Sunflower SUNFLOWERS ARE at hom e everyw h ere. Their bright co l or and l arge size make th em natura ls for the 260Q. Infl ate a leaving abollt 61;Kh , ,, un in IA 3("d, ,,,,d lie it. Hold \yll l io<m in your left hand <piinAate'l end pointing left. tulip twist at th e knot balloon . :J Hold the tulip twist and the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninAat ed end pointing right. Make a 2-inch loop. Lock twist the ends of the loop together at the base of the tulip tw i st . :J Make a second 2-inch loop opposite the first one. Lock twist the ends of the loop toget he r at the base of the tulip twist 55 ~£oo Fi g u re~ S 1II1III1WI~I' ~ Make a third 2-inch loop. Loc k twist the en ds of the loop together at the base of the t uli p twis t. Wedge the loop between the two existing loop s. ~ Make a fo urth 2-inch loop. Lock twist the ends of the loop tog et her at the base of the tulip twist. Wedge the loop between the first and second loop s, opposite the thi rd loop. ~ I'v lakc a I-inch bubble beh ind the blossom. ~ Squeeze the remaining air in th e b all oon to the b ase of th e uninfbted end to shape the stem and complete the Sunflower. This leaves a slender section of the balloon between the blossom and th e stem, allOWing it to sway gracefu ll y. 56 Pinch TWist THE PINCH TW I ST IS US ED to lll<Jkc the e ar s or several animals, to give s ha pe to a ser ie s of bubb l es, and to hold bubbles in place. ~ Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing right. Make a 3-inch bubble followed by a I-in ch bubble . :J Fold th e balloon so the I -inch bubble is at the end. Hold the folded balloon in your left hand with your left thumb and index fi nger resting on the tw ists at the ends of the I-inch bubble . Grasp t he sides of th e I-inch bubble with your ri ght thumb and index finger, and stretch the bubble out until you can pinch t he twists at the ends of the bubble together with yo ur left: hand so the two twists tollch. You mllst pinch the twists together at the bubble's ends, that's why it 's called a "pinch" twist. -oIIIIIIIICJ Twist the pinched bubble three or more times with your right hand to complete the pinch twist. The pinch twist must be twisted at least three times to prop erly secure it. TIPS: YOll must pinch tf,e bubble's e nds together, (hat's wIlY it's called a "piIlCh " twist. To secure the pillch twist, twist at least three times. 51 Orchid THIs DElICATE BLOSSOM bloom s ill . 11 of the Qua l .t ex" 260Q colors. ~ Inflate a 260Q to about 8 inches, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the un inflat ed end pointing l eft. tv lak e a I-inch tulip twist at the knot end of the balloon. ~ Make a I ~ -inch loop. Lock tw ist the ends of the l oop together to make the top of the blo5S0m. 5 8 ~6DO FiDules III'[ Iii II :I Make a I-inch loop. Lock twist the ends of the loop together to make the bottom of the blossom. Position the tulip twist between the two loops with the uninflated end of the balloon pointing to the r ea r of the blossom . c:J Make two "% - in ch bubbles behind the blossom. Pin ch twist the second }l -inch bubble to force the uninflated end of the balloon down for the stem and complete the Or chid. Green 260Qs, as well as five or artificial greenery , can be added to enhance ballnoll !llJtllers . 5. . BLOSSOM bloom s ill . 11 of the Qua l .t ex" 260Q colors. ~ Inflate a 260Q to about 8 inches, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the un inflat ed end. ~ Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing right. Make a 3-inch bubble followed by a I-in ch bubble . :J Fold th e balloon so the I -inch. <piinAate'l end pointing left. tulip twist at th e knot balloon . :J Hold the tulip twist and the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninAat ed end pointing