~600 fi Qures 1\ i P I il nr -ooIIIICJ Make a 3-inch bubble fo r the body followed bY:l 2-inch loop. Lock twist the ends of the loop together to make the rudder . c:I Make a I-inch pinch rwist to make one elevator. Repeat to make the olher e1ev<ltor. - n1e tip of lhe balloon rests between the elevators for the rear wheello complete the Biplane. 135 • PEOPLE \\~LL LOVE piloting th e ir ve ry own Airplane, especially when it's pr ese nt ed with lin es like : Come fly with me. Now you ' re going places. Or s ing: WOIlId you like to fly in my bealltiflll balloon? ~ Inflate a 260Q, leav ing about 6 inches uninflaled, and tie it. Hold the balloon in your left han d with the uninflated end pointing left. Make a Y2 -inch tulip twist at the knot end for the propeller. ~ Make a I-inch bubble for the nose followed by a 4-in ch bubble, three ~ -inch bubbl es, and a 4-inch bubble. Lock twist the 4-inch bubbles together at the base fo r the wi ngs. ~ Make a I-inch bubble followed by two Y:; -inch bubbles and a I-inch bubble. Lock twist the I-inch bubbles together at the base for the landing gear. 136 ':600 Figures Ail'plm ::I Make a I-inch bubble for t he cockpit. Pin ch twist it, and position it in front of the wings . cl Pi nch twist the first and third Y2 -inch bubbles of the wing, twi.sting them several times to secure. Pop the second Y2 -inch bubble to separate the wings. Position the pinch (wist that makes the cockpit crossways bet\veen the wings to hold them in place. Position the landing gear crossways bet\veen the wings opposite the cockpit . cJ Make a 3-inch bubble for the body, followed hy a 2-inch loop. Lock t\\'ist the ends of the loop together fo r the nrdder . :J Make a I-inch pinch twist for one elevator. Repeat to make a second elevat or. T he tip of the balloon re st~ between the elevators for the rear wheel to co mplet e the Airplane. 13 1 et-727 DO N'T , \1AKE J ST ANY JET , mak e th e wo rld·r e nowned 727. Pres e nt it with lin es lik e: They don 't serve a meal on this flight. ,_, You lnok lik e a jet · setter. Now y ou am say YOIl own your DIM J et. ~ Inflate a 260Q, le aving about 4 inches ullinflated, and tie it. Hold the balloon in your left hand with the uninnated end pointing right. M ak e the following bubbl es in thi s order: I-inch, I Yz -in ch, Yz -in c h. Yz -in ch, Yz -inch , and I Yl -i nch. L oc k twist the I Yz -in ch bubbl es tog e th er at th e ba se . ~ Pinch twist the first and third Yz -in ch bubbl es, twi s tin g them se v ernl tim es to sec ur e. Pop the sec ond !/:! -in ch bubble to separate the el evato rs. ~ P inch twi st the I-in ch bub ble at th e knot end of th e balloon, and position it between the two elevators to hold them in a horizontal position, making the tail sec tion . 138 2GOO figur!s lei- iii cJ Make a 2-inch bubble fo r the nJdder followed by a I-inch bubble. Pinch twist the I-inch bubble, and position it to hold the tail section up and fo rce the remaining inflated portion of the balloon fonvard . a Make the fo ll owing bubbles in this order: 4-inch, 4-inch, ~ -inch, Y2 -inch Y2 -inch, and 4-inch. Lock twi st the second and third 4-inch bubbles together at the base to make the wings. Wrap the remaining inflated portion of the balloon through the fi ve- bubble loop and around the twist to secure . :l Pin ch t,vist the first and third Y2 -inch bubbl es, twisting them several tim es to secur e. Pop the second Y2- inch bubble to separate the wings. ~ Position the wings to sla nt toward the tail section to complete the Jet. 13. . s ing: WOIlId you like to fly in my bealltiflll balloon? ~ Inflate a 260Q, leav ing about 6 inches uninflaled, and tie it. Hold the balloon in your left han d with the uninflated end. Now y ou am say YOIl own your DIM J et. ~ Inflate a 260Q, le aving about 4 inches ullinflated, and tie it. Hold the balloon in your left hand with the uninnated end pointing. a I-inch pinch twist for one elevator. Repeat to make a second elevat or. T he tip of the balloon re st~ between the elevators for the rear wheel to co mplet e the Airplane. 13