26DO f1~u(es ~\m ~ Wedge the base of the remaining inflated portion of the balloon between the two ends of the outer loop. Pressure from the ends of the outer loop will hold it upright. ~ Gently fold the uninOated tip of the balloon down along the front of the n ec k and hol d it. ~ Grasp the entire length of neck with hoth hands an d squeeze it, forcing air into the uninnated tip to make the head and bi ll and complete the Swan. 3. Antlers ~ HE RE'S A PAIR OF ANT LERS th at w ill l oo k a lit of pl ace han gi ng on the fireplace . Usc A mi ers to enh an ce a nimal s and gi \ 'c th em a m ore re ali s ti c loo k. :J Hold the balloon in your left hand with the uninfbted end pointing right. Make a I ~ inch bubble for the head followed by five ~ -inch bubbles. Lock twist the first and last ~-inc h bubbles together at the base for one side of the An t lers . :3 Make five 'l5 -inch bubbles. Lock twist the first and last bubbles together at the base fo r t he ot h er side of the Antlers. 31 Deer WILDLIFE LOVERS w ill be impre sse d by thi s D eer. Pr ese nt it with line s like: You ' re such a "Deer. " Don 't get caught in headlights. Or eve n sin g, Do ~ a Deer , a fe male Deer . ~ Inflate a 260Q, leavi ng aboul 8 in ches uninflated, and ti e it. Hold the inflated balloon in your !eft hand with the uninflated en d pointing right. Mak e a I- in ch bubble for the head followed by five V2-inch bubbles, Lock twist the first and last Yl -inch bubbles together at t he base for one s id e of the antlers. ~ Make five Y2 -inch bubbles. L ock twist the first and last Yl -inch bubbl es tog et her at the base for the other si de of the antlers. 32 ~&OO Figures Um M ak e a 2-inch bubble for the neck foll owed by two 3- in ch bubbles. Loc k twist the 3- i nch bubbles together at the base to mak e the front legs . cJ M ake a 3 -in ch bubble for the body roUowcd by 1:\\.'0 3- i nch bubbl es. L ock twist the last 1:\\'0 3 -in ch bubbl es together at the base to make the back legs. Leave a s mall bubble or air at the b ase of the tail to hold the back legs in place and complete the Deer. EI~ BRI NG THE GR EAT OUTDOO RS to li fe w ith thi s E lk . ~ Inflate a 260 Q, leaving about 8 inches uninflated, and ti e it . Hold the inflat ed balloon in y our left hand with t he uninfl at ed end pointing ri ght. Make a I-in ch bubble for the head fo llow ed by a ch3in of seven Y:!- inch bubbles. Lock twist the first and last bubbles of the chain to ge ther at the base to make a seven-bubble loop. ~ Lock tw i st the third and fifth ~ -inch bubbles of the ch ain together for one side of t he antlers. 3. ~ ~ ~ . portion of the balloon between the two ends of the outer loop. Pressure from the ends of the outer loop will hold it upright. ~ Gently fold the uninOated tip of the balloon down along. sin g, Do ~ a Deer , a fe male Deer . ~ Inflate a 260Q, leavi ng aboul 8 in ches uninflated, and ti e it. Hold the inflated balloon in your !eft hand with the uninflated en d. to enh an ce a nimal s and gi 'c th em a m ore re ali s ti c loo k. :J Hold the balloon in your left hand with the uninfbted end pointing right. Make a I ~ inch bubble