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Thee Balloon Magic 260Q Figures- P4 ppt

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Flo yEars Yo u CAN ADD UN IQ UE DETAILS , s uch as Flopp y Ears, to yo ur fi g ur e s. :I In fl ate a 260Q, l eav i ng about 8 inches uninAated, and t ie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing right. Make a 2-inch bubble for t he head followed by two 2 -inc h bubbles. L ock twist the last two 2-inch bubbles together at the base to make the e(lrs, a Tum the balloon so the ears poi nt down. Slightly pu ll apart the ears, and wedge the head and neck between them so they all point down. 1 5 BassetHonnd J uST AIl0lJT EVE RYBODY LOVES DOGS, a nd thi s droop y-eare d br ee d is especia ll y pop ul ar. Pr ese nt it with lin es lik e: Don't forget to feed that dog. You better take him for a walk. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leaving about 8 inches uninO ated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing right. Make a 2 -inch bubble fo r th e head fo llowed by two 2-inch bubbl es. Lock twist the last two 2 -inch bubb les together at the base to make the ears. ~ Tum the ba ll oon so the ears point d ow n. Slightly pull apart the ears, and wedge the head and neck between them so they all point down. 16 ~6DU fi9ures lIamllllllind :J Make a 2-inch bubble for the neck followed by two 2-inch bubbles. Lock twist the last two 2-inch bubbles together at the base to make the fron t legs . :I Make a 3-inch bubble for the body fo ll owed by two 2-inch bubbles. Lock twist the 2-incll bubbles together at the base to make the back legs. Leave a small bubble of air at the base of the tail to hold the back legs in place and complete the Basset Hound. 11 Dachshund THIs FRIE N DL Y D OG is co mm o nl y kn ow n as a "Hot D og" bec au se of it s uniqu e shape. ~ Innate a 260Q, leaving about 6 inches uninAated, and tie it. Hold the inflated baUoon in your left band with the uninflat ed end pointing right. Make a 2-inch bubble for the head followed by two 2-inch bubbles. Lock twist the last two 2 -inch bubbles together at the base to make the ears. ~ Tum the balloon so the ears point down. Slightly pull apart the ears, and wedge the head and neck between them so they all point down. 18 ~6DU figures 11;1 [h S 111111 d :I Mak e a 1 Y2 -inch bubble for the neck followed by two I Y2 -inch bubbles. L ock twist the last two 1 !/z -inch bubbles together at the base to make the fron t legs . ::I Make an 8-inch bubble for the body followed by two I Yz -inch bubbles. Lock twist the I Y2 -inch bubbles together at the base to make the back legs. Le ave a small bubble of ai r at the base of the tail to hold the b:Kk legs in place and co mplete the D:lChshund. AdjustnumlS for too little or too much air can be made to bubble sizes ill the bodies mul tails of 11wst mumnl figures. 19 . Flopp y Ears, to yo ur fi g ur e s. :I In fl ate a 260Q, l eav i ng about 8 inches uninAated, and t ie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing. dog. You better take him for a walk. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leaving about 8 inches uninO ated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing. L ock twist the last two 2-inch bubbles together at the base to make the e(lrs, a Tum the balloon so the ears poi nt down. Slightly pu ll apart the ears, and wedge the head and neck

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 12:20