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Thee Balloon Magic 260Q Figures- P18 docx

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,60~ Fig u res TC dil y IICill' 1111 illilli q~ II' ~ Make a I ;,s - inch bubble ::It the knot end of the 2;,s-inch bubble ::Inc! tuck it through the ce nter of the loop . :1 Pinch twist the ;,s -inch bubbles of the loop to make the e::lT'S . :I M::Ike ::I ·X -inch bubble for the neck followed by a I ;,s -inch bubble, three ;,s -inch bubbles, and a I ;,s -inch bubble. Lo ck twist the I ;,s -inch bubbles together at the base to make the arms. 85 me Figures [1'lIl1 y III'ill' 1111 i1l1l1i cyc lr ~ Pinch twist the first and third ~ -inch bubbles, twisting each of th em seve ral times to secur e, Pop the second ~ -inch bubble to separate the amlS. ~ Make a 2-inch bubble for the body followed by a I Y2 -inch bubble, two Y:! -inch bubbles, and a I Y2 -inch bubble. Lock twist the 1 ~ -in c h bubbles together at the base to make the legs. ~ iV lake a ~ -inch bubble at the tip of the innated portion of the balloon. Wrap the remaining infbted portion of the balloon around the legs so one leg is on each side of the loop. Lock twist the Y2 -inch bubble around the twist where the legs and the body are joined to make the t ail and complete the Tt.>(ldy Bear on a Unicycle . •• Three-Bubble Roll Through THE THREE·B U BBLE ROLL THROUGH is u sed for the body of seve ral fi g ure s . :J Hold the inOated balloon in y our left hand with the uninflated end pointing right. Make a bubb le at the knot end followed by two bubbles of equal1ength. Lock twist the two bubbles together at the base . :3 Mak e a third bubble the same size as the fIrst two and hold it alongside the two bubbles. Roll the t wo bub bl es ove r the Single bubble until the s ingle bubble passes completely between the two bubbles. The t\ vists at each end of the three-bu bbl e roll through should be tightly wedged together. 81 Love Birds LOVE BIRDS ARE A CLASS IC SYMBOL of romance. Pr e sent them to c oupl es in the c rowd, or u sc th em to d ec orate a we dding or anni ve rs ary part y. ~ Inflate OJ 260Q, leav i ng about 3 inch es un i nfla t ed, and tie it. H okl the in fl ated ba ll oon in your le ft hand with the uninfbted end pointing ri ght. Make OJ 3 -il1 Ch bubble followed by two 4-in ch bubbl es. Lock twist th e 4-inch hubbIes together at the base. ~ M3k e a 4- ioch bubble and ho ld it alon gs ide the two 4-inch bubbl es. ~ Roll the two 4- in ch bubbles over th e sin gle 4-i11 Ch bubble until it passes between the two 4·inch bubbl es to make the Ixx ly of th e fi rs t Lo ve Bird . 88 260~ Figures L III'C Ilirds :I Make two I-inch bubbles fo r the heads. ~ Make two 4-inch bubbles and lock twist them together at the base . :lJ Repeat Steps 2-3 to make the body of the second Lo ve Bird . :I L oc k t\vist the 3-inch bubble at the knot end of the ba ll oon and the remaining inflated portion of the balloon together at the base of the bodies to make the tails and complete the Lo ve Bir ds. .9 . iV lake a ~ -inch bubble at the tip of the innated portion of the balloon. Wrap the remaining infbted portion of the balloon around the legs so one leg is on each side of the loop THREE·B U BBLE ROLL THROUGH is u sed for the body of seve ral fi g ure s . :J Hold the inOated balloon in y our left hand with the uninflated end pointing right. Make a bubb le at the knot. c rowd, or u sc th em to d ec orate a we dding or anni ve rs ary part y. ~ Inflate OJ 260Q, leav i ng about 3 inch es un i nfla t ed, and tie it. H okl the in fl ated ba ll oon

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 12:20