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GA 7 Unit 13

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Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 81 Unit 13 activities Lesson 1 A 1 P129 A - Aim - Reading for comprehensions and sports vocabulary - Practice reading and speaking skills. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for comprehension and sport vocabulary - Make students interested in learning English. B - Teaching aids. - Teacher: Textbook, posters, pictures - Students: Pens, books C- Technique. Guessing game, ROR D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students II. Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Guessing game - T. divides the class into 2 groups - T. gives instruction: - T. asks student from group by group ask them to sit on the chair so that don't see the picture, ask a student in the same group look at the picture and describe and ask students sit on the chair to guess the sport. (play football, play table tennis, walking, skip …) - T. checks and praises the winners. 2. Names of checked students: III - New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content Pre reading I. Pre teaching (picture) * Checking: ROR I. Vocabulary - skate - boarding (n) trît v¸n - roller - skating (n) trît pa tanh (gi©y 4 b¸nh) - roller - blading (n) trît pa tanh (giÊy 1 b¸nh) - surprising (adj ) / surprisingly (adv ) Ng¹c nhiªn While reading Post reading 1. T/F statements a. Set the scene: There is a survey about sports. Students in American like. There are information's about it - Ask students to guess If it true or false - T. shows the poster on the board and runs through - Let students to copy down the table and guess in 3 minutes - Ask students to read A1 P129 and check their predictions. - Write the questions on the board and runs through and ask students to read the text again and answer the questions * Mapped dialogue - Ask students to work in 2 groups - T. uses the pictures to elicit the model - Ask students to practice in pairs * Poster 1. The survey has some surprising results. 2. Baseball is the most popular in the USA. 3. Baseball is the most popular games in the world. 4. Soccer is at six positions. 5. Many teenagers like table tennis. Key: 1. T 2. F 3.F 4. T 5. T * Comprehension question 1. What's the most popular sport in the USA? 2. Which sport is at 11 th position? Lan What is your favorite sport? Do you like table tennis? (picture) I like football.(picture) Ba My favorite sport is swimming. (picture) No, I do not. I like tennis. (picture) What about you? IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V - Homework (5m) - Learn vocabulary, read the text again - Prepare Unit 13 lesson 2 A4- Vocabulary, write the answer the questions. P132. E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 82 Unit 13 activities Lesson 2 A 4 P132 A - Aim - Reading for comprehensions and sports vocabulary - Practice reading skill. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for comprehension and sport vocabulary - Make students interested in learning English. B - Teaching aids. - Teacher: Textbook, pictures - Students: Pens, books C- Technique. Net work, ROR D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students II. Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Net work - T. divides the class into 2 groups - Ask students to go the board and write vocabulary. - T. gives example on the board - Let's go to the board and write in 3 minutes - T. checks and praises the winners. soccer swim 2. Names of checked students: III - New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content Pre reading I. Pre teaching (when can we get gold medal) (translation) (explanation) (translation) (trans) (explanation) * Checking: ROR I. Vocabulary - won the first prize (v) - organize (v) - competition (n) - participant (n) - ability (n) - walking competition (n) II. Text A4 - P129 Popular sports in the USA and Vietnam While reading 1. T / F statements a. Set the scene: - Ask students to look at pictures - T. asks Who are they? St: They are students. What is the name of the sport? St: Walking (§i bé) - T. hangs poster on the board and runs through - Checks the meaning if it has - Ask students to copy down the letters and guess which are T/ F - T. collects students' ideas on the board - Ask students to read the text and check their predictions - T. explains: Many students like walking so they organize a club call "WFF". T. asks What is "WFF"? What is "WTS"? - Ask students to answer * Matching - T. hangs poster on the board and gives instruction: Ask students to match one word in column A with suitable meaning in column B. - Ask students to go to the board and match. * Comprehension questions P132 - T. runs through all the questions and check the meaning - Ask students to read the text and write these answers in 5 minutes - Ask one by one student to answer the questions * Poster 1. The writer participates in walking. 2. The writer's school team won the second prize. 3. The regular activity of the club is 5km walk to the beach. 4. Members living far from school volunteer to take a walk instead of taking motorbike or bicycle trips every Wednesday *Key: 1. T 2.F 3. T 4. F - WFF: Walking For Fun - §i bé thó vÞ - WTS: Walk - To - School - Ngµy ®i bé ®Õn trêng A 1. Therefore 2. increase 3. member 4. instead of 5. volunteer B a. t×nh nguyÖn b. thay v× c. v× thÕ d. t¨ng e. thµnh viªn * Answer key: a. He takes part in walking for fun / walking. b. The writer's school team won the first prize; they were so happy and wanted to keep the activity. c. One activity is 5 km walk / walking 5 km to the beach on Sunday morning and other walk to school day. d. It is 5 km. e. Wednesday is the WTS day. Post reading * If has time ask students complete the summary - T. gives exercise for students and gives instruction ask students use the words in the box to fill in the gaps. f. Members living near school take part in the WTS day. * Complete the summary (won, fun, walking, school, competition) The club"(1) …… For Fun" at my school (2) …… the first prize in the district walking (3) …… last year. The 2 activities of the club are a walk - to - (4) ………… day a 5 km walk to the beach on Sunday morning. Walking is (5) …, easy and inexpensive activity and it is suitable to everybody. Key: 1. Walking 2. won 3. competition 4. school 5. fun IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary, write these answers the questions on the notebook, and complete the summary in their book. - Prepare Unit 13 lesson 3 A3 - 5- Vocabulary, adjectives and adverbs. E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 83 Unit 13 activities Lesson 3 A 3 - 5 P131 - 133 A - Aim - Practice in using adjectives and adverbs to talk about sports. - Practice reading and speaking skills. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the adjectives and adverbs to talk about sport fluently. - Make students interested in learning English. B - Teaching aids. - Teacher: Textbook, pictures, cards, poster - Students: Pens, books C- Technique. Pelmanism, Matching Word cue drill D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students II. Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Pelmanism - T. ticks the cards on the board so that students can see the numbers (12 cards) - T. divides the class into 2 groups and named them - Give instruction: ask students from each group to choose 2 numbers in turns. T. turns over the cards at a time and sees if the match, they will get 1 mark. If not T. turns the cards over again and ask the next group to choose - T. checks and praises the winners. slow safe quick clear good skillfully quickly clearly slowly skillful safely well 2. Names of checked students: III - New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content I. Pre teaching - T. elicits vocabulary from students I. Vocabulary - Careful (adj) carefully (adv) cÈn then - good well giái - quick quickly nhanh - safe safely an toµn Presentation Practice - Let students copy down. * Checking: Matching - T. hangs poster on the board and divides the class into 2 groups - Ask students to match one adverb with suitable meaning 1. Presentation text A3 - P131 a. Set the scene: - T. says: Trong 1 cuộc thi bơi Hoa là ngời bơi về sau cùng. Hoax là ngời bơi nhanh hay bơi chậm - T. gives model on the board - T. asks students some questions Slow is adverb or adverb? - T. reminds " slowly" - Ask students to listen 2 times Up or down? * Word cues drill - T. shows and runs through all the cues - T. gives model (cues 1, 2) - T. speaks sentence 1 Students - sentence 2 Exchange (cue 3) - Half - Half (4 -5) - Open pair (3 cues) - Close pairs. * Nought and Crosses - T. hangs poster on the board - T. divides the class into 2 groups - skillful skillfully khéo léo - bad badly tồi - Slow slowly chậm A chậm khéo léo tồi giỏi nhanh an toàn cẩn thận B carefully well quickly safely skillfully badly slowly C khéo léo chậm giỏi tồi an toàn cẩn thận nhanh II. Text A3 - P131 Model 1. She is a slow swimmer. 2. She swims slowly. * Concept checking - "Slowly" là trạng từ đợc thành lập từ tính từ bằng cách thêm đuôi "ly" - Đây là cách thầnh lập của trạng từ chỉ thể cách - Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ đừng trớc - Ues: Dùng để diễn đạt: Ai đó làmviệc nh thế nào? - Intonation: down 1. She / slow / swimmer 2. She / bad / tennis player 3. He / good / soccer player 4. He / quick / runner 5. He / skillful / volleyball Example exchange: 1. She is a slow swimmer. 2. She swims slowly. Further Practice (one group say 2 sentences) I/ slow/ swimmer He/ quick / runner he/ good/ soccer player She / skillful/ tennis player He/ careful/ driver He/ good volleyball player I / quick/ runner She/ safe/ cyclist She/ bad / tennis player IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary; do exercise A5- P133. - Prepare Unit 13 lesson 4 B1- Vocabulary, Model verb: Should + V. E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 84 Unit 13 activities Lesson 4 B 1 P134 A - Aim - Listening to a text about an invitation and practice in "Model verbs" (can/should/ ought to, must). - Practice listening and speaking skills. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use practice in "Model verbs" (ought to, must, and should). - Make students interested in learning English. B - Teaching aids. - Teacher: Textbook, poster - Students: Pens, books C- Technique. Words square, Matching, ROR D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students II. Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Pelmanism - T. ticks the poster on the board - Divide the class into 2 groups and ask students from each group to go to the board and circle the words they find - Let's do in 3 minutes * Key:  table tennis,  can, should, eat  brush teeth  after, before, meals, adult, swim, thin T A E H T E E A F T E R T H B E F O R E H L D L U O H S E M E A L S U T H I N A C R E A D U L T B N N I S W I M 2. Names of checked students: III - New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content Presentation Practice I. Pre teaching (translation) (visual) * Checking: ROR 1. Presentation dialogue - T. model - Students repeat - T. elicits model sentences - T. asks students some question What comes after "should" after" ought to" &" must" * Word cues drill - T. runs through all the cues - T. gives model - students repeat - Then ask students to practice speaking in pairs I. Vocabulary - ought to (v) Ph¶i - must (v) ph¶i - table tennis paddle (n) vît bãng bµn II. Dialogue Model sentence P1: What should Nam do before he plays table tennis? P2: He ought to do his homework. He must do his homework. * Concept check: - Form: Ought to + V Must + V - Mean: Ai ®ã ph¶i lµm g× - Use: Ought to, must: can be used as auxiliaries verbs. 1. Nam / before / table tennis do homework 2. We / after meals brush teeth 3. Children / when swimming swim with an adult Further practice Example exchange P1: What should you do after you have meals? P2: I should brush my teeth. - Complete the passage with the modal verbs in the box. - T. runs through all the modal verbs and asks students to read the passage and complete. 4. Lan / when / very thin eat more III. B4 - P137 Key: 1. Can 2. Must 3. must not 4. Should 5. Can 6. ought to / should 7. Can / should 8. should / must IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary; do exercise A5- P133. - Prepare Unit 13 lesson 5 B2- Vocabulary, Model verb: Should + V. E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 85 Unit 13 activities Lesson 5 B 2 P135 [...]... play a game of tennis? P2: I am sorry I don't think I can P1: Why not? P2: I must prepare for the test tomorrow P1: Can you play on Tuesday? P2: Yes, I can P1: All right, see oyu at 3 o'clock then P2: Ok, bye P1: Bye IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework (5m) - Learn vocabulary; learn all modal verbs - Prepare Unit 13 lesson 6 B3- Vocabulary, Do T/ F Statements P1 37 E - Evaluation... Date of teaching: Period 86 Unit 13 activities Lesson 6 B3 P136 A - Aim - Reading comprehension and using "Couldn't" for part ability - Practice reading and speaking skills - Make students interested in learning English B - Teaching aids - Teacher: Textbook, poster, grids - Students: Pens, books C- Technique: ROR, Grids, Answer given, T/F statements D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names... speaking skills - Make students interested in learning English B - Teaching aids - Teacher: Textbook, poster - Students: Pens, books C- Technique: Mimi game D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students II Warm up (5m) 1 Act: Mime game (Language focus 5 2c P163) - T mimes, ask students tp give advice - T gives example: T - Cold St: You should / ought to stay inside You should not... the cues in the box - P135 - T gives example Content I B2 - P135 Ba: Come and play basketball, Nam? Nam: I am sorry I don't think I can Ba: That's too, bad why not? Nam: Well, I should clean my room Ba: Can you play on Friday Nam: Yes, I can Ba: All right, see you at seven Nam: Ok, bye Nam: Bye - Ask students - Ask students to make their own dialogue, using 3 bootom pictures P135 - T.gives example exchange... Cousteau's invention - Ask students to read the text and * Key: 1F, 2T, 3T, 4F, 5T check their prediction - Ask students to read the text * Answer given again and answer the questions a 2 minutes - T hangs poster on the board and b a long time runs through c 19 97 - Ask students make questions d the early 1940s depending on the answers e underwater life - Ask students to work f with special Tv cameras * Answer... learn about the sea the sea - Read al right - Watch TV Use computers - Listen to music IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V- Homework (5m) - Learn vocabulary; write question again - Prepare Unit 14 lesson 1 A1- Vocabulary, Do Multiple choice P140 E - Evaluation ... thám hiểm, khám phá - invent (v) phát minh, sáng chế - invention (n) sự phát minh * Checking: ROR - special breathing equipment (n) dụng cụ, thiết bị thở đặc biệt While reading Post reading II Text B3 - P136 1 Set the scene: * Poster - T asks students 1 Most of the world's surface is land Have you ever been under water? 2 Before the invention of special breathing - T hangs poster on the board and equipment, . lesson V - Homework (5m) - Learn vocabulary, read the text again - Prepare Unit 13 lesson 2 A4- Vocabulary, write the answer the questions. P132. E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: / /09 Date of teaching: Period 83 Unit 13 activities Lesson 3 A 3 - 5 P131 - 133 A - Aim - Practice in using adjectives and adverbs to talk about sports. -. Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary; learn all modal verbs. - Prepare Unit 13 lesson 6 B3- Vocabulary, Do T/ F Statements P1 37 E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Date

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 06:00

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