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Thee Balloon Magic 260Q Figures- P21 docx

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Ea I NA TU RE ENT H US IA STS willlo \' e thi s m aje s ti c Eag l e. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leaving about 6 inches un inflated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in y our left hand with the uninflated end pointing ri ght. tv lake a I-in ch bubble followed by a I ~-i n c h loo p. L ock twist the ends of the loop t oge ther. ~ Tu ck the I-in ch bubble in s id e the I Y2 -inch loop to make the tail. ~ Make a 2-inch bubble for the body followed by a 4-inch bubble and a 3-inch bubble. Lock twist the 4-inch bu bble and th e 3-inch bubble together at th e base to mak e one wing. Wrap the rem::lining inflated portion of the balloon through the wing and around the l-wist to secure. , 260U flOUre5 E iliP r cJ Make a 4 ~i nch bubble and a 3~inch bubble and lock twist them together at the ba se to make the second wing. Wrap the remaining infla ted portion of the balloon through the wing and around the twist to secure . :;J M nke n five~bubble p i nch~and~ pop senes with the following bubbles: I ~inch, Yz ~inch, Yz ~i n ch, Yz~ inch, nnd I ~in ch . Lock twist the I ~inch buhbles together at the base to make the l egs . ::I Pin ch twist the first and third Y2 ~in c h bubbles of the leg assembly, twisting them seve ral times to secure. P op the second Yz ~inch bubble to separate the legs . :J Fold the uninflated tip of the balloon down along the inflated portion of the balloon. Squeeze the infhted portion of the bnlloon wi th both hands until the air is forced into the uninOated tip to make the head and beak, completing the Eagl e. 101 TUr~e THIS TRADlTIONAL n13nksg i ving treat can be pre se nted with li nes like : Gobble, gobble. This Turkey's stu!Jed with ai r. Don 't carve this Turkey. It woks good, but I wouldn' t eat it. ~ Inflate a 260Q leaving about 6 inches uninflated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing right Make a ! -inch bubble followed by a 2-inch loop. Lock tw ist the ends of the loop togeth er. Tu ck the I-inch bubble inside the 2-inch loop to make the tail. ~ Make a I-inch bubble. Pin ch twist it, and position it at the base of the tail to hold the tail up. ~ Mak e two 4-inch bubbles. Lock twi st them together at the base. 102 2&OQ figures T ill' k cy c;J r lJak e the following bubbles in this order: 1 12 -in(h, I-inch, 12 -inch, 12-in(h, 12 -in (h, and I-inch. Lock twist the I-inch bubbles together at t he base to make the legs. Wrap th e remaining innated portion of the balloon throu gh the five -bubble loop and around the twist to secure. ,.3 2600 Figures T ur ke l ~ Make a I ~ -inch bubble and pull th e remaining inflated portion of the balloon through the 4-inch bubbles. Wedge the twist at the end of th e I ~ -inch bubble between the ends of the 4-inch bubbles from Step 3 to make the body. ~ Pinch twist the first and third Y2 -inch bubbles of the leg assembl y, twisting ea ch of them several times to secure. Pop the second ~ ·inch bubble to sepamte the legs. ~ Fold the unin fbt ed tip of the balloon down along the neck. Squeeze the neck with both hands until air is forced into the tip to make the head and beak and complete the Turkey. 104 . willlo ' e thi s m aje s ti c Eag l e. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leaving about 6 inches un inflated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in y our left hand with the uninflated end pointing. bubble to separate the legs . :J Fold the uninflated tip of the balloon down along the inflated portion of the balloon. Squeeze the infhted portion of the bnlloon wi th both hands. woks good, but I wouldn' t eat it. ~ Inflate a 260Q leaving about 6 inches uninflated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 12:20