- Road Runner HERE 'S A ROAD R UNNE R th at won't get away from yo u. Present it w ith li n es lik e: You can outrun this Road Runner. Don 't get run over by the Road Runner. He's a funny looking bird, bllt bo y is he fast . lnflatea 260Q, leaving about 6 inches uninfbted, and ti e it. Hold the inflated balloon in yo ur left hand with th e uninflated en d pointing right. Make a 2 ~ ~inch bubble for the tail followed by a % -i nch bubble. ~ Pin ch twist the ~ -inch bubble, and position it at the base of the tail to hold the tail down . a Make two 2 Y2- inch bubbles. Lock twist them together at the base. ,., 2600 f'i Q u(es IIlIild 111111111'1' ~ Make the following bubbles in th is order: I ~ -inch, I-inch, ~ -in ch, ~ -inch, ~ -inc h , and I-inch. Lock twist the I-inch bubbles together at the base to make the legs. Wrap the remaining inflated portion of the balloon through the five-bubble loop and around the twist to secur e. ~ Make a I ~ -illch bubble and pull the remaining inflated portion of the balloon between the bubbles that make th e body. Wedge the twist at the end of the I ~ -inch bubble between the ends of the t"\vo 2 ~ -inch bubbl es made in Step 3 to make the body and hold the head upright. ~ Pinch twist the first and th ird Y2 -inch bubbles of the leg assembly, twisting each of them several times to secure. Pop th e second ~ -inch bubble to separ.lte the legs. ~ Fold the un inflated tip of the balloon down along the neck and hold it there with the tip of one finger. Squeeze the neck with both hands until the air is forced into the uninflated tip to make the head and beak and complete the Road Runn er. 106 Alligator THE DANGERO US ALLIGATOR ~=rt' pla y mate wh en mad e out of a bal l oon ;;' . A ll igato r with lin es lik e: Don 't get caught in This Alligat" vl lJ&,.·t "'''.m'' This :I Inflate a 260Q , leaving about 6 in ches uninflated, and tie it. Hold the intlated ba ll oon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing ri ght. Make a 3-inch bubble for the head followed by a I-inch pinch twist . :J Twist the pinch-twisted bubble in half to mak e the eyes. ~ Mak e a 1 Y2 -inch bubble for the ne ck, followed by a I-in ch bubble, three ~ -in c h bubbl es, and a I-inch bubbl e. L oc k twist the I-inch bubbles together at the base for the front legs. , ~6DO Figufes A ll iUilllll' ~ Pin ch twist the first and third Y2-i nch bubbles, twisting each of them seve ral times to secur e. P op the second Y2-inch bubble to separate the front legs. ~ Make a 5-inch bubble for the body followed by a I-inch bubble, three Y2-inch bubbles, and a I-inch bubbl e. Lock hvist the I-inch bubbles together at the base to make the back legs. ~ Pinch twist the first and third Y2 -inch bubbles, twisting each of them seve ral times to secure. Pop the second Y2 -inch bubb le to separate the back legs and complete the Alligator. 108 Bullfrog THIS BI G, NO ISY BU LLFROG ca n be pre sen ted with lin es like: These Frog legs are a little rubbery. You can get a jump on everyo ne with this Frog. Or s impl y: Ribbit , Ribbit. 0IIII Infl ate a 260Q, leaving abollt 8 inches uninflatecl , an d tie it. Hold the balloon in your left hand with th e uninfl al ed end pointing right. Make a I-inch bubble for the head fo ll owed by two 3-i nch bubbles. Lock twi st th e 3-inch bubbles tog et her at the base. ~ Make th e follow in g bubbles in this order: I-inch, Y:! -inch, ~ -in c h , Yz -inch, Yz -inch, Yz -inch, ~ -inch . Yz -inch, and I-inch. Lock twist the I-inch bubbles to gether at the base to fom1 a nine-bubble loop . :l Pinch tw ist the two single !I2 -inch bub bl es to make the jo ints of the front legs. Pin ch twist th e first and third Yz -inch bu bbl es of the three- bu bble cha in , tw isting each of them several tim es to secure. P op the second 1;2 - in ch bub bl e to separate the front l egs. , .9 . looking bird, bllt bo y is he fast . lnflatea 260Q, leaving about 6 inches uninfbted, and ti e it. Hold the inflated balloon in yo ur left hand with th e uninflated en d. portion of the balloon through the five-bubble loop and around the twist to secur e. ~ Make a I ~ -illch bubble and pull the remaining inflated portion of the balloon between the. Frog. Or s impl y: Ribbit , Ribbit. 0IIII Infl ate a 260Q, leaving abollt 8 inches uninflatecl , an d tie it. Hold the balloon in your left hand with th e uninfl al ed end pointing