of the lesson students will be able catch the information about Hoa and Lan B - Teaching aids. - Teacher: Textbook, poster - Students: Pens, books C- Technique: ROR, matching, multiple choise, find someone who D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students II. Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Matching - T. hnags poster on the board and give instruction - Ask students to match one verbs in column A with one phrase in column B to make meaningful phrases of verbs. A 1. have 2. watch 3. read 4. play 5. talk B a. chess b. dinner c. TV d. about the day e. books 2. Names of checked students: III - New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content Pre listening I. Pre teaching * Checking: ROR 1. Open- prediction a. Set the scene I. Vocabulary - adventure (n) cuéc phiªu lu - cricket (n) con dÕ - series (n) phin tryuÒn h×nh - guess (v) ®o¸n, pháng ®o¸n While listening Post listening  Lan  Hoa Who are they? - T. writes questions on the board and ask students to guess - Ask students to guess in 2 minutes - T. collect students' ieads - Ask students to listen to the tapes (3 times) and check their prediction - After listening ask students to do Multiple choice II. Find someone who - T. draws the table on the board and runs through - T. divides the class into groups of 6 students - T. gives example - Let's do - After finishing, teacher calls some groups to orally report back. * Question: What does Lan/ Hoa usually do in the evening? * Multiple choice A1 P140 Answer key a.C b.A c.B d.C e.D Find someone who… Name - …. read books - …. goes to English club - …. watches TV - …. plays football - …. have a picnic - …. does homework Hoa Eg: Do you usually read book in your freetime? Yes, I do / No, I don't IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary; read the text again - Prepare Unit 14 lesson 2 A2- Vocabulary E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 88 Unit 14 Freetime fun Lesson 2 A 2 P141 A - Aim - Practice speaking and writing skills. - Make students interested in learning English. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able understand and the questions "What would you like to watch?" and answer, "I'd like to watch …" to talk about your favourite TV programes B - Teaching aids. - Teacher: Textbook, word cues - Students: Pens, books C- Technique: ROR, slap the board, mapped dialogue D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students II. Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Slap the board - T. asks students to say out the English words - T. says out Vietnamese and write the English words on the board - Let's play the game 2. Names of checked students: III - New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content Presentation I. Pre teaching 1. Set the scene: - T. asks students some questions Do you like watching TV? Do you often go to the movies? - T. presents the dialogue - students I. Vocabulary - cow boy movie (n) phim cao båi - detective (n) th¸m tö II. Dialogue concer t adventure news theatre program movie Practice Further practice - T. elicits the model sentences - T. asks students some questions to elicit the form What comes after "would"? "you"? The word comes after "like" is a verb or bare verb II. Word cues - T. shows the cues and runs through - Gives model - students repeat * Example exchange P1: What would you like to wacth? P2: I'd like to watch a cow boy movie T -WC (cue 1-2) Half - Half (3 -4) Open pair (5,1,2) Close pair (1-5) * Mapped dialogue * Model sentence P1: What would you like to watch? P2: I'd like to watch a cow boy movie. * Concept checking Form: What would you like + To-infinitive …? Use: B¹n thÝch … g× 1. Footabll 2. Cow boy movie 3. detective movie 4. beautiful summer 5. easy life Hoa Lan Would you like to go to the theatre? There's "An Easy life" on at the Youth Theatre. Sorry, I have to go to the English club. How about Thursday? Fine, Let's go on Thursday. That is sounds good. What would you like to watch? OK, Can you make it on Tuesday night? That is OK. IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary - Prepare Unit 14 lesson 3 A3- Vocabulary - Do summary P142, questions E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 89 Unit 14 Freetime fun Lesson 3 A 3 P142 A - Aim - Practice reading skill. - Make students interested in learning English. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able understand the text abot T.V in Vietnam B - Teaching aids. - Teacher: Textbook, poster, pictures - Students: Pens, books C- Technique: ROR, Matching, T/F statements D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students II. Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Slap the board - T. gives instruction: Ask students to match one verb in clolumn A with suitable noun phrase in column B - Ask students to work in 2 groups A 1. play 2. have 3. watch 4. do 5. go 6. listen 7. switch B a. dinner b. chess c. television d. to the radio e. boting things f. swimming g. on the TV 2. Names of checked students: III - New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content Pre reading I. Pre teaching - T. elicits vocabulary from students * Checking: ROR I. Vocabulary - owner (n) Ngêi lµm chñ - program (n) ch¬ng tr×nh - gather (v) tô tËp, tËp hîp - change (v) thay ®æi - inside (adv) bªn trong - outside (adv) bªn ngoµi While reading Post reading 1. Set the scene: - T. asks students some questions 1. Is television important? 2. Do you like watching T.V? - T. says: Today, we are going to talk about T.V in Vietnam. - T. hangs poster on the board and runs through - Give instruction: Ask students to guess which are T/ F - T. collects students' ideas on the board - Ask students to read the text and check their predictions - Depend on the text, Ask students to complete the story - Ask students to work individually in 3 minutes then compare with their partners - T. collects later and checks II. Text A3- P142 * Poster 1. Thirty years ago in Vietnam, a lot of people had T.V sets. 2. There T.V owners were very popular. 3. The neighbors' gathred to watch color programs in the evening. 4. Now, they don't spend much time together. 5. A few people have T.V sets today * Key; 1F, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5F * Comprehension question Question 1. Did a lot of people have T.V sets, thirty years ago? 2. What did they watch? 3. What might the older people do? 4. Did anuone go have before the T.V programes finish? 5. Where do people watch T.V now? Answer 1. No, very few people 2. They watched the black and white programes. 3. The older people might sleep a little 4. No, no one 5. In their own living rooms * Complete the story (Summary) Key: 1. people 2. not 3. T.V 4. popular 5. evening 6. gather 7. they 8. today 9. have 10. life 11. know IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary; do exercise 4 P89 - Prepare Unit 14 lesson 4 B1 -2- Vocabulary - questions a - e P144 E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 90 Unit 14 Freetime fun Lesson 4 B 1 - 2 P144 - 145 A - Aim - Practice reading and speaking skills. - Make students interested in learning English. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able understand the questions "What kind of programs do you like? And answer "i like programes" about …." to talk about your favorite programs B - Teaching aids. - Teacher: Textbook, poster - Students: Pens, books C- Technique: ROR, Jumbled words D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students II. Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Jumbled words - T. hangs poster on the board and divides the class into 2 groups - Give instruction; I have some words but they are jumbled - I'd like students from each group to go to the board and put these letters in the correct order - Let's do in 3 minutes A 1. vomei 2. sumic 3. rgmapor 4. 7ario 5. rethate B a. movie b. music c. program d. radio e. theater 2. Names of checked students: III - New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content Presentation I. Pre teaching (Example) (Translation) (Explanation) (Example) * Checking: ROR I. Vocabulary - kind (n) lo¹i - cartoon (n) phim ho¹t h×nh - fistful (n) mét n¾m tay ®Çy - prefer (v) thÝch h¬n - sport show (n) buæi tr×nh diÔn thÓ thao - weather forecast (n) Dù b¸o thêi tiÕt Practice Further practice 1. Set the scene: - T. asks students some questions Do you like watching T.V? What kind of programs do you like? - T. reads the dialogue - students listen - T. elicits the model sentences - T. runs through questions and asks students to read the dialogue again and answer the questions * Word cues - T. runs through all the cues - T. gives example - Students repeat Example exchange: P1: What kind of programs do you like? P2: I like programs about weather forecast. - T - WC, Half - Half Open pair, close pairs - Ask students to listen and write the times of programs - Ask students to listen individually then compare with their partner II. Dialogue * Model P1: What kind of programs do you like? P2: I like programs about teenagers. * Comprehesion questions (a -e p144) a. No, because there are not any good programs for teenagers b. Ba likes sports shows, cartoons and movies. c. Nga likes to watch programs about teenagers in other countries. d. Because they don't play the kind of music she likes. e. She is going to listen to the radio and may read a book. 1. Weather forecast 2. The world today 3. Children 4. Early new 5. Cartoons 6. Teenagers II. Listen Key: a. Children programs stared at 5 b. Early news is at 6 c. Weather forecast is at 10 past 6 d. The Worl today is at a quarter past 6 e. Movie "A fistful of Dollars" start at 7 IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary; Practice reading the dialogue again - Prepare Unit 14 lesson 5 B3 -4- Vocabulary - questions, do B4 complete the passage E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: / /09 Period 91 Date of teaching: Unit 14 Freetime fun Lesson 5 B 3 - 4 P145 - 146 A - Aim - Practice reading skill. - Make students interested in learning English. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able understand the text about popular programs B - Teaching aids. - Teacher: Textbook, poster, pictures - Students: Pens, books C- Technique: ROR, survey, T/F statements D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students II. Warm up (5m) 1. Act: - T. asks students to go to the board and write the vocabulary they have learnt 2. Names of checked students: III - New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content Pre reading I. Pre teaching (Translation) (Example) (explanation) (translation) (Example) * Checking: ROR 1. T/ F Statement predictions - T. hangs poster on the board and runs through - Give instruction: Ask students to guess which are T/ F - T. collects students' ideas on the board - Ask students to read the text and I. Vocabulary - audience (n) kh¸n gi¶ - band (n) ban nh¹c - contest (n) cuéc thi - import (n) s¶n phÈm nhËp khÈu - satellite (n) vÖ tinh II. Text * Poster 1. Pop music, contest, imports are populr T.V programs 2. Teenagers like to listen to classical music 3. There are contests of knowledge 4. The contestants are students, workers, T.V viewers. 5. Imports are very expensive. While reading Post reading check their predictions - T. runs through all the questions - Ask students to read the text again amd answer the questions * Survey - Ask students to work in groups - Students work and ask one students will be secretary to write down Key: 1T, 2F, 3T,, 4T, 5F * Comprehesion question (a - c P146) Answer a. They like to hear the lastest pop music ans see the shows of their favorite artist. b. In contest programs, the contectants are students, workers, or family members. c. They usually include police and hocpital series d. I want to see … Names Pop music Contest Import Others - Ask students to copy down the table - T. gives example Example exchange P1: Do you want to hear pop music? see contest? P2: Yes, I do / No, I don't P1: What T.V programs do you want to hear / see? P2: I want to hear / see pop music/ contest. IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary; do B4 again - Review from unit 12 to unit 14 to prepare for testing No 4 E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… . Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 87 Unit 14 Freetime fun Lesson 1 A 1 P139 -140 A - Aim - Listening for specific information about Hoa and Lan. - Practice. evening 6. gather 7. they 8. today 9. have 10. life 11. know IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary; do exercise 4 P89 - Prepare Unit 14 lesson. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 90 Unit 14 Freetime fun Lesson 4 B 1 - 2 P144 - 145 A - Aim - Practice reading and speaking skills. - Make students interested

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 18:00

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