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1. Condisionals: Lo¹i 1: If + simple present, S + will Lo¹i 2: If + past simple, S + would + V infinitive Lo¹i 3: If + past perfect, S + would have done * As long as / so long as / Provided (that) / Providing (that) = If : Víi ®iÒu kiÖn lµ, trong ®iÒu kiÖn lµ. 2. Passive voice: 1. Simple pre. : am/is/are + P2 2. Past simple : was/were + P2 3. Pre. cont : am/is/are + being + P2 4. Past cont : was/were + being + P2 5. Pre. perfect : have/has + been + P2 6. Past perfect : had + been + P2 7. Modal V : S + can/could/would/will + be + P2 may/might/should/must 8. To be going to do : to be + P2 have to do ought to Ex: We are going to have the exam - P.S: The exam is going to be had. 9. + People say (think/believe) that he is a goodman. P.V: 1. It is said that he is a goodman. 2. He is said to be a goodman. + People say that he was a goodman. 1. It’s is said that he was a goodman. 2. He is said to have been a goodman. 10. I don’t like people asking me a stupid question. P.S: I don’t like being asked a stupid question. 11. Chñ ®éng : Have sb do st / Get sb to do st. BÞ ®éng : Have(get) St done. 3. Wish : 1. Wish would: Ex: I wish it would stop raining. (It’s raining). 2. Wish Past simple: Ex: I wish it didn’t rain so often. (It rains a lot here). 3. Wish had done: Ex: I wish I had known that Peter was ill. I’d have gone to see him. (Infact I don’t know). 4. To wish sb st: I wish you happyness: Lêi chóc. 1 4. Reported speech: S + Simple Pre. S + Past Pre. Cont. Past Cont. Pre. Perfect Past Perfect Past Past perfect Future(will, can, may). Future in the past (would, could). Notice: DIRECT INDIRECT Here There Now Then This/These That/Those Today That day Tomorrow The next day/ Following day Yesterday The day before/ The Previous day Last year/month The previous year/month Next year/month/week The following year/month/week *, S + asked + O + To + infinitive. told ordered advised Ex: My mother told me “Drive carefully”. My mother advised me to drive carefully. (-) S + asked + O + not + to + infinitive. *, Question: 1. Yes/no: S1 + asked + O1 + if + S2 + V + (O2). wondered Whether want to know Ex: H e asked her “Are you a doctor?” He asked her if she was a doctor. 2. Wh : S1 + asked + O1 + Wh + S2 + V + (O2). Ex: She asked me “Where do you work?” - She asked me where I worked. 5. Would prefer (to do) = would rather (do): ThÝch c¸i g× h¬n c¸i g×. 1. Prefer N to N : I prefer tea to coffee. Prefer Ving to Ving : I prefer drinking tea to drinking coffee. Prefer to V than to V: I prefer dink tea than to drink coffee. 2. Would rather + Vinfinitive than + Vinfinitive + N 2 Ex: I would rather drink tea than coffee. (-) Rather not do something. 3. Would rather you did something. 6. Habit: S + used to + Vinfinitive: My father used to smoke, but now he doesnt (Past habit). S + be/get + used to + V-ing (N) : Im (get) used to getting up early. To be accustomed to + V-ing : Quen với cái gì. 7. Phrase: 1. Have no difficulty + V-ing(N) / in V-ing(N): Không khó khăn. 2. To be worth + V-ing : Có giá trị. 3. To be no point + V-ing : Vô tác dụng. 8. S + be + adj + to + Vinfinitive: She is clever to do all difficult exercise. It + be + adj + of sb + to + Vinf: Its clever of her to do all How + adj + of sb + to + Vinf: How clever of her to do How + adj + It + be + of sb + to + Vinf: How clever its of her to do 9. What/how: - What + Noun phrase: What a beautiful girl! - How + adj + S + V : How beautiful the girl is! 10. Spend + time +V-ing. + money + on V-ing(N). To be waste of +time + V-ing : Lãng phí thời gian, kinh phí. + money Its time (about, high) to + V-infinitive : Đã đến lúc S + Past Simple. 11. No longer >< still (vẫn còn). No longer = not any more/any longer: Nói tới một tình huống đã thay đổi. Any more, any longer đứng ở cuối câu. Ex: Ann doesnt work here any more. She left last month = She no longer works here. 12. Have st done: nói rằng ta sắp đặt để ngời khác làm 1 việc gì đó. Ex: I had the roof rapaired. Chủ động: S + have/has + sb + do st get/gets to do st 3 My family has a little girl do housework. P.S: My family has housework done by a little girl. 13. Need: 1. S + needs + to + Vinfinitive. (Person) 2. S + needs + V-ing or + to be done (Things) Ex: This watch needs repairing. to be repaired. 14. Had better = should + Vinfinitive. (-) Had better not + Vinf. 15. Hardly = almost not : Hầu nh không. 16. Never/seldom/hardly + Auxilary V + S + Vmain + O. (Hiếm khi) (Trợ đtừ) Ex: He not only made this mistake before. Not only did he make mistake before. 17. Although + Clause Though Even though Despite = In spite of + Noun prase. 18. Should have been done: Bạn đã không làm điều gì đó nhng đó là một việc nên làm. It was a great party last night. You should have come.Why didnt you come? 19. Suggest: + Suggest + V-ing : Gợi ý. Ex: She suggests putting a new lock on the door. + Suggest : Câu giả định. S1+ Suggest + that + S2 + Vinfinitive. Should + Vinfinitive. Bị động: S1 + Suggest + S2 + should be done Ex: She suggest that a new lock should be put on the door. 20. Giới từ kép: Keep up with : Đuổi kịp. Run out of (money) : Hết tiền. Get out with : Sống hòa thuận. 4 21. Some and any: Some Any Dùng some (somebody, something, someone) câu khẳng định. * Hes busy, hes got some word to do. Dùng Any (Anything, anybody) trong câu phủ định và câu có nghĩa phủ định. * Hes lazy. Hes never does any word. She went out without any money. Dùng trong các câu hỏi khi yêu cầu hoặc đòi hỏi về cái gì đó: * Would you like something to eat? Can I have some sugar, please? Dùng trong hầu hết các câu hỏi. * Have you got any luggage? 22. Much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty: * Much >< little : dùng với danh từ không đếm đợc: Much time, much luck, little energy, little money. * Many >< few : dùng với danh từ số nhiều. Many friends, many people, few cars, few countries, * Lots of/ a lot of/ plenty of: Cả danh từ số nhiều và không đếm đợc. A lot of luck, lots of time, plenty of money. A lot of friends, lots of people, plenty of ideas. * Plenty = more than enough: Theres no need to hurry. We got plenty of time. 23. Both/ both of Neither/ neither of Either/ either of. 1. Both/either/neither: Sử dụng khi nói về 2 vật. Both restaurants are very good. (not both the restaurants) Neither restaurant is expensive. We can go either restaurant. I dont mind. 2. Both of/ neither of/ either of: Sử dụng Both of/ neither of/ either of + the/these/my/his/Toms ( Không dùng: Both of restaurants, phải dùng: Both of the restaurants) 3. Both and : Both Ann and Beck were late. I was both tired and hungry when I arrived home. Neither nor : Neither Liz nor Lisa came to the party. She said she would contact me but she neither wrote nor phone. Either or : Im not sure where hes from. Hes either Spanish or Italian. Either you apologise or Ill never speak to you again. 5 24. Adj/V/N + prepositions: 1, Angry/annoyed/furious + about st. Angry/annoyed/furious + with sb for doing st. Excited/worried/upset/nervous/happy + about st. Delighted/pleased/satisfied/disappointed + With st. Surprise/shocked/amazed/astonished + at/by st. Angry < furious : Giận, cáu. Annoyed : Buồn. Excited : Náo nức, sôi nổi. Nervous : Nóng nảy, bị kích thích. Delighted : Vui sớng. Satisfied : Hài lòng. Disappointed : Thất vọng. Surprised : Ngạc nhiên. Amazed : Kinh ngạc. Astonished : Ngạc nhiên. 2, Impressed with sb/st : ấn tợng với ai, với cái gì. 3, Apologise to sb for st : Xin lỗi ai về việc gì. Sorry to : Xin lỗi ai. To be sorry about st : Xin lỗi về việc gì. To fell sorry for sb : Thông cảm. To be sorry for st/sb : Lấy làm tiếc. Ex: I am sorry for shouting at you yesterday. = Grateful to sb for st : Biết ơn ai về việc gì. >< Thank sb for st : Cám ơn ai về việc gì. Prevent sb from st : Ngăn cản ai làm việc gì. = Stop sb from st : Ngăn chặn ai làm việc gì. >< Approve of : Tán thành (sb/st). 4, Explain st to sb : Can you explain this word to me?. Explain to sb How/what/where : Can you explain to me how I can get to the station? 5, Smile + At sb : Cời với ai. Laugh 6, Regard sb as : Coi nh, xem nh = To look upon sb as. 6 7, Have a discussion about st : Thảo luận về = Discuss st. 8, To be proud of : Tự hào về 9, To manage to do st : Cố gắng làm việc gì bằng đợc. To afford to do st : Cố gắng làm việc gì nhng không kquả. To try to do st : Cố gắng làm 1 việc gì nhng cha đạt kết quả. To try V-ing : Thử . 10, Name sb/st after : Đặt tên. 11, Look forward to V-ing(N) = expect : Mong đợi. Expect + to : Nghĩ. Expect + O + to : Nghĩ (sb/st). Ex: We expected to be late. We expected Tom to be late. 12, Feel like : cảm thấy thích. 13, Insist on : năn nỉ. Cosist of : Bao gồm. 14, Suspect sb of : Nghi ngờ ai làm việc gì. 15, To be success in : Thành công về cái gì. 16, Provide sb to with st : Cung cấp cho ai cái gì. st for sb 17, Remind sb to Vinfinitive : Nhắc ai làm gì. sb of sb/st st 18, Afraid/frightened/terrified + of : Sợ gì, ngại gì To be ashamed of : Xấu hổ vì To be fond of : Mến, thích. To be envious of : Ghen tị, thèm muốn, đố kỵ. = to be jealous of 19, In the end = finally = at last : Cuối cùng. At the end of : Cuối của 1 sự việc hoặc 1 thời điểm. 20, To be busy + V-ing : Bận làm gì. 7 21, To give st to sb : Đa cho ai cái gì. Throw st at sb/st = hit sb = break st. Throw st to sb : Ném vật gì cho ai bắt. 22, Be + always + V-ing : Thói quen hơn bình thờng. 23, To pay in cash : Trả bằng tiền mặt. by credit card To pay st for st : Trả vật gì để đợc vật gì. To pay the bill. Pay attention to sb/st : Chú ý = Forcus on sb/st 24, To be on the phone : Có điện thoại. 25, On the whole = in general : Nhìn chung. 26, Hear of = exist sb/st : Sự tồn tại cái gì đó. Hear about = be told about st/sb : Nghe ngời khác kể. Hear from = receive a letter : Nghe tin. Note: See, watch, hear, notice, listen, feel, catch + sb/st + V-ing: Lặp đi lặp lại. + Vìninitive: Đã xảy ra và kết thúc. 27, Leave st for somewhere : Rời từ đâu đến đâu. 28, To accuse sb of st : Đổ lỗi cho ai về việc gì. = To blame sb for st st on sb S + be + to blame + for : Chiụ trách nhiệm. >< To rescued sb from st : Cứu ai khỏi cái gì. 29, Dream about : ớc mơ, mơ: I dream about you last night. Dream of : tởng tợng: I dream of being rich. 30, Believe in : Tin tởng vào ai/việc gì. 31, Search for = look for : Tìm kiếm. 32, Care about : Quan tâm đến ai. Care for = like. Take care of = look after. 8 33, Rely on = To be depend on : Dựa vào, tùy thuộc vào. 34, Collied with = crash into : Đụng độ với ai/cái gì. 35, To be capable of : Có khả năng làm gì. 36, To be full of st/st : Đầy. 37, Recover from : Khỏi bệnh. Die of : Chết do. Die for : Chết cho. >< Live on : Sống bằng gì. 38, Innocent of : Cơ hội = change(n). 39, On the TV set = on TV. 40, In oder to + Vinfinitive : Để. = So that + clause (could, would ) Ex: Every Monday I go to your house so that I could speak E. well. in order to speak E. well to speak E. well. 41, Happen to sb/st : Xảy ra với ai/cái gì. 42, Let sb do st : Cho phép ai làm việc gì. Make sb do st : Khiến ai làm việc gì. Ex: The custom officer made Sally open her case. Hot weather makes me feel tired. Her parents wouldnt let her go out alone. Passive: (Be) made to do : Sally was made to open her case. 43, Permit = allow : Cho phép. Permit sb to do st Advise(allow) + V-ing or + sb to do st. Ex: My mother advises me to study well. My mother advises studying well. 43, Set : put st on the surface. Sit : take the seat. Lay-laid-laid : Put st on the surface. Lie-lay-lain : Rest/ to be situated: nằm ở đâu. Lie-lied-lied : Nói dối. 9 44, Enable sb to do st: Tạo điều kiện cho ai làm việc gì. = To give facilities for (of) doing st 45, Before/after + V-ing. Ex: Before going out, I phoned Sarah. 46, To be brilliant at : Giỏi về = To be good at To be expert in a Subject : Chuyên môn về môn gì. 47, Critical of : Phê bình. Praise sb for st : Tán tụng. Complimented sb on st : Khen ngợi ai về gì. 48, To be aware of : Nhận thấy. 49, To be conscious of : Biết rõ, tỉnh táo, thấy rõ. 50, Adventage of : Thuận lợi. >< disaventage of 51, Certain of = sure of : Chắc chắn. 52, To be hopeless at : Tuyệt vọng. 53, To be similar to : Giống >< Different from: Khác. = To be the same as Distinguish one thing from another : Phân biệt cái gì với cái gì. To know sb from sb : Phân biệt đợc ai với ai. >< To take sb for sb : Lầm ai với ai. To compare st with st : So sánh cái gì với cái gì. 54, Picture / photograph of : Bức tranh (ảnh) của 55, To be terrible to sb : Đối xử tồi với ai. >< To be kind to sb. 56, Stay out of = avoid + V-ing: Tránh. 57, Ask sb to do st. Tell sb to do st. 58, To wonder about st : Tự hỏi, ngạc nhiên về điều gì. 10 . you did something. 6. Habit: S + used to + Vinfinitive: My father used to smoke, but now he doesnt (Past habit). S + be/get + used to + V-ing (N) : Im (get) used to getting up early. To be

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 13:00



